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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Grown ups throwing stones at each other. How disgraceful!
  2. Somalina;690636 wrote: You can not be serious.
  3. ^ Typical Woolwich boy. oba hiloowlow oba hiloowlow Watched this video last night but could not see where shebaabis came into it. It makes more sense if you suggested the ones backed by Saracen,SKA,ALFA, UMBOS,NSA etc are supported by the so-called "superclass".
  4. Somalia’s international backers have extended the term of parliament beyond August , when the mandate of the country’s embattled transitional government expires. Business as usual.
  5. Thankful;691446 wrote: Jawaahir Jalxad makes arguments and provides evidence that includes only half the facts. I have been to all the towns that the doctors visited and because they are all located on the main road, lol@located on the main road Puntland has Motherships that can reach Seychelles and Mozambique, but can't reach its own coastal towns? Pirates please!
  6. ^ Sheekadas markii aad amxaarada usoo kaxeesateen reer muqdisho bay banjartay, midkale la kaale. Xusid wacan. NASSIR 26 Jan was a remarkable day, and I'm sure you've discussed it around the dinner table. Where were you the day Aabe Siyaad tumbled? Don't tell me you too were reaping some of his illegally gotten wealth down south. As for moi, one of the reason I'll remember 26Jan91 is the sad faces of the some people who used to pretend they hated Gen. Barre.
  7. bilan;691224 wrote: To be honest I did not find anything interesting in Jawaahir’s article, in my opinion she came across as someone who is angry because she feels in la xumeeyey lafteeda nothing more, and she did not offer any solutions, so in my opinion PL does not need people like her, tani xal ma wado ee dadkii uun bay sii kala qaybinaysaa. about the aid do we have numbers, we need to see how they are allocated before we jump into conclusion. Did the people from these regions went to the adm and they were told sorry we do not owe you anything??? To get something you need to ask for it and fight for it if necessary. Marka do you know a case where aid loo diiday degaanadaas. . I think you're being unfair. What JJ (if I may call her that) is saying is PL has been greedy in the past and she's worried about what PL is going to do if the "dual track" track is implemented in Somalia. She's even given examples from the past which no one in here has bothered respond to; The first multi-national conference Farole attended was held in Istanbul by the International Contact Group last May where his Minister of Health secured the visit of Turkish doctors and surgeons to Puntland. At least eighteen (18) doctors from the Association of Doctors Hope, an organization based in Turkey, visited Puntland in October and performed surgeries and medical visits in the cities of Galkacyo, Garoowe, Qardho and Burtinle . These towns are inhabited by one clan only. Needless to say, the Maakhir regions were not included in this project even though they have sick people like all regions of Puntland. Another example is the UN Joint Programme for Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery whose mandate is to implement “policy and legal frameworks for decentralization and local government” as well as “good governance principles of transparency, accountability and participation”. Even though the funding Puntland received for the year 2010 was to implement this program in ten (10) cities, only four (4) actually received the funding: Garoowe, Boosaaso, Qardho and Gaalkacyo .
  8. Maalin ******* ku Wayn Xusideeda 26-Jan,1991- January 26, 2011 By Jaale Cali Justice Gen Caydiid Maanta oo ku Beegan 26-Jan,1991- markii Kooxdii USC ee uu Hogaaminayay Gen Maxamed Faarax Caydiid ay Hogaanka ka Tuureen Madaxwaynihii Maxamed Siyaad Bare, Maalintaasi waxa Gudaha Caasimada Somaliya ka Bilowday Kacdoon Shacabka ******* Qoorta Looga Goonayo iyada oo uu markaasi Bixiyay Gen Maxamed Faarax Caydiid Alle Janadii Haka Waraabiyee waa inaka Hooseeyaaye Maanta. http://galgalanews.com/?p=9173 Heh
