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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Jacaylbaro;687885 wrote: Talaabadan ayaa ah mid horumar ah oo ay xukuummada Madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud [siilaanyo] ku talaabsatay mudadii lixda bilood ahayd ee ay xilka haysay, Sidoo kale waxa iyaduna talaabo lagu diirsaday ah talaabada ay xukuummadu lacagta ugu kordhisay Ciidamada iyo shaqaalaha dawlada. Thumbs up.
  2. Oslo(Ramaas) Jan.16, 2011 – Wasiirka Arimaha Dibedda ee Dawlada ku meel-gaadhka ah ee Soomaaliya oo todobaadkan isaga iyo wefti uu hogaaminayey ku sugnaayeen magaalada Oslo, ayaa mar uu la kulmay xubno ka tirsan jaaliyadda Somaliland ee dalka Norway, ayaa waxa uu markii ugu horaysay ka hadlay, sifihii uu ugu biiray dawlada Sheekh Shariif sanadii 2009 iyo ciddii la ogayd. Maxamed Cabdillaahi Oomaar waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay, waxa lala maagan yahay shacabka iyo dawlada Somaliland, wixii ka dambeeya bisha Siddeedaad ee Sanadka 2011. Waxaana uu hadalkiisa ku bilaabay In bishii koowaad akhirkeedii sanadkii 2009 isaga oo Hargeysa ku soo socda uu Jabuuti ku soo maray Sheekh Shariif, halkaana ay shan daqiiqo kulmeen, dabadeedna uu Hargeysa usoo ambabaxay. Laba todobaad kadib isaga oo marxuumkii Aabihii la qadeynaya in uu soo wacay Raysal wasaarihii Cumar Cabdirashiid, kuna yidhi arintaasaanu(Xilkaasaanu) isla soo qaadnee, maxaad ka odhan lahayd. ”Waxan ugu jawaabay maba xumee, laakiinse Somaliland baan jooggaaye bal horta waa inaan iyada weydiiyaa, in aan iska soo dhaqaaqo oo idhaahdo waa ikan wax caqliga gala ma aha’e. Adigu Odayaashii iyo Cuqaashii baan u tagay oo aan u bandhigay, Saddex Saacadood kadib, waxay iigu soo jawaabeen Adeer haddii aad na weydiisay waad fasaxan tahay. Waan ka tegay Saraakiishii SNM ayaan doontay, Maxamed Kaahin, Dhagaweyne iyo Cali Guray iyo Qayrkood, waxay igu yidhaahdeen haddaad wax na weydiinaysaba waad wanaagsantee orod oo iska tag. Markaa annigu kumaan tegin mansab raadis, mansabkeeda iyo nabadeeduna wax la hubo may ahayn. Balse anniga waxay iigu muuqatay, wakhti lagu qanco in dhibaato jirto waynu soo marnay, in meel uun lagu dhego oo maya la yidhaahdo waa laga fiican yahay. Kolkaa in la baadho dariiqooyinka jira, waxaanan isbarbardhigay laba shay: Ka bilow Gigaal illaa Rayaale oo markaa joogay iyo Axmed oo markaa ahaa guddoomiyaha xisbiga Kulmiye illaa Odayaasha Guurtida. Qolo waliba waxay lahayd Koonfuri maalintay wax noqoto ayaanu la hadlaynaa, taa micnaheedu waxay ahayd bal meeshaa intay wax ka unkamayaan in la sugaa. Qodobka labaad: Labaatan Sannadood baynu sugaynoo waa iska laalaadnaa, xal meesha jiraana ma muuqdo. Anniguna siyaasi ma ahayn, haddii aan siyaasi ahay kuma dhiiradeen, balse danbaan u arkay. Kolkaa waxan isweydiiyey haddii aad ku jirtid xaalad la iska laadlaado, maxay dhaxli doonaan jiilka yaryari? Koonfuri tashan kari wayday, innaguna danteena u seegi mayno, lahadli mayno. Markaa waxan is idhi, haddii aad wax ka gaysan karo iyaga inta wax lala dhiso, hadhowto labada dawladood ha is hor-fadhiistaan oo iyagu go’aan ha ka gaadhaan, waa