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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ Legjar ferenji iyo been baa mise waa cilmi? Don't try to downplay your mullahs. Their Fatawa of nature will be torn to shreads if this discovery is confirmed.
  2. I suppose there's a good reason why professional physicists aren't anticipating a Kuhnian "paradigm shift" in physics. It takes more than one experiment to overturn an established theory buttressed by hundreds of experiments. Either way, the beauty of science is self-correction. And many a beautiful theory has been slain by, as the cant goes, by a grotesque fact. According to your mullahs, this more than just a "correction" if turns out to be true. Diintay ka baxayaan.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;747660 wrote: President Siilaayo a real people's president Allah bless you Ameen Xaaji, Ameen.
  4. Professor Jim Al-khalili was on the news saying he will eat his shorts live on TV if this result turns out to be true! If true s/he'll go back to the past and change this statement. Well that's what might be possible, if you believe the nerds' claims.
  5. Oh dear. Like the Swahili saying goes; Shukraani ya punda ni mateke (dameer haraanti buu kugu mahad-naqa).
  6. NGONGE;747552 wrote: That situation will get pushed aside and everyone will try to make political capital out of the visit. Yes. Some folks will even swing rabbit punches. But that's all beside the humanitarian point. Like Somalina pointed out, those who made the donations are poor themselves.
  7. Ok. I know what and where Raascasayr is and I (Cara too maybe) was joking. Iga hadh haddaba.
  8. ^ Don't know what you thought. We didn't know where the beautiful Raas place was, nevermind what it meant and I was jokingly speculating. PS So Ras Kamboni means Cape Kamboni?
  9. ^ Raas sounds Ethiopian (which is supposed to be landlocked) Casayr sounds like the Gulf (which is supposed to be a desert). Pass.
  10. Good development. A positive move that will re-focus the attention on the bad humanitarian situation.
  11. Abtigiis;746078 wrote: Dear Ayoub, I thought those two were the strongest justifications always given by the recognition-seekers. Are you saying 'we have the right for self-determination' is the vogue now? Ok, even there, I have always agreed with your rights. I just don't subscribe to your idea of crafting new roles for the goose, while you want the gander to live with old ones. SSC, Awdal, Salal and Makhiir will not join you. Minus them, determine your future if you so wish. Like many members of SOL, you're having difficulty distinguishing clan from country. Check the thread the Ugaas in Borama below and learn how the two are not one and the same thing. I know that's asking too much from an ONLF supporter but I've got faith in you so do try. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/59118-Borama-!!!-Here-is-the-king!!!!-Historic-visit!! There is a man who knows his clan constituents live in three countries. My clan lives too lives in Somaliland, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Garaad Jamaac clan does not live in SSC but SSE (Somaliland, Somalia and Ethiopia). The star on the blue flag does has nothing to do Maakhir clan self-determination, but it symbolises Somaliland citizen's. PS I still don't get how atrocities and suffering being common could be a selling point for Somali unity, can you go over that again. :confused:
  12. Abtigiis, please to hear I seem to be getting through to you. Considering your only argument for unity is genocides and suffering are very common in Somalia, what option do I have but trying to stoop to your level so that we're on the same wavelength?
  13. ^ Hey hey! What are you trying to say? I knew the Bariis was Basmati and Hilib was Xirsi Cismaan and that what mattered. Not sure how the Devil's neighbour do things, but reer London operate an open door policy when it comes to feasts.
  14. ^ Ugaas' speech below http://lughaya.com/2011/09/13/boorama-khudbadii-musharaxa-ugaaska-makaahiil-ee-maanta/
  15. ^ I like Mr. Gorbajaadhig. We can do business together. Sayid, let's hope - for your sake - you're not out of the loop.
  16. Had some hilib at this Xirsi Cismaan do last weekend. If that was Nehanda's, then cheers and may your home be blessed.
  17. xiinfaniin;745972 wrote: I didn't know Ayoub was a dammiin Waryaa, lets put it this way: the South/North marriage of 1960 was sanctified on the basis of mutual love between the two. If you carefully read 1960 marriage documents,you will realize that the document explicitly preempts any suggestions of divorce for trivial reasons. For instance, there are specific clauses against asking divorce based on Masayr, Masruuf & Marasho la'aan, xoogaa dharbaaxo iwm. In other words the marriage was meant to be eternal.* Waa laysigu duceeyey awoowe Inaar ducadaas xaggee bay naga martay? Ma tii gaalada "in sickness and health till death do us part.." ahayd baad caawo latimid? This explains why this marriage felt like it was from hell!! I'm sure you're smart enough to know the 1960 unification was bungled and would not stand any legal scrutiny. So don't even go there, as gringos would say. Let's this marriage have its dignified ending before it being declared illegitimate. Waa iga talo.
