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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by The Zack: Ragga lacagta leh ragga daba yaal baanu daba naal waligaa ma maqashay, that's your case in both Kenya and Ethiopia. Ma sidaas baa? Always had the impression you boys were cool with the Kikuyus. Originally posted by Kamaavi: War wax nool ma tihine ,,, Somalidiina bariiska la booba. You don't know what xorriyo feels like so I don't blame you yaa muriidi. If you were not so pilitically ignorant; you'd know SL independnce is the key to yours. Filinka la so soco bagaash yahow!
  2. ^ Out of kuriousity, why are you happy with Kikuyu rule and not Tigre one?
  3. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Madhi@aan and Salah Arabs also have representation in Puntland, ya qabilist che Well, this is a hardly representation - even compared to what the "others" get from 4.5 formula the TFG uses. Perhaps all those who say THERE IS "representation" are qabiilistes. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Who is questioning Puntland’s authority on Goldogob and on what basis? No challengers but just an implosion from within. This is how an MP put it; “ Ra’yigayga maanta Puntland waxay maraysaa in ay isugu soo ururto Garoowe, oo ay shirar beeleedyo ka socdaan hareeraha caasimadda Puntland ee Garoowe, sida Buurowadal, Qardho iyo meelo kamid ah Gobolka Mudug, iyadoo beelo ka mid ah Puntland ay ku biireen Maamulka Galmudug, kuwa kalana ay hadda wada hadal leeyihiin iyaga oo tirsanaya in ay waayeen xaqqii ay ku lahaayeen Muwaadinimadooda sida Beesha Meheri (Carrab Saalax) oo laga qaaday kursigii Golaha Wakiilada ee Gobolka Nugaal iyo wasiirkii ay ku lahaan jireen Xukuumadihii hore ee soo maray Puntland, iyo beelo badan oo aan wax masab ah ka hayn Puntland, iyagoo ka mudan kuwo la siiyey kuraasi fara badan.” ~ Xildhibaan Cabdiwali Muuse Shire (Dhamuuke) PS Bal u fiirsada, hadduu Beeldaaje LST censorship bilaabi doona.
  4. Originally posted by The Zack: ^Show us the video or pictures of him landing at Addis Ababa, would you? Boy are you eager to see your capital city! Here you go..
  5. AYOUB

