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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Aaliyyah;742835 wrote: I don't think anyone should worry about their 18 years old daughter if they instilled in her good values and taught her diin!!..I honestly don't think I matured much from when I was 18 ..that is to say sida hada ahay baan aha oo waan kala garanyay wixi sax ah iyo wixi qaladka ah... and 18 is the age that ppl in teh west chose, in Islam you have to be mature by 15...khalaas! ninki gabadhii uu dhalay akhlaaqxuma uga cabsanaya at 18 waxaan filaya si wacan umu soo korin ...and that its too damn late to worry about her. And, girls dress in the west a certain way. That is not limited to just university campus. You either accept it or move to a muslim country...kolay adiga ta kula dhalatay iyo ta dhashay uun ba masuuliyad ka sarantahay..raise them well. Advice them and then put your trust in Allah swt... with that been said, we should also focus on our brothers and those of you who have sons your sons...waxa moda gabdhaha in aad loga walwalo oo wilasha somaliyad iska ilaaween oo yago melaha jooga wada akhlaaqxun oo dibjir ah.. my 2 cents salaam The issue here is; when should Muslim/Somali girls leave their parent/guardian's home? What does our diin/culture say about that? Let's stop clutching at straws and focus on that, shall we?
  2. Surat Al-'Aĥzāb (The Combined Forces) 40-49 Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing. O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance And exalt Him morning and afternoon. It is He who confers blessing upon you, and His angels [ask Him to do so] that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful. Their greeting the Day they meet Him will be, "Peace." And He has prepared for them a noble reward. O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And one who invites to Allah, by His permission, and an illuminating lamp. And give good tidings to the believers that they will have from Allah great bounty. And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites but do not harm them, and rely upon Allah . And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs. Surat Al-'Aĥzāb (The Combined Forces) 40-49 http://quran.com/33
  3. `A’ishah (radhiallahu `anha) reported that she asked Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), “O Messenger of Allah! If I knew which night is Laylat ul-Qadr, what should I say during it?” And he instructed her to say: “Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuh.ibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee – O Allah! You are forgiving, and you love forgiveness. So forgive me.” [Recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmithi. Verified to be authentic by Al-Albani] http://pearlsofamuslim.wordpress.com/2011/08/20/o-allah-you-are-forgiving-and-you-love-forgiveness/
  4. Juxa, I didn't say "pitching for marriage" I said "pitch a marriage" ee waa kusidee? I re read everything you wrote to try to justify my comment and this what I could find "you are right divorce rates is high as it is, i dont think divorcing through the courts is for majority of us, balse for women it is important, you see marriage shont end with WAAD IGA FURANTAHAY, each party have responsibility during and after the marriage ends.",( thanks to NGONGE). Apologies , you're a good person who is only trying to simplify...divorces? As for the issue of folk not declaring their guurs for financial reasons, it is xaraam and if that does not stop someone; nothing else will IMO. It is embarrassing to hear folks ask Sheikhs about this every Q&A session. There is famous sheikh who got frustrated of repeating how unacceptable it was not to declare to be married quipped "no-one asks me whether pork and alcohol are now xalaal, why do you keep asking me whether this is xalaal".
  5. Juxa thanks for the info and I will be refer to this thread, should the need arise. :pHaving said that, I agree with nomads who think you should never use divorce to pitch a marriage. Poor saleswomanship on your part. Great thread nevertheless.
