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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. O mankind! There has come to you an instruction from your Rabb (lord), a cure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and a blessing for the true believers. Say: "It is the grace and mercy of Allah (that He has sent this Qur'an), so let the people rejoice over it, for it is better than (the worldly riches) they are collecting." Sura Al-Younus 57-58
  2. Aaliyyah;681886 wrote: laakin heestan adoo u jeeda say saado somalinimo u rabtay oo xita ay isa*q garab istaagtay jaceel ee somalinimo u qabto oo ay siyad barre kasoo hor jeesatay xita asago ah da*rood There was me thinking it was an anti-corruption song written by Gabiley's own Abwaan Cabdi Muxumed Amiin (AUN). You learn something new everyday.
  3. ^ I'm not not talking about SOL (or cyberspace for that matter). The likes of Faroole are peripheral individuals in the greater scheme of things - just like the Somalis in Kenya who handed Bashiir Makhtal to the Ethios. There's no contradiction but an observable lack of focus on the real collaborators and fraternisers with the Ethios. It is time for you and the rest of the Front's diaspora to go local.
  4. War am not saying you're the author so don't panic. What I meant was; ain't it progressive that "someone" is addressing the real villain in Kilil5 rather than moaning about the likes of Rayaale and Faroole.
  5. ^ I didn't imply you did. I put you in the same bracket as the author of the article and you do fit well in there. What I meant was; it's bloody about time scribblers like you pointed their quills at the "enemies" within.
  6. Charity begins at home and the Santim has finally dropped for the likes of A&T.
  7. NGONGE;680774 wrote: A&T, I actually voted before reading this last comment of yours. I hereby demand that the admin change my vote. I was going to vote for A&T too but I'll grant him his wish and exclude myself.
  8. xiinfaniin;680742 wrote: Libaax, Not quite remember tonight where I was trying to browse when I got this message.But the other night I was trying to create a Group when I got the banning message. Keep your hand away from The Beeldaaje's cookie jar, and everything will be OK. xiinfaniin;680637 wrote: Admin: Hashii iyo nirigtii please I like the Khat leaf.
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;680324 wrote: oo kalay muxu gacmaha jilbaha ugu haya , inu yara nerfiis yahay ba la mooda . Follow your leader...
  10. Al-Haji AbtigiisTolka wrote: Even Ayoub is my firend. Markaa please correct that as well. Usheeg yaa sahbi, even me of all people. *Is Ismahaan staring at me in a funny way? Alla maxay weynaatay, mash'allah!*
  11. I like avatar, but I think it would've been a better for hashish-smoking youngsters like Che and Fabregas.
  12. ^ Hey, at least I don't blame "technicality issues". lol Anyways, I was too late and you.... "young man" might have some valuable info.
  13. The Zack;680064 wrote: The site must be having some technicality issues. Sure sure! You've been prowling, haven't you?
  14. Every profile shows Zack as visitor! PS That was not my real age btw, 25% discount was on it!!!
  15. AP named the private security company involved in training the troops as Saracen International, a Uganda-based firm headed by a South African former special forces soldier called Bill Pelser. In a November statement the Puntland government said Saracen had been hired to establish its "marine forces", while documents from the Somali presidency this year suggested the company had been hired to train the presidential guard in Mogadishu. But in a phone interview, Pelser told the Guardian claims of his company's involvement were "bullshit", and said he would take legal action against the media. "I have already given a statement to the UN security council on this. None of my assets are involved in Somalia. It must be another company called Saracen," he said .
  16. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Weyba ku jiri jireenee see ugu biirayaan. lol Reminds me back when every time I listened to the news I used to hear "Boris Yeltsin has been admitted into hospital".
  17. Originally posted by NGONGE: Ouch. That site is now turning into a right joke. They've deleted the original Editorial posted by Thankful and this is the excuse.... “It is under these strenuous circumstances that a Garowe Online editorial first appeared, entitled, "Puntland security first, U.N. whining later." The editorial was a satirical tirade in response to an Associated Press article,...” read the new Editorial here ....
  18. ^ Maybe you just didn't like the responses you had. Anyways, enough suspense please do give us what you've cooking. In your answers I urge you to touch on issues like the proposed Sudan referendum. I also want to hear your take on countries that have diverse religious beliefs like Tanzania. Remember; towns like Xamar, Marka, Baraawe etc came under the Sultaan of Zanzibar under (your) 1872 map. Good luck..
  19. Nevermind Culusow,..... Xaglatoosiye,dhamaan sheekadiisa kama muuqan Isir naceyb,wuxuu ku taamayay in maamulka SSC ay ka mid noqdaan dhamaan beelaha dega Sool,Sanaag iyo Ceyn sida **********ga,******iniga,*********ka,Samaroonka iyo Isaaqa qaarkiis sida Garxajiska iyo Habarjeclo. I get it, the man wants to be the president of SL.
  20. ^ Aw Nuurow where is the head-on collision with Tawxiid in that argument? Clannish conflict has always been part of Somali nomadic lifestyle since time immemorial. Changing the map won't help that much, would it? PS Have you just turned "Somaliweyniste" on us?