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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. NGONGE;688785 wrote: I checked and it appears that someone approved of this thread. It just goes to show that A&T was wrong and that no female mafia votes for me. This must have been YOU , saaxib. If the wise ladies of SOL could see the benefits of voting for a chauvinistic Ayrab goat, why couldn't Faroole get away with his policies in PL? heh@must have been YOU I can neither deny nor confirm that, but I go to bed knowing neither I nor The Guru are sell-outs who are not welcomed in their hometowns:p Sleep in peace sagaal-xiddigle:D:D:D
  2. A Che -Guevara;688862 wrote: Ayoub...Eritrea and Southern Sudan might have shed blood and tears but in the end, they had to sit down with their adversaries and worked out a deal. They did not unilaterally declared independence. You're being your usual disingenuous self. If the people of Somalia were able to "sit down with their adversaries and worked out a deal", Somalia would not be "the failed State" today. Somaliland leaders' 1991 decision to withdraw from the 1960 Union with Somalia was made ONLY AFTER some of Somalia's warlords who took part in the toppling of Gen. Barre's regime decided to declare a new "government" without consultation with people of what is now Somaliland. Has Somalia produced what could be considered a "negotiating partner" since then? What did you want the people of Somaliland to do? Remember, even before the warlords' betrayals of 1990s, Somalilanders had seen Somalia's politicians breached their trust and Somainimo-driven goodwill back in the1960s. In the 1980's Gen. Barre betrayed the Somalilanders that were trying to end the civil war by negotiating with him by cuting another deal with Ethiopia's Mengistu - which not only double-crossed Somalilanders but also sold out Kilil5vers. The truth is; Somalia and sincere negotiations don't go together. Are you saying Somalilanders should've waited for leadership of the people of Somalia to gain sense of political maturity and however long that takes? Has the Somalia of the last decades not been all about suffering caused by insincere negotiations and breach of "peace deals"? Would we (and the media) be talking about Somaliland today if Somalilanders took the political rhetoric coming from "Somalians" like you at face value and just sat on the hands for the last 20 years while wishing for a miracle from the south? Che -Guevara;688862 wrote: Your mistake was thinking you only have to secure Burco, Harg iyo Ber and yell independence, and the world will accept it.Your "Mujahids" should have marched to Xamar and forced independence but I guess that ship has sailed.. Says a Shabaab supporter who claims he no longer wears clannish gogles. Thanks but but no JZK for your advice. PS SPLA & Co did not have to take Khartoum to gain its people's right to express their self-determination. Sahrawi did not have to get Rabat's blessing for the Diplomatic Recognitions they've gained so far. Even Eritreans' case is somehow unique and there's no magic formula. With (special clannish 20/20-vision-shabaab-style goggles) hindsight, I'm sure you're capable of going back to 1970s say "your mistake was..." to the above mentioned people too. But the fact remains; they all had to struggle/still struggling for settlement via peaceful negotiations. I believe Somaliland has been on a right track - bearing in mind its circumstances. The reason even the likes of bloomberg are covering Somaliland testifies to this. Truth is, ONLF supporters like our own Zack might celebrate the Ethio FM comments, but deep down they would love to be in the limelight Somaliland is getting from South Sudan referendum. All in all, isku wada duubow....Somaliland's 1991 decision to withdrawal from the Union with Somalia has been proven correct and the deserved diplomatic icing on the cake will follow sooner or later inshAllah... . Che -Guevara;688862 wrote: Wiil Cusub...Ethiopia doesn't want any Somali Government even in the form of independent Somaliland. Aaah so conspiracy theories that SL is a Meles/xabashi project are no longer valid? that case Somaliland exists What makes me feel right in the head is Somaliland exists. Majority of the people in Somaliland feel the same way.
