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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. NGONGE;682842 wrote: Nin waalan baad tahay wallahi. I love the way you spoke about Xiin being a traditional man who does not veer away from the popular habits (which is a praise of sorts, though he may not have seen it that way) then go on paint an image of the traditional man's traditional way of dressing. I'm already picturing the fading jacket. :D Remember when A&T claimed he saw Ibti on UTV? The same week there was this Mullah geezer from the US on UTV who sounded very familiar but I could not recollect where from. Then he called Shabaab "Kelligii Muslims". I jumped off my chair and shouted "Ahaa, I know you!!". A&T must have watched that programme as well because that's whom he's describing up there. :D:D
  2. Hunguri;682911 wrote: Haddaan usoo laabto, arrinka meesha ka socda. Waxaa iiga muuqata Odaygii Xiin-Faniin ahaa oo Abtigiis iyo NG Jihaad ku qaadeen . Ninkii Ayoub oo aan is idhi, xoogaa dhex-dhexaad ayuu noqonayaana, Odaygii wuxuu kusii sheegay ( P I S ) . Hadaba, anigu inta aan Xiin-Faniin ku aqqaano ayaan sheegayaa. Waana iga daacade, igama aha wax kale . :D:D Waar niyow gari Ilaah bay taqaana. Af joogana looma adeego. Xiin ha ceddeeyo meeshu qaddiyaddisaa iyo xidhiidhkiisa udhaxeeya isaga, Faroole Jrs, Ugaandha, PIS iyo Saracen International. :D Xiin waa wax-garad oo weliba wixii dantiis iyo jeebkiisa ugu jiraa sifiican u yaqaana! Haddi sheedan A&T uu maanta ku maageeyo dani ugu jiri lahayd wuxuu odhan lahaa "Aw-Tusbaaxleh at his best, well said!!!" If I'm wrong sorry in advance, I know good Xiin will forgive me Prometheus;682949 wrote: Alas, it seems that all-too-often he equates plot with promiscuity, humor with harlotry, and imagery with innuendo. Awoowe, maybe I’m getting too old for this, but such stories are the writing equivalent of pubescent masturbation. If you must do such things, do them in private. This was the spirit of xiinfaniin's graceful taunt. Waxay Xiin iyo Pro isku raacan ciyaari maaha!!!!
  3. ^ The question is; who is copying whom? You say 2002, this is from New York Times. New York, N.Y.: Nov 26, 1999. That entrepreneurial spirit is perhaps the greatest strength of the Somalilanders, half of whom still live as nomads with their camels and goats. In a few years, businessmen there have created one of cheapest telephone systems in Africa: international calls are $1.50 a minute in the day and only 80 cents at night. Traders are working to export frankincense and myrrh, and exploration has begun for oil and gemstones . Source http://www.mbali.info/doc117.htm I bet you don't even know that the name Puntland itself was coined by Somalilanders before they decided to go with Somaliland. Did you bother asking yourself how Garow and Galkayo can be "Puntland" when they were never part of the ancient land named the Punt? Overall Somaliland's economy is estimated to be worth $50 million, of which 95 percent is exports of livestock. There is difference between budget and economy.
  4. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Kuluc: Soow Soow Polanyi: Soow what blad? Woolwich 1999
  5. Sayid Qardhai made two big blunders. One was to duel with some Arabeto with absolutely nothing to lose. The second mistake was to be from a town just outside poetry country.
  6. Are we allowed to use ghost writers? Someone sent a story and they want me to post it. It's ironically called "The Truth". I'm sure you guess who the guess who wrote it anyway...
  7. Four people, including three women, were arrested on Thursday when Durban police raided a Westville home and seized weapons and ammunition believed to be destined for Somalia to help in the fight against piracy, but which had been illegally diverted. The illegal activities of piracy cartels is getting out of hand. PS Deafening silence from the usually rowdy empty vessels. Come out pirate boys, JB won't arrest you too.
