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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. LANDER;811443 wrote: lol... how does that saying go? Don't bother explaining yourself to your enemies they won't believe you. well if a two term president who happens to hail from Awdal leads the negotiations he is STILL trying to 'proove' something by refusing to relinquish Somaliland's sovereignty to a failed state mind you! But if the leader of the negotiations is of 'duriyada' than you can pull out a tribal card and claim a single tribe is holding Somaliland hostage. *The anti-Somaliland crowds has been rather predictable for quite a while now haven't they? Everyday life has moved beyond the tribal microscope and yet they're constantly trying to pull us back, why is that? You read them like a pamphlet. This "cross party" gesture by the SL president as already made an impact when you see someone like LST make a comment like that. He is one of the cool head of the enemy camp, IMO. But even the likes of him are stubborn and blind to fact when it comes to Somaliland's politics. I remember him refusing to accept when it was pointed out to him that the folks in Erigabo voted against the first Somali constitution referendum in the early 1960s. How could anyone reason with that? When Cadami was made Somaliland Defence minister he said he (Cadami) was not from Puntland related clan, but from another one. *If someone from the east of Sanaag like *Cadami's people are not Puntlanders, how does Puntland justify its claim on Sanaag according to LST? Well let's hope the Museveni and Mahiga send more reasonable than these anti-SL folks to negotiate with Somaliland
  2. Masterstroke of *political move by Somaliland's president, if true that is. Libaax-Sankataabte;811316 wrote: Duriyada in loo daayo ayay sheekadani ku haboonayd. Enemies of the good republic would say that, wouldn't they?
  3. JB, did hear the "old and forgetful man" joke about how the SL president greets his VP Saylici?
  4. Norf is right. This thing is not only ugly, it also sends the wrong message. On top of all that, it is cheap imitation of the genuine thing in Caynaba.... http://m.flickr.com/#/photos/martinhorocha/5114577008/
  5. Well that's not even a date, is it? But I do feel Nick's pain.
  6. Very sad. The kid's crying reminds me of this sad scene. If you can't watch it embedded, try the link below
  7. Dhirtaba qaar malko ah baa jiriyo lama garaacaan Dadkuna bir mageyduu leeyahay iyo lama guhaadshaan ~ Xaji Dallaayad (AUN) Hadrawi (in rural Togdheer, Somaliland ehem ehem Uchi ) explains what the Xaaji Dallaayad meant by "malko iyo lama garaacaan". If you that noble tree was not enough, see the thread below for one or two more... http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/49898-Aadan-Tarabi-Jaamac-iyo-Dhaqanka-Dhirta
  8. ^ That's even a better argument; Islam is against queer and buuryodhaadheer folks.
  9. burahadeer;809337 wrote: ^^^^ Crooks,same,same,same everywhere.......they have to resort to insults or gun everywhere in the name of religion:D their way of exerting pressure to silence!. Oh dear. Contain yourself, will ya? The notion Islam is against foreskin (Buuryodhaadheer) is better argument. I was just trying to help.
  10. Congrats yaa sahbi. I wouldn't you hounded that much haddaan ogaan lahaa inuu arinkan kugusoo fool ahaa. No pun. Anyways, I give the little cub the name Jibriil. I think Jibriil Libaax ST sounds and is great name. Mabruuk and amiin to the duas.
  11. After 5 including tinight's, IA.
  12. Thanks for that. Ok I'll Stop for now, I don't like rubbing it in.
  13. ^^ Birmingham won the Mickey Mouse cup and got relegated from the Prem. You should've opened a thread about it not this one.
  14. ^ Please edit and add "bahasha barta", I need a cheap laugh. If Everton beat you tonight, they are ahead of you. You should concentrate on the likes of them and Fulham, Stoke, Sunderland yaa sahbi.
  15. NGONGE;786241 wrote: (oh, we are four points from fourth place and there are fifteen games to go. All to play four). The gap is *now "only 13" points from 4th, and there's still 10 games to go.
  16. Somalina;803006 wrote: That makes sense, I got it now "webigoo butaaca beeraha waraabshoo" waaba heesteydii. Thanks burahadeer.
  17. As-Salaamu Alaikum. Salaanta ka qaata odayga. Che please don't say LSK like some newbie Farah.
  18. The Zack;801512 wrote: Actually, Khadar,your source is little outdated. *Max’ed Max’uud Xaaji Ibraahim is indeed Wasiirka Beeraha ahna PM ku xigeen. * The other dude, C/llaahi Xaaji Xassan, is wasiirka dibadda. * Max'ed Max'uud used to be Wasiirka dibadda ahna raa'isal wasaare ku xigeen, *February 14keeda loo wareejiyay wasaaradda beeraha, xilka dheeriga ahaa ee PM ku xigeenkana waa loo dhaafay. The list you posted is the initial appointments by Gaas. *That has changed. *Even Shariif Canbe made these changes, Abdiweli maba ogeen LOL. *I am *not sure how legal that is. *So I am afraid that this letter is authentic. *Not sure why Khaatumo is concerned about this weak TFG's "recognition" anyways. * All they need to do is work on the ground, everything else shall be on board. * See the source here: * http://hiiraan.com/news/2012/Feb/wararka_maanta14-16950.htm Why is the "minister for animals" speaking about "khaatumo"?
  19. Abu-Salman;801045 wrote: In short, the country function as a giant marxist concentration camp where people are kept destitute on purpose and food aid, fertilizers etc are used as political control weapons, particularly against other ethnic groups (who heavily subsidise Mekele and its hinterland).* One can not be against colonialism or appartheid yet accept it's worst form ever because, after all, "the main fighting group is largely from a rival clan" ; a chauvinistic and racist criminal group is no less worse for being dark skinned (it's actually much worse than any similar group and makes no secret of holding Somalis in the lowest inferior stratum as Muslim nomads)... Well, unless your comments are general observations, these chaps are not from a "rival clan". Maybe you know better. If you are correct about the rivalry then Meles' theory "only a minor *sub-clan is resisting" is true after-all. Otherwise I'm still waiting for satisfactory answer as to why they would do an 180 degrees u-turn on highlighting abuses they used to highlight.
  20. I've been hearing about oil for a long time. Longer than piracy Duk.
  21. Lol, nah mate. Imaam Faroole waa nin gob ah oo xididka ixtiraama.