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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Abtigiis;684163 wrote: As far as I am concerned, Duke is an english word which is taken from another language to symoblise power and status; it it by no means an expression of reverence to British monarchy. Ayoub is disingenious when he says General Duke is "claiming be to be the Queen's Duke". GD didn't say that to my knowledge A certified schizophrenic defending a dubious effacer. Only in SOL. Don't take my word for it, ask him if could refute that he use to call himself "Duke Smith" back in the days.:D:D If you only know "GD", some of us were here when "GS" used to make a spectacle of himself. He can't deny he used to brag about pledging his allegiance to the Queen and his Britishness. He can't deny he used to cheer-lead the Ethio atrocities in Xamar and nor could he deny he used to encourage some SOL members to spy on worshippers in Masjids. He's the lowest of the low and I for one would never buy his crocodile tears for Xamar. As for for your clannish jibes, well the only reason you don't have an axe to grind with the likes of Duke and Qandalawi is; your ancestor used to chuck his ancestors off cliffs of todays Pirateland. :D:D I won't elaborate on that, unless you insist.;) I'll even quote you on the the subject matter - well one of your multi-personalities. That's why they consider you an Somali-speaking Ethio. So much for Somaliweyn!!! PS Xaaji Xunjuf is a legend and can teach you a lot about history.
  2. Congtas to Banaaddir and Puntland. Watching the video clips of those boys brought some memories flooding back. Let's hope team Somalia would be picked from- at least from- the tournament semi-finalist in the future and not the "tusker beer" brigade only. Once again, well done.
  3. Ismalura;684082 wrote: This is a sad situation we are in. Ilaahow u sahal inta dhibateysan aduunka. Amiin.
  4. Jacaylbaro;684065 wrote: Somaliland jails Russians over weapons for Puntland SOURCE: BBC The men were sentenced not charged so change the thread headline to ^^^:)
  5. General Duke;684131 wrote: lol@Ayoub adeer I am a US citizen, so not sure what your point is here. My point is the only person that goes around this forum claiming to be the Queen's Duke is you. You the only person is here who brags about being BRITISH and swearing the allegiance to the queen for her passport. You can can claim to be US citizen too today, but your past will follow you to the grave.:) This is not about which politician is supposed to have said what and when. This is about YOUR shameful historical past of cheer-leading the Ethios. You can't deny it so your best hope is to talk about your own made up lies about the Queen, 1988, etc etc Your history has been terrible so far, let's hope your tombstone does not read; Here, in pieces lies a man who claimed he was Queen of England's Duke. He claimed he gained this dishonour for his services for CHEER-LEADING ETHIOS and other clanish-motivated revenge-seekers collaborators to Xamar. He spent the later of life in hiding and SPYING ON WORSHIPPERS in Mosques of the USA and a great servant he was - say his handlers across the pond.
  6. ^ I don't hate Somali people so don't get that desperate. I don't claim any relation to Queen either. In fact you're the one who brags about the Brithish passport and the allegiance you swore to Queen Betty for it. Heck, you even call yourself a Duke!!!. How did you become her Duke???:D:D That's all besides the point and none of our bees' knees. What you're ducking and diving is your historical shameful behaviour. We're not talking Yey but YOUR cheer-leading of the Ethio Genocide of people of Mogadishu and the south. You can't deny it so you'd rather talk about Faisal and the Queen, ain't that right "Duke"?
  7. ^ The word is his sons were behind this stoopidh idea and the Imaam is livid to put it mildly.
  8. ^ "My leaders' request"? We're talking about YOU and YOUR cheer-leading of Gen. Gabre and the Ethio military's genocide in Mogadishu.
  9. Timur;683910 wrote: If you are independent country then do as the Djiboutians or Eritreans do and don't pay attention to Somali politics. The article posted mentions 'Somaliland' at least 7 times and you don't want a response to it from Somalilanders? Mr Ismail Ali Ismail claims; In January 2011 the Somali civil war will be exactly twenty years old.. Well, the Somali civil war will be "exactly twenty years old" only for the ones who had it good till 1991. For rest, it had been going on for at least 10 years by 1991 and will be more than 30 years by 2011. PS Only a politacally naive person would claim Djiboutians or Eritreans don't pay attention to Somali politics. PPS A&T is a Somali-speaking Ethio according to Faroole.
  10. ^ Says a collaborationist who cheered Ethios genocide of reer Benaadir.