    Lionel Mess

    Only one winner: Argentina's Lionel Messi takes on Brazil's Lucas Leiva (left) and Elias Mendes Brazil's Lucas Leiva fights for the ball with Argentina's Lionel Messi during their international friendly soccer match at Khalifa stadium in Doha artistic
  6. Aw Nuurow, where does the verse that says "made you into nations and tribes" fit in all this, and what are its contexts. I'm asking becaause most Somalis used it to excuse everything good or bad.
  7. Xiin Beeldaaje LST can do the job but I think he's aiming much higher.
  8. Muriidi Bal waxaad ku turjumid lahayd un baan doonayay in aan ogaado. You remind me the story of the "uncle" of yours who could not speak amhaaric. An "uncle" of mine volunteered to translate him. You uncle got angry and says; Aggah! ma id**r baa aniga iyo xabashi inoo kala turjumiya?
  9. Thanks PasserBy. Why is muriidi ashamed of translating his national lingo?
  10. ^ MuriidiNews.com ኢትዮጵያ ለሶማሊላንድ ጥሩ ወዳጅ እንደሆነች ትቀጥላለች፡- ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር መለስ ዜናዊ Waryee Muriidi, put your education into good use and tell what ^^^ means, will ya?
  11. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Anaga Puntland ahaan 3 wasiir ayaa nagu magacaaban xukuumada labo ka mid ah Ninka Madaxwaynaha ah ayaa bililiqaystey oo keensadey wax lala yaabo weeye wasiiro laka bililiqaysanayo anagu arintaas yeeli mayno nama matalaan” ayuu yiri Madaxwayne Faroole. waxan maqli jiray kuraasi iyo hubka casriga la biliqeystey laakin wasiir dhan oo la biliqeystey lol Pirates crying "we woz robbed". Whatever next.
  12. I won't say I told you so I won't say I told you so ~ UB40
  13. Originally posted by Thankful: Let’s get it straight the only two opposition parties were led by Silanyo and Faysal Ali Warabe who are both from the dominant group and come from the triangle, they ran in 2010 and they ran in the previous selection in 2005. You're conveniently forgetting the President during both elections was from another "dominant clan" and another "triangle" of Somaliland. So is the current VP. Selective memory at its best. Originally posted by Thankful: people to cast (in a small area), but the leaders they get to choose from do not represent the whole state! Small area? My favourite story about Somaliland’s impressive elections was this one. An anti-Somaliland website complaining about people defying Pirateland’s militias and politicians to cast their vote. There might not be someone from “their clan” contesting the elections, but; the citizens of Eastern Sanaag’s patriotism and historical duty made sure they never missed this opportunity. As for you; I’ve taken Ngonge’s advice and already told you I’ve given up. Your chances of political enlightment lie with the Guru’s return from Makkah safely. Well let’s hope his prayers are answered, Ameen dheh! Originally posted by NGONGE: (I have just realised that my drive to seduce Nassir was all wrong. Kabeerahom Al Ladi Calamahom Al Sixir ileen waa Hunguri). Ma haddaad ogaatay? Hungry has been batting for the right team all along.
  14. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote: Originally posted by AYOUB: Cadami (the current Somaliland Defence Minister) is from Sanaag Yes, but Mujaahid, Cadami is not from the clan you have in mind. Thankful is still correct by arguing that no one from the main Maakhir clan holds any "significant" position in Somaliland. Beeldaje LST was that a harmless Faroolean Slip or a lame attempt at divide and rule? What clan did I have mind, more importantly what "not main" clan did YOU have in mind? Thankful was suggesting no one from Sanaag is allowed to contest for the top jobs in SL and I was refuting that. If Cadami’s clan (which according to you) isn’t “the main” one in Eastern Sanaag, then Thankful’s weak argument becomes even more redundant. If the man from ( your words) “not the main” clan can why not the Ilkajiirs?
  15. AYOUB


    Idi Mbaraka. Si wanaagsan u ciida.
  16. ^ lol We got there at last. I'm off for now, I'll be back for you I'A. Eid Mubaarak for now.
  17. ^ What I meant is, in your opinion, who is a Puntlander and who is not?
  18. ^ What is a Puntlander is your opinion?
  19. ^ What's the point of this thread then, if he is not prepared to answer simple questions? Che, let me narrow it for you then, are you a Puntlander?
  20. ^ Well, borderline Ethiopia but Somalia. That's not what I asked though. You say Xaaji said it is not part of Pirateland. Do you agree with him or not?
  21. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Ayoub...Goldogob could be part of any entity as long as they don't have secessionist aspirations and are not selling their brothers to Zenawi. Yes indeed. But today, as thing stand, in your opinion, where are they part of if any? You might not care, but we do. Go on, give us clue.
  22. ^ lol Where are going to bring up Lucas next, the Islam Section? Oki I give up.
  23. Originally posted by Thankful: No actually, Hillary Clinton lost fair and square and even won New Hampshire Democratic primary. Well.. lady said; "In my view there are two options: Honor the results or hold new primary elections. I don't see any other solutions that are fair and honor the commitment that two and a half million voters made in the Democratic primaries in those two states. .." The point is; she never contested the election vs Bush. Fair or not, the Democrat's system chose Obama. Both your opposition leaders came from the triangle and at the time the current vice president of your enclave came from there also. The whole of Somaliland is my enclave and Triangle so all the leaders must come from there, not Kampala or anywhere foreign I'm not gonna take that phoney civil taking the liberties lecture from a Piratelander when it comes to leadership contests. Everyone knows one clan show so please give it a rest. Kulmiye Party Convention 2008 chose the two men who contested the election on their behalf. Cadami was a candidate and senior member of the party. The unbelievable part about it is that your selection is so flawed that the exact same people that ran this year were the same ones that ran in the selection 6 years earlier! You're misinformed. Only UDUB Party had the same candidates. And yes Korshel did "run", he had many websites backing him, received a huge welcome in Mogadishu to pressure the President to choose him. lol If you say so. The pressure was so much that never mind PM, they lost the little they had.