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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Sh. Nuune, Jin dhega la, sidee baa loo saara oo la iska reeba? Abihii cune tu yar buu nagu haysta.
  2. Folks from Ard Soomaal need to give Xiin (and the rest of the folks from Ard Qaraasina) a break. The stinky pirates just wanted to bathe in our glory, that's all.
  3. Having local UCL as a consolation says a lot about Fatima.
  4. Read this article in here before. I suppose brother Liqaye is just emphasizing the point; the competition is getting hotter and hotter!
  5. Next? Timirtii horee dab loo waa. Nite nite, don't deam about the AMISOM pilots.
  6. Sensei;695901 wrote: It is not Godane, this guy's name is Maxamed Sheekh Cabdullaahi (Pakistan), he defected from Al-Shabaab not too long ago. Thanks Sensei from Virginia. The mystery continues..
  7. BOB;695370 wrote: PS. I wish we could have xisaab competition just to see who did or did not pay attention (as you've put it) in high school. I think Prom was referring to those of us who responded and not you. You're only the "suggestible nomad" - according to him. He's right about me though, I never used to give the teachers the full attention because of the distractions in the classroom. BUT, I wasn't the nerdy clever teacher's pet either. Even so, it doesn't mean I'm incapable of understanding basic trigonometry. Why does smart Prom like to hang with thickos like us anyway? Out of curiousity, why is Prom taking so long to show us what a clever boy he is anyway? What's his argument against your video anyway? Is it the map used? Is it because other structures have been built using measurements following this ration? Is it a case of the glove does not fit? Is he saying it's just a coincidence? Is he saying sciencetists told him tectonic plates are shifting the Golden Ratio spot to Tehran?
  8. General Duke;695884 wrote: ^^^So its not him? Che is neutral these days because TFG has minister from Goldogob who cancels out Shangoole. It's 1-1.
  9. ^ Still does not make sense. If it was created after independence then it's less than 51 years since Somalia celebrates its 51 independence anniversary in July. If it was created in 1954 then it's (57? meaning) older than 51 years being celebrated. Check Wiki, maybe it's AMISOM Air Force anniversary:).
  10. Somalina;695865 wrote: Xaji Xunjuf dropped out from middle school, so I don't know where you get the uni story. :D Inaad Xaajiga sidaad isutaqaanid maan ogayn. Ehen ehem. PS Like I said, the classmate shall remain nameless for now. Nice try.
  11. ^ Why're getting uptight? I only pointed out the inconsistency. Was the national air force created before the country's independence? If you can't answer it's not big deal.
  12. ^ Someone else (who'll remain nameless) claimed they went to uni together. Bal aynu ka war sugno. What I want to know is; why didn't those who claim they're after this man publish his wanted photo. Very fishy!
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;695368 wrote: 1960 51 sanna ka so wareegey not 41 awoow halka yara sax But but but Somalia has only been free for 50 years.
  14. Sawirka Amiirka Alshabaab oo la heley Published: 12 February 2011 Kn: Ninka foolka duuban ee amiirka u ah Alshabaab ee ay yartahay cid aragtay ayaa sawirkiisa waxa heshay shabakada KismaayoNews, waxayna noqoneysaa markii ugu horeysay oo sawirkiisa qalabka warbaahinta lagu faafiyo Axmed Cabdi Godane oo sidoo kale leh magacyo kale oo dhowr ah oo uu ka midyahay Sheekh Muqtaar Cabdiraxmaan Abu Zubeyr ayaa si weyn isaga qarin jirey dadka ka tirsan Alshabaab, askarta Alshabaab, dadweynaha iyo saxaafada intuba Arrinta wajigiisa qarsoon waxa dhawaan ka dhashay khilaad soo shaacbaxay kadib markii ninka sedexaad ee Shabaabka Sh. Fu’aad Khalaf uu meel fagaaro ah iska weeydiiyey su’aal ahayd sababta ninka hogaamiye islaam ah uu wajigiisa u qarinayo. KismaayoNews ayay u suurogashay in ay hesho sawirka ninkani, inagoo aanan sheegeynin isha aan ka helnay si aan u illaalino xuquuqda ishaasi. Godane oo kaliya ma ahan raga wajiga qarsada, waxaa kaloo wajigiisa qarinaya ninka ay qaraabada yihiin, islamarkaasina isugu dhowyihiin oo magaciisu yahay Ibraahim Cabdi Meecaad (Afqaani) ama loo yaqaano Macalin Cali KismaayoNews waxa ay heshey tilmaamaha Afqaani, waxaana ka mid ah waa nin gaaban oo cas, waa nin gaabnidiisa ay dhexdhexaad tahay sidiisa ku buuxa, waxa uu leeyaha bidaar qadaadka joogta, xitaa haddii uu gaari saaranyahay foolkiisa waa