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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;800808 wrote: Ciidamo milatari gooni ayaa leeyahay, ciidamo bad ayaa sameysanayaa, lacag gooni ayaa daabacanayaa, qeyraadka dalka maamul goboleedka bas saxiixi karo iyagaana leh. Calan maamuleedka gobolka iyo calanka dalka la isla simay maalin dhawaydna. What was this again? Waa goosanay maala dhaho maxaa been la iskugu sheegaa, Soomaalida kalena been loogu sheegaa. Mise sharcigaa la kala garaneynin. You forgot to add how efficient they are at deporting.
  2. ^ Maybe so, but the Ethio flag-waving is a growing phenomenon.
  3. Archdemos;799931 wrote: So what does this mean. Any geologists care to give a more detailed analysis of the above statement. I'm not a geologist but I think they want you to buy shares in the company.
  4. ^ The Holy Trinity calendar says it's time for Omar to milk the cow, so Samatar needs to be patient. Then again the Imaan had started to print the cash again which indicates he is prepared to extend the rule for himself or his little mu'adin.
  5. Abtigiis;800871 wrote: The Title is slightly wrong. The right topic is: Silent cry aka Og youth embrace Ethiopian Birr . Questions still remain, why would these young men "sell out" when they seem to have directly witnessed the condition of the folks back home? They seem to be living a jet-set lifestyle and weren't exactly powder-milk rations kind of qaxootis. This suggest there IS more to this than the birr. PS nice to see you ( not in drag). *
  6. ^ Forgive him Zack, for he does not who our "brothers" are. Like Bill said, it's the Kikuyu, stupidh.
  7. NGONGE;800285 wrote: A&T never gets tired but this time he got it wrong. . http://www.kilil5.com/node/29175 A&T does not like cross-dressing but he knows cagdheernews.com will not post several articles by him every single day.
  8. ^ I'm sure your "charges" would raise more eyebrows than your "draft". Dear Admin Even though I did say "thank you in advance" in my above posted PM, I'll say it again to silence your pets (namely Sayid Qardhowi and Carafat). Thank you Admin. I'm happy, but, if it's not too much to ask, I would be even happier if turn on the fan just to give the SL kalimah the "babis effect" like Juxas above. *Thanks.*
  9. If you are a Somali from south Somalia, today should be regarded as a very good day for you and the future of your land (in fact, it is a good day for the entire horn). There is light at the end of the tunnel and though incompetent Sharif is the one holding the torch, the mechanics of post transition Somalia may mean that the next government might not have him as its head. It’s good news that Puntland, Ahlu El Sunta and the others have all decided to toe the line and follow this road map. It is also good news that whatever disputes, arguments or fallouts these groups will have from now on will be supervised and smoothed over by the rest of the world. In addition, and because such a large number of groups have agreed to unite and work towards a peaceful Somalia, we are unlikely to have a repeat of the Abdullahi Yusuf scenario of rejecting outside troops or making “treason” accusations. This time they’re all either patriots or sell-outs. The above should really be the focus of most southern Somalis. However, some unionist may find that they are left in limbo here and therefore SL and its role, position and stance in regards to all of this must also be mentioned. Well, when SL agreed to go to this meeting it demanded that it is viewed as different to the other Somali groups attending. The Brits, with an amazing show of diplomatic resourcefulness agreed to the demand and pulled off a very clever stunt in sitting the SL president apart from the rest, in inviting him to separate meetings with its officials and in the wording of the speeches and literature of the conference. They also allowed the SL president to give a speech in which he himself showed his own diplomatic suppleness and skill where he extended an olive branch to Somalia, offered to help it in its hour of need and told the westerners that nobody can feel its pain like the people of SL could. All along, he also reiterated the autonomous position of SL, its democratic credentials and its desire for international recognition. The final communiqué of the conference kept everyone happy again in its beautiful choice of words and non committal statement. I mean, who (on either side) can bristle at words that invite dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland to clarify their future positions? Those from Somalia are happy because SL has not been recognised and those from SL are happy because SL has not been hoodwinked. The only clear point that was made was the distinction between Somalia & Somaliland at this point in time. Alas, the only groups that might not feel comfortable with the conference or any of its resolutions are those that support a Maakhir, Khaatumo or Awdal state. Where does all of this leave them? Does it not mean that (for the Khaatumo group at least) they are back to the dilemma of being either part of PL or part of SL? Or will they join the roadmap (have they?) in their own right. But will PL allow it? Will the TFG help out? Will those that agreed the London Conference accept any additions? Some serious questions are to be answered in that front. Nicely put. Just to add, the so-called "road map" seems to be very unpopular with a significant chunk of southerners.
  10. NGONGE;792481 wrote: ^^ Like I always told you, you are a fair weather fan, Norf. . Club is everything?
  11. NGONGE;787165 wrote: The ball just doesn't want to go into the goal but I'm confident that it soon will. War give us credit and don't be a xaasid like Ayoub, Bob. The ball does go in when LFC plays against the likes of Brighton. Funny that.
  12. The darkie is the "Scott's "Independence" Flag". Check below http://earlytexashistory.com/Tx1836/Flags%20of%20Texas.html Anyways don't divert me guys, I just want my SL flag avatar back thank you!
