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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Apparently he is one of those Imaam Faroole considers to be "Somali-speaking Ethios" and will soon be deported to his to his country (Ethiopia).
  2. 'Liibaan';732107 wrote: Last edited by 'Liibaan'; Today at 04:44 AM. :) Dhanka kale warbaahinta SSC ayaa u kuur gashay sababaha keenay magacaabista Eng mohamed iyo sidoo kale isku shaandhayn uu hogaamiyaha Sare uu ku dhawaaqay. Kadib waxaa noo soo baxday in golihii la odhan jiray G Six ee soo qaban qaabiyay shirkii khaatumo in ay soo saareen go aamo kale kuwaas oo aad moodo in ay burinayaan go, aamadii shirkii khaatumo ee dhawaan lagu soo afjaray london go,aamadaas oo ah in ay siman yihiin maamulka SSC iyo NSUM iyo Kaafi waxaadna moodaa in ay arintan keenayso kala fogaasho wayn. Sidoo kale waxaa iyana aan qaadan heshiiskii shirkii khaatumo SNUM iyagoo aad moodo in ay ganafka ku dhuufteen heshiiskii shirkii khaatumo oo ahaa in lagu wada midoobo maamulka SSC ,SNUM iyo kaafina Ay qaateen in ay ma mid noqdaan maamulka SSC walow aad modo shirkii khaatumo in uu noqday hal bacaad lagu lisay oo qilaafkii uu wali taagan yahay Abdi Mohamed Abdi Nairobi Kenya Email:naaji@allssc.com Short URL: http://allssc.com/?p=12352
  3. Great stuff. Thanks and JZK for sharing. May Allah reward the likes of Sh. Yuusuf for their good work.
  4. AYOUB


    Ol'man NGONGE, make trip to Richmond Park coz it's big enough to find a spot without sun-bathers. Even better why not go to Surrey Hills. Don't read too much into it if the locals smile at you, that's how yuppies are like.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;731829 wrote: Interesting timing there Mr Museveni. Independence Day.
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;731755 wrote: Xaabsade oo la shiray saarakisha sar sare eeh ssc wa hagaag He must have met... Mujaahid K C Yuusuf.
  7. ^ lol Waar Che is smart but likes to play "dhaandhaan" and "sympathyser" He might be one of LST's hired catalysts.
  8. Zack, there are cheap solar chargers out there you know. Jacaylbaro;728257 wrote: Bilaa dab baad tahay dee sxb ..... Try that on a girl and let me know ,,, lool
  9. Aaliyyah;729233 wrote: ^calcal kulaha waxba ha halmaamin that somalilanders in the early 80s eey qaban jireen meetings after meeting in jeddah iyo qurbaha. That's neither here nor there. Colonel Saba wants your monies double quick time, and I'm sure you know which Hawala gives the best rates out there. You could even send it via the guy who collects on behalf of the Khusuusi (I hear he was in Widhwidh for a certain meeting). C'on now, hurry up.
  10. ^ Wlc back Guru Inaga. Sh. Sharif should stop sending anti-Somaliland letters to his handlers rather apologise for other's crimes.
  11. Colonel Saba wants your monies. Either dig deep in to their pockets or stop the calaacals. Thank you.
  12. ^ Abwaan dadka (aad leedahay waxay kasoo horjeedaan SL) waxaa la wayddiin dhinaca ay dooneeyaan marka aad (konfuriansku) ogolaataan SL jiritaankeeda. Cagli maaha in aad tidhahdi magaca SL xitaa soo qaadi maayo, haddana ra'yigaas nala timaaddid.
  13. The iPhone torch app is magical. You click on on it a badhan appears on the screen you press it and.. abracadabra! you're holding a £500 torch. Can't wait to go miyi. The thermometer app is useless though. I've even put the phone under my armpit and it still says 0. Either I don't know how to use it or the thingy thinks I'm dead. The london tube map app is very useful. PS Why is it not possible to see or watch embedded videos on iPhone on SOL while it is on other Somali sites? Make sure you include to add the links for posted videos so my "smart" phone can show it.