uu duubanyahay, markii uu magaalada Kismaayo ka talin jirey waxa uu magaalada ka daganaa wax ka badan 30 guri oo uu midba habeen ku hoyan jirey Dhawaan waxaa soo yeertey in 25kii December, 2010 kii loo magacaabay amiirka guud ee Alshabaab, balse arrintaasi wali Shabaabka meysan shaacin sababo la xariira Abu Zubeyr oo aanan ogolaanin Abuu Zubeyr ma ahan nin dadka xitaa si toos ah ula hadla, marka uu doonayo in uu wax sheego waxa uu soo diraa cajalad maqal ah sidii isagoo ku dhuumanaya buuraha Tora Bora. Waa nin dhuuban, maariin madoow xigeen ah, dad’diisa waxa ay u dhaxaysaa 35 jir illaa 45 jir, sida hadda sawirka ka muuqda waxa uu xirtaa koofiyad dheer oo tan labbada shariif oo kala ah si uu dadka u qaldo. FG: Qoraalo kale oo isla arrintan ah ayaa idinku soo fool leh haddii rabi idmo KismaayoNews.com
  15. Somalina;695073 wrote: Lets say Mr Wolf is the leader of the Shah Party. Is that what we are discussing here though? the answer is no. Adigu bal enlighten us a bit. Explain to us why SL was at that meeting. Why now after 20 yrs? and why was the meeting not advertised to the folks in Hargeysa (usually there is a red carpet at the airport and lots of halagaa sheego articles, JB knows what i'm talking about since he is in Hargeysa... )? Let us enjoy Qarannews for now...err eh...I meant while we wait for you to get back to us... (the gullible bunch need entertainment ) Well enjoy this then >>> http://ogaalnews.net/?p=5702 I'm sure even the gullible ones should be aware there is some pro-opposition media in SL.
  16. ^ Soo ducee niyow, John su'aalo fiican ayuu ina weediyay maanta .
  17. Johnny B;695058 wrote: Atheer, once again, waa bilaa Miracle. Giving birth is a natural mammal (therians) reproductive process, virgin-birth, Invisible Angels and flying spagahetti monsters are your Miracles.. Now, tell us what is wrong with the Kaba and it's golden ratio miracle? why don't you belive it, while believing in the miracle of , say a virgin birth?! I never said I don't believe it, I said things (or miracles if you wish) like that don't impress that much. Maybe it's because my mind is not scientific enough to grasp the suppose miracle in it like brother Bob - but I doubt it. I think it's to do with my starting point. I look at Allah's creation and the explanation of it in the Noble Qur'aan and I'm always astounded. If one looks at the "big picture" miracle of creation, the so-called Golden Ratio and similar miracles pale into insignificance. That's my explanation to my first response to this threat. I do believe the Ka'aba and Makkah as places very special places. I believe it's where Ibrahim(AS) placed and left the gift of Black Stone delivered by Jibriil from the Heavens. There must reasons behind it's chosen location (some of which I've witnessed), but I just put all mentioned miracles about the Ka'aba like the black stone miracles in that context. I similarly put the confirmed virgin birth miracles in the creation and life "big picture". I believe Allah can created out of nothing. He created Adam out of earth, and virgin birth miracle is only something inconceivable to someone who does not put thing in perspective IMO. Those who believe in "laws of science" now admit, the earth had a had a beginning and it will have an end. From molten rock, to reproduction and back to molten rock claim the scientists. Well, we might have reproduction today, but it wasn't there before. It's not about which came first; chicken or egg, it's when did "chicken and egg" start? The answers are greater miracles than a virgin birth which you seem having trouble accepting. The air, the water and ideal temperature didn't just happen accidentally Johnnie. Like I said before, I find my answers in the miraculous Holy Qur'aan: Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe? Noble Qur'aan Sura 21 [Al-Anbya' verse 30] And He is the One who initiates the creation, then repeats it; this is even easier for Him. To Him belongs the most sublime similitude, in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Almighty, Most Wise. Noble Qur'aan Sura 30 [Al-Room verse 27] O people, observe your Lord; the One who created you from one being, and created from it its mate, then spread from the two many men and women. You shall regard GOD, by whom you swear, and regard the parents. GOD is watching over you.* Noble Qur'aan Sura 4 (Al-Nisaa verse 1) The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was. Noble Qur'aan 3 [Ãl-´Imrãn verse 59] http://www.masjidtucson.org/quran/frames/index.html
