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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Abtigiis;751953 wrote: This is not an invasion, and if it is, it is a good invasion. I opposed ethiopian aggression and if you see any inconsistency in my position, refer to Robert Cooper, Tony Blair's advisor and current chief strategist in the EU. "The challenge to post modern states is to get used to the idea of double-standards", he said, and I think Somalis need to get used to it, for it is a fact of life we cannot avoid. Anyway, simulating nationalism at this critical juncture in the fight againt evil islamists is hypocratical. The Alshabab are a cancer and the ailing people of Somalia would welcome anyone who contribures to uprooting them. I am not sure I would have minded if Ethiopians came back and did this too now. But everyone understands that there is fundamental difference between the actions of kenya and Ethiopia. One regime's political survival depends on turmoil in somalia and therefore is actively working to prolong anarchy in Somalia, while democractic Kenya hasn't yet shown any tangible destablising actions in somalia. If at all, it is a victim of cross-border piracy and kiddnappings that are threatening its security and economy. Let us be fair, Somalis. ^ Ah but what about Somaliweyn and occupiers of Somalis? Aren't Kenya and Ethios equal in that regard? I can understand Tony Blair's "double-standards" because they serve his interests, what interest have you (read plural including the your Tolkas like Zack ) in separating Kenya occupation from that of Ethios? As for the Kenyan incursion itself, if it about showing the world Kenya has taken action against the folks threatening tourists then it is wrong move. This will has only brought bad "war" publicity to country most saw as stable. If - on the other hand - this about creating a friendly clan buffer Zone for Abtigiis and Tolkis on the Somali side of the border, time will tell but my guess is it will only complicate tbings in an already difficult troubled land. Judging from the opposing noises coming from the TFG, they believe the later being the Kenyan motive.
  2. Pires also "managed to take the country out of poverty," Ibrahim said. "Cape Verde is the second African country to be taken off the list of the least developed countries by the UN. This is a country with no natural resources, no oil, no diamonds, nothing. This is a small country that has demonstrated without natural resources, but with good governance, they can really move the country forward." Impressive stuff. Tiny population and lack of resources is no excuse afterall.
  3. http://www.togaherer.com/2011/10/11/khudbadihii-kala-duwanaan-ee-uu-ka-jeediyey-fagaarihii-ceerigaabo-sawirada-qayb-labaad-oo-aad-u-qurux-badan/
  4. Nin dhan bey rabaan iney waqtigiisa dhumiyaan markaasuu ku leeyahay wuxuu diidey inuu ka hadlo magaalooyinkan Galkacyo, Burtinle and Balibusle., maxaa laga hadli oo uu ka oran lahaa magaalooyinka, war anagaa wax aragney, waxan waalni ka badan walllaahi Lol@nuune They are "cities". If you wanted Galaydh to talk, this how it is done kiddo... well allegedly. http://www.togane.org/index.php/extended/a_candid_interview_with_dr_ali_khaleef_galaydh/
  5. Jacpher, I don't think they (the actual bombers) do it because killing themselves that way is fun.
  6. Surely the religious principles in whose cause alshabaab fight and die does not condone such an evil act. So in the face of bewildering alshabaab actions and the contradictions it presents to its political manifesto, which is Islamic in nature, I pose the question to the gallery: why would they do it? I think they justify the mass murder by declaring even the civilians living in the TFG-controlled zones as apostates. Just see the the thread below. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/59254-Gaa-lbaad-tahay-hadad-dhanka-dowlada-uguurto?p=748044#post748044 That comes from someone who lived in London till recently and with family still here. If the killing Muslims living in Muslim lands could be openly justified like that, what hope the rest of us? AUN the victims.
  7. Prometheus;748956 wrote: Garnaqisow, kan yar ee caadifaddu heyso wuxuu mooday in diin la caayay, oo rag iska celi buu is leeyahay, oo ma innagaa diinba soo hadal qaadnay? Waxaan xusuustaa beri uu xaqiirku khuraafaat nagu afuufay oo wuxuu na yidhi "Golden Ratio" waa mucjiso weyn oo cadaynaysa inay Makkah tahay meel muqaddas ah. Dee wuxuu lasoo shir tagay xisaab ay xitaa dhallaanku ku qosli lahaayeen. Iska hadal ileen beentan xaaraan kaa ahayn. You know I never said such thing, then again; amber juice might be to blame for the confussion. Waar kani xitaa fractions isuma geyn karo, kolkaasaad doonaysaa inaad u sharaxdo theory of relativity iyo Newtonian mechanics. Maahmaahyada dameerada iyo suuradda maroodiga uunbuu yaqaan ee waxba wakhti haysaga lumin baan ku odhan lahaa. Anaa waalnaa markaan nin aaminsan inuu daanyeer ka faracme aan afka la galayay. Qaraqsi We've all got interest, agenda and position to defend. Your interest are such you'll even present the changing of e=mc2 as something minor.
  8. Since SoL has let in a lot ciyaals, maybe they should hire that cajuusad as a moderator to look after them. Just a thought.
  9. Malika;748897 wrote: Oh dear, simple psychology will have it - poor A&T is on a leash, the leash holder are women - am assuming the whip holder is also a woman..lol....am tredding on thin ice here, May I ask A&T who is the boss at home too?... I think that's a wrong way of looking at things. A&T is a gifted writer who makes his lazy bosses feel inadequate. They want him to do all the work, but being whom they're; they have to do it in cunning and manipulative way. If A&t was smart, he would've smelled a rat when they demand his reports weeks in advance. This was done only to give him enough time to do everybody's work as well while laughing behind his back. Poor geezer.
