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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. xiinfaniin;843869 wrote: This is professor Abtigis's vision, the convergence of D block emirates from Garowe to Garisa, an strategy that sees Kismayo and Jigjiga an internal part... We spoke too early against Azania, professor Abtigiis exactly knew what he was talking about Yet A&T rants against HAG.
  2. Abtigiis;843959 wrote: We call a spade a spade, never a soil redistribution implement!! And we call anarchists anarchists! You're not calling spade a spade but clannish mud-slinging. You accuse HAG of "openly advertising clan" yet support 0gaden Liberation Front. You call HAG Somalia's Interahamwe yet they are an unarmed organisation that never harmed a person never-mind committing genocide. In fact you are shameless cheerleader of clannish armed factions like the Khatuumo militia who have killed and shed blood. Spade a spade? What spade is that? The one you're using to dig up Mogool (AUN) for a cheap political shot? I still see when you are coming from. You prepared to say anything that suits or justifies the Azania project. The original Dhaanto-dancers have better chances than these Mau Mau puppets if you ask me
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;843860 wrote: It would have ideal to meet at home and without third party involvement but this a brilliant start. Jaw jaw not wif wif. Make shah not shells. xiinfaniin;843871 wrote: This is a progress indeed. Considering the fact this was a preparatory meeting, the outcome exceeded my expectation. Make sure The Imam knows there has been an agreement to "fight piracy on land and at sea".
  4. ^ Carafaat generation for you. Back in the late 80's, a friend of mine and his mates were chased by a gang in to a Somali Magaaxi. The seamen who were there quickly grabbed weapons and ran out to defend them only to find a Bangoli gang and walked back in to the Magaaxi. Shocked, they came back and asked my friend and his group if they really were running scared of "only a Bangoli" gang. When they confirmed their (seemen that is) worse fears, the old man started beating the Somali youths and told them to get out. Apparently, decades ealier Bangoli kid's dads use to run in to that Magaaxi whenever skin-head gangs attacked them and the seamen use to run out and defend them. Things seem to have deterioted since the late 80's.
  5. NGONGE;843885 wrote: I would also like to extend a hand of friendship and solidarity to our newly condemned brethren. ^ Hear Hear!
  6. ^ Thought as much. You "don't know" and Che too plays thicko. To paraphrase A&T Ethio maahmah; the man pretending to be sleeping is the hardest to wake up.
  7. ^ I'm old but certainly not grumpy. That's NGONGE. I blame lack of proper "awkward experience" on the fall of popularity Tabliighi movement. I hope you are not too young to know who they are.
  8. NGONGE;843858 wrote: What is this HAG, A&T? Never heard of it before, saaxib. Not sure, but judging from A&T bitter tone, he might be talking about our brozers from ze souz. http://www.somalilandpatriots.com/news-2869-0
  9. ^ Go teach me my brother. When you say "make the other ba$tard die", how many ba$tards are there?
  10. ^ I like the "Carafat" generation because they so innocent they make my boring life dramatic. Eti "I saw a black girl on the train" is a story. Eti "Someone told not to eat McFood" is an awkward experience.
  11. ^ Oh I'm sorry. Why do you assume there is an OTHER ba$tard? *If such are the teachers, God bless the classroom*
  12. Faarax-Brawn;842832 wrote: So, was the chicken on your side of the table or the unoccupied side of the table? I presume it was in a no zone area thereby he made the assumption that you were gonna munch on some haran dooro. Good Q. Why did McChicken cross the road? You expect a legal mind like Juxa to ask this kind cross-examining question but she chosen to use her girly side of it.* Garnaqsi;842994 wrote: That's just a s s kissing someone who has been extremely rude to you, surely? Horta when do you stand on the "Haram McChicken" issue? Would *you let it occupy your side of the table?