  8. Malika;682607 wrote: ^Surely there is a distinguished difference between SA apatheid regime to Siad's dictartorship regime- help me understand the connection..adigu raali aha without quoting Bob Marley..Lol. I did not make any connections. I only posted that because Hunguri said "...citizens of South Africa who are the Black majority indeginouse of that countery have forgiven and forget what ever the whites did to them...". as argument against the posting or commemoration of the crimes. Clearly the people of South Africa have not forgotten what took place and they do remember the dark days of their history. At least the black people of South Africans knew what the Apartheid regime was all about, if you asked me. Huguris was just one of many silly and weak points made against JB posting this thread. "SNM started war in the middle of their towns" claims Ducaysane. Well the victims were picked from their homes and there was no war in the middle of Burco in 1984. Like Xaaji says, what about the people who were murdered in Jasiira Beach, was there SNM in 1989 Mogadishu? Nevermind 1989, what about the 84 men who were murdered at Garabcase camp in Jigjiga while fighting to liberate 0gaden region from the Ethios? These men's families were told they died fighting, while the truth was their supposed comrades in arms betrayed them. Was there SNM in the 1970s? More importantly, who really started the clan wars that would leave Somali Republic a failed State? This section of the SOL has the sub-headings; World Politics, Somali Politics, Current Issues. That is a good reason enough for JB posting the piece. In my opinions the article posted was informative and newsworthy because it highlighted the fact no commemoration was done for the victims over the last 25 years. It also quoted a relative asking for a descent burial of the victims (AUN) instead of the mass grave they're still in. Last but not least, some incidents are worth commemorating. Hotel Shamo was one such. I've watched commemorations of that day on TV by the victims' (AUN) relatives and the likes of Sh. Sharif - even though hundreds were dying weekly in the fighting taking place in Mogadishu. Does it mean the lives lost in Hotel Shamo were somehow special or better than the many other victims war? Of course not. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm even more sensitive to others' suffering while in mourning compared to other times. Markaa dad bay meeli buktaa, otherwise they'd be no so much venom over that article!
  9. ^ You know what; I'm going to enrol Sh. Xiin to the madhouse section's Hall of Fame with much kinder comments than I was planning to. Give me a few days to dig up the thread and learn how to use the new features. Thanks to you Moh_C.:D
  10. ^ C'on now they came for clannish reasons and nothing else. They thought they could rescue Afweyne's doomed regime and to prevent the of USC and SNM from taking power. Like the man from Universal TV says; Runta Kasheeg. :D PS what flag is that on the bottom that vehicle pic?
  11. Ngonge *Blessed is has no place in here till A&T calms down. Nuune ugu yeedha Kiitaabka ha saare ileen aniga uu iga shakisanyahay! I know you loves the likes of Max and A&T making spectacles of themselves because you believe it somehow makes you a lesser eccentric fruit-cake in here. The sad thing is he thinks you're his "friend" and Xiin his enemy. Poor soul.
  12. *Blessed Meeshan iskaga carar. Please don't let people see you talking to him. Anagu (A&T's friends) cardka naga gubtay ninkani daraaddis.