  10. ^ So the BBC's Science web page is sensationalist pop media? If it's BBC itself you have issues with, why did you post its video clip in the first place? Hypocrisy at its worse. Pop media or not, the people quoted in hundreds of articles are not "faithful" nobodies as I'm happily branded by the Godless. Nor are they "Science Donkeys". They're famous renown Physicist (not some SoL guy who claims knowing what he's talking about) who made up their position clear should the results be confirmed. Like it or not, that's how things are. PS Your "knowledgable" SoL lines are direct quotes from the same news articles so give it a rest.
  11. ^ I don't need to know the groom nor the bride. At my age, you attend hebel and heblaaye's son and daughters meher. Not that I'm old, it's just these fishes and chipses tend to mary very young these days. Just ask Polanyi.
  12. Nin-Yaaban;748926 wrote: If there ever was SoL post that needed a picture, it's this one. I beg to differ. I just don't get what the fuss is all about with this umbrella girl. Never mind running naked around the farm, I don't think I'd look up if she climbed the apple tree. Even if I did look up, I still not know what the fuss is all about. I don't get her music either. She reminds me of a girl who slapped me just because I said she looks and sound like the actress in White Man Can't Jump.
  13. A meeting at Cern, the world's largest physics lab, has addressed results that suggest subatomic particles have gone faster than the speed of light. The team has published its work so other scientists can determine if the approach contains any mistakes. If it does not, one of the pillars of modern science will come tumbling down. Antonio Ereditato added "words of caution" to his Cern presentation because of the "potentially great impact on physics" of the result. The speed of light is widely held to be the Universe's ultimate speed limit, and much of modern physics - as laid out in part by Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity - depends on the idea that nothing can exceed it. Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote We want to be helped by the community in understanding our crazy result - because it is crazy” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-15017484 If the Europeans are right, Einstein was not just wrong but almost clueless. The implications could be huge. Particles that move faster than light are essentially moving backwards in time, which could make the phrase cause and effect obsolete. "Think of it as being shot before the trigger is pulled," wrote University of Rochester astrophysicist Adam Frank on his NPR blog. Or, as Czech physicist Lubos Motl put it on his blog, "You could kill your grandfather before he had his first sex with your grandmother, thus rendering your own existence needed for the homicide inconsistent with the result of the homicide." The evidence for this complete upending of modern physics and cosmic decorum comes from an experiment involving two top-notch physics installations. The first is CERN, the European Center for Particle Physics, near Geneva, where a particle accelerator created the swarm of neutrinos in the first place. These bits of matter are bizarre no matter how you look at them: they're so elusive that one of them could pass through a chunk of lead a trillion miles thick without a bump. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2094665,00.html The beeb and Time for you.
  14. Gaas says Somaliland part of Somalia Waa waraaaaaay! Since when?
  15. Oh Aaliyyah, forgot to tell you about the Cidagale bariis last weekend. Yum yum.
  16. Prom, it is the likes of you who try to claim science as a property of only kaafirs, so don't despair when the fundamental pillars of your faith are called in to question. What's is clear to anyone - even passive follower of this story like myself, you and the other fella have trying to downplay the significance of discovery's confirmation. The question is why? I can understand why Jerusalem Post is negative, but why you? I'm prepared to wait for further research without making my mind either way, why is your buddy Qarnaqsi (ms noma iyo nus) already saying "it won't shatter anything; even if it turns out that neutrinos do travel faster than the speed of light"? Is this not blind faith? The Qur'an describes some followers of the "bible" with the parable of a donkey that is carrying what it doesn't know. Looks like science's miseducated fools are no different.
  17. NGONGE, Andy Carroll reminds me of Duncan Ferguson who a cult figure but ended his career without an impressive record.
  18. Sheekh Mumin has always been strong minded but controversial. Reer London ha laga waraysto.
  19. AYOUB


    An Introduction to the Somali Ethnographic Collection Kept in the British Museum http://www.raadinternational.com/booklet.pdf Introduction to the Somali Ethnographic Collection in the British Museum http://www.raadinternational.com/Somali_Collection.ppt
  20. This lovely man was in London a weeks ago and I made sure I had the privilege of getting one of his famous hugs. A fiend was telling me he gave a Jumca Khutba in SE London and mentioned he met a certain Somali politician in Nairobi and asked if his people were good people and Muslims why they were killing each other? Waa suaal weli tagaan? PS Maaddeey, this video was posted in here not too long ago. Waa ayaamihi aad dhufays faruujis ku mashqulsanayd baan umalaynaya.
  21. Oh Sorry sir. Shouldn't judge a pamphlet by its content.
  22. Che -Guevara;747884 wrote: I don't see the money being handed over? :-) Dahabshiil ka doono.
  23. Great images. Now to the main job at hand. The hugs and the smiles are the just the silver lining.
  24. Somalina;747767 wrote: Why didn't you try to save those lives before Erdogan arrived in Mogadishu? Don't kid yourself, keep your 700k because I'm 100% certain the people in SL can make use of it. Contain yourself dear coz your not making any sense.