  13. Carafaat;842886 wrote: Warancade is wrong! If he was reacting on somebody calling for war against Somaliland, one could understand if he would call for selfdefense. But as far as I know, nobody in his right mind has called for a war against Somaliland. Atleast not in the recent years. Somalia´s issue with Somaliland is a political and legal issue. And thank Allah, that our current leaders understand that and have started talking this week. Warancade, Edna Aden, Faisal Ali Waraabe, Ahmed Yusuf Yaasin, etc are some of the many relics, who have dominated Somaliland politics since 90´s. Their time in active politics is up. Its time for a younger generation! He and his party believe the TFG are not serious about these talks and following orders given by their handlers to attend while buying time. That's UDUB party attitude generally regarding Somalia-Somaliland talks. *If you bothered to read the article, he gives PM Abdiweli Gaas' comments as example of lack of sincerity on TFG Somalia's part. Remember , Udub folks are mainly the relics of those who stayed loyal to the Siyad regime to the last minute. These folks seem to know "mininka mininkaa waaye" attitude more than other Landers, so maybe they know something. Seriously, apart from Juxa, who else of those commented against Waran Cadde in here do you trust. Look at pirate Moonlight preaching peace. Look at Shabaabi-CIA Che pretending to be a pacifist? C'on now! Sayid*Somal;842792 wrote: The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bas/tard die for his. Why are you assuming there is ANOTHER ba$tard? At least you've got rough idea of what Mr Waran Cadde wants SL to be prepared for.
  14. NGONGE;843030 wrote: Like a drunk man, you keep stumbling from one pothole to the next. That explain it. I was wondering how he could show his face again.
  15. Just tell em you come from a hot country and reverse the opposite question when the long winter comes.
  16. Yes but you'd look amazing "gliding" in long garments. Baskiil are a spectacle and not cool at all.* PS make sure you tuck the safety helmet under the headscarf.
  17. Oba, the chap has "Dr Gabbose" written allover him. He too seem to have had his fingers in many cookie jars. Is he really multi talented or chameleon like Gabbose? I made up my mind after getting clues from girl standing beside him. Her tongue hints "jirjiroole".
  18. Polanyi;838541 wrote: Yeah, he is a distant relative of Somaliland clan jesus Moses. So is Djibril Ciise. I see the resemblance with our very own Alpha.
  19. Juxa;814381 wrote: i wish i could take baaskiil to work You mean actually riding one? You remind me of an Irish lady I was talking to the other day and she was telling me about her Somali friend who glides when she's walking in her Jilbaab. Well maybe you could try roller blades or somesing else.
  20. Carafaat;842730 wrote: the man called for the military training and preberation of the youth! He is a shamefull trader in fear! Oh no he's not. He is realist. He is correct to let those directly in these discussions what the repercussion if failure could be. If the talks are successful; fantastic. The folks round the table need to deliver or else...*
  21. I think the headline misrepresents what the man said. It is true, if the coming Somaliland-Somalia talks are not a success then conflict could be the result and ready waa in la ahaada. In dagaal dhammaadaa qofkii doqoni moodaaye Nin da'weyni waa garan qabyada diillimaa hadhaye Hadduunbaa digtoonoow horliyo hawl la dawdabaye Debci yaan la odhan Ciidankay luguhu daaleene Degta Qoriga saarani inuu dego ka xaaraane Haddaan moosku soo dumin guryaha daad ma soo galoe Duddadaan adkayn cadawgu waa soo durrinayaaye Dablaydiyo korjooguhu ilaa u debedda gaafmeero Dalka niman u dhaarsani illaa ay diirad ku ilayso ~ Qaasim (AUN) Dabin 1991
  22. ^ Go on, make us laugh and say Geo Samatar is that man. Oba Can you too (open a thread and ) tell us about your bushman.
  23. I remember the good old days when all chicken burgers were considered "ahl kitaab" foods and "Halaal meat" meant something very bad.
  24. ^ I didn't know that sir. And I'm sure your ancestors were good folks.