  9. New York, United States - The UN and the African Union (AU) will hold high-level talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to review efforts to achieve peace, security and reconciliation in strife-torn Somalia, which has suffered two decades of conflict and humanitarian challenges. The Pan African News Agency (PANA) learnt that the meeting would be held on the sidelines of the AU Summit which opened on Wednesday. UN Special Representative for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, said in a statement obtained by PANA in New York that the talks would be attended by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Jean Ping, Chairman of the AU Commission. He said that the meeting would also be graced by African leaders attending the summit. Mahiga noted that, ``the meeting comes at a very crucial juncture, given that, under the Transitional Federal Charter, the interim authority’s mandate is set to expire in August'. ``We have less than seven months before the end of the transition, and yet a lot still has to be done,” he stated. According to him: ``Several tasks remain to be completed such as continuing initiatives on reconciliation, building civilian and security institutions and the completion of the constitution-making process'. Mahiga also disclosed that the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), which is supported by a UN-backed AU peacekeeping force, known as AMISOM, had come up with a road map, outlining priority tasks which it will have to achieve towards the end of the transition. ``There was unanimous agreement, both inside and outside Somalia, that the transitional period has to end in August as envisaged under the Djibouti Peace Agreement,” he said. PANA recalled that the UN-facilitated Djibouti peace process began in 2008. The UN envoy in Somalia, also added that, ``in the meantime, consultations are underway to develop a consensus on how to end the transition and on the nature of post-transition political arrangements'. Mahiga further called for internal consultations among the Somalis themselves to build consensus on the way forward. ``It is critical that the consensus-building process ensures that the gains made so far are sustained and entrenched beyond the end of the transition. ``After two decades of suffering, the time has come for Somalia to return to a nation in which its citizens are allowed the opportunity to live a fruitful life in peace and security,' he stated. Somalia, which has not had a functioning central government since 1991 has been torn apart by decades of conflict and factional strife, more recently with Al-Shabaab Islamic militants. The country is also facing a dire humanitarian crisis in which 3.2 million people, more than 40 per cent of the population, is in need of aid. Pana 27/01/2011
  10. ^ Nice. ManshaAllah. I've got rough idea of what's going on in Xamar. I just didn't think you'd venture outside the Villa. PS There's nothing wrong with baby sitting IMO. I do it sometimes, then again, I'm not as educated as my Somalina.
  11. Stab in the dark? The "Aweys" one?
  12. ^ Were you baby sitting for Mrs Sh. Sharif while they were abroad ?
  13. Telefeeshinka caalamiga ah ee Horn Cable Tv. Oo kamid ah telefeeshinada ku baxa afka Somaaliga kuwooda ugu waa weyn, ayaa markii koowaad hawada Yurub soo galay oo laga hirgaliyay. Telefeeshinkan oo ka baxa ama laga daawado waddamada Afrika, Carabaha, Australia, America, wuxuu ka maqnaa oo qudha waddamada Yurub. Haddaba xalay ayuu markii kobaad soo galay hawada waddanka Ingiriiska, yadoo dad badan oo xiisaynaayay inay dawadan Telefeeshinka Horn Cable Tv, ay fariimaha halka laga dawan karo isugu gudbinayeen telefoonada gacanta iyo fariimo ay isu dirayaan. Horn Cable Tv wuxuu hadda jiray muddo sannado ah wuxuuna si xawaare ah ugu fiday dhammaan dhulka Somaalidu degentahay. Waxaana ka baxa barnaamijyo xiiso leh. Haddaba waddanka Ingiriiska iyo waddamada Yurub oo ay ku dhaqan yihiin Somaali aad u tiro badan ayaa soo dhaweeyay hawo soo galitaanka uu hawada soo galay Horn Cable Tv, xarunta Yurub ayaa noqon doonta magaalada London, siduu ii sheegay Abwaanka saxafigana ah Cali Axmed Raabi (Cali Seenyo) oo kamid ah masuuliyiinta Telefeeshinkan ee carriga Ingiriiska. Sidoo kale waxaa loo qaban doona furitaanka rasmiga ah xaflad ballaadhan oo lagu daah furaayo, xalay ayuu si tijaabo ah u soo galay hawada waddanka Ingiriiska. Haddaba haddii aad doonayso inaad daawato frequency’ga uu ka soo galaayo ayaa ah Hotbird 10815 (H) 27500. Waa hadad joogto waddanka Ingiriiska, ama Yurub. Wixii ka soo kordha wararka Telefeeshinka Horn Cable Tv holhol.net holholnews@hotmail.om Telefishanka Caalamiga ah ee Horn CableTv oo markii ugu horaysay si rasmi looga daawaday Dalalka Yurub Hargeysa January 28, 2011 (HCTVnews)- Telefishanka Caalamiga ah ee Horn Cable Tv ayaa markii ugu horaysay si rasmi ah looga daawaday dalalka Yurubta. Horn Cable Tv oo ka mid ah Telefishanada afka soomaaliga ku hadla kuwa ugu waa wayn ayaa hore looga daawan jiray Wadamada Afrika, Carabaha, Australia iyo America isagoo