  18. Dear Editor Someone used my paper shredder without my permission, and what had been shredded I turned out to be a photo. I decided to patch it together, since they never bothered to ask to use my property in the first place. What I have is shocking headline-making photograph. Should I pretend I didn't see it, just in case they wanted me to see it anyway or shall I save it for a rainy day. A Sheikh (Address withheld) :confused:
  19. Faheema.;695011 wrote: ^ Raxmadii ilahay....what more can you ask for Waa runtaa xamdulillah, rain is not "terrible wever" like natives believe. But, still I feel I'm missing out on something something. NGONGE, I'm not an Alqeologist ee waa ku sidee? What trying to do, I've already got a gringo (eating sandwiches and reading newspapers all day) parked outside my house day and night. Even my computer and phone are possessed. SOL shekaadeeda iska iskabaddaa. I'd go to the archives, and at the bottom of the page it would say I'm the only one reading it. Within seconds, it would change to There are currently 20 users browsing this thread. (1 members and 19 guests) AYOUB Just imagine what they are doing to Maaddeey :
  20. Empowering individuals and communities : Decentralising and redistributing power not just from Whitehall to local government, but also directly to communities, neighbourhoods and individuals There you go. The local Somali Komunity will have a Sherif with a stinking badge and a budh. Out with the multi culture, in comes multi fracture. We didn't land on Qardho Rocks, Qardho Rocks will land on us! It will be Eid everyday folks from Burco and Qardho. The rest of the Con-Dem policies will be laughing stock, just like Major's Back to Basics. He should have played reverse psychology (like Mrs T) declared "there no such a thing like Society". The out-raged Great British Publicans would have rolled their sleeves to prove otherwise.
  21. Some guys have all the luck Some guys have all the pain Some guys have a little sunshine in their lives My life is always filled with rain
  22. Johnny B;694926 wrote: Maybe not all , yours was so normal , no laws of physics, biology were violated. Nin adeerkiis loox ugu dhigoo liilsan baan ahaye Lecture French niman baa akhriya Laws iyo beene Where did these so-called laws of science come from? Even if I go with your line of thinking, life on earth as a whole is a miracle since water does not follow "the laws of science". Life is a chain of miracles Johnnie. Like I said before; the theories you and Prom believe are the greatest breachers of the laws science anyway, which makes your protestations (no pun) redundant. Just because The Lord has given little knowledge to explain how some of his creation, please don't be too arrogant and ungrateful to question The Creator. Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief. Noble Qur'aan Surah 52 (At-Tur 35-36)
  23. Written By Diana Okemwa, Posted: Thu, Feb 10, 2011 Bethwel Kiplagat Investigations into the conduct of former Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission chairman Ambassador Bethwel Kiplagat will begin in two weeks time. The tribunal investigating Kiplagat is now calling on anyone or groups with complaints against the former TJRC chairman to submit them within fourteen days. Speaking iThursday in his office at the Anniversary towers in Nairobi, the chairman retired High Court judge Onesmus Mutungi said complaints can be forwarded to the tribunal as affidavits, written memoranda and oral statements. Kiplagat is accused of involvement in the 1984 Wagalla massacre and the murder of former Foreign Affairs minister Robert Ouko in 1990 among other things. Kiplagat has since stepped aside to pave way for investigations. The tribunal, has until April 29 to give recommendations on its findings. The Chief Justice formed the tribunal a day after a 72-hour ultimatum was given by the Parliamentary Justice and Legal Affairs Committee to the TJRC officers, asking them to resolve their problems or risk disbandment. http://www.kbc.co.ke/news.asp?nid=68857
  24. 13 Febraayo, 2011, 12:51 GMT 15:51 SGA Waxaa berrito ku aaddan xus loo samaynayo xasuuqii lagu magacaabay xasuuqa wagaala ee waqooyi bari kenya, kaasi oo ururrrada u dooda xuquuqda bani'aadamku ay ku qiyaasaan in dad ilaa 5 kun oo qof ah o ka tirsan soomaalida kenya lagu laayey halkaasi sanaddii 1984-kii. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somali/war/2011/02/110213_wagala_masaccre.shtml