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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Thankful: Defense Minister! LOL, ok! Korshel ran for Prime Minister! You do not allow their community to even attempt it! There you go again. I don't really expect someone from Pirateland to understand how elections work but I'll give it a go. Cadami (the current Somaliland Defence Minister) is from Sanaag and he did run for the Kulmiye Vice-President ticket but did not win. The same way Hillary Clinton lost the Democrat's ticket to Obama. This does not mean Mrs Clinton was "not allowed to even attempt it" for an election or women are prevented from contesting the elections. Do you understand? BTW lol@Korshel ran for Prime Minister! C'on now, even you should know that there was "no running" because it's TFG President that nominates the PM. Nevermind Prime Minister; East Sanaag folks did not even get a single minister out of 21 even when using the infamous 4.5 formula.
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: Edit: Norf, Lucas played as well as he did in previous games. Not really that far from man of the match. lol As bad as, you mean.
  3. It's RIDICILOUS to fight if Abdikarim is technically from Puntland or if someone from Goldogob can be classified as Puntlander. I saw Xaaju Xunduf making point of Goldogob people not being Puntlanders. What's your opinion on it though, are Goldogobis Puntlanders? I've seen some say they're not or they're part of Galmudug. I am Al-Shabaab supporter. I support AS as movement and it's my hope it will turn into an institution-one that protects,provides, and justly rules its citizens. I don't care if AS is led Ceyrow, Godane, Rooboow, Shangole, or any other character as long as these men deliver for the people! I doubt you'd be as loyal in your support for AS if if it was the citizens of Goldogob that were being blown to smithereens? Geeri nimaan aqoon iyo geel jiray ku wanaagsantahay baa la yidhi.
  4. Dadweynaha Reer Sool Oo Ka Hadlay Sida Ay U Arkaan Waxqabadka 100-ka Maalmood Ee Xukuumada Cusub Ee Ku Aadan Gobolkooda (Daawo Warka Dadweynaha Sool).
  5. Liibaan Shanta Somaaliyeed ikhtiyaarkooda in la siiyo - wixii israacayaa iyo wixii kala go'oyaaba inay xor ku yihiin baan aamiisanay. Gaashaamo, Jigjiga iyo Dhagaxbuurba waxay dadka halkaa degga bay khusaysaa dantoodaa inay gartaan. NFD iyo Djiboutiba sidaas oo kale baan la jacelahay. Soomaaliyana Kampala ama Toraboora in laga taliyo waan kasoo horjeeda. Reer Soomaaliya xoriyaddoodii waa in la siiyaa! Calankaa buluuggaa aad iska lulaysid xikmadda ka dambaysaa waa intaas oo qudha. Caqliga ku siiyee inaad Buuhoodle qayb ka mid ah dhax istaagtid adigoo "reer ssc" sheegaaneyaa oo aad tidhaadid xudduudda SL maa aamiisani waa wax yaab badan ee dib isu noqo.
  6. Originally posted by 'Liibaan': Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waa rabaa midnimo Somalia ha joogo Borame, Burco, Ceergaabo, Laascaanood, Boosaaso, Baladweyn,Baydhabo, Mogadishu, Marka , iyo Kismaayo Waar shacabka Somaaliyeed Somalia oo keliya ma deggana ee waxay deggaan Djibouti, Somaliland, NFD, Kilil5 iyo Somalia. Inaad oggolaatid calanka amxaarada Buuhoodle dhinac laga taago; kadibna ka tawxiidka is-hortaagti caqli maaha. Waxaagii waa ulajeedo ee meelna ku gaadhi meysid (inshallah me too ). Originally posted by 'Liibaan': waa laga safeynayaa dhamaan dhulka Somalia taa ogow, Weligaabaa sidii Dafle u hadli jiray, u hadal.
  7. ^ Wakaa bal ila deyaa. Triangle, SSC iyo reer kaweyn arinkuu. Calanka Tawxiidka Laascaanood ila Saylac buu sudhan yahay. Reer itaal daran la qasbayna majiro ee xaqiiqda ha iska indha tirin.
  8. ^ Waa runtaa, qaar kasii badan oo "ssc" udhashay SLna taageera baa jira. Adigii uun baa siyaasaddii u beddalay reer vs reer.
  9. ^ C'on now, don't change the subject. The chaps look downbeat and bothered, are you sure they met the Sherif?
  10. ^ They look disappointed, are you sure they met the little big man?
  11. Originally posted by Polanyi: u from southeast? Ma _ _ _ _ xumadaydaad ku garatay? Well, I'm a Konfuurian.
  12. Originally posted by Thankful: So if you want to start pointing out sensationalized stories that foreigners are writing about Somalia - than I can too. I quoted her because your own self had used her before. AnywayS, I agree with you guns should be out of sight. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Oh dear
  13. ^ Are you able to articulate why you of all people are reduced to calling Sheekh Mu'min names? After all, unlike some vocal AS supporters abroad, the man has walked the walk.
  14. ^ Maybe you're reading too much into that photo. Here is a video of the visit to give you a wider context of the photo. He aslo seem very popular during the his campaing too. Originally posted by Thankful: So I agree security had to be extra tight! Yet despite that she was able to finish her journey without incident. Well... lady says... “ This may have felt very constricting for us but Issa, the president and all the government officials and their families must live this way all the time; virtually imprisoned in their own homes and offices. They can’t venture down the street or wander off for a walk. ” “Issa arrived back from the frontline, tired but ready to travel with us for the remainder of the journey. He said that the president had been very nervous about allowing us to go that morning and nearly called a halt. The fact that we were using two bullet-proof vehicles along with the ‘technical’ unit helped convince him to let us go through. We also said goodbye to the president’s guards as they had been called to the frontline. A new set of soldiers joined us having just returned from the conflict. Sadly we later learned that three of the president’s special forces who had protected us between Garowe and Qardho had been killed in an ambush. ”
  15. Originally posted by Thankful: I noticed that to! Lets be honest soldiers with uniforms are intimidating. They give out so many bad messages - most importantly that there is no security. You've got a point. This lady had a kinda negative "security" impression of her visit to your Pirate State bacause of paranoia and too much protection. A supposed armed minister did not help either. Then again, maybe it's all justfied considering happened to his fellow minister.
  16. Great news if tue. Xaabsade is a man we can do business with. But what I heard he is only involved in peace-making between his sub-clan and the sub-clan from north Gaalkacyo tangled in land dispute in Kilil5. He'll be apparently be visiting pirateland as well. Let's wait to hear it from the horse's mouth, shall we?
  17. ^ You asked me to tell you what I remembered and I did. Sad but true.
  18. ^ If by "the president of your enclave", you mean His Excellecy The Former President of Somaliland Mudane Rayaale Kaahin, then the answer is positive. Pres. Rayaale said he was going to visit Laascaanod. Yesters said he couldn't. He came. Some Yeysters tried cause him harm but at lest eight of the misled boys sadly lost their lives. PS I'm talking not talking about Xaabsade visiting to his hometown of LA.
  19. Al-Muhaajir Sheekh C/qaadir Mu'min oo Shabakadda Somalimemo uga waramay sababaha uu galbeedka uga soo Haajiray iyo wixii uu ku arkay Hijradii uu ku yimid koonfurta Soomaliya.
  20. Pirates, prepare a red carpet. I gather the man will be visiting very soon.
  21. Did Cheeseman not promise the ladies their "fair share" of cabinet positions?