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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. NGONGE, are you still talking?
  2. Oodweyne;784930 wrote: We shall see soon as to who is been lied to in here. For, there is no way to read things than to say, either Somaliland's leadership is lying through it's collective teeth. Or the Brits are planning to pull a rabbit out of the hat in here. But, for what is worth; I have my profound doubt that things is going to be the way this minister of foreign affairs seemed to be saying in here; but, we shall see... Indeed.
  3. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Sing with me... We are a band of brothers, Native to the soil Fighting for the property We gained by honest toil. And when our rights were threatened, The cry rose near and far; Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears a single star! chorus: Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern rights, Hurrah! Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears a single star!
  4. The name of the party is UTP U=Unholy. T=Trinity (Omar, Osman and Isseh). There's a dispute as to what P stands for.
  5. You got to love the headline below? http://boocameonline.com/?p=22779
  6. Wargeyska News Baber ee ka soo baxa magaalada London :) Nice one.
  7. If battles were won by mud-slinging, Hadhaagii and not the SNM would have been victors.
  8. NGONGE, calling me a Man U fan will not bring good fortune to LFC. Norf, Suerez is a good player. Not sure about Caroline.
  9. Jacaylbaro;763709 wrote: Enemies within ,,,,, wax fahan Maxaynu fahanaa, you're talking in riddles. Who are the murders and will they face justice?
  10. Showqi;763755 wrote: illaahay naxariistii janno ha ka waraabiyo sheekha. Eheladisii iyo asxaabtiisiina samir iyo iimaan. Aamin.
  11. NGONGE, when LFC's luck turns, Europa spot will be secured, soo maaha? Looks like the goofy bandito from Urgay will get a lengthy ban for his alleged racism and finger salute, so don't hold your breath.
  12. Crazy stuff. Lordy lord. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;763669 wrote: Leicester tuulo ma'aha, umana dhawo. Have you been to it? I have and it was magaalo iska quiet ah with a large university. Soomaalida degana badankooda Yurubta kale kasoo guureen. No wonder these girls' names are spelled in Soomaali, that tells you Yurubta kale ka imaadeen. As it was the game, marka Ingiriiska la iska dhiibaayo magaca waala Soomaaliyeeyaa. Hadduu "Mohamed" loo qoraaye markuu qofka deganaa Holland, Ingiriiska markuu iska dhiibo "Maxamed" laga dhigaa. "Sadia" waa Sacdiya, "Habiba" waa Xabiibo. "Omar" waa Cumar. You're a funny chap.
  13. Abdul;763418 wrote: Some of the hatred is for qabil reasons. A lot of the love is for the same reason. Isu tuur and move on. Is this book a bio or an autobio? Is it in English or Somali?
  14. Even irrational NGONGE knows it's over for this season. Even Rafa Benitez is moving to Paris.
  15. As long as gaze on waterloo sunset...
  16. ^ You're only a Weinstein when it comes to Azania. A&T will be here soon I'A.
  17. A&T might dismiss Dr Weinstein's views like you used to not long ago. xiinfaniin;748705 wrote: P.S. I don't really put that much into Dr. Michael A. Weinstein's essays. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/59263-Mahiga-s-(UN-s)-Somali-Road-Map?p=748705&viewfull=1#post748705
  18. ^ So says Jacaylbarambaro's friend and founder of SoL Supporters.
  19. NGONGE;760825 wrote: ^^ You need at least 100 posts to become a Nomad. As for "reputations", I am in the mood to spread some love. Who should I give it to? (Ayoub does not qualify of course). So long as Xaaji Xunjuf is my friend on my profile, you can keep your lime candy bars. Bleep! Malika, you might be a village person but I love you nevertheless.
  20. Johnny B;758896 wrote: Your video of "al-rahman" is fascinating, but only for a person who is already a believer in the tenets of that Faith. . That's why I told you to find an ex-atheist Muslim. We seem to be in different "zones". *What's natural to you is supernatural to me. You seem to be having the same problem with Sharmarke. You take things like life, speech and all of creation for granted, we don't. Men in the lab have given you explanations and you hope another "fills the gap of all the yet-to-be-known-explanations-of-the-universe". They've even convinced you are purposeless creature who got here by chance. I can't think of a way to address someone trying to justify that mindset - hence my suggestion you talk to someone who has "been there".