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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ Roll over Bettyhoven, they are now teaching it at Unviersité de Kisangani. http://www.memoireonline.com/10/10/3996/The-image-of-the-woman-in-Okot-pBiteks-iSong-of-Lawino-and-song-of-Ocoli.html Discovered him (and other brilliant east african poets) just over ten years in a 50p second hand book.
  2. Abwaan;818071 wrote: Oba waa ka dartay ma is tiri? Bahasha obvious lagama dhigo:D isku xishoo You've gone on the defensive overdrive and been protesting too much yaa Abwaani. Are you close to this minister or... :)
  3. No one is safe. No even in-house Muslims.
  4. My Husband’s Tongue is Bitter by OKOT P’BITEK My clansmen, I cry Listen to my voice: The insults of my man The insults of my man Are painful beyond bearing. * My husband abuses me together with my parents: He says terrible things about my mother And I am so ashamed! * He abuses me in English And he is so arrogant. * My husband pours scorn On Black People, He behaves like a hen That eats its own eggs A hen that should be imprisoned Under a basket. * His eyes grow large Deep black eyes Ocol’s eyes resemble those of the Nile Perch! He becomes fierce Like a lioness with cubs, He begins to behave like a mad hyena. * He says Black People are primitive And their ways are utterly harmful, Their dances are mortal sins They are ignorant, poor and diseased! * Ocol says he is a modern man, A progressive and civilized man. He says he has read extensively and widely And he can no longer live with a thing like me Who cannot distinguish between good and bad, He says I am just a village woman, I am of the old type, And no longer attractive. Ocol is no longer in love with the old type. He is in love with a modern girl; The name of the beautiful one Is Clementine. * Brother, when you see Clementine! The beautiful one aspires To look like a white woman; Her lips are red-hot Like glowing charcoal, She resembles the wild cat That has dipped its mouth in blood, Her mouth is like raw yaws It looks like an open ulcer, Like the mouth of a fiend! Tina dusts powder on her face And it looks so pale; She resembles the wizard Getting ready for the midnight dance; * And she believes That this is beautiful Because it resembles the face of a white woman! Her body resembles The ugly coat of the hyena; Her neck and arms Have real human skins! She looks as if she has been struck By lightning; Or burnt like the kongoni In a fire hunt. * I am not unfair to my husband, I do not complain Because he wants another woman Whether she is young or aged! Who has ever prevented men From wanting woman? * The competition for a man’s love Is fought at the cooking place When he returns from the field Or from the hunt. You win him with a hot bath And sour porridge. The wife who brings her meal first Whose food is good to eat, Whose dish is hot Whose face is bright And whose heart is clean And whose are not dark Like the shadows: * The wife who jokes freely Who eats in the open Not in the bed room, One who is not dull Like stale beer, Such is the woman who becomes The head-dress keeper. * I do not block my husband’s path From his new wife. If he likes, let him build for her An iron roofed house on the hill! I do not complain, My grass thatched house is enough for me. * I am not angry With the woman with whom I share my husband, I do not fear to compete with her. * Listen Ocol, my old friend, The ways of your ancestors Are good, Their customs are solid And not hollow They are not thin, not easily breakable They cannot be blown away. By the wind Because their roots reach deep into the soil. * I do not understand The way of foreigners But I do not despise their customs. Why should you despise yours? Listen, my husband, You are the son of the Chief. The pumpkin in the old homestead Must not be uprooted! *
  5. Khatumo Foreign & Diaspora Affairs. Exactly. Well, almost. They could have more accurate with "Khatumo Foreign, Online and Diaspora Affairs." Liibaan, you need to change that stamp before the next press release. Spot the error.
  6. General Duke;818637 wrote: The fact remains, these talks will be based on the 18 regions as enshrined in the constitution of Somalia. SOOL, SANAAG, CAYN, AWDAL population will have as much right as those in WAQOYE GALBEED & TOGHDHEER to self determination and decide what they want..Simple really. Pirate Duke, don't bring here what you heard at the local magaxi and the talk of facts when seem lacking knowledge of the subject.* There was never a region region called CAYN in the defunct and failed Somali Republic. Even Sool and Awdal were the late dictator's mid-1980s demarcations and nothing to do with "enshrined constitution". As for WAQOYE, I don't know that is. Did you hear it from the Tigre boys?
