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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ Waar it's poor and amateurish reporting. So if the highest bidder does not pay enough taxes, he loses? What rubbish process!
  2. I don't get it, I thought the cheapest contractor is supposed to win.
  3. NGONGE, I won't bring prophets in to this, but some of Nuune threads made me feel like throwing three pebbles at them. Malika, we're not getting personal, just taking the only legal SoL opportunity to tell folks we we think about them. Btw, is there a Nuune thread on Libya? Apologies to the Jinis if there is.
  4. NGONGE, the Libya thread was by Che. Not that I'm saying he (Che that is) indirectly complementing himself by nominating Nuune's contributions. Maybe Nuune possessed Che in that thread or was it the other way round. Calaa kulli xaal, it was nothing exclusive. It was confused reporting from the start to the end. If fact it made me doubt Nuune Jin contacts. How could they let him look so clueless? The Jin whisperers I knew used to be much better than that.
  5. I think the likes of MMA made the best use of the new SoL. His was not a copy and paste of confused "war deg deg ah" available to everyone out there, but SoL exclusive. He might be bila dhadhan compared to Alpha, but more of their kind of posts should be encouraged.
  6. Garnaqsi;758757 wrote: A while ago I remember reading about a study which showed that atheists know more about religion than believers. Well the ones in SoL seem to know very little about Islam and Muslims. Makes me wonder what supposed "Abrahamic" religion they were taught in the first place. If John B knew Muslims believed even the nails on the fingers are a bounty from the Almighty he wouldn't ask that question. If he knew Allah attributes, he would not ask Muslims if God was evil. As sad as John's case is; there's still hope because the Creator guides. Johnny B The question you posted - in that context - can best be answered by a Muslim who was once an atheist. If you are serious about it then I suggest you find an atheist who "exhausted" other possibilities before becoming Muslim for answers that might be from your perspective. There many such people out there - Dr Jeffery Lang being one good example. He might be able to understand the big phrases you're trying to impress us with. In the mean time, I hope this video gives you my perspective.
  7. A&T, I never said you're going to hell. I've no power, knowledge or authority to decide that. That's that. My layman Islamic knowledge tells me Adultery and getting intoxicated are major sins and avoiding them is a noble thing. But, there are sins more detrimental than adultery, drugs even murder. I'll stop before you accuse me declaring you a Kaafir.
  8. ^ I think by "liberal" in A&T's case mean legitimising going against and disobeying Almighty word while claiming to be a Muslim (ie one that submit to the will of Allah). If one dares to challenge him, they're "Alshabaab".
  9. nuune;757265 wrote: akhii, hadaad iga yeeleyso mid Jiniyad yaroo kuusan(not a qalanjo but can do the job at least) ayaan kugu xiri Mar baan "no thanks" idhi markaasa xaal iyo garnaq arinku noqday. Yaradka ama xaalka jiniyada laga bixiyo isheeg bal.
  10. The Somali people are starving, give 10kg of lobsters to our Kenyan guest. Sums up Jubaland, doesn't it?
  11. Is that all the addictions? Waa loo dul qaadan karaa instaas.
  12. Nuune she's human not a Jiniyad so she must be ugleh, maahi noo? NGONGE, you seem to know her, what's her 3rd addiction coz I need to make up mind whether I would look up or not.
  13. ^ is that why I couldn't get her 3rd addiction? Alpha, stop being humble, you're still a top notch celeb.
  14. They don't make them like they used to.
  15. What's the 3rd of the 2 things she's addicted to?
  16. Talking about pirates, anyone watch the kid that is in young apprentice? http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b016n53l/Young_Apprentice_Series_2_Frozen_Treats/
  17. Well well well.. Wednesday, October 26th, 2011 at 02:40 pm Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo Qiray in Amisom ay u Yeerteen Sheegayna in Beelaha Hubka Xoog looga Qaadi Doono Khaliif Ciise Mudan Gaalkacyo (RBC) Wasiirka amniga Puntland Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa si rasmi ah shaaca uga qaaday in Puntland ay u yeeratay ciidamo ka socda Amisom kuwaasoo uu sheegay inay wax ka qaban doonaan amni darrida ka jirta Puntland. “Waa run anagaa dalbanay Amisom, waayo ciidankaan waxaa loogu talagalay inay dalkoo dhan ka hawlgalaan.., Puntland waxay weydiisatay DKMG iyo Amisom inay ciidamo keenaan Gaalkacyo marka iyaga ayaan ka warsugeynaa” ayuu yiri Khaliif Ciise Mudan. Khaliif wuxuu sheegay inuu aaminsan yahay in haddii ay yimaadaan Amisom ay wax weyn ka bedeli karaan xaalada amaanka, isagoo qiray in amnigii gudaha uu faraha ka baxay, maalin kastana waxaa dhaca qaraxyo iyo dilal qorsheysan, siduu