  11. I read an interview you gave to Somaliland.org on your return to Hargeisa. Obviously endearing yourself to the secessionists, you justified the breakaway of Somaliland from Somalia by drawing a false analogy with other failed unions. To say the least, your reasoning is seriously flawed. Those other countries, such as the former USSR and Yugoslavia, broke up after reaching a common accord. That is not the case with Somaliland. Basic fact checking would have prevented historically inaccurate claim by the author of the letter. The Baltic States and Georgia declared their independence from the USSR when Gorbachev was in power and were only recognised by Yeltsin after the failed Communist Coup. As for the former Yugoslavia, it took a bloody civil war for Serbians to finally accept the self-determination wishes of the other entities. As for Sifir the politician, time will tell of his motives behind his latest actions.
  12. NGONGE;683705 wrote: ^^ If it were done for that reason you've got to admit that it was a clever move (or bad one seeing that an entire site had to be redone). Of course it was not done for "that reason". It was a case of never let a serious crisis go to waste. We call it burying the bad news. Filinka Fahan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=aUCbVUo-w6k#t=70s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> PS General Duke is flooding the forum again, I wonder why?
  13. Cassandra reckons a good case could be made for Somaliland, which is not recognised by anyone but seems to run its own affairs well enough. By contrast, the Somali Republic, which is recognised by everyone, is the very definition of a “failed state”. Apparently, you're a"nation" when Uncle Sam decides you are one.
  14. ^ So you noticed? Not a good thing to get noticed mercenaries... I mean private security firms are involved you know;). And if I don't see you no more in this world I'll meet you on the next one But don't be late, Don't be late 'Cos I'm a Voodoo Child God knows I'm a Voodoo Child ~ Jaamac Hendrix
  15. Fibre optic technology would make ransom demands secure and much quicker.
  16. ^ lol I saw that one too. Was that posted after we moved, or does the goat know the Xaaji's garments are not to be messed with. Waar even some threads about Amir' s cartoon about the Imaam did not survive. PS I've just received info that you were involved in the house-move so I don't trust even you, yaa Arabeto.
  17. Naah. Maybe they were "forgotten" in the old house we moved from.
  18. ^A&T has been seen staring at Xiin's avatar and saying; bal dayaay wadaadkii, hadduu sii dabayshadaye.
  19. ^ Guess what; the threads about "weapons plane" have already been chewed by Faroole Jnr's goat. Did the silly billy goat think we wouldn't notice.
  20. Veil of secrecy around Somali-bound arms 2010-12-28 22:42 Johannesburg - Police who seized a Somali-bound arms cache at a house near Durban won't say what the nationalities are of two foreigners who were arrested along with two South Africans. Eight assault rifles fitted with telescopic and silencing devices, two AK-47s, two shotguns and a revolver were confiscated from a home near Durban. Police had been tracking the shipment and four people were arrested in the December 23 raid and are out on bail, said SAPS spokesperson Vincent Mdunge on Tuesday. Mdunge said they believed the arms were bound for Somalia to be used against pirates in a possible violation of a UN arms embargo. He added that police were trying to determine whether a port official helped move the weapons. The seizure follows weeks of speculation over a controversial programme involving an ex-CIA deputy station chief and a former US ambassador, to train and fund anti-piracy forces in Somalia. Mdunge drew no link between the training programme and the arms seizure. Anti-piracy programme He would not name the shippers, but said investigators believe that the weapons were being sent to Somalia for use against pirates. It was unclear whether the shippers had the proper permits to send the weapons to Somalia, Mdunge said, adding that he didn't know where the weapons were shipped from and whether they were destined for a private company or the Somali government. The anarchic country's long coastline is dotted with havens of pirates who prey on vital shipping routes. Those involved with the anti-piracy programme have refused to say who is funding it, other than that it is a Muslim country, but have repeatedly insisted no guns would be sent to Somalia in violation of the UN arms embargo. Numerous Somali officials have identified Uganda-based Saracen International as the security contractor doing the training. But Bill Pelser, the chief executive of Saracen International, has denied his company is involved and says it is another company of the same name registered in Lebanon. Lebanese authorities say they have no record of such a company. The four men detained in the raid are to appear in court on February 7. - AP