haatana si rasmi ah u galay Dalalka Yurub, kuwaasi oo ay si weyn u soo dhaweeyeen dadweynaha Soomaalida eek u dhaqan dalalkaasi, waxaana guud ahaan inta badan laga dareemayay dalalkaasi gaar ahaan dalka Ingiriiska inay dadka Somalida ahi si weyn u xiisaynayeen soo galitaanka hawada iyagoo inta badan iskugu dirayay fariimaha iskuguna bushaaraynayay. Telefishanka Caalamiga ah ee Horn Cable Tv ayaa ku baahay dhamaan dalalka ay adduunka kaga sugan yihiin Somalidu, kaasi oo ka haqab tiray dhinaca wararka ee Caalamka iyo xaaladaha ku soo kordhay aduun waynaha iyo Somalidaba meel kasta oo ay joogaan, iyadoo xaflada furitaankii si rasmi ah loogu qaban doono Magaalada London ee Cariga Ingiriiska. Maxamed Kuraase Kuraasevip2@hotmail.com Horn Cable Tv
  14. ^ Why does it not surprise me that my Somalina is seeing things. Somalina;691065 wrote: Mogadishu still has bling bling buildings and it still is beautiful... Alxamdulilhah:)
  15. Juxa;690707 wrote: Yes it will be in the history but JB indhahaada kala fur, be honest with yourself. you are not reporting history, you are instigating cuqdad iyo nacayb. Juxa;690712 wrote: no che dhaaf so JB who did THIS? all of us (anyone who is not from hargeysa + burco) mise an army composing of all did this? a dictatorship did this? How is JB "instigating cuqdad iyo nacayb" when you go on to say Gen. Barre's " army composing of all did this"? Please elaborate.
  16. Ibti you don't get it. These folks want their loved ones to be forgiven for their crimes and it's understandable. What would you do if you were in their bloody shoes? I'd certainly ask forgiveness for my war criminals to ease the guilty concious . Please forgive them or else...
  17. PRESS RELEASE Ministry of Maritime Transport, Ports and Counter-Piracy Government of Puntland, Somalia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jan. 23, 2011 The strong action against pirate criminals by the navies of South Korea and Malaysia on Jan. 21 is a clear indication of resolve on the part of the international community. Suspected pirates off the Horn of Africa coastline have terrorized innocent travellers and threatened international maritime trade routes in recent years. This piracy problem is not exclusive to Somalia or to the region, but has major ramifications for global security and trade. Puntland Government does not believe there is a solely military solution to the piracy problem; however, piracy is an organized crime with international connections that is mainly fuelled by the continued multi-million-dollar ransom payments. Puntland Government reiterates its strong opposition to ransom payments. “The pirates are currently holding hundreds of people hostage. It is important to send these pirate criminals a clear indication that their actions has major consequences for their lives and I commend the South Korean and Malaysian navies for sending the right signal,” said Hon. Said Mohamed Rage, Puntland’s Minister for Maritime Transport, Ports and Counter-Piracy, who added that there is currently 280 pirates in Puntland jails. He noted that the Puntland Government is preparing a major offensive against pirates on land and urged the international community to assist Puntland with security training, capacity-building for judicial branch, media awareness, and the creation of alternative livelihoods for coastal communities. Hon. Minister Rage expressed special thanks and welcomed the efforts of U.N. Special Envoy to Somalia Hon. Ambassador Augustine Mahiga, the U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Piracy, Hon. Ambassador Jack Lang, and the International Contact Group on Piracy. ---END--- http://www.somaliweyn.org/pages/news/Jan_11/23Jan30.html
  18. ^ Oki then. At least you know it's habaar. LST, we're just having a laugh with NGONGE, chilax yaa Beeldaaje.
  19. Somalina;690984 wrote: "Not to be" def ... After all the fuss? So no to Saracen, what about the other ring by the name SKA?
  20. Abtigiis;690458 wrote: That is very, very, very mean Nuune. Believe me, you made a very big mistake. I don't know why you feel good about what you did. You were right in being silent (although you could also have taken a minute to greet them and say you want to watch the football and excuse yourself), but once they talked to you, why not just say I am from here or there. It is not like they asked you your clan? Although we know probably that is what they wanted to know. Arintaa dib ha ugu noqon Nuune! nuune knows that but he was in the middle of a very special operation and had not time for tradition and pleasantries . Filinka fahma.