  6. Carafaat;741528 wrote: Reading these reponses by SOL members, one could ask who the real opponents of Somaliland's economic development are? For sure it aint the Chinese nor the Ethiopians. The sad thing is; these opponents of Somaliland are telling their worse case scenarios stories as starving Somalis are walking hundreds of miles to Somali regions already occupied by Ethiopia and Kenya. This reality (repeated over the decades) makes it hard even to given them the benefit of the doubts, let alone take their brotherly concern serious. When the outcries are lead by known anti-SL folks it becomes counter-productive because it complicates the jobs of legitimate scrutineers of these kinds of deals within Somaliland (as the quote above clearly shows). PS I do have some serious concerns about this supposed deal, and will be watching the debates to follow with interest. In the mean time, I'll share this poem by a nomad who was concerned by a road building project during the colonial times. Qoonsada ~ Maxamed Xaashi Gabaygan Maxamed Xaashi wuxu tiriyay 1948 waxii ka dambeeyay, wado ay ingiriisku ka samaynayeen Galbeed (oo Harar iyo miyiga somali galbeed isku xidha) oo u fudidaynaysay isticimaarka Ingiriiska iyo kii Ethopiaba maamulka Galbeed. Maxamd Xaashi soomaalidii wakhtigaa jirtay ayu in badan kala dardaarmay wadadaa oo aw yidhi Somaleey waa in lays hor taago Wadaadaas, gabayo kale oo aan kuwan ahayna wuu mariyay. Markaas ayay cidina dhagaysan wayday oo ay ka guri wayday. Sabab iasgu meel fog ayuu ka hadlaayay, oo ah bari ayay wadadaasi Xabashi ka faaidaysan doontaa, oo maamulka dhulkeena u hawl yaraynayaa.Markii laga dhagaysan waayay Maxamd ayuu gabaygan aw ka tiriyay oo cabasho iyo calaacal isku jira ah. Wuxu yidhi: In dhaweydba wataan qarsaday qiimihii gabaye Abadkayba goortaan qabtaan , qurux u yeelaaye Qaafada horteedaiyo shirkaan, qun ugu sheegaye Bal qiyaasta caawana , halkan uga qurmaynaayo Qof weeye laba gaal haday talo qorsheeyaane Hindigay qafaasheen baryay qaran ahaayeene Qarni ma laha isaguba marku qaatay keenadiye Waa kii Suways qabsaday qamac dhareereede wax horteen sidaa loo qaribay, boqol quruumoode Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne Qooto iyo Taleex baa la simay qaydkan seeraha'e Sidii qaalima booliya dhulkii waa la qaybsadaye Isba qiil banays buu u yimi qoortan dooga lehe Wuxu ka qabtaba daayoo wuu idin qalayaaye Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne Qusnsuligaa la dhigay ceelkan Harar,qiil kalaa xigiye Waxba yaanu ii kala qararin qoolashaan dhayo'e Marku geed qaloocsamba waan sii qandhanayaaye Qayrkay haday toban yihiin qodob ma riixeene Quluqulaha dhexdiina mar baa..............? Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne Jarmalkii qabiiliga ahaa qawmuun baa u baxaye Isagaba qasaarii la baday quusyoo samirye Waa waxii qatalay reer India quuso la'aantaase Idinkuna qab laydin dhigaad moodaysaan quruxe Markan qawl yidhaahdaba anaad i qabsanaysaane Waa qarsoomo iyo yaab afkaad qadhim i siiseene Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne Murtidaad qalooc u rogteen qararna loo yeelye Waa qiilo galinoo dhulkaa laysu qoonsadaye Aan ku baro qiyaamaha ninyaw kii qaalin kaga maalay Qayrkii ka hadhay waxad tihiin qaday habeenkiiye Qacadaan anigu eegay baa indhuhu qaraf ka duulaaye Qoonsada halkaa waxa ku jira qabar laxaad weyne Qoomiyad ninkii garanayaa ima qilaafeene Hadii aw gaalku i qabsado oo qoorta iga gooyo Qawl nimaan la laabanaynin oo quusan baan ahaye Dadkii se aan u qayliso is lahaa qaasi nimadooda Quful baa ku jabanoo ma oga qoonta iga taale Qasaaraha ninkii ogi hadu qaban lahaa taase Quruuntan Alaa garan kolkay qaadan waanada'e Qodaxdaa xanunuukeedu waa qaamud kugu maqane Ha qoslina taas dhawaan baa qaxar ka joogaaye. http://www.hoygasuugaanta.com/Xaashi(w1).htm
  7. Surah 39 Az Zumar (The Troops) 53-61Yusuf Ali translation. Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "Turn ye to our Lord (in repentance) and bow to His (Will), before the Penalty comes on you: after that ye shall not be helped. "And follow the best of (the courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes on you - of a sudden while ye perceive not!- "Lest the soul should (then) say: 'Ah! Woe is me!- In that I neglected (my duty) towards Allah, and was but among those who mocked!'- "Or (lest) it should say: 'If only Allah had guided me, I should certainly have been among the righteous!'- "Or (lest) it should say when it (actually) sees the penalty: 'If only I had another chance, I should certainly be among those who do good!' "(The reply will be) 'Nay, but there came to thee my Signs, and thou didst reject them: thou wast Haughty, and became one of those who reject faith!'" On the Day of Judgment wilt thou see those who told lies against Allah;- their faces will be turned black; Is there not in Hell an abode for the Haughty? But Allah will deliver the righteous to their place of salvation: no evil shall touch them, nor shall they grieve. Surah 39 Az Zumar (The Troops) 53-61Yusuf Ali translation.
