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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^ I don't think so. I think the "tour guide" make a monkey out of Alpha. No pun.
  2. I decided to leave. I quickly pasted a group of young males, who were praying- I instantly noticed they did three sujuuds. My guide (who was armed) pointed out that this town’s residents have evolved a strange and home-grown version of Islam due to the latent ignorance, superstition and isolation present in burao. Lol@three sujuuds. Nice one. You remind me of the old Somali dictator who accused the Mullahs he executed of stariting their ablution by washing their feet.
  3. Call it Hurayrah or Caanonuug. *Blessed;820785 wrote: What names do they give to pets in Hargaisa? Ma magac qof mise mid samays ah? Johnny, Bobby and other similar names (no offence to certain SOLers ). A friend of mine once quipped "horta magaca eydu loo bixiyo maxay ku jeclaadeen?" when he came to UK.
  4. ^ In the name of Somalinimo off- load these Range Resources shares from my buddy.
  5. ^ Are you going to buy the Jurassic rock shares from my friend?
  6. ^ Blame the Market forces not SL forces for this one. Waaryee Carafat, the shares have bounced back when the gringos hit the deep Jurassic rocks. I've got someone selling their stock if your interested.
  7. LONDON (SHARECAST) - AIM-listed oil and gas group Range Resources has assured investors that the Shabeel-1 well currently being drilled in Puntland, Somalia, has not yet reached target depths, despite ‘negative statements’ being circulated.* The company said that it still plans to drill to the originally planned depth of 3,800m to evaluated the primary and secondary reservoir targets in the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic intervals equivalent to the main productive section seen in the analogous fields in Yemen.* The joint venture operator Horn Petroleum had so far drilled to 2,953m but has not yet reached these reservoir targets. Range Executive Director Peter Landau has assured that there is still some drilling to be done.* Shares were up 4.88% on Wednesday afternoon. However, including today’s rise, the stock is still 12% down on the week and 32% lower over the last month. Red Emperor Resources, the other joint venture partner, has also suffered a sell-off as of late but was trading nearly 13% higher today.* "We are very pleased with the progress of the drilling programme and the results seen to date,” Range’s Managing Director Greg Bandy said last week.* “Confirming an active petroleum system is particularly significant, especially given that we are yet to reach the primary objectives of the well. We look forward to updating the market as we get closer to target depth,” he said.* BC http://www.sharecast.com/cgi-bin/sharecast/story.cgi?story_id=20036014
  8. Range Resources*(RRL) released a statement to the market on Wednesday stating that it was aware of negative statements and commentary being circulated in respect of progress with the Shabeel-1 well currently being drilled in Puntland. "The company wishes to confirm that the well has not yet reached depths targeting the primary reservoir," it stated, referring investors to its update released on 12 April. The forward plan on the well is to drill ahead to the originally planned depth of 3,800 metres to evaluate the primary and secondary reservoir targets in the Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic intervals equivalent to the main productive section seen in the analogous fields in Yemen. A testing programme including the zones of interest seen to date and any deeper potential pay zones identified will be agreed with partners at that time. Upon completion of the well, the joint venture plans to move the rig to the Shabeel North location where construction is nearing completion for the second well. Shares in the company, which have lost a quarter of their value over the past month, jumped more than 8% on the news. http://www.iii.co.uk/articles/32947/range-reassures-investors-over-puntland-progress
  9. Taleexi;820189 wrote: Ma haddaad ogaatay inay clannish tahay? Iga hadh haddii kale bahal gogol-nabadeed in aan kugu fidin.
