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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. NGONGE;734768 wrote: we'll beat Chelsea (again) home and away, we'll beat United at home and away, we'll draw with Arsenal like we always do and we'll beat City. It's West Brom, Bolton and Norwich that usually worry me. Sorry to bust your bubble but your mini-league this season is with Stoke and Sunderland.
  2. Kamaavi;734793 wrote: ^Usheeg ilaa Raage Ugaas, Wiilwaal, Sayidkii, Siyaad Barre iyo Haatanba dadka taliya in Qarijiqood iyo wixii galbeed ka sii xiga ka soo jeedaan. Macal Farah Macalin. Usheeg yaa sahbi, usheeg. Don't forget the VIP though... President of 0gadenia. The President of 0ganarnia.
  3. Jacaylbaro;734779 wrote: xabaalo qod buu ku dambeeyay ninkii Alpha ahaa Ibti-Awsome buu la tartamaya ee filinka fahan. The Moving Ferry.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;734789 wrote: Is xalane from afmadow or from ethiopia Badow waaxid. If you want an answer say; is he from 0ganarnia or 0gadenia?
  5. Malika;733857 wrote: ^Evidence of such books? Anyways, am sure the moving library's aim is to promote literacy and literature. Wakaaladda Maxkamadda wareegta "evidence" iyo qiil toona uma bahna.
  6. Alpha Blondy;734751 wrote: Finally, after years of planning, I finally made my spiritual journey to Maydh to visit Sheikh Issac's tomb. So boy Jesus Moses visits granpa Issack's tomb? Where's Polanyi? Juxa;734771 wrote: the sea and the little boat, look amazing! Much prettier than Battersea, I mean Hargeisa.
  7. Zack, don't say "the cup". *yankee doodle*
  8. ^ Why are you lumping me with NGONGE? I didn't say anything of sort.....because I know you boys are busy photoshopping Imaam Faroole's alleged trip to South Sudan. Khadar Feelings are mutual. I feel for Xooglootoosiye as well.
  9. A_Khadar;733397 wrote: Xiin, today waad qiiraysantahaye maxaa soo kordhay? lol
  10. ^ Far waaweyn baan ugu sheegay, Xaaji X waxba kasii ah. Xaaji Xunjuf;733447 wrote: Kanax oo nafta waa!
  11. Dear Mohammed I hope this helps with your inquiries.
  12. xiinfaniin;732725 wrote: So regional presidents (Somaliland president and Puntland president) are both invited to the independence ceremony. Correction one man has been invited, the other is a isqoray bilaa invitation.:D:D The imaam is no different to other visitors to South Sudan, if he even makes it there that is. xiinfaniin;732724 wrote: Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa si kooban Warbaahinta ugu sheegey inuu gaari doono magaalada Jubba ee caasimada Dalka cusub ee Koonfurta Suudaan oo Sabtida beri ah noqonaysa wadankii ugu danbeeyey ee dunida la aqoonsado, Waxaana sidoo kale la filayaa inuu Nairobi kusoo laabto oo uu adkeeyo sidii shirka Soomaalida puntland loogu qaban lahaa, Waxaana xusuus madan in Magaalada Jubba uu kusuganyahay Madaxweynaha Maamulka Somaliland oo isna casumaad rasmi ah ka helay dawlada Koonfurta Suudaan.
  13. Wareegtada madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaan lagu sheegin sababaha ka dambaysa xilka qaadista gudoomiyahihii gobolkaasi Xariir Maxamuud Axmed,waxaana xiriir ay Horseed Medi la sameesay gudoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Cayn uu sheegay inuusan waxba kala socon xilka qaadista lagu sameeyay. The Widhwidh Reconciliation Conference and its repercussions.
  14. Aaliyyah;732591 wrote: lol thats weird. Axmed biif was one of my favorite singers, laakin ma maqal hees uu SSC u qaday. He must have released the song on the week you quit music.