wax fiican haddii taa la heli karo. Markaa haddii aan soo koobo, intii aanan tegina dad waa weydiiyey, markaan tegayna si san in aan uga hawlgalo waan ku dadaalay ”Xamartaa la leeyahay hanti iyo daaro ayuu raadsaday Huteel baan kaga jiraa,” ma garatay!. Mar uu ka hadlayey waxa lala maagan yahay Somaliland, wixii ka dambeeya bisha siddedaad ee sanadkan, wuxu yidhi: annigu waan ka hadlay waanan ku dhex jiraa, haddadaa aynu joognana iyo Siddeeda Bilood ee soo socdana waxa loo baahan yahay in wax la isla meel dhigo. Go’aankana idinkaa la idinka rabaa, sababtoo ah imika nidaamka socdaa waa dawlad ku meel-gaadh ah, bisha siddeedaad wixii ka dambeeya, Dastuurka cusub inta la dhaqangeliyo waa in loo gudbaa dawlad Federaal ah. Waxa laga baxayaa dawlada ku meel-gaadhka ah, waxaana loo gudbayaa dawlad rasmi ah. Micnihii markaa muxuu noqonayaa, haddii aanay Somaliland ogayn oonay go’aan ka keenin, dadkeediina ka tashan. Iyada oo dad kale iska wataan bay ku daneysanayaan oo meeshay rabaan ka gaadhayaan. Kolkaa annigu waan ku dhex jiraa, qodob baanan taaganahay, qododkaasina mid la iga furfurayo maaha, laakiinse hiil baan u baahanay. Hiilku muxuu yahay? Waar dalka dhami hal sharci buu ku taagan yahay, sharci kaliya ayaa aasaaskiisa oo dhamiba yahay, kaas oo ah ”Act of union”. Laba dawladood baa isu yimi, qoraal bay kala saxeexdeen, kaas ayaa abuuray Somali Republic. Heshiiskaas ayaa yaalla Security Councel-ka, Africa Union-ka iyo Arab Leage-ga, kaasaanay aqoonsan yihiin. Annigu waxan taaganahay Baydhabo iyo Kaalkacyo lama mid aha Gobolada Waqooyigu ee Koonfur oo kaamil ah iyo Waqooyi oo kaamil ah baa isku darsamay oo heshiis caalamiya ku midoobay. Markaa horta halkaa ha laga bilaabo, annigu halkaasaan taaganahay ee maxaa idinla gudboon. Ramaasnews Desk Oslo. http://www.ramaasnews.com/news.php?readmore=5522
  3. ^ I know what you mean but I don't think he's that kind of person. Then again he was in Kisnaayo area when the Ethio troops wer in control. :confused: I think he might be escorting defectors since he know all the back roads from Puntland!
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;687698 wrote: Wasiir,Maayaro,Kornayl iyo Cuqaal Ka Soo Goostay Puntland oo u Soo Goostay Dhinaca Soomaaliland. Burco(Ramaas)Jan,15.2011- Koox miisaan culus oo uu hogaaminayo wasiirka wax-barashada Puntland Xasan Maxamuud , oo ay weheliyaan Kornaylka Guud ee Ciidanka Booliska Puntland, Korl. Sayd Cabdile iyo laba Maayar oo kala ah Maayarka Degmada Xudur iyo Taleex iyo cuqaal, oo dhamaantood ka soo jeeda Beesha bariga sool ayaa u soo goostay Dhinaca Soomalind. Burco Xasan Maxamuud defected years ago so double-check the news folks... http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/26421-Puntland-s-Education-Minister-Defects-to-Somaliland?highlight=defects JB, toady it's Puntland not Bugland khashiinyahow! Where's Ngonge?
  5. I'm with JB on this one. Not convinced Xaabsade is suitable for a role that requires someone who has to deal with international media. Even the ministry name itself needs a revamp since postal services don't exist in SL. Geeljire kaluun baray!
