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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Azania is a divisive project in a region with diverse clans. It won't heal old wounds, it will reiginite them. The issue of Kismayo as a city of rer-hebel or rer-hebel will come up again. It shouldn't come to being. But I am amazed by the people who prefer Alshabab to Azania. Is our clanishness that deep? That deadly? We're surprised you are surprised today. Why weren't you surprised when Xiin said to Gabbal (aka HornAfrique) he prefers Shabaab to Barre Hiiraale's clan militia? The answer: Azania. PS if Kenya does not drop the Azania plan, Mogadishu warlords will back sooner rather than later.
  2. ^ Why then is he forcing Somaliweynism on Somalilanders yaa Xaaji?
  3. ^ It's not about the invasion or Azania but your views on Kenya itself. What are your views based on?
  4. NGONGE;753779 wrote: The hand must be next. What will he do, sack the PM? If the PM was foolish enough to signed it and sharif wanted to damage him politically, he can send him with his letter to the mad house that is the TFG parliament. He did it to Sharmaake and Abdishakur with MOU "selling badda" to Kenya. Even Formaggio was sent to retract the agreement with Saracen.
  5. ^ But Rooney is notorious for his love of islaamaha. A&T Your motives are questionable because you (and most of your Tol) support ONLF on one hand and pro Kenya on the other. Passerby Tigre made this point and I saw you edit your post to Kenya being not an enemy to "lesser enemy". Taking the way Nairobi benefits from being the unofficial capital of Somalia and Kenya's open greed for Somalia's territorial waters, how could you come to that conclusion?
  6. ^ Che -Guevara;753490 wrote: They are looking for a bit cherry news in the desert but coming up with mirage. And why do you keep coming back yaa sympathiser? Ok, there's no "news" here and nothing but mirage to see. Move on. This is Politics section (World Politics, Somali Politics and Current Issues).*Checked the list of things shabaab banned and I didn't see Faroole's name, so what's your problem?
  7. Gheelle.T;753589 wrote: If What Ina Macallin is saying turns our to be true, then Sharifku is in dhiiqo big time. Why sign something and appose it week later? Miskiin The article says the PM signed it. Looks like Gaas has been set up big time.
  8. NGONGE;753470 wrote: ^^ Yet it took him a full week to declare his opposition? Sh. Sharif's imaan went up a notch this week. Last week he could only oppose the Kikuyus by heart. This week the opposition is tongue in cheek.
  9. What happened to your "i still believe" catchphrase? Having doubts are we?
  10. ^ This Tigre vvv http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/59550-A-Osman-s-Boys-say-Kenyan-invasion-is-good.-LOOOOOOOOOOOL?highlight=tigre
  11. ^ Ah look Zack is here. The Tigre boy was looking for you.
  12. ^ Yes you can beat City at home but LFC will still be in competition with the likes of Stoke and Sunderland. Early days but the gap is already 10 points. I think Man-U are better with the Mexican upfront rather than that gangling black kid. Don't know why Sir Alec thinks otherwise.
  13. NGONGE;741088 wrote: LFC: Top Stoke: Tenth (the Europa league will be a distraction for them). Sunderland: Seventh (They bought lots of decent players whilst Villa & Everton did not). Well... Man City..........................9..... 25 Man Utd...........................9.... 20 Chelsea.......................... 9.... 19 Newcastle........................9.... 19 Tottenham.......................8.... 16 Liverpool........................9.... 15 Arsenal............................9.... 13 Norwich City.................... 9.... 12 Stoke City...................... 9.... 12 QPR................................ 9.... 12 Aston Villa....................... 9.... 11 WBA ................................9.... 11 Everton............................8.... 10 Sunderland.................... 9..... 9 Swansea City...................9..... 9 Wolves........................... 9..... 8 Fulham........................... 9..... 7 Bolton..............................9..... 6 Wigan Athletic................. 9..... 5 Blackburn........................ 9..... 5
  14. Well Naxar is one of those folks that are so educated that they prefer pet dogs to children. As for Che, he has issues with the Imaam's popularity. The negativity has nothing to do with me.
  15. Naxar, do I have to draw you the picture? The whole point of the thread is to show belief in "the children are our future". As for you comparing the great State to Ohio, well Puntland (with its oil fields) likes to see itself as the Texas of Somalia. Che, Imaam Faroole & Sons are a talented bunch and have many many fans. Fuad Shangoole and his one man fan-club can learn a lot from him.
  16. Faroole oo Wiilkiisii u Magcaabay Wakiilka PL ee USA Sida ku cad Atlantic Council, Madaxweyne Faroole waxaa uu magcaabay isla markaana safar shaqo ah ugu diray Washington mid ka mida wiilashiisa, Khadar Abdulrahman Faroole kaasoo aan xataa iskuulka dhamaysan uu magcaabay Safiirka Washinton. Ambaashadoore Khadar oo safar iyo kulamo ku soo kala baxshay Maraykanka, lana soo kulmay Senators, Siyaasiyiin iyo shirkadaha shiidaalka, isagoo markaa ka dhaadhicinaya in la aqoon sado Puntland isla markaana ay dawlada ameerican ku la shaqayso Madaxweyne Faroole. Socdalkan Ambashadoore Khadar iyo hawl galkiisa waxay tani ku tusinaysaa inaan Madaxweyne Faroole inaba wax ixtiraam iyo sharaf u hayn dhamaan dadka Puntland, siiba golahiisa wasiiro oo ay ka buuxaan rag khibrad iyo aqoon fara badan u leh arimaha wiilka yar waa Ambashadoore Khadar loo diraye. Riix Halkan Warbixin English ah Sawiro sida* http://www.raascasayrmedia.com/?p=5838 I'm sure Imaam Jnr deserves his job.
  17. A&T, where do Hugo and Fidel fit in with your theory? The West want these gents out of power too but what's the missing ingredient?
  18. Abtigiis;753112 wrote: Has he said I repented? were is the evidence?. Faisal C Waraabe welcomed him at the airport. Then again, maybe he ( Gen Jaama Yare) played the clan card you suggested he is supposedly above. PS The great Rayaale Kaahin did put this "lan-dheere" of yours in the very airport cell before deporting him.
  19. Please file under "random". Then again, I didn't click on the link and there might be an SL or even sleazy angle I've missed.
  20. Kudayo kudayo gone bananas! Interesting to see how Goldogob or South Galkacyo folks reacts to this news.
  21. NGONGE;752594 wrote: Heh. OO arintu ma Kismaayay aheed? My bad. Waxan is lahaa Kenya uun ayuu odaygo diidsanyahay. Ileen xaafadahaaga la ag marayaay. Hadaba iga raali aho, adeer. *Waxay aheed in aan "map" eego intaanan hadlin (and forget the sincere argument now). :) Xiin has strong ties to Canoole militia and his position makes sense especilly when Gaas is the TFG's PM. As for Admiral A&T, it is expected for him to say Shabaab are a cancer whereas Azania and the Kikuyu are foot and mouth disease of Somalia.
  22. Sweet. Ain't it lovely to see someone satisfied and grateful to their Almighty.
  23. NGONGE;752227 wrote: ^^ Arooska Abu Qori Al-Kanadi miyaanad ka qayb galin barigee aad Al Shabab taagiiri jirtay? Lol Oh he walked in to that.