  10. Sweden's minister of culture has come under fire for cutting a cake in the shape of a naked black woman in a series of events some deemed a "racist spectacle," Sweden's English-language website The Local reported. While attending an art installation in Stockholm on Sunday, Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth began cutting the cake as directed, symbolically starting at the clitoris. The cake, intended to highlight the issue of female genital mutilation, was part of the installation, according to the report. "In our view, this simply adds to the mockery of racism in Sweden," Kitimbwa Sabuni, spokesperson for the National Afro-Swedish Association told The Local. "This was a racist spectacle." http://worldnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/04/17/11251375-swedish-minister-criticized-over-genital-mutilation-cake?lite
  11. Abtigiis;820157 wrote: Waryaa joojiya aflagaadada. Forget about the rogue persona i Play in SOL forum for common amusement. I am a decent, peaceful and cultured guy as those who met me would testify. Well, I'm sure those who met Toogane have nice things to say about him to excuse his top shelf material humour. Apart from that, you do share secular views with the dirty professor, dont ya?
  12. Sensei;820083 wrote: This Godane person is "mental non-grata." ] Don't know what means, but it's Toogane not Godane this time. A&T, Contain yourself dear. You and Toogane have a lot in common.
  13. Raamsade;819877 wrote: But lets not ascribe to suprior intelligence to Atheists by dint of their atheism because it doesn't really take much of an intelligence to reject organized religions. I was only 10 when I first spotted many of the inherent contradictions in Islam. One day I asked my dugsi teacher if Allah could read our every thoughts and could see what we were always doing even if we made efforts to conceal ourselves like hiding under a bed or something along those lines. He said yes, Allah is all-knowing. But then a little later he went on to expound on the spy angels Allah perched on our shoulders to record our deeds. I remember asking myself: why would Allah who can hear and see everything we do need spy angels for? Everytime so-called Atheists say what they actually believe about islam, all I see is how they misguided they are. Angels and prophets are servants and messengers of Allah. Different angels perform different duties. I'm no scholar so I'll give a layman explaination of the two angels you have issues with. There are certain things "not fitting the Majesty of the The Most Gracious" ie having begotten children. On the day of reckoning the people The Almighty is pleased with will receive the record of what the angels wrote on their right hand while others will receive it on their left. This is part of the process Allah - The Just and The Wise - has promised. Allah will not even speak to certain kind of sinners so the angel's record is there for very logical reason in my opinion. There is a lot more to it and my advice for you to study Islam with open mind from someone with sound knowledge of it and make up your mind. May Allah show you guidance.
  14. Johnny B;820005 wrote: Experience tells me that we've been here before , namely where you agree with me that disbelieving in a claim that lacks evidence is all-right , but at the same breath demand it's negation too to be proved with evidence,otherwise the negation itself must be disregarded or Experience tells me that we've been here before , namely where you agree with me that disbelieving in a claim that lacks evidence is all-right , but at the same breath demand it's negation too to be proved with evidence,otherwise the negation itself must be disregarded or disbelieved. Yes we have been here before, but it never stops you to keep churning this lousy lines over and over, does it. If only you were as forth coming as to what you actually believe as opposed to giving excuses for your "Godlessness". I'm assuming you are that because non of you have been forth coming in explaining your beliefs in a strange cultish fashion. Norf has been unfair in demanding to know why you don't accept a Deity as your creator. He as a Muslim should know Allah guides those who ask for guidance and misguides those whom deliberately ignore his guidance. The guidance comes in different form or variety. What's evidence for one person's beliefs cannot necessarily be for another. I believe they'll always be those who do not get it. The Kafirs, Mushriks and those with diseases in their heart, as Quran lumps them together. So it's futile to try reason this one if you ask me. What's left is for our house "Atheists" to explain their beliefs. Do you guys read the horoscopes like some Atheists I know. What about wear lucky charms, cross fingers and other Mushrik symptoms. I see the image posted on the opening post lumps a lot beliefs into one "Atheist category". Which one are you and what's your opinion on life, creation, justice, mercy, etc etc etc . This is what we can benefit from not what we've had coming from you so far. I need to know what you not what Oscar Wilde believed.