  6. Sheekh Bashiir Axmed Salaad “Dagaalka joojiya Muddo 6-bilood ah”. Print here| By: allgedo.com: Sunday, January 9, 2011 // u Jawaab Ururka Culimada Soomaaliyeed ee taageersan dowladda KMG ah iyo maamul goboleedyada dalka kajira ayaa soo saaray baaq lagu codsanayo in lajoojiyo dagaalada ka socda magaalada Muqdisho. Bayaan kasoo baxay gudoomiyaha culimadaasi Bashiir Axmed Salaad ayaa lagu sheegay in loo baahanyahay dhiig joojin deg deg ah si loogu gurmado shacabka ku dhibaateysan gobolada dalka. 1-in la toobad keeno,xuquuqdana la isu cesho,istigfaartana la badiyo,waayo, musiibada Waxaa keena macaasida,waxaana lagu qaadaa towbadda. 2-in wadanka oo dhan laga oogo salaadda roobdoonta,ayadoo la ilaalinayo waqtiga dadka munaasabka u ah iyo sida sunnada ah. 3-waxaan ugu yeeraynaa dhinacyada dagaalamaya in ay ku baaqaan xabbad joojin lix bilood ah ugu yaraan,si gargaarka loo fidiyo,ayna kala saxiixdaan cahdi adag oo muslim nimo,aana la siyaasadeen musiibooyinka ummadda haysta. Sidoo kale,waxaan ku baaqaynaa in la joojiyo culaadaha beelaha u dhexeeya. 4-waxaan ugu baaqaynaa hayadaha dowliga,kuwa islaamka iyo kuwa carabta in si deg deg ah loogu gurmado shacabka soomaaliyeed,ayadoo lagala tashanayo dhinacya ay khusayso,lana ilaalinayo diinta iyo duruufta dadka. Sidoo kale,waxaan ugu baaqaynaa war baahinta in ay gutaan kaalintooda,ayna muujiyaan xaaladda taagan. 5-waxaan ugu baaqaynaa ganacsatada iyo cid kasta oo awoodda in ay dadka la gaaraan biyaha iyo quutudaruuriga,ilaahayna wuu kaalmaynayaa qofka ,inta uu kaalmaynayo walaalkiis. Ilaahay waxaan waydiisanaynaa in uu ummadda faraj u furo,dhibkana ka faydo. والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Sh. Bashiir axmed salaad Madaxa haya’dda culumada soomaaliyeed
  7. Somali Clerics Urge Cease-Fire to Help Civilians Hit by Drought January 10, 2011, 10:11 AM EST By Hamsa Omar Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- A group of Somali clerics called for a cease-fire between government forces and Islamist militants to help civilians affected by drought, as the main rebel group in the drought-stricken country said attacks should be increased. A six-month halt to hostilities is needed to allow for aid to be distributed in the Horn of Africa country, Sheikh Bashiir Ahmed Salad, head of Hay’adda Culumada Soomaaliyeed, an umbrella body of mullahs, said in an e-mailed statement yesterday from Mogadishu, the capital. “I also call on al-Shabaab to allow the aid agencies to give aid to vulnerable civilians,” Salad said. Somalia’s Western-backed government has been battling insurgents, including the al-Shabaab militia that has pledged loyalty to al-Qaeda, since 2007. The country hasn’t had a functioning central administration since the ouster of former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. Two million people in Somalia have been affected by drought following the failure of the October to December rains in most parts of Somalia, the United Nations’ humanitarian agency said in a statement on Jan. 7. Water supplies have decreased, cereal prices have climbed and livestock deaths are being reported, said Mark Bowden, the UN humanitarian coordinator for Somalia. “A further deterioration in the humanitarian situation is expected in the coming months,” Bowden said in the statement. Some of Somalia’s farmers have travelled to Mogadishu to seek assistance. ‘Severe Drought’ “I came to Mogadishu after I was unable to help my animals,” said Ahmed Qabow Isse, a nomadic goat herder who left the central Middle Shabelle region last month in search of assistance. “I have lost more than 300 goats over the past few months from thirst and hunger. There is a severe drought in the region,” he said in an interview on Jan. 8. Workers providing humanitarian relief in Somalia are regularly hindered by armed groups, while eight aid agencies are banned from the southern and central regions, the UN said in December. Domestic organizations in partnership with the UN have taken over the delivery of services in the affected areas, it said. Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansor, a leader of al-Shabaab, yesterday called on his forces to step up attacks against government forces and African Union peacekeepers in the country. “I call on all mujahedeen, wherever they are, to redouble their attacks in order to shorten the continuing battle,” Mansor said in a statement broadcast on Radio Furqan, a Mogadishu-based broadcaster. “You should persist until you have eradicated all the mercenary troops.” Most of southern and central Somalia has been seized by the insurgents, while the government, led by President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, controls only parts of Mogadishu. Al-Shabaab’s governor in Mogadishu said yesterday wealthy individuals in the country should provide assistance to vulnerable citizens. “Those of you who have wealth and money should assist their brothers and sisters immediately,” Sheikh Ali Mohamed Hussein told reporters yesterday in the city. --Editors: Paul Richardson, Philip Sanders. To contact the reporter on this story: Hamsa Omar in Mogadishu via Johannesburg at pmrichardson@bloomberg.net. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin in Johannesburg at asguazzin@bloomberg.net.