  8. Thanks, surely one can prove to be the daddy without getting hitched at the townhall? is a birth certificate not enough? PS just noticed I virtually asked the same Q as NGONGE. That's me fat fingers typing speed with a so-called smart phone. PPS I'm not contemplating to murder no one, I was only joking that day so spare me the scary "if the mother dies" stories.
  9. ^ Soonka yaanu kaa jabin, Mr 4X.
  10. Juxa, Why go to the council in the first place, there's no much difference between wife and "partner" in the benefit/tax system is there?
  11. ^ Is that what they call it these days? It used to be Mcmidnight before the PC brigade took over. NGONGE, Don't post it pls. I would rather if you gave your sexist response when Val asked me "what about the ladies".
  12. Val, ladies concentrate on what you're wearing, me thinks. You dress like the ppl they're talking about.
  13. Oz;741319 wrote: A&T looks like a curry now?? Ileen sawirka baniyaalka ku faraxsana! "You Indians" kute! African. Who'd guess who this is? Look the person who used to post YouTube videos, don't know what she calls herself these days. *runs for cover*
  14. Norf, let's stop. This is bordering on bullying. Waa Ramadaan inaar. oba hiloowlow;740218 wrote: Horta how is the schedule i heard the first 9 games iney hirig hirig gashay??.. Ps football fantasy gala kedib premier league team sameysta u get 100 millions to buy a dream squad from every team in the PL, then we'll see the person who in SOL who has the best football skills. All you need to do is to form a squad and will see after the PL the person who wins... Horray do it before the 13th of August.. http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ Just send me a pm and i'll give you the password for the group.. Any more takers? This league starts this weekend.
  15. ^ Yep. The sheikh's message is... I'lll be Gone 'Til November I'll be Gone 'Til November Yo, tell my girl yo I'll be Gone 'Til November I'll be Gone 'Til November I'll be Gone 'Til November Yo, tell my girl yo I'll be Gone 'Til November January, February, March, April, May... I see you crying, but girl I can't stay I'll be Gone 'Til November I'll be Gone 'Til November... And give a kiss to my mother...
  16. ^ How do say it in Khaliiji then?
  17. Good on ya Sh. Sha. It might come across like poor timing especially with the famine and other issues, but if it saves money and time then it is worth it. PS I thought the official name for konfuuria is still Somali Republic? If so, what's this Republic of Somalia on the plane misee waa the usual photoshop?
  18. ^ Hosbital baas baan udhiibay and the blind man took it. I plan to haunt him more than 2 seasons ago, IA.:cool:
  19. oba hiloowlow;740218 wrote: Horta how is the schedule i heard the first 9 games iney hirig hirig gashay??.. Ps football fantasy gala kedib premier league team sameysta u get 100 millions to buy a dream squad from every team in the PL, then we'll see the person who in SOL who has the best football skills. All you need to do is to form a squad and will see after the PL the person who wins... Horray do it before the 13th of August.. http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ Just send me a pm and i'll give you the password for the group.. Send me the password if you've got takers haddii kale ga iga sii macalika.
  20. *Blessed;740770 wrote: Ayoub, lol@ qarxiska. I was also convinced that JB was reer xamar then a youth pretending to be all these people for the hell of it. No wonder a lot of folks believe JB is On Mandeeq's Service 24hrs a day and with licence to kidnap. He's name is Jacayl. Jacaylbaro. I also miss Castro and ,Nephy. May nixin jirrin. Also Gediid was just hilarious. Indeed. We've had characters and still do. Some SOL names will always be in our memories. Remember Lander's sincerity? Rahima's class? OG girl's innocence? Cunning Baashi? Hilarious Cowke? And many more. Sometimes I meet folks and they remind me of SOL characters. We stil got gems and the usual...pebbles?
  21. Val, I did say fadlan. Midda kale, if a geezer says "do I know you or are you x's sister", it doesn't mean you've got an average halimo face. On the contrary. That's just an old school icebreaker from Burco. A&T, no offence but raali ahow. El presidente Ghandi inuu baaniyaalka gaajoneya dhaama baan moodayay. Sorry yaa sahbi.
  22. A&T, The pic NGONGE posted is an unfair portrayal of you. Maybe this Gandhi...