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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Admin: quote: Originally posted by Nasir: Its very difficult to see bright minds out of you so called Somalians. Originally posted by Nasir: the sool region as you know we have many traitors and money hungry there that will do anything for a penny as history has it. This is the 20th time we received complaints from nomads about your nonsense garbage on this website. It is time you leave this website and head somewhere else. It is very clear you can't discuss issues like other Somalilanders without insults or personal attacks on others. You really have pushed the limits of our tolerance. For those of you who are ONLY here to turn this website into a hate-filled piece of fadhi-kudirir with no civility, you will be leaving this family soon. Please respect each other and stop the direct personal attacks on other nomads. Discuss or debate issues with civility. Attack the message, not the poster. Don't get into tribal bickering. That is a piece of advice for all the nomads here.
  2. Sophist from reading that article I conclude you've been rattled by recent events. If you had a chance to listen to the Silanyo v H Hussein debate you would have heard him say, before a country gets diplomatic recognition, it gets diplomatic acknowledgement and this week I believe Somaliland is between the two. I've read you boastful name-dropping article without understanding why you bothered writing it in the first place. Tonight I expected to find nomads discussing the death of at least 80 Somalis (and 100 injured) in mindless fighting near Dhuusamareeb but it seems you are too intelligent for that. nite nite
  3. ^^^Libaax posting the pictues would be a pleasure. A lot of Japs know where Somarirand is I can tell you that. There is another fund-raising event tonight if I don't make I'll get a mate to take some pictures and I should be able to post some by Sat I'A.
  4. Angel-Dust The demo was perfect. I was really impressed with the way it was managed. The turn out was kool. And Although I like the pic'd posted here, I dont believe they captureed the spiirt on the day, I mean there was young, old , mums dads, family decked out from head to theo. There were banners everywhere. Good Turn out-musty say. First of all Salaams to you all and I agree with AngeL-Dust It was certainly the happiest demo I've ever been to. More like a celebration of what have achieved so far and encouragement to push even more to reach the high targets we set ourselves. I was impressed by the crowd too and I never thought so many people would be there mid-term weekday. I used to think I had a passion for Somaliland but I met people who showed me how it was done. I have some really good pictures which will INSHA ALLAH show all the people who were not there what I was really like at and around the gathering. I met people I last saw in classroom way back the late 80's. Somaliland was fully represented on this day in every you can think of. I've been to many demos but nothing can beat the mood and atmosphere this one had. I'll never forget the other demos about genocide, refugees camps or landmines but this one will stay in my mind for the joy and unity expressed. I hope the pictures I'll be posting will portray my and the feelings most people who were able to be there. We've sent a positive message to all the Ministers, MPs, tourists and all Londoners who wanted to know what the occasion was but also proved how much support the Republic of Somaliland has.