  8. Oki. Haddaba Duqa waa inuu iska sooma digsigana farahiisa kaa ilaashado ilaa iyo intay qorshahaas 100ka cisho dhamaanayo. Gacani waa miskiin baa layidhi.
  9. TFG gains and plans Hopes and faith in the new cabinet TGF mandate expiry AMISON & Shabaab's civilian casualties Saracen Contract not signed by him but Sharmaarke Jnr Puntland-Saracen deal not authorised by TFG. New year message plus more on the link below http://www.voanews.com/somali/news/Martida-Makrafoonka-iyo-Sh-Shariif-Sh-Axmed-112733869.html
  10. South African Mercenary Outfit Training Troops in Somalia Recently, the Associated Press (AP) broke the story that there were 1050 troops being trained in the north eastern region of Somalia, otherwise known as Puntland, by a mercenary group, or security contractors from South Africa known as Saracen International. At the end of the Apartheid era, many of the special forces of that regime ventured into various yet similar vocations and enterprises that offered lucrative, opportunities as well as providing absolute impunity. Never mind that “Mercenaries” as persons recruited for armed conflict by or in a country other than their own who are motivated solely by personal gain are outlawed under Article 47 of the Geneva Convention. Saracen International is a complex web of businesses that sell luxury real estates properties as well as international investment opportunities. It has taken over under a different name the now defunct Executive Outcomes. The latter has a broad record in Angola, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. They were guns for hire; a private army to perform variety of “good” and “dirty jobs” necessary enforces peace or silence dissent. Major Lafras Luitingh, one of the founders and the former CEO of Executive Outcomes, now plays a key leading role in Saracen International. Major Luitingh—a man who has been implicated in a number of reports—was a board member of the South African Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) of the Apartheid era. Contrary to what the name might suggest, this was a government-sponsored covert operation; a hit squad during the apartheid era that operated under the authority of Defense Minister General Magnus Malan. This covert organization had three main objectives: to eliminate anti-apartheid activists throughout the world; to destroy ANC facilities both inside and outside South Africa; and, to circumvent UN-imposed arms embargo. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee found the CCB guilty of numerous killings and atrocities. Ignorantly or perhaps recklessly insensitive to the historic role that the South African mercenaries have played in carrying out former dictator Siyad Barre’s persecution of particular dissenting clans in the north-western region of Somalia, the TFG again has signed a contract with mercenaries from South Africa. According to Hussein Abdi Halane, Somalia’s Minister of Finance, who was interviewed by the VOA Somali branch, “Saracen will help the Somali government train some of its forces.” Among other things, this private security group would be training anti-piracy forces as well as the bodyguards of Somali government officials, drivers, and civil servants. Ever since the AP report, concerns were raised by a number of stakeholders ranging from UN, AU, AMISOM, US, and EU. Concerns range from “Who will be financing this contract?”, to “Is this going to violate the arms embargo imposed on Somalia since 1992?” However, the real concern, from the Somali perspective, ought to be: Since civilians are already exposed to great dangers with al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam’s mortar attacks on AMISOM and the latter’s counter attacks, and neither of the former militias (now one group) are waging their attacks from a jungle, how are they going to protect civilian lives from their advanced, state-of-the-art weaponry? Is this group going to uphold basic human rights and respect all international conventions? Who would have the responsibility and/or jurisdiction to prosecute any violation that may be made? Would they be able to differentiate between civilians “Saracens” and combatant ones? And, from the UN and the international community perspective, the concern ought to be: Would this group keep its hands off the uranium deposits in the central regions of Somalia where they are now allowed to operate freely? It is quite apparent that the TFG has not done its due diligence. Among other things, the TFG agreed to not tax any of the goods and equipments that this group brings into the country which is euphemism for not searching any and all they possess. It is incumbent upon the TFG to immediately end this contract, and upon the international community to pressure Saracen International and all other mercenary groups believed to be operating in "Somaliland" and “Puntland” to leave Somalia. This article was posted by Neptune Maritime Security. To find out more visit www.neptunemaritimesecurity.com
  11. Sarbeeb weeye warku fadlan filinka fahma. Mise fartii waaweynayd ee A&T oo kale baad dooneysaan.
  12. That unjust resolution in no way took into account the aspirations of the people of Og’aden and wrongly portrayed the Og’aden conflict as a border dispute between two States when it is infact a conflict borne from the desire of the Og’aden people for self-determination. There you have it.