  7. Jacpher;818058 wrote: Gaalo raacyo are in full gear tonight. Ma isu-habar wacateen? The Buuryoqab wannabes obsession with religion is astounding. The old theory that says these folks are either Kaafirs (ie coverers of the truth because it is against their narrow short-term worldly interest) or Mushriks (they associate falsehood in belief or worship) is correct because no sane "atheist" really believes in creation being a fluke.
  8. The RT hosts had a field day with this story. http://rt.com/programs/keiser-report/episode-274-max-keiser/ Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert debt fondue and Central Banks. They also talk about Somalia’s stable shilling and the lesson it holds for Europe.* In the second half of the show Max talks to professor and economist, Constantin Gurdgiev about the new book of essays he’s edited – What if Ireland defaults? They discuss the good cop, bad cop routine by the Troika in Ireland and what lessons can be drawn from the Russian default of the late 90’s.
  9. This site has an audio of the cleric. http://www.puntlander.com/
  10. xiinfaniin;817916 wrote: Gabal is in the know when it comes to Ethiopian/TFG offense against Alshabaab thus his announcement has a measure of credibility . It is The Zack however who will be the bearer of Kismayo news as he has been on top of Kenyan/Azania militia progress toward Kismayo. Shame your Pirateland/Saracen have no influence down in Mississippi. Let's hope Caanoole Caravan makes a comeback.
  11. Sida ku cad sawir laga soo qaaday Janaasadii lagu dukanayey madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf, waxaa salaadda bixiyey madaxweyne Shariif, oo isagu sida dhaqanka u ah doonaya inuu wax walba safka hore uga jiro, Jabhadnimo sida C/laahi Yuusuf, Jananimo sida Indhacadde, Profnimo sida Gaandi. Safka xigay madaxweyne Shariif, waliba ku aadanaa dhabarkiisa, waxaa taagnaa Mahige, oo sida sawirka ku cad gacanta bidixi u korraysay, taa oo ah xeer ka baxsan salaadda ay fartay diintu, haddaba, su’aasha ayaa ah: Mahiga ma Muslimaa mise ma ahan? Ani ahaan waxba iigama xirna, hubaal inaysan dad badanna waxba uga xirnayn, balse, dhaqan ahaan iyo diin ahaanba ma suuragalbaa in Janaaso Muslin uu safka hor ka taagnaado nimaan Muslin ahayn?! Waliba aan si qumman isu qaabin, aqriste bal liilkan hoose daawa. Video > http://blip.tv/somaliswiss/mahiga-miyuu-muslimay-6049869 Full article > http://www.qaranimo.com/2012/mar/Imaamnimada_Shariif_iyo_Allaahu_akbarta_Mahiga_mar_28_2012.htm
  12. Libaax-Sankataabte;814764 wrote: Who disagrees? PS: I have inside information. LST seats at the table of a lodge which is very high ranking and this in chambers info has to be taken very seriously. Nevertheless, it's still hard to imagine the ruling "trinity" fraternity will hand over the seat of power. Keep updating us Beelddaaje LST.
  13. Cisse played. Carroll did ok, even by qub-qac British standard. Pony highlights below, please don't laugh. http://www.caughtoffside.com/2012/04/01/video-andy-carroll-dives-horrendously-whilst-looking-for-a-penalty-for-liverpool-at-newcastle-united-gets-booked/
  14. Andy Carroll is 8-1 to score against Newcastle. If you don't understand betting that means that if you bet £10, you will lose £10. The FA have brought in a new ruling. Anyone found passing to Andy Carroll will automatically receive a yellow card for time wasting. Liverpool have offered to sell Andy Carroll back to Newcastle Utd for free. Newcastle have reported Liverpool for threatening behaviour. Andy Carroll has turned down being the new face of L'oreal hair products as everyone burst into fits of laughter everytime he uttered the words "Because Im Worth It!"
  15. ^ I'm not a LFC fan. That's like confusing Merka with Kismaayo.
  16. ^lol@cirka Nice images. Well done mama Xaawa.
  17. ^ It sounded fishy the minute I heard he was using an Uzi. Interesting times...
