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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Ismalura;689481 wrote: Insurance kuye LOL. Like your poor Somali self has any life insurance. If you want to kill your wife for insurance go marry some cadaan woman ! I was talking about you not me. If the murders are not caused by mental illness, crimes of passion (my theory) or insurgence scams, them what? Ileen dadkeenu garan mayaan shuqulka la is karbaasho iyo dhuunta la isu dhegeyo ay gaaladu ciyaar-ciyaar isu dilaan. Not even A&T's boudoir secret tales has sadism topic been covered. What causes there murders in your opinion?
  2. ^ Oh wise one, what do you suggest? Members of the former regime should all have rounded up and shot? How much down lower the ranks would you have gone? Who would have been the judge, jury and executioner? please don’t choose to forgive those that come from your region while still mentioning what Siad Barre did. We're talking about the 20th anniversary of the former dictators fall buddy! You also seem not able to distinguish between forgiving and forgetting.
  3. NGONGE;690503 wrote: See above (though LST's endorsement almost spoilt things). Fair enough. I give you that. See I'm no xaasid!:mad: oki:) But, ( yes, yes there is a but) from all the comments what we've established is none of the A-list ladies of SOL knew how this damn thing worked before your lengthy lectures. Which means your claim the stars were from "female admirers" is clearly false if we disregard Maxi on dirac-weekends anf the folks from Bintilan. :) Ibti C'on now, you and I are like THAT! I meant you were having issues navigating your way round the new SOL. As for this goat, well you haven't read his wikileaks files otherwise you wouldn't say that. Just click on the link before to get a rough idea..:D:D
  4. Thankful;690845 wrote: That's interesting, because he was in Mogadishu when it happened. Yet why was Riyaale a man that worked under Siad Barre in the area's these bombing took place named President of your enclave? Members of the toppled regime were banned from office in Somaliland for two years. After that, Somalilanders moved on and decided to forgive each other. There's no better example of it than the election of Rayaale as president. I don't expect the likes you to understand it so keep repeating that lame line.
  5. I'm sure you can organise something JB! Waa halkii TESCO; "every little helps!" later Inshallah..
  6. "IGAD diyaar buu u yahay inuu gacan ka geysto haddii bulshada Soomaalidu isla gartaan in shacabka Somaliland afti loogu qaado xaqa madaxbannaanidooda dalnimo ee ay hore ugu dhawaaqeen, taasna aad baannu u soo dhoweynaynaa,” ayuu yidhi Xoghayaha Guud ee Urur-goboleedka IGAD". According to Jamhuuriya, the Executive Secretary made this statement on the occasion of the 25 anniversary of IGAD at a gathering of leaders from member countries, and also attended by foreign diplomats based in Djibouti. What is astonishing about Dr Maalin's unsolicited and unwarranted interference in Somalia's internal affairs is not only that he overstepped his official remit as an IGAD functionary but his unmistakable sympathy and support for the secession when he endorsed "the right of Somaliland to self-determination and secession to be put to a referendum". Dr Maalin clearly is aware that he strayed into areas that are the preserve of member governments, in this case Somalia, but reckons, perhaps with good reason, that he can get away with it. What's with this delayed negative reaction? I thought Dr Maalin's comments were "great news" for all those opposing an internationally referendum clannish wailers.
  7. Ah look; it's SOL's poetasters comforting each other. Sayid, don't try to back-track now because I've already got you quoted saying The Chauvinist Goat is better than The Chivalrous Guru. Not even in Qardho says I.
  8. The "free education" policy won't be easy, but it certainly IS an idea worth giving a shot. The solutions might be for educated Somalilanders to work as volunteer teachers in schools and other short-staffed sectors. Roll-out your sleeves JB, I know you used to a "teacher" in the 80s.
  9. ^ Insecure, are we? PS The Guru is still trying to log in to the new SOL, your new friends are still "trying" to help him.;) Ibti is also having issues...
