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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Che -Guevara;727450 wrote: It's very simple. It was celebration for Somali Independence and secessionists and their flags were not welcomed by virtue of their politics (with me so far?) Nope. Not with you. 26th of June 1960 was Somaliland's Independence day. The only Somalis that were liberated that day were the ones in Somaliland. The pentagram flag hoisted did signify the hunger of unification of the 5 somali territories (and not for unification of Somalia and Somaliland only). Weather you like it or not; one those edges of those star represent Somaliland( and the rest Djibouti, NDF, etc). Like Xaaji asked; are you saying if Somali from Djibouti turns up with their flag to celebrate Somaliland's Independence day is tantamount to breach of peace? Never mind all that, if SL is supposed to be part of federal TFG, what wrong with someone from SL celebrating his Independence day with....with the comrades...I mean confederates? Folks bring phoshoped images to show SL is part of the TFG while the reality is clearly otherwise, soo maaha yaa CHE? PS That looked like a public event and not private as you seem to suggest. More importantly, to accuse that man of "disturbing the peace" is clearly an invention of a crime on your part (which is very alarming F@qashist trait). Reminds me of the folks who used to arrest on dubious charges like "askari-kufay-ku-qoslay".
  2. ^ Debate might be stretching it, but it would be nice to know why Faqäsh were harassing the wadani (especially as the likes of xiin claim SL is part of federal Somalia). Maaddeey;726871 wrote: ^They call F@qash whom ever they don't like. C'on now. I like you but it doesn't necessarily mean you ain't one. Your old buddy Xassan Turki is one but it doesn't mean I (or your Amiir:p) don't like him. Don't read too much into those officers' uniforms, because it has been known for members of the US forces to bring their ideologies to work (even at the expense of their brothers in arms), if you get ma drift. Taasi waa taas. Ignore Zack, because Faqäshism is culture not a clan. Bother Zack is fooled by certain coincidences, arinkuu suduu moode maaha. All clan have them, some more than others. Some "my clan" UDUB ministers were Faqäsh (not to be confused with the ex-Faqäshs) IMO. On the other hand, I don't like Cismaan Kaluun or your Amir but I don't think they're Faqäsh. Are you still with me? It's not black and white as.... Che -Guevara;726863 wrote: ^I'm not even sure what you are talking about- I heard F@qash and MNPLS PD, what about them and what do two have to do with each other. Looks like one and acts like Faqäsh. I'm not prepared to accept they're totally innocent and some actual Faqäsh convinced to do the dirty on their behalf. PS I see you've stopped you didn't understand. Wonder why?
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;727372 wrote: What happened to faarmaajo? Don't worry about that. Waxaad tahay wariyaha ee SOL Galkacyo u fadhiya aka Mr 15 minutes. :DStick to your knows, as my teacher used to say.
  4. ^ On the positive side, certain geezers will get expert advice when buying ze sbeshal gifts.
  5. ^The "jug-soo dhacday" are not as innocent as you portray up there yaa sahbi. If they don't the plum jobs or get sacked, they give the two finger salute to the country bounce back where they came from. Galaydh is notorious for this kind of behaviour.
  6. 'We thank the king who felt our problem and took the decision that we have been waiting for a long time.' I'm sorry Fatima but the king has been badly advised. He shouldn't have let his name tied to under-garments. If he really really had to; he should acted tough and fair like Alshabaab and banned lingeries (sic). Dictators in the middle east don't have time for this kind of silky smooth goorgorad politics. I don't buy (no pun) your "embarrassed" argument either. So what if you're a bit red faced, your niqaab should be enough to disguise that anyway. You could get dark glasses to extra cover. It's not that the shop assistant will recognise you. On the contrary; it's the man accompanying you who does. Whenever you go shopping for the lingerers (sp?), he has to take his other wives too out of equality. Put the... stocking (sp?) on the other leg yaa Faatima!
  7. If you wanna live Treat me good If you wanna live, live I beg you treat me good I'm like a walking razor Don't you watch my size I'm dangerous Said I'm dangerous ~ Joe Higgs
  8. ^ That's ok, I think they call your denials "the 5th amendment" over there. At least Zack is proud without risking incriminating himself.
  9. ^ What's meow in Ugandan? Don't know why you're getting up-tight, I only said what was on the telly
  10. ^ So it was funny (to me at least). Up AMISOM backside is a very appropriate metaphor of the so-called new hope of yours (especially after M7 's last week's threats ). Go on google another photo card for us, will ya .
  11. Yeah I saw PM Formaggio on the telly the other night. He made a descent chest-beating speech and then he crawled into an AMISOM armoured vehicle's backside.
  12. ^ In the land of the blind; one eyed man is king.
  13. A certain Somali playwright was asked about the lack of new Somali plays and he replied "politicians are the new Somali playwrights". Couple of nights ago I was flicking through Somali TV channels and there was a presidential candidate making a speech in Nairobi (where else). video >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPDehCSCBsE I like the guy, even though the few days before his backing audience were folks accused mass-murder and other stuff. You might say his "church" is broad, but that's not what I like about him. I like him because he made me laugh. "Maanta Soomaaliya waxay gacanta u gashay rag leh 'waa dhadhamiye ee ma dhargin', he quipped. It reminded me of the song "wadaaddadu beerka xaydha leh cunaan, Ilaahay maa ka yaabtaan oo nasiisaan..". When he said "waxaan idin leenahay ilaahi ka baqa"... I was rolling with laughter. Then he said he was Tabliighi. I thought from Sh. Dalxiis to Sh. Khuruuj? Stand up political commedy it was. Then there was the New Somali Party guy, whom sounded just like the starter of this thread. It was all me me me I I I. Everyone could see through him and the questions reflected it. I thought maybe we all got it wrong and checked his party's website's Our Leaders and found....>> http://www.newsomalia.org/english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=3
  14. ^I'm surprised you didn't say inshallah (not). Anyways, does 50% make "this conflict" a "half or dhibic shan" clan clash?
  15. Che -Guevara;726664 wrote: Ayoub-what are on you about? Dee Faqäshta. Ex-guulwade minor variety not facing any court cases. Ma sii wada or do you overstand? PS If SL was really part of Federal Somalia; what's the problem with the... Faqäshta?
  16. Palin is a top geezer. How could this country have leaders like Blair and Cameron when the likes of him are around?
  17. Che -Guevara;726569 wrote: Perhaps, you could contact Minneapolis PD and ask those two officers. Ma Faqäshta?
  18. Gospel of St Faisal; UDUB waa Faqäsh Kulmiye waa Fashil UCID waa Fashion Bless him.
  19. Jacpher;725839 wrote: Human life takes precedence over road conditions. Somalis are still struggling to figure out how to save their own lives. But lot's of people have been killed and maimed because of the poor road conditions. I'm with Oday on this. N.O.R.F;725903 wrote: You can't be serious Oday?? Thousands of years ago people didn't drive ps are you going to provide people with 4x4 Toyota Landcruisers to navigate those cobble stone roads?
  20. Somali militant group al Shabaab claimed June 2 on its website that the suicide bomber who killed three soldiers Yes but suicide cucumbers killed 17 Germans.
  21. General Duke;725814 wrote: ^^^Never seen a wet patch in all your life huh.. :D Kaadi badne.....
  22. General Duke;725705 wrote: Kampala: Puntland at center stage..Faroole attends meeting: PICS Well...:D:D