  13. Say: Woe to the downpressors: They'll eat the bread of sorrow! Woe to the downpressors: They'll eat the bread of sad tomorrow! Woe to the downpressors: They'll eat the bread of sorrow! Oh, yeah-eah! Oh, yeah-eah-eah-eah! Guiltiness (talkin' 'bout guiltiness) Pressed on their conscience. Oh yeah. And they live their lives (they live their lives) On false pretence everyday - Each and everyday. Yeah. Guiltiness ~ Bob Marley Hunguri;682429 wrote: First of All, may Allah rest in peace all of those lost their lives and loved ones. What amazes most, is the fact that a brutall, racist, regime who did every evil thing to the very citizens of South Africa who are the Black majority indeginouse of that countery have forgiven and forget what ever the whites did to them, simply to coexist in peace and harmony. South Africa's National Holidays 21 March: Human Rights Day On this day in 1960 the police killed 69 people at Sharpeville who were participating in a protest against the pass laws. Many were shot in the back. The carnage made world headlines. Four days later the government banned black political organizations, many leaders were arrested or went into exile. During the Apartheid era there were human rights abuses by all sides; Human Rights Day is but one step to ensure that the people of South Africa are aware of their human rights and to ensure that such abuses never again occur. 27 April: Freedom Day This was the day in 1994 when the first democratic election was held in South Africa, i.e. an election when all adults could vote irrespective of their race, and the day in 1997 when the new constitution took effect. 1 May: Worker's Day Many countries around the world commemorate the contribution made by workers to society on May Day (America doesn't celebrate this holiday because of its communist origins). It has traditionally been a day to protest for better wages and working conditions. Given the role that trade unions played in the fight for freedom, it is unsurprising that South Africa commemorates this day. 16 June: Youth Day On June 1976 students in Soweto rioted in protest against the introduction of Afrikaans as the language of instruction of half their school curriculum, sparking eight months of violent uprisings across the country. Youth Day is a national holiday in honour of all the young people who lost their lives in the struggle against Apartheid and Bantu Education. 18 July: Mandela Day A new public holiday introduced by President Jacob Zuma in 2009 to celebrate South Africa's most famous son -- Nelson Mandela. "It will give people in South Africa and all over the world the opportunity to do something good to help others. Madiba was politically active for 67 years, and on Mandela Day people all over the world, in the workplace, at home and in schools, will be called upon to spend at least 67 minutes of their time doing something useful within their communities, especially among the less fortunate." 9 August: National Women's Day On this day in 1956 some 20,000 women marched to the Union [government] Buildings in Pretoria to protest against a law requiring black women to carry passes. This day is celebrated as a reminder of the contribution made by women to society, the achievements that have been made for women's rights, and to acknowledge the difficulties and prejudices many women still face. 24 September: Heritage Day Nelson Mandela used the phrase "rainbow nation" to describe South Africa's diverse cultures, customs, traditions, histories, and languages. This day is a celebration of that diversity. 16 December: Day of Reconciliation Afrikaners traditionally celebrated 16 December as the Day of the Vow, remembering the day in 1838 when a group of Voortrekkers defeated a Zulu army at the Battle of Blood River, while ANC activists commemorated it as the day in 1961 when the ANC started to arm its soldiers to overthrow Apartheid. In the new South Africa's it's a day of reconciliation, a day to focus on overcoming the conflicts of the past and building a new nation. PS This is the first time ever that these victims have been officially commemorated.
  14. Abtigiis;682536 wrote: ^anger, very much understandable! 'Project- Blessed' Ilaahay naxariistii janno haka waraabiyo. Women don't like procrastinators, especially at that tentative stage of 'send me the lyrics, and I will send it to meeshaan isku ogaeyn'. No presumptions what so over, Dear Blessed. You may be innocent and ignorant of all this, but Ayoub's anger gives away his clandenstine motives and modus-operandi. :D :D:D No laughing matter but waxaa la yidhi marka ninka waalani qoslo ka miyirka qabaana qoslaa ... Cajiib! I knew you're beyond repair - bar the Almighty's miracles that is - so I'll leave it to the *Blessed lady to put you in your place. I suggest a mental asylum. PS I knew you'd turn the lyrics blue and red.
  15. ^ He went early for Jumca this week, I wonder why he's doing overtime! Abtigiis;682512 wrote: Dear Blessed, This this imposter diaspora boy couldn't help you on Moge's timeless song, I volunteer: Now you've really cheesed me Mr Longfoot. In Delhi they call the likes of you Bustarddh Guy!!