  13. Ok people I need help I said Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;790075 wrote: Only internationally recognized calamo laga aqoonsanyahay meeshaan, not every tuulo calankee iska sameysato. And to respect calankeena suuban ee Soomaaliya like that ("West Florida Bonnie Blue "), well nothing new from a goosashadoon dude with political identity crisis because that very British document you hold says you were born in Soomaaliya, diid or doon. I do respect bonnie blue flag, but I'm not the only one. I some day you'll join us... http://www.grandmothersbuttonsblog.com/?p=518
  14. About time. No more "bad hair day" pirates on prime time tv.
  15. Aah! Ok. after amaan what, laalush?
  16. I sent a PM to LST regarding having a SL flag avatar and got no response. I think he might have been offended by my content if not the tone. Please help me draft a polite PM I can send, coz my lame attempt below failed. C'on folks, chop-chop! wrote: Under the guise of resheshing my SL flag avatar was replaced by the one I'm using. Tried to change it to something patriotic but there was no flags available. Since then, i've spotted flags have been creeping back in. I've seen West Florida Bonnie Blue creep in. I've seen Bolivian, Ethio and Turkish even. Heck even the Pirate flag is flying! I demand the return of SL Kalimah! Thanks in advance!
  17. ^ Even sillier than before. May Allah guide us and make the beauty of Jannatul firdus our abode, amiin dheh.
  18. Maybe so, BUT, Lucas might back next season with his negative football.
  19. ^ How can TVUniversal be biased when they do let Saado Cali sing?
  20. NGONGE;786241 wrote: (oh, we are four points from fourth place and there are fifteen games to go. All to play four). Bahasha barta. Oh I remember when you used to talk like this... NGONGE;743790 wrote: ^^^ Fourth? I'm telling you that we'll win the league and you talk to me about fourth? caarada iska masax warya, aduunko wuu is badalay. :)
  21. Boondheere;786285 wrote: maaddeey of course this *sheikhs is 21 century person and he will not admit what quran *really says. but read quran tafsiir from ancient Islamic Scholars Such as AL Tabari You're clutching on straws buddy. If Dr Naik is *"21st Century", this is what inb Kathir said ﴿حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ﴾ ](Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun,) means, he followed a route until he reached the furthest point that could be reached in the direction of the sun's setting, which is the west of the earth. As for the idea of his reaching the place in the sky where the sun sets, this is something impossible, and the tales told by storytellers that he traveled so far to the west that the sun set behind him are not true at all. Most of these stories come from the myths of the People of the Book and the fabrications and lies of their heretic Boondheere;785930 wrote: and * the scenery *which the quranic verse is describing *agian its in middle east(وَنَخِيلٌ صِنْوَانٌ ) the word " wanakhlun its means TIMIRTA. so timirta tree in 7th century can be found only in disert of Arabia. there was no TIMIR tree in europe. or china or western western hampshire. so agian allah world is only in middle east. like there was no camel in western hampshire in 7th century. if god was speaking all humans on this planet including red indians in america in 7th century, so why allah says look how we created camels. there was no(NAKHAL) TIMIR tree or camels in papua new guinea or in America in 7th century. quran and hadiith most of times they only talk about the middle east and not other parts of the planet. That's laughable. Surely you know better. A lot more fruits (like pomegranates, apples, grapes etc) have been mentioned in the Qur'an. *Other animals (like lion) have been mentioned in the Noble book. The camel is a special animal in more ways than one. I'm not saying it because Cabdi Gahayr (AUN) *said "Aakhiro nimaan geel lahayn, lama amaanayne". *If you followed the debate between people who believe in Creation vs neo-Darwinist evolutionists, you would aware how the unique the nerves in camels are used to challenge atheists like Richard Dawkins who claims *"indisputable evidence of the giraffe's evolution from fish".* The quote below if from page is from page 9 of the article in the link below using the anatomy of the camel to counter the likes Richard Dawkins.* b) *According to Dietrich Starck - one *of the leading German evolutionary*anatomists of the 20th century – the recurrent laryngeal nerves are missing in the*suborder Tylopoda (family Camelidae with camels, lamas and vicugnas), see* Starck 1978, p. 237. However, Hans Joachim Müller, who published the results*of his careful dissections on Camelus bactrianus and Lama huanacus [guanicoe]* in 19623, found that – although in fact, the *innerveration of the larynx by the*Nervus laryngeus inferior is exceptional4 in these animals – there still is a ramus*recurrens sinister, which arises from the vagus nerve near the heart and ‘curves*around the arch of aorta’ in order *to ascend at the latero-dorsal (and during* further development at the more dorsal) part of the trachea, but does *not* innervate the larynx. Müller writes (p. 161): The fact that the ramus recurrens sinister does not innervate the larynx in the*Camelidae, but still takes the ascendent course of the normal recurrent laryngeal* nerve of all the other mammal families (so much so that J. J. Willemse thought* he had even found a *normal Nervus recurrens in a young camel 5), yet to eventually anastomose with corresponding recurrent branches of the right* vagus to take part in the formation of a special network of nerves, *also implies*important and indispensible functions of that route. As for similar observations*on the ramus recurrens dexter, see footnote below 6. To discover*or deepen our understanding of these necessary and probably further vital functions* will be a task of future research http://www.weloennig.de/LaryngealNerve.pdf Now back to the Quranic question posed:* Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators? *Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they have no firm belief.
  22. ^ Che, what insults are you on about?