  15. *Blessed;820110 wrote: Kulmiye is one party amongst many . Abdulqader can join another as he made it very clear that he didn't like the Kulmiye party policies and members of the party long before all this has happened. His supporters should vote for whatever party he joins. It's not as easy as that. The way he was treated was wrong and unnecessary. There are clannish folks out there who want revenge because they feel a gauntlet has been thrown by the likes of Muuse Biixi. Ilaahaay ha qaboojiyo cos it could easily take turn for the worse.
  16. Raamsade;819883 wrote: You need to rephrase the question because I don't get what you're asking. Atheists don't believe in supernatural being or organized religions. But other than that, they're normal people who encapsulate diverse opinions and believes. Er.. I believe Allah is The Creator, The Originator, The Eternal, The Merciful, etc etc These are what Muslim call Asmaa ulxusnaa. As far as try to understand, you don't believe in Deity with these Quranic characteristics. Surely you are not clean slate with no beliefs. I'm not asking for an explanation of atheism, rather I'm asking for SOLers like you to explain their personal belief. The question stands, what do you and the other Allah rejectors believe?* Raamsade;819883 wrote: While we can't disprove Allah's existence by appealing to evidence, we can however cite the self-refuting attributes of Allah. Take for instance, Allah's attributes of Just and Merciful. These are self-refuting and contradictory. To be merciful to someone means to be unjust to someone else. Allah can't both, He must be one or the other. believes. You are confused buddy. Allah is Just to me and Merciful to me. Merciful and Just to all. Your confused senses justice and mercy raises more questions than answers. What is your sense of Justice and mercy based on? Who will judge you and the likes of Stalin for their sense Justice and mercy beliefs if you are in reality unjust and cruel?*
  17. Dear Johnny, is it too much to tell us what you believe in as opposed to what you have issues with? If you've addressed this before please quot it for me. Jazaaka Allah guidance.
  18. Johnny B and the rest, just in case you missed it, the request for the kinds of you to explain what you believe - instead of quoting people whom might have never came across Islam - applies to you as well. Unless what you so-called Atheists believe in is the collection of the quoted soundbites from *people like you love chuck about in strange ironicly cultish manner; then it is about time you tell the SOL crowd whats under obssessive rhetoric coming from those who claim they are Godless. Is Dr Idriss (May Allah give him healthy life and pardon his sins) correct in the piece bellow? Or are you not among those who belong to the Atheist religion? * There's no point of repeating your issues - with Qur'an for example - which you have clearly showed you lack basic understanding. If fact I'm not surprised you have such issues. *Please be kind enough and use the time and effort to tell what's in your heart and souls ( yes you do have one). Atheists are Polytheists! Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris Manar As-Sabeel V 1, No. 6, p.9. *Jumada 1413 H. December 1992. An atheist is said to be someone who denies the existence of the Creator. *This is a good definition, provided that we mean by it that the creator whose existence they deny is the only God ofreligion, the one true Creator. *Otherwise, atheists do believe in creators, albeit they do not recognize them under that appellation. *This is so because atheists, in their endeavor to find alternatives to God for explaining the existence of the temporal things we see around us, invent some imaginary entities and give them some of the essential attributes of God. *Thus materialistic atheists used to believe in matter as such a god. *But this matter-god of theirs is not the matter with which we are familiar in our daily life; it is something that is eternal and everlasting, hence the statement, which used to masquerade as a scientific fact, “matter is neither created nor destroyed.” *But when you ask them to point this eternal and everlasting matter you discover that they are only chasing a will-o’-the-wisp. *The matter that we can recognize and to which we can point is matter in the form of the large heavenly bodies, in the form of earthly physical things, and in the form of the constituents of these things: molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, photons, etc., none of which is eternal. *Atheistic materialists used to believe in an eternal matter behind all such material things which come and go, but the advent of the “big bang” theory shattered all hopes in the existence of such matter. *Scientists now believe that everything—matter, energy, even space and time—had a beginning. *In fact they speak about a moment of creation of all these things. *Another such imaginary god is Nature (with