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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^Naah, he's qawm Luuq. PS I never knew Dacar penned that song.
  2. Valenteenah.;724705 wrote: So what are you saying, Alpha? That you're not such a petulant child in reality? I don't think he'd go out there and screech "pathetic" at everyone. Ilkahaa laga guri laha. That's if they don't commit "hate crime" on him when he says "omg, say walaaahi uff!".
  3. Puntland has fought against and remains strongly committed to fight against the piracy menace. Haahey!
  4. ^ Barca are favs, the question is; should Fergie man-mark both Messi and Iniesta?
  5. Saalax;723645 wrote: ^^^ It was very old, diseased and bad smell. It's good that they got rid of it atleast it's not much use in Somaliland now. *Blessed;723806 wrote: That's beside the point, it still had monetary value. With all the poverty in SL, it makes sense to exchange and give to the poor. Shame. That would be money laundering (no pun). Technically they're just dirty pieces of paper because their value has been transfered to SL shilling the people got in exchange. Maybe they should've used them as xaabo or something.
  6. ^ With the "having our cake and eating some of yours" game played, it won't be long before the likes Sh Sharif start admitting SL is not part of Somalia.
  7. ^ Dear Brother, we've been suffering from this "thingy" for many moons, what's changed? The answer is you. Loneness seems to have brought you back into the lions den. Even the songs by Gadhleh (AUN) and Sugulle ( poetry country Legends ehem ehem;)) seemed not to have helped. I'm not a qualified shrink but I don't think channeling your negative emotions to the politics section will help. Why don't you try Aw Nuune's recitals. If he doesn't help, I know a brilliant in house shrink - that's if she not behind blues your suffering from in the first place. A Sheikh Very Concerned Brother.
  8. ^ Psss Wafdi heer wasiiro ah oo ka socda Somaliland islamarkaana uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka arimaha dibada Somaliland Max’ed Cabdullaahi Cumar ayaa gaaray Nairobi iyadoo ay kala hadli doonaan masuuliyiinta qaramada Midoobay sidii aqoonsi loogu fidin lahaa Somaliland. Wasiirka arimaha dibada Somaliland Max’ed Cabdullaahi Cumar oo Idaacada BBC-da la hadlayay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in shirka dhexmaraya Somaliland iyo QM uu ka madaxbanaanyahay shirka Masuuliyiinta Somalida ay ka qeyb galayaan, isagoo carabka ku dhuftay in ay waxyaabaha ugu muhiimsan oo ay kala hadlayaan ay tahay madaxbanaanida Somaliland. Aqriso oo la soco Shabelle.net Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya. NALA SOO XARIIR webmaster@shabelle.net
  9. Waxaa qaarba cayn looga dhigay ha iscajabiyeene Soomaalidaa caado xune iguma caydeene ~ Boodhari (AUN)
  10. SOL is full of Lurrve. Everyone here sings Jecliyaa oo jecliyaa, jabka ehem ehem jecliyaa..
  11. Dear Sayid*Qardhawi What's the poetry section got to do with the politics section? Waan kuu fiirsadow, looks like tu yar inay ku soo tuftay and you went to politics section (a place you used to sneer and look down) on a rebound. Sad thing you went back to the politics section withthe same weak arguments others (way back in your snobbery days used to make.) I think is would be much better if you stop posting this calaacal threads and find another to keep you busy before winter, haddi kale SOL has to open a Blues section for you. A Sheikh Concerned Brother
  12. Sayid*Somal;721050 wrote: To counter or discredit this ironic picture with claims or counter argument about the nonexistence of previous practical Somali unity (as it applies the formal states and institutionalised formal unity of people) verses the usual counter argument to that arguments – about theoretical unison of people, brotherhood between city states and sense of Soomaalinimo – is to spit against strong hurricane gale force – in my humble opinion. . Excuse my ESL, but I didn't get what you meant. Can you repeat that for me. JZK.
  13. Dodgy Somali/Ethio restaurant and a zoo. Welcome to Battersea minus dog's home.
  14. At the end of the day, it does not matter what our intent (you and I) is. Dadka dhimanaya waa Thankful tolkiis. What will the potential acquired aid and money for? To build hospital for injured and school for this conflicts' orphans?
  15. Thankful;718459 wrote: There is no doubt they see this kind of news as beneficial in acquiring more money and aid. That's one way to look at things, but lot's of people have died. AUN
  16. No long ago Jengeli and Sh. Sharif were buddies, while Burci used to say Sakiin is traitor of the ".5 folks" who pretends to be from Baydoa.
  17. London2010;717860 wrote: Don't give me that nonsense. The EDL people are in their own country. Same cannot be said of this people. It's simple, go and leave the country go to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Errm...Isn't that what started this whole business; Usama and Co demanding infidels to leave Muslim Holy Lands.
  18. NGONGE;717776 wrote: Heh. A north American making fun of the Brits? Priceless. The irony is; hell-hole London has been much safer after gringo stopped supporting Irish terrorists immediately after Sept11.
  19. Not sure. Inuu Cabdulbaasit canjilayo baa lamoodaa.