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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. NGONGE;734841 wrote: ^^ You've been always trying to burst this so called bubble and were always proven wrong. I welcome your contribution. Oh well, your KK11 started with a home draw with...Sunderland.
  2. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;739406 wrote: I met this Soomaali dude in Calgary, Alberta, last year who, along with two others, arrived from Hong Kong a few months earlier. It was said he had Hong Kongese 'girlfriend' impregnated back in Hong Kong. Impregnated ah? Madhicikarto! Warkaa inagaso hubi.
  3. N.O.R.F;739705 wrote: Glad its called off. Don't want our players injured before Sat. Let's hope the Scousers don't join in the riots then, it's bad enough as it is. I'm sure you've heard the one about river Mersey running through Liverpool because if it stops it will get mugged.
  4. ^ He should calls for talks between pro-democrazy protesters and HM Government. PS tonights England vs Holland game has been called off. Half the squad must be too tired.
  5. For the first time since 911, I could hear winged planes over London (probably bringing police re-enforcements) last night. I expect the politicians - most of whom have have been forced to cut their holidays by this madness - to borrow from Gaddafi's "these parasites and criminals will be crushed" speech.
  6. Valenteenah.;739587 wrote: I like it better in the current format, it's bit like our old theme, I think, but much more pleasing to the eye. Only issue for me is the RED font.. Agreed, red is for commoners like NGONGE. Something else I don't like is the site telling me it is "saving" what I have not posted.
  7. Aaliyyah;733183 wrote: This is an oldddddddd Joke..so outdated ..bt yeah it was funny the very first time I HEARD it. Now you know why rudy-Diiriye was sacked by LST and is no longer Jokes minister.
  8. At long last Rabbi Sam and his brother Geo Sama have declared their cards and stopped behaving like frustrated politicians. But Amir does it best... The new Somali political party, Hiil-Qaran, national succour, led by luminaries such as professor Abdi Samatar of the University of Minnesota, is now at the receiving end of Amin Amir’s artistic pen. The party’s new slogan is made to read Hiil-daran ( bad succour). Yes, daran rhymes with qaran http://wardheernews.com/SRR/May_31_11_Selections_from_Amin_Amirs_cartoons.html
  9. ^^ The one next to the station, Juxa. Abu-Salman, I was there that Sunday and the doctors advice (5000units of fitaamin D per day) was useful indeed not to forget the brother who spoke about education sponsorship. Jzk'llah to them and the organisers. Aaliyya inabti I've been told suxuur and the food eaten as a guest are blessed and one should eat as much as possible. Waxaan aad leedin waa healthy waan ka daba geeya when time permits.
  10. Abu Salmaan, I do pray at Regents every now and then, but to claim it as my "local" would be nice. Soo ducay yaa sahbi. A houses in Jannah and St. Johns Wood for both of us, deal? My local masjid is south of the river, but they must have followed the baker street folks. Speaking of Finisbury Park, why does the imaam of that masjid face visibly different Qibla from his congregation? Aaliyyah, I had some yourgut with the usual, healthy soo maaha intaas? :)As for Lily's menu, that's more like desserts after the bariises!
  11. NGONGE;738521 wrote: Waxa iska ilow saaxib and lets think of ways of how to milk this occurance. Way gariirtay!
  12. Aaliyyah wax heavy la yidhah iska yar haddaad sifiican wax u calaalisid. Then again, gawsaha anigaiyo Oba kayaalin baad u bahan tahay.
  13. Read somewhere Sh. Atam or his reps will become minister in Imam Faroole's admin, maxaa ka jira warkas?
  14. Nina Fox;738117 wrote: Following a huge dispute about the saxuur time (3 different timings were read to me, 2:30 am, 3:00 am and 3:30 am). I finally resorted to refering to the Islamic Channel, which confused me even further, it just showed the Fajr time. [/i] Waa runtaa. I have two timetables from my local masjids and one says 3:07 another says 3:38. What is going on? PS You should stop eating at fajar time, this amsak or whatever time is a made up thing anyway.
  15. Aaliyyah;738110 wrote: ^who eats bariis or chicken in the morning? I'm not fussy when it comes to food. I had what I was supposed to be my lunch on sunday. Normally I eat afur left-overs for suxuur. Pancakes and shah etc, that's the best way to avoid headaches caused by lack of caffeine the next day IMO. Ramadan Kareem to you all btw.
  16. Surah At-Takwir (The Overthrowing, Extinguished! Wrapping Things Up) In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 1. When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up; 2. When the stars fall, losing their lustre; 3. When the mountains vanish (like a mirage); 4. When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended; 5. When the wild beasts are herded together (in the human habitations); 6. When the oceans boil over with a swell; 7. When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like); 8. When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned - 9. For what crime she was killed; 10. When the scrolls are laid open; 11. When the world on High is unveiled; 12. When the Blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat; 13. And when the Garden is brought near;- 14. (Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward. 15. So verily I call to witness the planets - that recede, 16. Go straight, or hide; 17. And the Night as it dissipates; 18. And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness;- 19. Verily this is the word of a most honourable Messenger, 20. Endued with Power, with rank before the Lord of the Throne, 21. With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust. 22. And (O people!) your companion is not one possessed; 23. And without doubt he saw him in the clear horizon. 24. Neither doth he withhold grudgingly a knowledge of the Unseen. 25. Nor is it the word of an evil spirit accursed. 26. When whither go ye? 27. Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds: 28. (With profit) to whoever among you wills to go straight: 29. But ye shall not will except as Allah wills,- the Cherisher of the Worlds.
  17. ^ Usheeg bal " xalaalan" kaliya lama odhan "tayyiban" baa lagu daray. I had chicken and bariis for suxuur, but respectable chicken parts even by city folks standard, and not Sh. Nuune's dodgy bits.
  18. Islaamnimadu waa door ninkii Eebbe solansiinne Aftalkeeda hore waa markaa la ashahaataaye Salaaddaa ayaan iyo ayaan la ijtihaadaaye Soonkaa anfaca maalintii laga adkaystaaye Sekadaa aduunkiyo dadkaba la iska oofshaaye Nin awoodi karayoow xajkaa lagu itaalaaye Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye... Ilaahay ka baqa - Jaamac Axmed Jaamac "Gacmadheere"
  19. Mabruug indeed. Hope tough, you haven't gone native and picked the local "mke wa uji" habit.
  20. I think we all agree Samosas are wicked. Politically, this ban sends a message that The Youths are free and independent enough to ban a major symbol of Asian influence in east Africa. PS the real reason of the ban is some street vendors' unhygienic practices are suspected of spreading some illnesses.
  21. General Duke;735913 wrote: Waftigani ayaa ujeeddada socdaalkooda waxaa lagu sheegay inay tahay sidii ay odayaasha dhaqanka iyo Ganacsatada maamulka Puntland ugala soo hadli lahaayeen Markab shixnad Shidaal u siday Somaliland oo Sabtigii todobaadkan ay kooxo Burcad badeed Soomaali ah oo ka soo jeeda degaanada Puntland ay ka afduubteen meel u dhow dekedda Mukkalah ee dalka Yamen. This is not Unionist Somalia It ain't country club either This is..... Pirateland.
  22. Dump squib. I thought it was Maxi Blondy reporting from Maydh.
  23. hijabi Short Khamiis