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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Saw this thread and ignored it thinking it was about football. Ileen waa calaacalkii hadhaagii...
  2. Carafaat;745396 wrote: Well done to whoever made the Burco city plan. Work of an engineer by the name Siciid Faarax (AUN).
  3. Thankful, you're a smart boy with a bright future. God willing you'll become a leader of Puntland and your citizens will pay for funny bone transplant.
  4. ^ it wasn't a a contribution. More of distribution. Nice to meet you btw.
  5. Ain't no stopping us now.... Are you watching Peace Now, are you watching...
  6. Here are two suggestions made; Mustafa Dhuxulow (TFG parliamentarian) sardonically suggested sending AMISOM to Gaalkacyo residential areas. Another person wrote an article asking; since reer Puntland bought a liver for Yey and a kidney for Cadde Muuse, isn't it about time they bought a brain for Faroole?
  7. Oday NGONGE, check yesterday's Evening Standard if you can, there's a story that perfectly fits in your thread about Nomads in the news. Well, that's what I thought.
  8. The newbies enrolled this term seems to be a civilised bunch. Tallow ma induction class baa loo diray mise waa waayo-aragnimo? Welcome somalee.
  9. Some folks go for "shabaab style" but end up resembling Amin Amir caricatures of Alshabaab.
  10. Baashi;744732 wrote: Hambalyo iyo Bogaadin . * Unsolicited advice: *Wait two years before you bring kids to this world. *By then you will get to know her very well. * Guur xumaada waa masiibo gaar ahaan marka caruur la isu dhalo . *Make it work brother. Mrs Blondy will be a Brit by then, if the Torries didn't change the rules that is.
  11. *Wararku waxay sheegayaan in labada dal ee Kenya iyo Itoobiya ayna raali ka ahayn shirkii ka dhacay Xamar sidaas la adligeed ay kula taliyeen kooxaha ay taageerada siiyaan ee Azania, South West State iyo Kaambooniyiinta inayna shirka xaadirin, halka maamulka Somaliland ay gadaal iskaga afgarteen QM inay ka baaqsadaan shirka Is this true yaa Zakaria? Lol@Saan caddaale iyo saan madoobe
  12. *Blessed, did a quick search and there's an app called "jelly pants" and another called "underwear guesser". I bet JB would lovem. Malika, you won't believe what NGONGE meant by his silly question. PS Do cows count as "best thing ever bought"?
  13. NGONGE;744656 wrote: App? Download? I don't have the pataince for such things anymore. It takes a minute or 2. You can even google it on your PC. Oz, try the Qatari Quran station and enjoy Sh. Zain's (or Jabeer AUN) recitation. The South African Islam station is not bad either. Juxa, just try it. Search any tittle and I'm sure you find something legal you'd enjoy.
  14. ^ took the words out of my fingers. Download tune-in-radio yaa NGONGE and you could listen to all Arabica stations and more.
  15. Alpha Blondy;744348 wrote: Join me in this joyous occasion and send me your congratulations and warm wishes. cheers. Very warm wishes to sir. May The Almighty make her an understanding wife.
  16. chubacka, don't listen to that Faarax. Radios are cool. I Remember my uncle (AUN) letting listen to his as kid. He used to carry it in its brown leather case and it even had an earphone.
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if this in fact turns out to be another Mxd Xashi idea to raise more tax revenues by getting the foreign maids/workers declare their (tax free) income. Xaaji X, the Presidents great great great grandma was ......
  18. *Blessed;744072 wrote: I question the sanity of the person who did this. May Allah grant this brother the highest station in jannah. Amen. Amiin. Spoke to a Somali brother who worked the with this Imaam and apparently the suspect is an Algerian with mental issues.
  19. *Blessed;743917 wrote: I think the 'mahram' issue is concerned with travel and safety associated with it but one does not need a mahram to live with them. My younger cousin went to study under a Shiekh in the ME a few years ago and the only issue was that she needed a mahram to take her there. Off course, her experience does not compare to studying in a secular western university but all of the fatwa that I came across with regards to this issue are concerned with the travel aspect. Are you saying she can live alone or in dormitory? As far as I know, girls who go to Yemen do stay with reputable families. Personally, I would prefer to stay with my family and my children (irrespective of gender) to do the same but sometimes it becomes a neccesity to study away. Of course no one deliberately puts their kids in harms way. The question is; as a Muslim parent, is your responsibility for (late teen for *example) sons the same as the daughters? Are there any religious considerations that need to be taken into account when it comes to daughters moving out for studies or work? I might be misinformed so please educate me. I'm prepared to accept or at least do a bit of additional research if am wrong. Val*, there no*"ban" on seeking education. The issue is girls moving out of their parent/guardian's homes to live on their own or in a dorm. As far as I know, girls stay with their parent/guardian because they are supposed to. That's why your sisters moved back. A boy can join the navy if he likes. Compromise and bending the rules is one thing, but that's how I understand things.
  20. Aaliyyah;743851 wrote: Good to hear tht Val. And, I agree that 18 years old is mature enough to look after herself..., hadii 18 wax loga cabsanayo ma kolay waxkale oo caqli ah ka dib kuso kordhahaya. Ismaodhan. But, I guess our parents generation..many of them are overprotective. But, when we become parents I think we are going to be a bit more lenient. At least I know I would allow my daughter to move out at 18..but I will make sure that 18 yearskaas aan korinayo in aan dhaqan diin iyo luqadeda baro! masuuliyadaas hadaan kasoo baxo inta ka dib ilaahay in la talo saarto moye waxkale ma jiraan. salaam What does "Ilaahay in la tala saarto" mean in practice? Does it mean 18 is old enough for a girl to move out of her parent/guardian's household? I am not a scholar but I think you'd find the "talo" is girls should not move out just because they're 18. If you know otherwise, pls let me know because I don't think it is minor issue that can be decided in a such cavalier manner. Valenteenah.;743817 wrote: I think 18 is old enough for girls to take care of themselves well enough to go away to university. Two of my sisters went away to university and I think it was a pretty good experience for them. Obviously if you're studying in a Muslim country, it's even better as there wouldn't be exposure to the binge-drinking that goes on at British institutions. That seems to be the only real problem. That and perhaps the lack of Somali student societies (there are usually Muslims ones in every Uni). There's a lot that goes on with the binge-drinking, but that's besides the point. 18 or not, girls should not move out of their guardians' homes. Your sisters example is like me saying; my brothers had "mixed" wedding *and it was good experience for them. Good experience maybe, but if you look at the big picture it was wrong and should not be encouraged. Don't even know what you meant by "go away", but, your sisters will take a long time to truly *assess the impact moving out had on their lives - especially when it usually means compromises like paying back loans with interest etc. Anyways, enough preaching, and like the mullahs say....wa billahi tawfiiq.