  15. Ngonge, what link are you on about? The one meant for folks interested in Salwa's proposition?
  16. Click below if you're interested.... http://www.emirates247.com/news/region/kuwaiti-women-need-to-buy-foreign-husbands-2011-06-27-1.404732
  17. ‘Permit Kuwaiti Women To Buy Good-Looking Men’ KUWAIT CITY, June 25: A few weeks after creating waves with the suggestion that Kuwaiti men be allowed to keep concubines to satisfy their urges, former national assembly candidate and activist Salwa Al-Mutairi has called for issuing a law that would allow Kuwaiti women to buy good looking men from Muslim countries. The men, however, should have ‘slave qualities’ and should be ready for marriage. According to Al-Mutairi, the proposal would solve the problem of spinsters in Kuwait and would help face the phenomenon of increasing divorce rates in the country. Talking about the qualities of a slave man, Al-Mutairi said “the purchased man should be polite, modest and good looking. He should obey the orders of his wife and treat her well, so that she spends her life with him in a beautiful way, away from clashes, fights and disputes.” Salwa added that such ‘husbands’ should be recruited through offices in Islamic countries, not just from Russia, and said ‘wanted husbands for women’ advertisements should mention that the candidate should either be a Muslim or should be willing to embrace Islam. A Kuwaiti woman can select her husband by looking at the photos of the applicants, she said, adding the proposal will also help eugenics in Kuwait. Al-Mutairi said she would do the job if she was given legal authorization and would visit European and Asian countries which have large Muslim populations and hire men who have the qualities needed to satisfy Kuwaiti women. Salwa also claimed that a former minister who spent 14 years in his position proposed to her and that he loves her very much but she refused to marry him because he is 30 years older than her. She said she is ready to get married to a young good looking European, even if he is poor. Meanwhile, Islamic thinker Mohammad Al-Ansari described the proposal on purchasing slaves as “strange, odd and not in tune with the current times.” By: Mohammad Al-Ahmad - Special to the Arab Times
  18. Thankful;732168 wrote: I have no idea what you are talking about because he has already been sentenced to 1 year in prison. There has never been any mention of him being “deported.” Plus he is a citizen of Somalia, Faroole's wrong view is not based on tribe, but the ONLF supporters. That's not what others think; Jailed Journalist Faces “Illegal Rendition” to Ethiopia Posted On: Jul 03, 2011 (18:52:10) The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is alarmed by reports that Hiiraan Online journalist Faysal Mohamed Hassan who was unjustly sentenced to a one year jail term yesterday by the Puntland Regional State has been threatened with “illegal rendition” to Ethiopia by the Puntland authorities allegedly because of his 0gadeni clan background, risking imprisonment. Following nationwide condemnations of the unfair trial and heavy sentence on Hassan, Puntland officials were reported of threatening to extradite the journalist to Ethiopia because of his clan, according to local journalists who spoke powerful Puntland officials. It is not clear why the Puntland authorities would threaten a Somali journalist operating in Somalia with illegal rendition to Ethiopia where he would face a genuine fear of persecution because of his heritage. Such threats of illegal rendition are not only unprecedented but are in clear violation of international law. “We call upon the Puntland authorities to immediately cease and desist all threats of illegal rendition made against Faysal Mohamed Hassan,” said Abdiweli Hassan Gooni, NUSOJ Puntland Coordinator. “We reiterate of total condemnation of the one year jail sentence handed down against Faysal Mohamed Hassan during his unfair so-called ‘trial’ in Bossasso" said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. If Faysal Mohamed Hassan is illegally handed over to Ethiopian authorities where he faces persecution, NUSOJ will pursue all legal action to highlight this case in international fora and media outlets. http://www.nusoj.org/index.cfm?zone=/unionactive/view_article.cfm&HomeID=210516
  19. Thankful;732159 wrote: Why would the reporter be deported to Ethiopia, because his tribe resides in a certain area? I have no idea what you are talking about when you mention deportation. So you have no idea, but you just feel like arguing by changing the subject. Everyone except you know what folks are considered "Somali-speaking Ethios" by Imaam Faroole. The word is the journo belongs to that clan, that's according to certain portals. Thankful;732159 wrote: I am speaking about what happened less then a year ago when 300 ONLF crossed through Awdal I know your allegations and I've already told you, Djibouti sent the folks you talking about back to SL and they've not been deported anywhere. Ps You not answered whether you agreed with Imaam Faroole.
  20. Thankful;732149 wrote: Out of all people secessionists are commenting on deportation to Ethiopia? Waa markaagii. Only I mentioned the deportation probability. Sometimes you do behave like Imaam Faroole. Thankful;732149 wrote: Wasn't it the citizens of Awdal last year that had to free two men from the hands of Hargeysa's militia because thay were about to be sent to Ethiopia? That was the allegation. The men are in Somaliland as we speak. Ironically, the men ran to Djibouti only to be deported back to SL. Thankful;732149 wrote: The secessionists track record in sending people to Ethiopia is no better! Well even if the Pirates were better, that's neither here nor there. The issue is; is the journalist a citizen of Somalia? Does Imaam Farooole have the right to deport him to the Ethios - if he is? PS Don't tell you agree with Imaam Faroole on this.
  21. The Zack;732001 wrote: Firs of all stop taking the PM's words out of context. I was watching the speech live from Universal TV, he has never critisized the Barre regime directly. This is what he said "Haddeey jiri isku tanaasulid dagaalkii 1988 ma dhaceen, haddey jiri laheyd isu tanaasulid, 1991 waddanka waa la badbaadin karay". He didn't specify who did the wrong per se. Of course he didn't. If he did, he'll have criticise the people who landed him a job in the Somali embassy in Washington while in his early 20s and without qualifications . That's sort of nepotism that triggered the war he's talking about. Nevertheless, Farmaajo's comments come across like "biting the hand that fed him'' since the deposed military junta big cheese's war was only about trying to preserve the advantages the inner circle like him had.