  3. ElPunto;689014 wrote: Sadly there is no Sahrawi Arab Republic. And it doesn't look there will be any time soon. It's funny the rep was engaging in the way duushay talk whe he said 'a long struggle to reach where we are today' - according to most experts they're at diddly squat. But if it makes you feel better go right ahead. A lot of "experts" also believe Somalia exists in name only. If Diplomatic Recognition is not be-all and end-all; then Somaliland exists and this topic is redundant. The point I was trying to convey with the Sahrawi example was; there is more than one way to skin a cat when it comes gaining Diplomatic Recognition in Africa. Sahrawi is gaining it even though Morocco refuses to sit down and negotiate a peaceful resolution for that conflict and some members of the "international clan" had enough of the Moroccans' attitude and belligerence. That gives hope even to pessimists among Somalilanders who think Somalia is incapable of reaching a peaceful settlement with Somaliland. Fact is, there are several examples the people of Somalia and Somaliland can chose from in my opinion. The question is which one would they pick? Sahrawi-Morocco? Ethiopia-Eritrea? Senegal-Gambia? There is even Egypt-Syria example if we broaden the horizons. Which one will it be and at what cost? Every sane person knows best way is for them to sit down and decide their fate in respectful and amicable manner - but chances are this will only happen when the barrel of the gun method has been exhausted.
  4. Sayid*Somal;688735 wrote: LOL@ the guru touches First, you are much more civilised then your alleged guru. How many STARS do/did you give NGONGE?:D:p:cool: later I'A folks, soo duceeyaa!
  5. Che -Guevara;688595 wrote: Jb everyone knows what Somaliland wants and this has been clear for 20 years now, and everyone is aware of your arguments for secession or 'withdrawal from union'. The article is not about that, it's about how your closest ally Ethiopia threw under the bus in no uncertain terms! Well the Bloomberg article headline was Somaliland Minister Says to Push for Recognition After Sudan Referendum before you changed it. I wonder why? Of all Independence or Diplomatic recognition seeking people in Africa why is it Somalilanders are getting the most attention? Is it because a significant majority have Recognised themselves as Somalilanders and the world is finally aware of it? Is that the reason why most of those opposing Somalilanders fear the chance of Internationally monitored referendum to once and for all settle this issue peacefully? Fact is, Somalilanders are the ones that matter. Diplomatic Recognition will be gained the easy way or the hard way (as it unfortunately is in most places in Africa). Remember; Eritreans and South Sudanese people had to sweat blood and tears to get where they are today. “Keep on going and don’t give up, because you have already achieved a lot and to tell you the truth, the Africans and Arabs should have been proud of you, but this is something the Africans and the Arabs owe you and I am quite sure that one day Somaliland will sit on her rightful place in the African Union and in the other institutions of the world. It took our country the Sahrawi Arab Republic, a long time and a long struggle to reach where we are today. Although our president is today sitting among the presidents of Africa and our flag is represented in this front desk, but the conference of the presidents of Africa during Ja’far Al-Numeire’s regime in 1978, held in Sudan, I was arrested in Khartoum when I arrived here in order to participate in the conference, representing my country. If it is African Union or the Arabs or United Nations, they can easily investigate the difference between, say, the Sahrawi Republic and Morocco, or the difference between Somaliland and Somalia. It is impossible to say that I am the only one that exists and will continue to exist, because I will say – me too; you do not exist either. So, let us see whom you can defeat in a battle. Did you ever win a war?” - Mr. Mohamed Yeslem Beissat, Ambassador of Sahrawi Arab Republic to Algeria PS No one asks "the people of Somalia" anything regarding their destiny. The clan known as "Beesha Caalimka" or "The International Community" does. This clan not the 4.5 formula decides everything on behalf of the people of Somalia. They decide to have warships in Somalia's waters. They decide when and where "President of Somalia resigns". They decide Somalia needs a new constitution. They decide where in Somalia to bomb. They will decide for the "people of Somalia" regarding Somaliland ee iska suga.
  6. The Zack;688601 wrote: So you guys know that Ethiopia doesn't support your so called secession yet your admin keeps kissing their butt? " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> C'on now look at the video above and tell me who is doing the "kissing". Remember the being kissed is the man who openly opposed the Ethio genocide in Xamar. For a supposed an ONLF supporter you should've known the Ethio FM said nothing new. If he gave any other answer the follow question would have been 0gadenia region's indepence (which is something you have been concerning yourself with). Basic politics but I don't expect the likes of you figure it. Fact is Somalilanders travel to Ethiopia with their passports and our leader get kisses and red carpets rolled out for them by your ministers.