  5. Warsaxaafadeedkii Ugu Horeeyey ee uu Madaxweynaha JSLand(Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin) siiyo qaar kamida saxaafada Somaliland. TVSLEUROPE: waxa shalay aroornimadii u suurtagashay wariyaal ka tirsan Telefiishanka Somaliland ee Yurub (TVSLEUROPE) iyoJamhuuriya London in ay huteelka madaxweynuhu degan yahay sul’aalo kooban ku weydiiyaan. S: Sidee ayaad u aragtaa sidii laguugu soo dhaweeyay magaaladan London? J: Runtii aad iyo aad ayaan ugu mahadceliyaan dadka reer London iyo kuwa ka yimid Yurubta kale sida fiican ee ay ii soo dhaweeyeen. Waxayna muujiyeen shucuur wanaagsan oo waddaninimo leh waanan hanbalyeynayaa, dadkii iyo dalkiina waxaan u sheegayaa in aanu nabadgalyo ku tagnay London oo hawlahayagiina ay maalinta Barri ah noo bilaabmayaan. S:Waxa jirta in aad ku soo safartay oo dalkan aad ku timid baasaaboorka Somaliland taas macnaheedu ma waxa weeye way ina aqoonsan yihiin? J: Horta la inama aqoonsan laakiinse lixdankii ayaa la ina aqoonsaday mana ogi meel lagaga noqday aqoonsigaas, midnimadii meesha aynu dhignay mooyaane. Waxaanse anigu qabaa anigu ma ihi kii u horeeyay ee Baasaaboorka Somaliland meeshan ku yimaada ama Yurub ama Afrika iyo meelo kaleba xataa Sacuudiga ayaa lagu tagay. Baasaaboorkana sidiisaba waxa lagu ixtiraamaa in cid masuul ahi bixinayso dokumantigaas. Markaa waxaan aaminsanahay in Somliland tahay cidda kaliya ee magac Soomaaliyeed haysata ee dokumanti sharci ah ku bixi karta in ay tahay. S: Madaxweyne inta aad joogto maxaad ku rajoweyn tahay in ay kuu qabsoomaan? J: Walaahi wax kasta oo ummadaydu u baahan tahay waan ku dedaalayaa. Waxa ii qabsooma ayuun bayna natiijadu noqonaysaa. Anigana iguma xidhna laakiinse in aan dedaalo ayuun bana ila gudboon . S:Waddamo badan ayaa ixtiraam Somaliland u muujiyay markaa ma la odhan aqoonsiga way ku xigsiin doonaan? J: Horta Ixtiraamkaasi wuu inagu badnaa beryahan danbaba laakiin maanta ixtiraam uun ma rabnee aqoonsina waanu rabnaa. Maalimaha Socoda waxaan Idiin soo tusi doonaa iyada oo muuqaala haddaba siday waxa u jira Bahda TVSLEUROPE
  6. ^^^Thanks for that Sooyaal Here another positive step: Buundooyinka Berbera ilaa Laascaanood oo la dhisayo Axmed Saciid Cige, BBCSomali.Com Wasiirka wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud iyo guryeynta ee Jamhuuriyadda la baxday Somaliland, Siciid Sulub Maxamed, ayaa ku dhawaaqay mashruuc dib loogu dhisayo buundooyinka ku yaalla waddada dheer ee laamiga ah ee ku burburay dagaallada ee inta u dhaxaysa Berbera ilaa iyo Laascaanood . Wasiirka Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud, Siciid Sulub Maxamed, wuxuu ka sheegay magaalada Hargeysa in buundooyinkaasi dib u dhiska lagu sameynayo ee inta u dhaxeysa magaalooyinka Berbera ilaa iyo Laascaanood ay dhan yihiin 11 buundo oo afar ka mid ahi ay aad u waaweyn yihiin . Waddada Berbera ilaa warshadda shamiindada Sulub wuxuu kaloo sheegay in buundooyinkaasi oo ku burburay dagaalladii sannadihii siddeetamaadkii dib u dhiska lagu sameynayo ka sokow ay jirto hawl gebogebo ku dhow oo dib loogu hagaajiyay 9km oo ka mid ah waddada laamiga ah ee u dhaxeysa Berbera ilaa iyo warshadda shamiindada, taasoo gaadiidku dhibaato weyn kala kulmi jireen mariddeeda. Wasiirka hawlaha guud wuxuu caddeeyay in kharasha ku baxaya buundooyinkaasi oo qiyaastii dhan laba milyan iyo sidded boqol oo kun oo dollar uu bixinayo ururka Midowga Yurub. Shirkado waddani Sida uu sheegay wasiirku waxaa fulinya hawsha dib u dhiska buundooyinkaasi sharikado waddani ah oo isu