  10. Like Malika nicely put it; you just wanted "us" to confirm how much your valued. Only 3 groups of people can judge what your "value" is; 1. The Burco masses who know you inside out. 2. The people who you sold out to, because they know how much (plus SOL stars) they paid your so-called integrity. 3 The hired gunman waiting out there for you. I think only your Burco folks' word can be trusted, so lets wait shall we?
  11. ^ That was a compliment, young lady. NGONGE;689340 wrote: ^^ Save me? Oh how dramatic of you, afar-xidig-leh! Yes you. Sell out you that's who..Hang on, you not trying to dismiss the posse from Burco as insignificant are you? Who else can save you, donkey riders from Qardho? NGONGE;689340 wrote: Malika, it is because of that (what you said about Somalis) that I'm starting to get paranoid. But not as paranoid as some four star people. :D:D The dirty murky 15star pot and the 4star kettle.
  12. AYOUB


    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Let me hold you For the last time It's the last chance to feel again But you broke me Now I can't feel anything When I love you It's so untrue I can't even convince myself When I'm speaking It's the voice of someone else Oh it tears me up I tried to hold on but it hurts too much I tried to forgive but it's not enough To make it all okay You can't play on broken strings You can't feel anything That your heart don't want to feel I can't tell you something that ain't real Oh the truth hurts A lie is worse I can't like it anymore And I love you a little less than before [Oh what are we doing We are turning into dust Playing house in the ruins of us] {Running back through the fire When there's nothing left to save It's like chasing the very last train When it's too late} too late {Oh it tears me up I tried to hold on but it hurts too much I tried to forgive but it's not enough To make it all okay You can't play on broken strings You can't feel anything That your heart don't want to feel I can't tell you something that ain't real Oh the truth hurts A lie's worse I can't like it anymore When I love you a little less than before But we're running through the fire When there's nothing left to say It's like chasing the very last train When we both know it's too late} [too late] {You can't play on broken strings You can't feel anything That your heart don't want to feel I can't tell you something that ain't real Oh the truth hurts A lie's worse I can't like it anymore When I love you a little less than before Oh and I love you a little less than before Let me hold you for the last time It's the last chance to feel again} (Lyrics/Music: Fraser T Smith, Nina Woodford, James Morrison) (Ed. © Chrysalis Music Inc.)
  13. bilan;689220 wrote: About Borame conference, come on do you think we were born yesterday, every single person who was living in northern Somalia in 1991 can tell you what happened. It was not that long ago you know. people from Awdal had two options, either support SNM project or get ready to be massacred, they chose the first option, but deep down they never supported SL, and now all you have to do is read their websites and you will know how much they love SL. Deep down? Well I don't know about "deep down" because I don't have such powers. I can only judge by things like when the SL President calls for the people of Somaliland to come out for the national-wide "street cleaning days", virtually people from every corner of Somaliland come out voluntarily, especially the folks of Awdal. Were they threatened to come out too? Secondly, were these Kulmiye Supporters forced to come out in support of Muj. Laba-tolle during Somaliland elections or are you saying "deep down" they're hypocrites? Why are they giving such a welcome to a former senior SNM Commander who was not only running for VP position but also with a former leader of SNM and current president of Somaliland? Suldaanka;625345 wrote: It looks like Mujaahid Cabdirahman Aw Cali (Labatole) is making a big statement to the Kulmiye leadership. Check out the rock-star reception he was given by Borama residents. more pics PS I'm not going to tell you which members of SOL are from which clan, but there are threads where they were forced to "out" themselves by comments likes yours.
  14. Clowns without Borders visit to Somaliland I was wondering where General Duke Smith and Admiral Abtigiis Haile Tadhase had gone. Wonder no more.
  15. Ismalura;689280 wrote: Who said anything about crimes of passion? Or did you lock a body up some where adigana? I am just telling folks to do some more research. There is more to mental health (and everything else) than what you see on TV. Oh we're the insurance claim type, are we? Phew, pardon me young lady.
  16. ^ Good girl. Only those very close to Mr Clan is Everything can save him today...:D They know him best;) The funny thing in NGONGE's defence is claiming he has not sold out...yet. Waar reer Buro maye ninkii waala haya! The goat pot is finally cracking under pressure!