  18. NGONGE;741088 wrote: LFC: Top Stoke: Tenth (the Europa league will be a distraction for them). Sunderland: Seventh (They bought lots of decent players whilst Villa & Everton did not). First month, things so far.... Man Utd..............4 12 Man City.............4 12 Chelsea..............4 10 Newcastle ..........4 8 Stoke City.........4 8 Liverpool..........4 7 Wolves................4 7 Aston Villa...........4 6 Wigan Athletic.....4 5 Everton...............3 4 QPR ...................4 4 Arsenal...............4 4 WBA ..................4 3 Bolton.................4 3 Tottenham..........3 3 Sunderland.......4 2 Norwich City........4 2 Fulham...............4 2 Swansea City..... 4 2 Blackburn........ ...4 1
  19. ^ I did ask people not to confuse 5 Somalis (check the star on the blue flag for clues) with 4.5 Somalis.* xiinfaniin;745805 wrote: I am not sure Xaaji Xunjuf and Carafaat but Ayoub knows his argument is quite shallow and has no depth. Whatever the original aspirations for greater Somalia were the birth of Somali Republic in 1960 was never contingent upon the realization (or securing) of other missing three region... You cannot be serious. Are you saying the star on blue meant nothing? The wars against the Ethios? Unless Somalilanders and Somalians had different ideals regarding the unification, your comment back-up Abtigiis' deleted duplicity allegations. xiinfaniin;745805 wrote: To say that the Republic should be dismembered because she failed to bring the other three regions into the fold of greater Somalia is hadal quus ah oo la rabo in qadiyad daciif ah gaashaan loo dhigo... She didn't fail to bring the other 3 or any of them. She failed. Nothing symbolises this than Djibouti sending peace keepers to Mogadishu. Why should Somaliland be held for trying to create Somaliweyn in 1960 especially by Ethio Somalis like Abtigiis or Somali-deporting Puntlanders. Nite nite.
  20. ^* Abtigiis;745767 wrote: Let us start with the basics. Let us assume I did put words into Somalilanders mouths. Let us assume I am a stranger who doesn't understand the rocket science of when and where the break of union with Somalia started. Let us assume all Somalilanders who joined Somalia in 1960(not one clan) want to break that union. Can you now take the podium and give us three or more reasons why? And if you don't come back to either atrocity, cunto-gooni doonimo, or anarchy in South Somalia, I will call this for you. I thought I have addressed each of these reasons in my arguments here. If you explain the break of the union outside this frame, I will hold my hand in mouth with awe! Aaah, so you don't want me to mention the anarchy nor the social economic benefits Somalilanders would gain on top of the genocide. Oki. Like I've said over and over again in SOL; the unification of Somaliland and Somalia was meant to be the start of unification of all Somali territories. Since that failed (if we take Djibouti and NFD somalis stance in to account ) and even Somali Ethiopians like yourself support the ONLF which fights for independence not unification with Somalia, then the Somaliweyn project is redundant. The people of Somaliland have the same self-determination rights as Ethio-Somalis, Djib-Somalis or any of the five (not to be confused with 4.5 ) Somalis. What gives you and the other Ethio Somali *that right and not Somalilanders? It's 20 years since SL declared its withdrawal from the union with Somalia and it has been vindicated. The people of Borama celebrated the withdrawal as much as the Burcaawis. You and cheerleaders clannish can't deny that. Things have changed, and even patriotic Xiin's Puntland deports Somalis from south Somalia when it suits her. Somali Bantus have abandoned the failed republic. Others called in alqaeda, amisom, and other mercenaries. Look at the whole picture and Somaliland makes a lot of sense. What kind of unity is it when Xiin's Pirate*land (even before finding the illusive oil) can deport me anyway? * Let's not even talk about *dodgy Ethio Somalis like yourself. Got to go, be back later Inshallah
  21. xiinfaniin;745753 wrote: ^^The video is irrelevant at this point. Prof. Abtigis is not disputing the fact that atrocities were committed. He is attacking the weak rationale of using that atrocity for dismembering the country. The issue is Pro. Abtigiis is an Ethiopian who is putting words on Somalilanders' mouths. He should've asked why Somalilanders wanted to break the 1960 union with Somalia and we could've a had mature discussion. What we have here is no more the usual guilt-ridden calaacalkii hadhaagii
  22. ^ Things have not gone your way this month, have they? If it wasn't too bad that London support teacher beating you for the deputy premiership, now this. Let's hope there's a reshuffle soon.
  23. ^ She does sound like the Vuvuzela guy.
  24. If the folks behind this idea try to include Bosaaso in their plans then things will get very complicated.