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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Mareero cartel banned it, but they were over-ruled by the Eyl Cartel.
  2. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: MMA ,,, Can't be. Maybe Dr A&T doing a Farmaajo.
  3. Is Karbaashing naughty girls a paid job mise waa volunteer work?
  4. Please accept Mr. Under Secretary, the assurances of our highest considerations. Yours Sincerely Osman Hassan Spokesperson, NSUM Nice one Osman, whoever you are.
  5. ^ Exactly. I don't want Amisom to use Berbera - but for other reasons than Geel-jire and Uche's backhanded threats.
  6. Originally posted by Haatu: Lafa adhi daliin ma'ahaan'e. Anyone could've left that. The Pirate State Livestock Minister knows better.
  7. ^ That's when you were telling me Obi Role was dirrerent to Makelele one.
  8. ^ Waa markiini. Shabaab targets and has targeted SL markaa inaga yareeya blease and blease!
  9. ^ Please explain aan fahmee..
  10. Are you telling me Obi plays a different role from Makelele?
  11. Originally posted by Fiqikhayre: Speaking with the Press in Garowe, Puntland’s Minister for the livestock Sa’id Hassan Shire Apparetley, Pirateland's ministry of livestock has proved that Atom's boys used to eat goat meat from SL. Impresive stuff and nonsense.
  12. ^ There's no Obi Role. He is just a poor version of Makele. Haddii kale every player is unique and have "their Roles".
  13. Go on Lucas v Chelsea: The best of Indulge yourself. edit Lucas's Role is a Makele Role attemp, maaha?
  14. ^ "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by FA Premier League." Originally posted by NGONGE: (I don't really think Lucas is world class but I reckon he is really really good). Not world yet class anyway. Watched the game on Sunday he was ok ( excluding the hospital back pass). Other midfielders were much more effective. PS I can understand his negative style of play when the team is leading and not when it's 0-0 like previous games. He needs to know when it's time to "up the gear".
  15. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Melez dad badan bu maskaxda ka qabsaday markaso True say. This Woyaane midget seems to have caused deep mental scars to some folks in here. Not a single day goes by without his name being mentioned. Poor souls.
  16. ^ Belo majidho, hadday jidhona; ma buurna! You need to look at whole picture to know why we feel things are going in the right direction. Most of Garaad Abshir's boys have pulled out of the SSC malitia. Despite the false "ghost-town" propaganda by SOL's clannish wailers; children are going to school in Widhwidh. Positive stuff, don't you think? “ Markaanu taas isla qaadanay, habeen iyo maalin baanu la joognay, waxaananu galay faallo dambe, nimankaa waanu is afgaranay, hadalkuna wuu noo furan yahay oo in aanu sii wadahadalo waanu ku heshiinay.” - Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade January 2010 “ Garaad Abshir wuxuu ka mid ahaa raggii Somaliland madaxbanaanideedii shirweynahii Burco ugu dhaartay iyo kii Booramaba, kana mid noqday xildhibaanada baaralmaanka Somaliland, ... madax-dhaqameedyadana waa ka xaaraan inay colaad abaabulaan, sidaa darteed, waxaan soo jeedin lahaa inaan cadhadoodaa iyo ficilkoodaa waxba loogu qaban oo gudi ergo qaran ah loo diro.” - Xaaji Cabdi Xuseen Yuusuf August 2010 (We are in November yaa sahbi)
  17. Originally posted by Thankful: Of course they have a different protocol! He needs to do it, no other country brings out a red carpet for him! We get pics of his departure but not his welcoming when he lands! If you insist...
  18. ^ I thinks Ngonge is under impression Lucas is attacking the Liverpool goal. edit This is terrible.
  19. Duke of Soho spreading same BS while wearing another shirt.
  20. ^ Give it a rest. Go hide somewhere for a while at the very least. Pirates have been caught with the macawiises down. What an ugly sight! The worse thing is; these crude lies have been circulated by Chief Pirate's son (also a supposed paid the media relations advisor).