  17. Che -Guevara;689223 wrote: Ayoub....You can throw words around but to ignore the clan nature of the Somali politics is disingenuous. With all due respect, if anyone does "ignore the clan nature of the Somali politics" in SOL then it's you and your views on clan. What I was disputing was the deliberately clannish misleading comment; "your mistake was thinking you only have to secure Burco, Harg iyo Ber and yell independence, " An honest person would never say such thing and if you're prepared to demean and misrepresent efforts Somalilanders have made for peace, reconciliation and unity in a such way then your calls for "talks with Xamar" are nothing but a charade. Somaliland's clan demographics is one thing, the efforts the elders and the leaders made to solve the issues is another. Whatever the efforts gained or not, please don't claim Somalilanders thought "they only have to secure Burco, Harg iyo Ber and yell independence." That's incorrect - to put it mildly - especially for someone who is today calling for negotiations. A lot has been done and achieved in Somaliland besides securing what some clannish wailers in SOL call "the triangle", otherwise you would not be posting that Bloomberg article - be it with your changed headline.
  18. ^ So you were not insulting me? Malika, this pot is boiling for a reason. Bad reason.
  19. Che -Guevara;689168 wrote: What does qabyaalad and AS have to do with I said? You are being tad emotional. Anyone who tries to reduce Somaliland down to Burco, Hargeisa and Berbera is nothing but biased, clannish person, liar or all of the above. I just call a spade a spade. For a start, Borame gets more credit for creating Somaliland than Hargeisa in more ways than one. You're also a Shabaab supporter who is criticising Somalilanders for not negotiating with the so-called transitional governments and warlords. Things do not add up, maybe there's a lack of lateral thinking on your part. Being "a tad bit emotional" is neither, here nor there. Che -Guevara;689168 wrote: In any case, the countries you mentioned had still with their respective governments and reach a comprehensive deal that deals with issues of debt, citizenship, borders, etc. That's the obvious and best way out, and no one can deny that (but Sahrawi is gaining Diplomatic Recognition without Morocco's endorsement.) Talks and amicable relations should not end with separation either. Ideally, they should continue as long as possible otherwise conflict is just around the corner and there many examples of this. I agree talking and negotiated settlement for Somali is the way forward, but don't hold your breath. In an ideal world, Somaliweyn is wonderful place. Khalifate Nation is even better. But just because I do not agree with Shabaab Amiirs who want to hand over power to some reclusive Arab does not mean I hate the khalifah idea or should my Islamic beliefs quetioned. The same way, just because I do not want to be governed by Xamar warlords doesnt mean I'm "Somalidiid". Somalia-diid maybe? Truth is there are more political advantages in three peaceful Somali States in world arena that are supportive of each other, than one big unfuctioning warring failed State. Somalia has benefited from little Djibouti, why could it not do the same from an independent SL? IMO, a significant number of the people in SL still have a Somaliweyn dream, but not under the current circumstances and and political climate. The dust needs to settle, and who knows maybe a some sort of "Union" might be achieved in our lifetime. I already like Xaji Xunjuf's idea of unified currency, trade, etc which includes SL and Djibouti for example. Forced union is not the answer but maybe new ideas and selling Xamar Cadde and Baydhaba Jannay is the way forward.
  20. NGONGE;689194 wrote: In Somalia society and many others around the world reputation is an important part of life. Second word, I rest my case. Af wax cunay... For what you've done, you deserve 15 stars more than anyone Mr Clan is Everything but I Wont Pay Qadhaan!!
  21. ^eega what? Well, the only time I've been a xaasid against you was the time I didn't explain what you meant by that "sleeping with a dishwasher" comment. I thought it was much funnier for people to think you were a perv rather than a chauvinist. Now I know you're both and more besides..:o
  22. Ismalura;689069 wrote: Ilaahey ha naxariisto maskiinta dadkeedana samir iyo iimaan ha ka siiyo. Mida kale the idea that mentally ill people are more violent than others is nothing but an assumption and is actually part of the stigma. Many people with no mental health issue murder so you never know. Some folks are just not romantic enough to believe in crimes of passion. 21 years bla bla..