tegay oo tartan qandaraas galay dhowaan. Wuxuu kaloo uu sheegay in dib u hagelinta waddada u dhaxeysa Ceerigaabo ilaa iyo tuulada Ina Afmadoobe oo 60km Bari ka xigta magaalada Burco haatan carro tuur lagu sameeyay qiyaastii ilaa 50km. Waddada Ceerigaabo ilaa Ina Afmadoobe waxa uu dhererkeedu dhan yahay 306km . Sarkaal xagga dhismaha ah Sarkaal xagga dhismaha buundooyinka ah, Inj. Cabdirisaaq Wiiwaa, ayaa isna caddeeyay in laba buunddo oo ku yaalla wadadda u dhaxeysa Hargeysa ilaa iyo Sallaxlley oo muddo badan dunsanaa haatan la dhammeeyay dib u dhiskooda oo beryahanba socday. Wuxuu sheegay injineerku in waddadaasi oo dhan 60km ay ka socoto hawl ah carro tuur iyo dhir jarid. Kharasha waddada Hargeysa ilaa Sallaxley Wuxuu sheegay in hagaajinta waddada Hargeysa ilaa Sallaxlley oo lagu qiyaasay markii hore inay ku baxeyso lacag dhan siddeed boqol oo kun oo dollar oo ay ku ballanqaadeen hay'adaha qaramada midoobay ee UNHCR iyo ILO iyo hay'adda waddooyinka ee dowladda ay bixiyeen oo keliya ilaa iyo hadda 85 kun oo dollar, taasoo ah buu yiri injineerku 10% kharashkii loo baahnaa. Sida laga warqabo ee uu xaqiijiyeyna Wasiirka Hawlaha Guud iyo Guryeynta, Saciid Sulub Maxamed, intii u dhaxeysay sannadihii 1999kii ilaa iyo 2001dii waxaa dib u dhis lagu sameeyay 12 buundo oo ku burburay dagaalladii oo ku yaalla waddada laamiga ah jiidda u dhaxeysa magaalada Dila ee gobolka Awdal ilaa iyo magaalada Sheekh ee gobolka Saaxil. Sida uu sheegay wasiirkuna lacagta ku baxday oo dhammeyd 3 milyan oo dollar waxaa bixiyay Ururka Midowga Reer Yurub.
  7. Originally posted by Qudhac: quote: Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: Finally, I hope people are starting to realize that most of the "Somaliland" supporters are just a bunch of Puntlander hating qabiil spitting group who really have nothing going for them except their desire to see Puntland up in flames. I'm glad that their motives are becoming more clearer by the day and "Somaliland" is just a cover they are using to rationalize their hate and desire to subjugate the people in SS&C. i gues copying and changing what was said to you comes in handy when you run out of ideas, please dont say to others what was said to you the other day :cool: Originally posted by Gediid: Hello folks Finally people are starting to realize that most of the "Somaliweyn" supporters are just a bunch of Somalilander hating qabiil spitting group who really have nothing going for them except their desire to see Somaliland up in flames.I'm glad that their motives are becoming more clearer by the day and Somaliweyn is just a cover they are using to rationalize their hate. Bari Nomad, you have been caught with your macaawiis down just apologise to Gediid because that is clear case of plagiarism. plagiarism n 1. copying what somebody else has written or taking somebody's else's idea and trying to pass it off as original 2. something copied from somebody else's work, or somebody else's idea that somebody presents as his or her own Qudhac I like the way you put it "i gues copying and changing what was said to you comes in handy when you run out of ideas, please dont say to others what was said to you the other day :cool: " lool
  8. Gediid a lot people have dubbed ahead of their time, he certainly was. I think its so nice that a new shoool in Gabiley has been named after him, and I'll be adding more poems by him in here Isha Allah.