  21. First Published: 2010-12-28 Dubai logistics company to run Mogadishu airport Dubai-based SKA Air & Logistics’ 10-year contract with Somalia's transitional government covers management of terminals, security, screening, passenger security. MOGADISHU - Dubai-based SKA Air & Logistics has signed a contract with Somalia's transitional government to take over the running of Mogadishu international airport, an SKA official said Tuesday. "We have not formally taken over at this stage but in few weeks' time we will be taking over management of the airport," a company manager who asked not to be identified said. The 10-year contract covers "management of the terminals, security, screening and also passenger security," he said, without disclosing any financial details. Several SKA staff members are already present at Mogadishu airport where they have started training Somali personnel. "We have started training local staff while we wait for our equipment to arrive," the manager explained. SKA, which operates airports in Iraq and Afghanistan and whose motto is "doing difficult jobs in difficult places", was approached by the Somali government for the job, he said. The prospect of working in the Horn of Africa country, which has had no functioning central administration since 1991 is "challenging for the time being but as we go along hopefully things will improve." Aden Adde airport, on the seafront in the part of Mogadishu controlled by the government, is secured by troops from the African Union force AMISOM, who have their main base there. Several companies, operating within Somalia and elsewhere in the region, operate flights every day. Islamist rebels have on occasion fired mortars at the airport, notably when government officials and President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed have been flying in and out. SKA, which also has operations in the United Arab Emirates, in Kuwait and elsewhere in Africa, is also in the running for a contract to manage Mogadishu sea port, sources said. The Somali government last week admitted the existence of another contract -- signed by the previous cabinet -- with private security company Saracen International notably to train body guards. A Gulf state that has asked not to be named is picking up the bill. Meanwhile Somali lawmakers on Monday proposed a motion demanding the government explain the foreign deals, according to parliamentarian Mohamed Dhere. "Parliament will debate the secret deals the government struck with foreign companies including SKA and Saracen International, and government will have to explain its actions," Dhere told AFP, adding the debate should start in the coming days.
  22. Name: xiinfaniin Occupation: Peace Caravan Driver. Appearance: Who cannot visualize how he falsely clears the throat, shifts in his seat, cranes his neck, continuously adjusting his fading jacket affectively, all to trim into a figure of princely deportment from Mudug ~ A&T Described as: Xiins character that is genuinely conciliatory and diffrent to the run of the mill triumphalism that so many hold be it for qaabil bantustans or individual relatives related to some on SOL.. Xiins position might be mad then as Taban lo liyong might say I too wish to catch syphilis so we may all be mad. For this is a better madness than what has occured in somalia for the past few years. ~ Liqaye ...to understand where Xaji Xiin's stern beliefs come from as a believer I don't think he believes in despair and hopelessness. He knows there will come a time,when the voice of unity will speak and declare to the people[somalis], which will declare with unfaltering voice a unity through GOD and brotherhood of men [somali]. ~ Malika Memorable quote: I count as Allah’s blessings that I was able to pray in peace while many of my country men, majority more pious than I, were bombarded with mortars by fellow muslims (and non muslims as well) in the name of liberation in mogadishu... supporting peace and dialogue was not a crime, and to think it was shows only the intellectual aptitude of the accuser. Least likely to say: I don't care how; as long as my su-clan gets control of Kismaayo again. Not to be confused with: Invading foreign mercenaries tank driver.