  14. Che -Guevara;728092 wrote: N I thought you say you say Hargeysa was self-sufficient democracy. You thought right. Why does that make it inappropriate for someone who thinks that celebrating 26th of June in your opinion? If fact I find it ironic -- if not sardonic -- to get some kick out arresting someone celebrating his liberation day. Way jidha iyo majidh weliigiin waad dhihi jidheen..... but.... 26 June cid inaga xigta majidho. Che -Guevara;728092 wrote: As long as Obama's dual track policy doesn't explicit endorse or encourage secession in the northern regions, it's something we could live. It is not ideal but you take what you can in time of upheaval. The point I was making was; the US and the TFG do not have beef with SL flag according their official policy. Which means those coppers did not have the right to harass the gent. If I was his lawyer I'd sue them cops for bringing their "ha dhag-dhagaagin" culture to the "land of the free". You and (or the folks who misled) the cops have issues. If you want to bring Somaliland in to the "fold", the battleground is back home yaa sahbi and not 26 June in MPLS.
  15. Miskin;728169 wrote: Emperor, some of the names are in a different lingo sxb, those can't be in Somalia.
  16. Che -Guevara;728058 wrote: I don't recognize TFG as legitimate entity that represents Somalia and Somalis and I see Sland as secessionist province that needs brought back into fold in due time. Obviously, that's not in the cards now. That means you and the rented cops are the rebels against not only the TFG, but also Obamas' dual tract policy. Remember, Uncle Sam and Queen Bettty partially fund the elections in SL. Naga daa niyow, hanaga hadalsiin.
  17. ^ If someone made a movie like this; it would have ridiculous. PS I love their Lingala-Swahili.
  18. I liked the photos of the college and the landscape by the beeb. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somali/maqal_iyo_muuqaal/2010/10/101007_abaarso_tech.shtml
  19. ^ Would it still be a good decision if he stays (living the TFG paralysed) and M7 pulls out his contingent of AU troops back to Uganda?
  20. In January 2001, Laurent Kabila, the then president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was murdered. Like many political developments in this resource-rich former colony, the real truth behind events remains shrouded in doubt. Over 50 alleged conspirators remain jailed in Kinshasa's Makala Prison, but even Kabila's own ministers do not believe they are guilty. So who killed Laurent Kabila, and why? Murder in Kinshasa aired from Thursday, June 2, 2011. http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/general/2011/06/20116982418282293.html
  21. You mean the guy below was not pulling my leg? Ex-Xisbiga;615858 wrote: There is a Hargeysa yare in southern somalia. Maybe this disillusioned Nayrus is from that region. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/44209-HALYEY-MY-HERO?highlight=hero
  22. Che Maybe you're hearing things sxb, coz I can't see noise on those photos. I see people smiling and having fun till the officers arrived to disturb the party. But let's agree to disagree on that. Che -Guevara;727903 wrote: ^Secessionist flag doesn't foster the June 26 spirit in the minds of southern Somalis and southerners don't support secession. It's only logical for southerners not wanting to see secessionist flag being waved at this event. lol@minds of southern Somalis. That's laughable. They needs to get their heads checked. There are shops belonging to "southerners" over here that sell that flag so I find your argument bogus. A lot of the southerners I meet these days are not as you portray when it comes to SL, but we hang in different circles I suppose. Che -Guevara;727903 wrote: And it's not really about Somalis beating each other into submission. It's fundamental political difference any member of any society would react to. Tell me any country that tolerate secessionist movement? I live in a such country. The UK. If the majority of people in Northern Ireland or Scotland decide they want to break off, they can. That's how it should be. That's argument of yours is another red herring. I've asked you several times, don't you guys claim SL is part of federal structure of TFG? So what if someone from SL comes to celebrate his Independence carrying his flag? Has the flag been made illegal? What's the problems apart from certain "minds of southern Somalis"? What is SL according to you and the people you dubbed "southern Somalis" anyway?
  23. Sickening and shocking story. AUN to the minister and condolences to his fam and friends.