  7. Oh dear. Faroole needs to contain himself a little. Megaphone politics should usually be the last card to pull put.
  8. Ngonge this thread is meaningless. Faroole has many friends including Burn Notice, Range Resouces, Saracen International and moi. This is what he says Once I lived the life of a millionaire, Spent all my money, I just did not care. Took all my friends out for a good time, Bought bootleg whisky, champagne and wine. Then I began to fall so low, Lost all my good friends, I did not have nowhere to go. I get my hands on a dollar again, I'm gonna hang on to it till that eagle grins. 'Cause no, no, nobody knows you When you're down and out. In your pocket, not one penny, And as for friends, you don't have any. When you finally get back up on your feet again, Everybody wants to be your old long-lost friend. Said it's mighty strange, without a doubt, Nobody knows you when you're down and out.
  9. This report was written by Africa Confidential, posted by Wardheer website and Nassir started this topic here. None of then supports Somaliland. They know that, but the aim is to bamboozle and mislead. The question is; who is fooling whom? Thankful;688380 wrote: Even more importantly, the area's - according to the website that was posted on SOL - says that exploration will take place in Dharoor and Nugaal and there is no mention of Galgala. So if exploration is ever announced there, feel free to bring up your point. This is from rangeresources.com During this period, Range has made some significant discoveries of mineralisation at: Magia Yahan Qandala Aantarra Source >> rangeresources.com Thankful, if you're the priest, God bless the congregation. As you can see, what we have here is politicians from Garowe, Qardho and Jariiban have cheaply sold mineral rights of their native land and of land that does not belong to them. Secondly, If you look at the maps and information posted rangeresources' website; they clearly state that they have other interests beyond oil and gas - and the obvious potential target is Sanaag. "Range Resources" are now aware Puntland's politicians mislead them regarding Sool and Sanaag territories but since their aim was to pass on these "exploration rights" to larger firms it's still in their financial interest to turn a blind eye and support this exploitation in Sool and Sanaag by any means including force. The saga continues...
  10. gooni;688277 wrote: faroole caro badan iyo go'aamo degdega oo aan looga fiirsan ayuu ku caan baxay. waxaan qabaa hadii puntland cid laga sharaxo inuu noqdo cadde muuse waa nin daacada,,,,waxaan xasuustaa mar la weydiiyay inay lacag aan la'ogyn ay puntland daabacday iyo in kale oo uu ku jawaabay,,, ,meela aan wax ka taataabanay waa jirtaa laakiin ma badna lol
  11. ^ I'm with PA on this, Ngonge should've said "kidnapped Faroole" or "hijacked Faroole's boat" or anything probable.
  12. ^ Nothing is sacred is this diaspora cat-fight for SSCraps. Not Garaads. Not the professors. Not even rival sub-clans, all in the name of Somali unity. Sure sure.
  13. Qodax Qorax;688209 wrote: As you can see Range shares have been almost doubled since november last year. That is in less then 3 months. Hallelujah, I can see the light!
  14. Posted to the web on Jan 16 Garaad Cabdirashiid Garaad Ismaaciil Ducaale oo ka mid ah Isimada gobolka sool, ayaa shalay socdaal nabadeed ku yimi magaalada Hargaysa, iyada oo si diirran loogu soo dhaweeyay duleedka bari ee Hargeisa.Garaad Cabdirashiid oo ka soo kicitimay magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool oo uu saldhigiisu yahay, waxa uu safarkiisa ku soo maray magaalada Burco, halkaas oo uu wada hadallo iyo kulamo qaatay muddo laba maalmood ah kula yeeshay Madaxdhaqameedka, Odayaasha iyo waxgaradka gobolka Togdheer. “Aad iyo aad ayaan u salaamayaa bulshada, aniga oo uga mahad naqaya sida qaaliga ah ee heerkeedu sareeyo ee ay ii soo dhaweeyeen. Imaatinkan aan imi magaalada Hargaysa , maaha markii ugu horaysay. Wadanka intii aan joogay waa markii afraad ee aan imaado, inkasta oo muddo badan aan ka maqnaa. Qorshahaygu waxa uu ahaa in aan mar hore imaado, hase yeeshee hawlo iyo arrimo dhulal kala duwan ka jiray awgeed ayaan dib ugu dhacay. Halkanna waxa aan u imi hawlo nabadeed iyo kuwo kaleba. Umadda waxaan halkan uga soo gudbinayaa salaam qaaliya.” Sidaa waxa yidhi Garaad Cabdirashiid Garaad Ismaaciil Ducaale oo u waramayay Somali24, markii uu soo gaadhay Magaalada Hargaysa. Garaadka oo hadalkiisa sii wataana waxa uu intaa ku daray “Safarkaygan hadda waxaan ka imi magaalada Laascaanood oo fadhigaygu yahay, laba habeenna waxaan joogay magaalada Burco, halkaas oo aanu ku kulanay Salaadiin, Madaxdhaqameed iyo mushtamacyo kala duwan. Safarkaygu sidaas ayuu ahaa, waxaanu la xidhiidhaa arrimo nabadeed holhol.net holholnews@hotmail.com