  23. The Scramble for Somalia by ECOTERRA International December 08, 2010 How the Sick Games are Played By Venatrix Fulmen Ethiopia Not Enthusiastic About Kenya's Jubaland Initiative in Somalia - Nairobi - In a cable sent by from the U.S.American embassy (YATES) in Addis Ababa concerning U.S. UNDER SECRETARY OTERO’S MEETING WITH ETHIOPIAN PRIME MINISTER MELES ZENAWI on JANUARY 31, 2010, it was reported that in the presence of U.S. Under Secretary Otero, Assistant Secretary Carson, NSC Senior Director for African Affairs Michelle Gavin, PolOff Skye Justice (notetaker) and Special Assistant Gebretensae Gebremichael from the Ethiopia Prime Minister Meles Zenawi as follows: "Meles said he had been briefed extensively regarding Kenya’s Jubaland initiative. Because Ethiopia had previously intervened in Somalia without seeking Kenyan approval, he said, the GoE would not presume to analyze the Kenyans’ chances for success in their own intervention. The GoE is sharing intelligence with Kenya, but Meles expressed a lack of confidence in Kenya’s capacity to pull off a tactical success, which he feared could have negative regional impacts. The GoE is therefore working to minimize the likelihood of a spillover effect in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional State. Noting that Ethiopia might have underestimated Kenya, Meles said, “We are not enthusiastic, but we are hoping for success." - so far the cable. Full Article >>> http://www.groundreport.com/World/The-Scramble-for-Somalia/2931878
  24. Sea Port Manager Reference Job Type Full-time Job Status Sourcing Date Posted 26 Oct 2010 Location Mogadishu, Somalia Start Date ASAP Duration Company Information SKA AIR & LOGISTICS Website: http://www.ska-arabia.com Job Description The Role This is a superb opportunity for an experienced and accomplished Seaport Manager. This challenging and exciting role offers full responsibility for management and coordination of seaport operations relating to our business operations in Mogadishu, Somalia. Candidate Requirement An accomplished leader with an extensive military/ civilian leadership experience. Ideally having directed operations in hostile environments Substantive knowledge, skill and expertise in the management and execution of sea transportation and logistics operations. Ability to demonstrate strong judgment, analytical, program management and leadership skills applied on an individual and an organizational level. Ability to evidence success in program planning, finance, resource management and training relating to sea transportation and logistics operations. Experienced in applying evaluative methods and techniques delivering optimum program performance and efficiency of operations Outstanding communication skills and inter-personal skills. Previous relevant work experience regarding Sea Port Cargo Terminal management or sea port cargo terminal supervision and operations is necessary. Experience in UN projects or minimum 5 years working experience in African continent is desirable Number of Openings 1 How to Apply Email Resume To tmehmood@ska-arabia.com http://www.ska-arabia.com/index.php?option=com_jobline&Itemid=177&task=view&id=28
  25. Saleh; the man with the plan. Picture by Morgan Mbambazi By Joint Report (email the author) Posted Monday, December 13 2010 at 15:51 Saracen International, a security company associated with Uganda’s Gen Caleb Akandwanaho, alias Salim Saleh, a senior advisor to President Yoweri Museveni, who is also his younger brother, has come under the international spotlight for its alleged involvement in training militia in Somalia’s semi-autonomous Puntland state. Intelligence sources told The EastAfrican that President Museveni’s younger brother’s interest in this private military contractor has major regional security implications that could affect the efforts to restore peace in Somalia. Last week, the Associated Press reported that a well-equipped military force was being created in northern Somalia with the help of Michael Shanklin, a former CIA officer and Pierre Prosper, an ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues under former President George W. Bush. The training and the equipment — which is so far estimated at over $10 million — is being paid for by a mysterious “Muslim nation.” These sources said that this deal usurps the mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom), which includes security training. Ironically, Uganda has the most troops in Amisom, with the rest coming from Burundi. The source said that the African Union is concerned that Saracen’s advent could be a propaganda gift for Islamic fundamentalist groups like Al Shabaab, because they can argue that Amisom is in Somalia to make profits and do business, not to bring peace. “If this is not nipped in the bud, it could bring the roof down on the head of the AU in Somalia because Uganda has the largest contingent there,” he said. The revelation comes at a time when some AU officials and members are allegedly concerned about how Uganda is handling the affairs of its troops in Somalia. The Amisom troops are paid $750 a month. Uganda docks $200 from each soldier. Burundi, on the other hand, takes off the recommended $100. It is understood that the AU, fearful that this could demotivate the troops, has complained to Ugandan authorities, who have agreed to deduct the standard $100 only from each soldier, and refund the rest. Our source also said that there is “grumbling” in the AU that Uganda, because it went in with the most equipment, has already been compensated more than handsomely for use of its resources — nearly $28 million so far, compared with $170,00 for Burundi. Bad memories A Nairobi diplomat also told The EastAfrican that the entrance of Saracen “conjures up the ghost of Democratic Republic of Congo,” where Uganda initially intervened in 1998 to deal with anti-Kampala rebels, but got embroiled in the conflict there and was later accused by an international panel of plundering Congo’s resources. These concerns, however, may be coming too late because Saracen seems to have been quick in establishing itself. The AP reported that, “In recent weeks, Shanklin and Prosper met several Nairobi-based diplomats to discuss the contract between the Puntland and Mogadishu governments and a private security company called Saracen International. http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/news/-/2558/1070662/-/ol5q9rz/-/