  21. The Zack;690917 wrote: Forget and forgive, huh? How about y'all forgive Jaalle Siyaad, too? May the Lord have mercy your adeero's soul. Happy now?
  22. Thankful;690865 wrote: The thread diverted to pictures of Hargeysa and blaming him for it, whic his unfair. There are many directly responsible from the regime of 20 years ago. I'VE seen one picture and don't see what's unfair about it since the thread is about what happened 20 years ago. No one is stopping you from posting pictures that would make this thread "fair", is there? Thankful;690865 wrote: They should be arrested and tried! Since that is unlikely they should have been banned from public office for life. Who should have banned them?
  23. Che -Guevara;689527 wrote: Ayoub....You are weaving all over the place. There's difference between coexisting peacefully (which we all can agree saved the north from the miseries of the South) and taking the monumental POLITICAL decision to dismember a country. Th elders should be commended to agreeing to peace and saving their people but can they take the political decision to partition Somalia. Let's get thing clear from the outset, central government is something foreign and new to Somalis (and some might argue the whole concept is un-Somali.) Secondly, the former failed State that was known as Somali Republic was nothing more than the unified territories of Somaliland and Somalia. Don't make it as thought it is something mentioned in the Noble Qur'an. If the "elders" and the other political, religious, military leaders cannot take the decision to withdraw Somaliland from the union with Somalia, then they did not have the power to unify it with Somalia way back in the 1960 either. You can't have you cake and eat it. Thirdly, if the you're opposing the "elders" decision, why are you also opposing having a referendum in Somaliland? Che -Guevara;689527 wrote: And for sake of clarity, in the conference that took place, who introduced the motion of separation into the agenda? The people who called for the withdrawal of Somaliland from the union with Somalia came from a wide spectrum and with different reasons just like those whom wanted to keep the union. Like I've mentioned earlier, the people who were for withdrawal's case was reinforced by USC's decision to form a government without consultation with the people of SL. That's was the straw that broke Mandeeq's back, so to speak even though some of the SNM leadership still wanted to keep SL within Somalia under some sort of federal structure. Demonstrators gathered near the meeting place ] calling for the withdrawal, and the rest is history. The same thing could be said when Somaliland was joining Somalia in 1960. There was also some opposition when Somaliland was being unified with Somalia in 1960. The likes of Cali Garaad Jaamac, Mariano and Xasan Sh. Muumin (AUN all) did not agree with the SL was joining Somalia and for a variety of reasons. Pressure from the elders and demonstrations by the public forced all anti-unification politicians back down. The opposition to the unifications was always there from day one, and the 1961 coup attempt by soldiers from Somaliland who wanted to forcefully withdraw Somaliland from the Somali Republic is just but one example. Most people in Somaliland supported joining Somalia because they believed it would lead to to the unification of all Somali territories. When Djibouti did not join and the Somaliweyn dream and the reasons for the 1960 unification faded with it. The Somali civil war and bad experiences meant Somaliweyn did make sense for a lot people by 1991, but it is false to claim it was the only reason for the break up of the Somali Republic. We're in 2011 and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since 1991. Those who were 5 then are now 25 years old. It's no longer about what the people of 1960 0r 1991 thought, but what the Somalis of today think. Some of the staunchest opponents of SL now understand you can't have Somaliweyn if there is no unity in Somaliland in the first place. There no better examples of this than Aadan Qaybe who went on to serve as speaker of SL. Don't look at the political decisions of the people of Somaliland post 1991 in isolation. Some Somali-Bantu decided move to countries like Tanzania and I don't see no one crying about "dismembering" Somalia about that. Foreigners have been invited in by almost all the factions in Somalia, introduction of federalism , and a new constitution are just some of the solutions sought by some Somalis. Who decides what's acceptable and what's not? If Somalilanders are wrong, what are the building blocks of what you want to achieve? Is it by the clannish division of galkacyo under the banner of federalism? Is it by warlords meeting in Kenya while singing the Somali anthem? Is it by strapping explosives on one's body and killing innocent people? Is it by young men and women in the USA wrapping themselves in Somali flag while cheering poets insulting other clans and subclans? Is it by rounding up Somalis who come from other regions and dumping them outside the one clans' borders? Is it by letting foreigne peacekeepers to bomb markets places?