  18. Child witnesses to Afghan massacre say Robert Bales was not alone By msnbc.com Here are two versions of what happened the night of March 11, when 17 Afghan villagers were shot to death. First, the Army version: Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, troubled by marriage woes, drunkenly left Camp Belambai, 12 miles from Kandahar, with a pistol and an automatic rifle and killed six people as they slept. Bales then returned to the base and left again for another village, this time killing 11. He acted alone and he admitted to the killings, according to the Army. Then there is the account that child witnesses provided Yalda Hakim, a journalist for SBS Dateline in Australia. * Full article > http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/03/29/10927844-child-witnesses-to-afghan-massacre-say-robert-bales-was-not-alone ]
  19. Mohammed Merah may have been a protected asset of French Intelligence, an Italian newspaper reported. Mohammed Merah, the gunman who killed seven people including three Jewish children, may have been a protected asset of French Intelligence, Il Foglio, an Italian newspaper reported today, raising further questions about whether authorities may have had a chance to prevent the attacks. The 23-year-old, who was a French citizen of Algerian origin, also killed three Muslim soldiers, before being killed at the end of a 32-hour standoff in an apartment in Toulouse. Now reports have emerged that Merah had traveled to Afghanistan and Israel in 2010 and had been interviewed by France's domestic intelligence Agency, Direction Centrale du Renseignement Intérieur (DCRI). According to Le Monde, Bernard Squaricini, head of DCRI, was quoted saying that Merah asked for a local DCRI agent by name during the standoff. According to Squarcini, Merah shocked the agent by saying: "Anyway, I was going to call you to say I had some tip-offs for you, but actually I was going to [kill] you." MSNBC quoted Yves Bonnet, a former head of an intelligence agency that was merged with DCRI in 2008, as saying that having a contact at the DCRI is reason for suspicion. More from GlobalPost: Algeria and Toulouse mayor reject burial of gunman Mohammed Merah "This is not trivial," Bonnet said. "I don't know how far his relationship, or collaboration, with the service went but it is a question worth raising." According to Il Foglio, Merah's trip to Israel and Afghanistan was made with the knowledge of the French foreign secret service, the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure. Full article... http://mobile.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/france/120329/mohammed-merah-toulouse-shooter-may-have-been-french-spy-
  20. ^ Runi "bellow the belt" mataqaano yaa sahbi. Libaax-Sankataabte;811824 wrote: LST is a landophile unionist mujaahid. That Mahiga one was way below the belt saaxiib. Well I thought you were trying to divorce President Rayaale from the Durriyat Sayyiduna (SAW).
  21. No need to worry guys. Apparently, it is guys from Wardheernews that are after A&T for making a mockery of their site with his scripts.* Abtigiis;811464 wrote: We do not have twelve lives, we have only one insignificant one, and we are ready to donate it to the noble cause of fighting for freedom and justice. *Er..well, technically we do have do have Mahado, Mukhtar, Mustafe iyo qaaaar kale oo badan.
  22. A&T, should anything happen to you in Kenya then the Kenyans are rensposible. Mise waa sheekadii caadiigaa ahayd.
  23. Lol@Khuraan. I bet Xaji X will love "Khuraan" more than the cartoon.
  24. Remember reading similar comments last year, did he repeat this call or this old news? Either way, Pirateland beware!
  25. NGONGE;811489 wrote: How did I miss this thread! A&T, the rascales behind this new party are really no different to Sheikh Sharif in his Asmara days. But at least when he created his Alliance for the liberation of Somalia (or whatever it were called), he was forced to do it in a foreign hotel. There is nothing stopping those behind this new party from going back to Somalia and doing the whole thing there. Otherwise, how much different is it from the Maakhir State celebrations in foreign capitals? Naga daaya. Is too much for you to prove your Somalinimo by digging in to your pocket for $50 donation to diaspora *party lead by folks thousands of miles away and supported by experienced opportunist Somali politicians in Nairobi hotels. By-the-way, this group's supporters are former non Wadaads from the Asamara or their similar patriotic supporters. They are not "Ala Sheikhs" mullahs so they must be "Ala kani sheekh maaha!" C'on pull out your debit card show your Somalinimo!! Do hurry while this special limited offer lasts.