a capital N). *The nature with which we are familiar is the totality of natural things. *But when we are told that Nature does this or that, as atheists are prone to say, we find ourselves at a loss. *What is this Nature? *If it be the one we know, how can it cause or create itself? *But if it is something else, then we want to have proof of its existence. *The same applies to Evolution. *Now evolution, scientifically speaking, is “[t]he gradual process by which the present diversity of plant and animal life arose from the earliest and most primary organisms…” *(Concise Science Dictionary) *But the Evolution of the atheists is not this process; rather it is the agent which brings about the process. *Only in this unscientific and imaginary sense can evolution take the place of God; otherwise, a believer who accepts the theory of evolution can easily reconcile it with his belief in God, by saying that that process is itself the work of the Creator. There are, on the other hand, atheists who say in a misleading way that they believe in God; but on inspection, their god turns out to be the god of the atheists. *I am referring here to people like Einstein, who is said by some to have been a believer, but whose god was in fact not God the Creator in whom we all believe. *Einstein declared that he believed in “Spinoza’s god,” i.e. in a god that is identical with the universe, and who does not thus interfere from outside in its working. *“The man who is thoroughly convinced of the universal operation of the law of causation, “says Einstein, “cannot for a moment entertain the idea of a being who interferes in the course of events.”
  19. Edit, wrong thread. But I still see no one has bothered to answer the simple questions posted by the Noble Qur'an. Biz as usual. Who is the creator? Manar As-Sabeel Issue 7, p.6 Rajab 1413 H. - January 1993 Dr. Jaafar Shiekh Idris Can It Be Matter? *** A very popular question among atheists is, ‘Granted that the existence of temporal things necessitates the existence of an eternal cause, why should that cause be the God of religion? Why can’t matter be eternal and be therefore in no need of an eternal creator?’ I shall argue, on an Islamic basis but at the same time also on a rational basis, that the attribute of eternity entails other attributes, which matter does not and cannot have, and cannot, in view of this, play the role of the original and ultimate cause of temporal things. Muslim theologians say that eternity of existence logically implies everlastingness. This is true because, if something is eternal then it does not depend for its existence on anything outside itself. If this is so then it can never pass away, because only those things pass away that lose some of the external conditions on which they depend for their existence. If the ultimate cause of temporal things is eternal and everlasting, it must of necessity be self-sufficient, qayyoom and ghanee. *** Can there be more than one such creator? The Quran tells us that this is impossible; “God never had a child, nor have there been any gods beside him. [Had there been any], each of them would have appropriated to himself what he created, and some would have overcome others.”1 *** This Quranic argument was paraphrased by some Muslims theologians in a way somewhat like the following: The assumption that there are gods beside the one true God leads to false consequences and must therefore be false. If there is more than one god, then (a) if every detail of everything in the world was the result of the action of one of the gods, it cannot at the same time be the result of the action of another god. But if (b) some things in the world were created by some gods, and others by other gods, then each god would rule independently over what he created, which means that nothing in his world can even in principle, be influenced by anything outside it. But this contradicts the observed unity and interdependence of the world. And if that is impossible, then © some gods will overcome others, but if that happens then the ones who are vanquished cannot be true gods. There can, therefore, be no more than one creator. *** How does this creator create? Since He is self-sufficient, He cannot be said to depend on anything outside Himself in any actions, and cannot therefore be said to produce His effects the way natural causes do. But if He is not a natural cause, He must be a volitional agent. And since intention implies knowledge, and knowledge and intention imply life, he must be a living being. Since He is an eternal and everlasting being, all His attributes must reflect this quality; thus He must be not only knowing, but all-knowing, not only powerful, but all-powerful, etc. *** Since no matter in any form can answer to these attributes, and since all these attributes are implied by the two attributes of eternity and everlastingness, no form of matter can be either eternal or everlasting, and thus no matter of any form can play the role of that ultimate cause. This much of the attributes that an eternal and everlasting creator must have is enough, I suppose, to show that it cannot be matter. *** But this conclusion can be further confirmed by what modern science tells us about the nature of matter. Why Should He Be The God Of Islam? *** Some might say, ‘Granted that this god is a personal and living God, and that He has the attributes which you mentioned, why should He be the God of Islam and not, say the Christian or Jewish God?’ The God of Islam is the God of all true prophets of God from Adam down to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. But it is a basic claim of the religion with which Muhammad came that previous religions (including Christianity and Judaism) have not been kept in their pristine form which those prophets advocated, but have been tampered with and distorted. The only religion whose book has taken upon itself to be preserved from any such distortions is the religion of the last of God’s prophets, namely Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is not to say that everything in those religions is false or bad. No! There is much in them that is good and true; it is only those elements in them that contradict Islam which must be false or bad. But even if they were to be purged of everything that is not in consonance with Islam, they would still be less perfect than Islam is, especially in their conceptions of God, therefore unsuitable for being universal religions. *** Having said this, let me give one example of a non-Islamic religious belief which the Quran considers to be a stupendous blasphemy against God, namely that He has children. At the time of the Prophet, some Arabs believed that the angels were the daughters of God, while some Christians believed that Jesus was the son of God, and some Jews believed that Ezra was the son of God. Just as the Quran gave arguments for the impossibility of there being any gods besides the one true God, it also gave elaborate arguments to show the impossibility of Him having a child, whether male or female. If the Creator is one and self-sufficient, then He is also unique, ahad, “Nothing is like Him.”2 But if so then, “He neither begets nor is He begotten.”3 “How can He have a child if He has no consort, and if He created everything?”4 The Quran is here saying that the claim that God has children contradicts the facts (acknowledged by those who make this claim) that He is the Creator of everything, that He is self-sufficient, and that He has no spouse. Now if He is the creator of everything, this necessarily includes the one who is claimed to be His child. But if this is created by Him, it cannot be His child; it has to be one of His creations. One does not create one’s child; one begets it. If it is insisted that the child is actually begotten and not created by God, this will entail the following false consequences: The begotten child must be of the same nature as its father, in which case God will not be unique or one. God will not be the creator of everything. God will have to have a spouse, who must of course be of the same nature as He is, otherwise they cannot beget anything. But in that case the number of beings who are of the same nature as God will be raised to three. If the child is begotten then it cannot be eternal, i.e. it cannot be of the same nature as the father. It must therefore be temporal; but in that case it has to have a creator. But if the God who is its father cannot at the same time be its creator, then there must be its creator, then there must be another creator besides that God the father; but in that case, this other creator will be the one true creator because it was through his power that the first one was able to beget its son. This will raise the number of gods to four. *** No wonder than that the Quran said about those who claimed that Allah has a child, “You have indeed come with something most monstrous, of which the skies almost burst, the earth split asunder, and the mountains fall down in utter ruin. All this because of their attributing a child to Allah." http://www.jaafaridris.com/English/Articles/creator.htm
  20. ^ Then you should've added Jareerweyne Hashemites to your title to keep MMA happy.
  21. ^ What do you believe and those who say they reject Islam believe? Quoting what others believe is just silly, unless you agree with their beliefs. If you and the others deny or refuse to accept Quranic characteristic of the Almighty ie The Merciful, The Creator, The Originator, The All-Knowing etc etc, what explanation have you to fill whats obvious to Muslims? Don't waste time on peripheral issues, use the brain for what's it is really for. Apologies in advance for being a bit harsh.
  22. That's the sort of questions the TFG PM must be asking himself before falling asleep with one eye open.
  23. The likes of Lord Ahmed and Sir Iqbal have been very careful, but it seems even that has not been enough.