  15. Juxa;688164 wrote: subxanallah, wife-killing way ku soo badatay somalida dhexdeeda.
  16. Camiraad.com:) Reminds of the black geezer at Speakers' Corner. He asked his audience whether if white people believed their religion was true; would they have sent missionaries to Africa to inform the natives about the "milk and honey" in heaven or would they have kept it to themselves? Buy Range shares nomads, hurry while stocks lasts...
  17. Somalina and Peace This has nothing with Gen Barre nor de Clerk. Like I said before, I do not set the news agenda. If you've watched Formaggio''s press-conference at the UN, the first question asked was regarding this Saracen mercenaries contract. This is in the news because these mercenaries have had such a bad publicity not only in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also in places like Congo. If it was nothing out of the ordinary, Sh. Sharif and Sharmaarke Jnr would not be accusing each other of signing the agreement. Nor would the PM be asking 4 weeks to investigate what the deal was.
  18. The Zack;687601 wrote: Man, the man's English sucks big time for someone who lived in this country for more than two decade! Regardless, good press conference, he didn't really answer any of the critical questions he has been asked. It's nothing to do with with "english" because stuttered even when answering in Somali. The man is used to public-speaking - he was a lecturer after all, wasn't he? Prime minister Mo Formaggio is caught between a rock a hard place. Abdikarim Jamac (Post and Communication Minister) has already issued statements supporting the use of mercenaries. He (Mr Jama) has also issued another statement undermining and contradicting Foreign Minister Oomaar as to who is charge of TFG affairs at the UN. Another person involved in the mercenary deals is Finance minister Xalane (who just happens to be the other Sharif office-boy). What is Mo Formaggio supposed to do? Should he cover for his colleagues (and risk undermining his anti-corruption and whiter than white image presentation or shall he stick to his stated principals by exposing the culprits - whatever the political fallout. What he does might decides his (and some of his colleagues) future after the TFG mandate runs out in a few months.
  19. Only if the old soldiers are honest and sincere will they make any difference. The challenge is to win territory and control it. After that, making sure there's security in the areas won back. This has proved to be mighty challenge for the Ethios (and Uncle Sam with all his budget and gadgets). On the other hand, this (yet supposed secret) move might back-fire if the men in charge of TFG forces now feel "diaspora ministers" are bringing in their "diaspora officers".
  20. Burn Notice;686883 wrote: I will never understand just how naive some of you are world economies operate by exporting goods and resources...Ex-President Muse knew that Puntland could potentially be sitting on billions of dollars worth of resources that if explored could help develop the community and help it prosper..it does NO ONE any good just sitting in the earth does it...oh my god what a terrible thing he did....oh I forgot, even though they are endorsed by both presidents and theTFG they are still illegal right?? What the foreign companies paid for exploration rights in Puntland is equivalent to day light robbery and you know it. Secondly, the foreign firms that signed the deals with Puntland would be well advised to "explore" the regions where they're welcome. In other words, stay out of Sool and Sanaag. PS Here a video you might like.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=V-d5Ehr2oUY#t=12s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  21. Jacaylbaro;687578 wrote: ha soo dhowaanin ,,, Hey I'm jokin, bacause..... Shankaroon haweenkaay shib waxaan idhaahdaba miyaan kugu shukriyayaa shirkaan kaa amaanaa sheeda kaa tilmaama