  16. http://somali-music.com/audios/2211/dhayal-looma-heese-the-best-of-mooge.html dhayal looma heesee Dhayal looma heese, dharaartii aan ku caashaqay Ee aad dhibtaadiyo, igu dhalisay hawlahan Dhulkan oo gu'gu da'ay, dhinacyadan makhaadiir Dhanka midig badii tahay, bidixduna dhir iyo doog Ciidan dhabaq guudud ka ah, ee dhiin lo'deniyo geeluba ku daadago Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer, Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer, Iyo ubaxa dhaadheer Miyaad kala dhex taagneeyd? Miyaad kala dhextaagnayd? Markii aan dib kuu dayey, cadceed dhalatay waa bari Ama dhool arrornimo, dhanka bari ka soo kacay Naasaha dhaxdoodiyo, dooxii Hargeisiyo Damashii ku dheerareeyd, oo wabi ku dhow yahay Intoon kaala meel dhigay, igu dhalkisay caashaqee, markii aan ku dheehdaba Ama dayo dhankaagaba, Ama dayo dhankaagaba, Ama dayo dhankaagaba Sow hore uma dheeliyin? Sow horu uma dheeliyn? Waxaa la isku dhaafaa, dhaxyeereey nasiibkee Mala waanad dhaadine, Soomaalaad ka dhalatoo Dhay lagugu koriyayoo, damal dereerka noqotayoo Haday dumar dhig leeyihiin, amase dhaadi iyo qurux Waa laguu dhameeyee, ana dubaxa jilaal, Dharaarahan rafaadka ah, sida dhibica loo filo ayaad iigu, dheertoo Waan kaa dhursugayaa, Waaban kaa dhursugayaa!
  17. Abtigiis;682476 wrote: But Xinn will always remain a critic whether kind or harsh. What he can't be is an orginator of new ideas, new thinking, new parameters. Not because he doesn't have the intellect or temperament to do so, but because Mr. 'Peace Caravan' is a conformist, a prisnor of social and cultural mores, and a religious zealot. These factors constrain his ability to come up with anything worth critique. Waar Xiin is no longer the pacifist Mullah of old. The man is these days a mouthpiece of mercenaries by the name of Saracen International and supports the cursed PIS. Still, even the likes of him has the right to intervene when you stoop so low. He might be dodgy, but he's a true friend of yours and the only one if we ignore the cyber loner by the name of Liqaye. *Blessed Not only my signature, but also my location. I'll post them in the lyrics thread for you I'A. I don't want this mad A&T fella to say; the great Mooge sang that... *These new "Generic Smilies" are crap. I've done a "wink" and a "big grin" up there and I can hardly distinguish them mysef!*
  18. I always said that mega-mergers were for megalomaniacs - David Ogilvy
  19. ^ Waar fact or fiction, there are limits and that's what Xiin is saying and I agree with him. Way kaa dhantee, dhantee, dhantee Is qabo! Haddii kale Xiin baa ku jooga!
  20. ^ You'd be best advised to heed Xiin's words. Nin waalan tolkii baa u miir qaba baa la yidhi.
  21. ^ Like the the man said; If this was illegitimacy, other African governments should try it.
  22. Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris 1994* Whether God exists or not is not as such, part of the subject matter of any empirical science, natural or social. But the facts, or what are sometimes assumed to be the facts, of the natural sciences, especially physics and biology, are often interpreted to support one view or the other. This is not therefore a paper about physics, but about the relationship between physics and the question of the existence of God. More specifically, it is mainly an Islamic rational critique of the ways modern atheists attempts to meet the challenge posed by the Big Bang theory. It does not deal with positive proofs for the existence of the Creator; it only proves the invalidity of the arguments used to buttress atheism. http://www.jaafaridris.com/English/Books/physicists.htm
  23. ^ Ameen to that and the same to you. The difference is not whiteman/blackman, but rather the so-callled "unionist" would never ask: And in any case, what was the alternative? A reconstituted Somalia would require reconnecting Somaliland with what may be the world's most spectacularly failed state. Where Somaliland has a fledgling coast guard, Somalia has flourishing pirates, and where Hargeisa has a form of democracy, Mogadishu has howling anarchy punctuated by fits of sharia law.