  13. ^ Reminds me of the story of the kids who were robbed by a local thug and told their story to one of their friends who wasn't at the crime scence. The friend responded "la ileee...haddaan joogii lahaa lee". They asked him what he would have done and he replied "waa booteen lahaa noh".
  14. oba hiloowlow oba hiloowlow Maxad doonaysay inaan yidhahdo aanan hore u odhan? This is Current Affairs folks. If some of you don't want it raised because of narrow interests I can understand. All major news portals are covering the crazy TFG & Puntland mercenary transactions. It's not only PL or TFG, there are unconfirmed rumours some SL officials have been caught up in them. Trust me, I'll be on their case the same way (possible even more) if it turns out to be true. If I opposed UDUB's deal with Aljaabiri, what makes you think I'll accept this sort of deal. Bacda iska fura.
  15. Qandalawi Go on, read the whole thing, once again the link is here below vv http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3191 oba hiloowlow oba hiloowlow what do you want me to say about the "real devils" ? wanacuudu bilaah..
  16. Qandalawi;686798 wrote: Ayoub, horta that Biyokullule link you posted isn't working. Also the points raised in your post above aren't anywhere near alarming, its just normal any two side agreement, which part do you find most disturbing to you? Marka hore here is the link >> http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3191 Read it if you still see nothing wrong, then come back to me Anyone with little common sense can easily see how absurd it is for a supposed government to virtually sell sovereignty the way these politician have. No wonder none of them is accepting the responsibilities for signing the dodgy deal. bilan I did not write the article, I just posted it. Secondly, if these mercenaries fly over SL air space and land at SL airports then it becomes SL business. Simples.
  17. Not interesting but disturbing.
  18. http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3191
  19. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STATE: The State shall: 3.1 Register the approved personnel of the Company as Special Constables; 3.2 Issue badges, symbols of authority or other appropriate identification to such personnel; 3.3 Grant to the approved personnel of the Company licenses to carry arms; 3.4 Ensure that its Police and Security forces cooperate with the Company`s personnel; 3.5 Appoint a planning team to, liase with the Company`s personnel; 3.6 Notify the relevant State Departments that import of equipment will be free from duties. However, other services that might be levied by ports etc cannot be waived; 3.7 Furnish multiple entry visas to approved company personnel; 3.8 Supply the company with the necessary End User Certificates for the procurement of specified equipment. 3.9 Notify the customs officials that the Company personnel may move aircraft, vehicles and water vessels across the State`s borders and airspace. 3.10 Notify the Customs Officials that Company personnel will be allowed to free-movement (visa-free) inside the State`s territory. http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3191
  20. Chimera Lots of words while saying nothing significant up there. I never said "Dervish were solely responsible for the death of Somalis", did I? You also failed to put things in chronological order because looting from Somalis was one of the first actions carried out by the Mullah, even before the battles with the British forces. They achieved recognition of a Somali State by foreign powers, a significant feat considering at the time 99% of Africa was under foreign rule. The Mullah's recognised State territory was Kenadiid old Sultanate. In other words, he signed a treaty which not only meant the dethroning of the Sultan by him, but also respecting the British colonial border. It depends how you look at the glass. The 77/78 0gaden war - however heroic it was - is generally viewed by most as mistake. It's time for you to look at the big picture when it comes to Dervishes struggle. The reasons for its failure are comparable to the failure of the military regime and the current events. If we do compare the two (failed) States, very similar questions arise. Was the Mullah justified assassinating Garaad Ali? What about the murders of likes of Sh. Aweys and rival sub-clan peace envoys? Was it worth the intra-clan in-fight and subsequent starvation?
  21. Fruitcake. PS Don't let geezers invade your personal space that much no matter how packed the train is. If they do, listening to an iPod is not a good idea. Tallow maxaad iPodka ka dhegaysataa markay hoosta kaaso galaan? Some of them want to abuse you, some them want to be abused?