qiray Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo hore u ahaa ganacsade dhowaana madaxweyne Faroole uu u magacaabay wasiirka amniga. “Anagu wax dhibaato ah uma aragno, dadka leh Amisom waxay keeneysaa dhibaato waa kuwo NABADA DIIDAN” ayuu yiri wasiirka oo saadaaliyey in dadka reer Puntland ay raali ka noqon doonaan imaanshaha ciidamada ka socda Uganda iyo Burundi. Wuxuuna si kulul u dhaleeceeyey warbaahinta sheegewysa in Amisom ay maalin walba duqeyso shacabka reer Muqdisho isla markaana aysan kala jecleyn reer Muqdisho iyo reer Puntland. “ Ciidamada waxaan geyn doonaa meelo cayiman, waxaana qorshaha iyo maamulka yeelanaya dawlada Puntland” ayuu yiri Khaliif Ciise. Sidee beelaha hubka looga dhigayaa? Wasiirka amniga Puntland wuxuu sheegay in maamulku uu diyaarinayo qorshe ballaaran oo dadka hubka looga dhigayo, isagoo sheegay in cidii diida inay hubkeeda maamulka ku soo wareejiso si qasab ah looga qaadi doono. “Maalin walba qabiilada ayaa isdagaala, waxaa dhaca falal amni daro waxaana waxaas sabab u ah hubkii oo dadku wada heysto, marka dawladu waxay bilaabaysaa hub ka dhigis” ayuu sii raaciyey wasiirka. Hadalka wasiirka ayaa ku soo beegmay maalmo ka dib markii madaxweyne Faroole oo hadal ka jeediyey magaalada London uu shaaca ka qaaday in maamulkiisu uu weydiistay in Amisom ka caawiso sugida amniga ka dib markii ciidamada maamulku ay ku guuldareysteen wax ka qabashada amaanka dadweynihii ay masuuliyadooda qaadeen. Waxaase dadweynuhu isweydiinayaan waxa ay qabanayaan ciidamada 10-kun ka badan lagu sheego ee dawlada mushaharka siiso mar haddii sugida amniga loogu yeeray Amisom. RBC Radio 39 Responses for “Khaliif Ciise Mudan oo Qiray in Amisom ay u Yeerteen Sheegayna in Beelaha Hubka Xoog looga Qaadi Doono” http://www.raxanreeb.com/?p=117009
  18. ^ It's the Kenyas that are making him look clueless. They're are supposed to be saying they have not invaded Somalia but are ONLY giving Somalia "tactical and logistical" support. Then again, it was this PM who claimed his delegation never walked out Iranian President UN speech but it was just a coincidence that they decided to take a toilet break when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the podium.
  19. NGONGE;754411 wrote: ^^ Don't let them distract you, saaxib. For once, you're on the right track and are making perfect sense. Stop it mayn. A&T works well under pressure, just ask his boss-lady.
  20. Wlc back Horn. Only the Guru is now missing... That's how I interpreted you riddle-laden post above: I think there are two defining characteristics of this discourse as it relates to the Kenyan presence in southern Somalia = Kenya has two aims in South Somalia. 1. the support provided against the Shabaab in a military capacity = You are pro Kenyan Invasion to fight Shabaab. 2. the nature of the political interference outside of the Shabaab effort. = Kenya's Azania and other plans. While I am careful to frame my position around the former, I sympathize immensely with AT&T and wished to add my opposition to those individuals who exerted effort into belittling his honest, candid, and thorough expression of legitimate aspirations. My understanding of the above is; you are in support of Kenyans fighting Shabaab in Somalia and against those hypocrites who oppose it for clannish reasons. You also feel for Azanians like A&T plight but you do not go as far as supporting the "buffer zone". Did I decode your message correctly?
  21. ^ The "why do Abtigiis and Tolkiis love Kenya" enigma?
  22. ^ Read all about it, A&T finally admits he is pro Azania..whatever next... Two Somali guys met at collage enrolment day in London. One accused the other of lying about his age. After a long argument, the accused admitted he was fibbing and added two years to his age. The accuser quipped "berrito ha inoo ahaato laba sanadood oo kale inaad ku darti baa inoo balan ah".* ...*
  23. xiinfaniin;753859 wrote: GoldCoast, the PM lost it here if indeed what he said is his policy toward fighting Alshabaab. Xiin waa markaagii, there's no ifs. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1075083--one-killed-eight-wounded-in-nairobi-blast A&T You oppose PL, lukewarm on Azania, like Makhir and love SSC.
  24. Oh Zack, that's because I've only got one pair of glasses to go with one face. Halloween is around the corner and I see you've dropped the wadani mask and adorned the Azania mask. If your clansmen in Kenya are happy to live under the Kikuyus, that's cool. Just please and please be honest about the reasons behind their decisions and don't get "tongue-twisted" on us. You know they went as far as handing Bashir Makhtal to Meles but they still have your support. Yours are not the only the folks who fail the "Somaliweynism" test when it comes to Kenya. The SSC leadership with their anti-colonial border rhetoric are happy to be based in Nairobi while listening to Sado sing "0gadenia way xoroobi". One doesn't need to be wearing SL goggles to see folks turning rabbit. *