  9. TIMACADDE Taariikhdii Noloshiisa oo gaaban- Maxamad Yuusuf Ducaale Cabdillahi Suldaan Maxamed, wuxuu ku dhashay Gallooley, 1920Kii. Wuxuu ka dhashay qoys beeraaley ah .Cabdillahii Suldaan dhalinyarnimadiisii wuxu tuman jirey ciyaar soomalida, taasoo u kula baxay « TIMACADDE » Tixdan ayaa gabay Cabdillahi Suldaan ugu horreysay. Waxay ku siman tahay ilaa 1936kii: Foox doon haddaad tahay dukaan furan ma weydeene Maxaa faras magaalaha ku dhigay laga hoyday fiidkii. Muddadii badnayd ee uu gabyi jiray ayuu cudur kago, dhacay dhuunta. Timacadde jirradda ayuu u dhintay 6dii febraayo 1973kii. 7dii bishaas ayaa Gabiley laguu aasay. Timacadde wuxu ka tegay 5 carruur ah . Timacadde gabaygiisa soomaali tilmaan iyo wax sheeg teed walba wuu ugu dhigay. Gabayadiisu wax adag ma ahayn waayo, kuma faanijirin gayaanimo e dadka ayuu midnimo iyo qabyaalad la daggaallan ugu baaqi jiray. Timacade wuxu geeraarkan inagu tusaaleynayaa awooda Eebbe ee aan koobnayn. Geeraarkan waxa inooga muuqaneysa aqoonta qotada dheer ee Timacadde u lahaa diinta. Wuxuu ina tusaaleynayaa jirrabkii iyo dhibaatooyinkii la soo mariyey Nebiyada iyo siduu Eebbe ugu hiilliyey, wuxu yidhi : Ilaahi cirka taagayee Dayaxa iyo cadceeddiyow Xiddigaa ku cigaalayow ! Ilaahi caadil ahaaye Dhulka caynkan u daadshaye Ku culaysiyey buurta e Isagoon cidi joogin Casiiskii Nebi Aadan Ka buuray cammuudda e Cidhifkaa bidixdiisa Intuu caaro ka jeebay Cadkii Xaawa ka yeelayow Ilaahi caadil ahaaye Ciyaarsiiyay buxuurta e Ceejiyee ama siiyayow Ilaahii caadil ahaaye Casiiskii Nebi Luud Kuwii caasi gareeyay Amaba ceebta yiqiinnay Habeen cawda u gooyayow Ilaahii caadil ahaaye Casiiskiisii Suleymaan Dabayshuu carbiyayow ! Ilaahii Nebi Ciise Cilmigiisa ku qaadaye Cashaduu iman doonana Cawar seef ugu dhiibayow Ilaahi caadil ahaaye Casiiskii Ayuub Cudurkii uu ku raajay Marki uu caban waayey Caafimaad ugu doorshay Curuuqddiisii dhammaatiyo Raxmaddii ku dul caastay Cimrigoodi yareeyaye Cusbeysiiyey Jidhkooda E Caruusiinta ka yeelayow .................................................................. Gabay Cabdillahi Suldan 'Timacaddeh' u tiriyey Patrice Lumumba Timacaddeh isago ka qiiraysan kana murugoonaya hadimada gumaysigu Afrika ku hayo iyo dilka badheedhka ah ee halaygii Patrice Lumumba wuxy yidhi: QARAMADAN GADAAL KACAY QARBIGU WAA GEDDIYAAYE GOBANNIMAOA LAMA DOONAYAAN GADASHO MOOYAANE WIILKII GARAAD LAGU TUHMABA WAY KA GURAYAANE GARDARRIYO IS-YEEL YEEL HORAA GANDHI LOO DILAYE KAMAALU-DIN QAAR BAA U GABBADAY QAATAY GINIYAADE XARBIGII GUNTADAY BAY QUNBULO HADD U GELIYEENE GEESIGA MADOW UMA OGGOLA GUUSHA REER EUROPE GEERIDA LUMUMBA WADNUHU NOO GIG LEEYAHAYE GEYGIISII GOORTUU QABTOO GEES ISUGU LEEXSHA KA GUURA GALABTUU YIDHAA GEEDDAN LOO XIDHAYE GODKA WAXA U QODAY HAMARSCHOLD WAA GEDDUU WADAYE MAANTABA HADDAY GOWRACEEN WAA KA GAMA’YAANE DOOLLARKU MEESHUU GALABA WAA GENBIYI JIRAYE NIIKII DUNIDA KALA GAABIYAY BAA GARABSANAYSAANE RAGGAN GACANTA HAYSTOW WALLE SAADDAN BAAD GARANE QUDHEENNANI INTAYNAAN GAB OOHAN YAYNA KALA GAADHA HADDI KALESE GOOR AAN FOGAYN GOWDA BAL AAN EEGNA. ( Dag Hamarschold xoghagyihim gud ee qaramada Midoobay Wuxu Ku dhintay shil dayuuradeed 1961 kii, wayadu qalalaasaha Congo) . ...................................................... DUGSI MALE QABYAALADI Gabaygan waxaa tiriyey abwaankii waynaa ee Cabdillaahi Suldaan Timacade. Abwaanku wuxuu gabaygan si murugoleh kaga hadlay dhibaatooyinka qabyaaladdu leedahay iyo sida ay umadda Soomaaliyeed ula hadhay una baabiisay hadii aanay ka hadhina aanay aayo lahayn. Soomaaliyi inay ka hadhaan daaye waa bay sii badsadeen sida bariiska, sidii abwaanku sheegaybaana dhacday baaba' iyo hoog! Wuxuu yidhi:- Dabuubtiisa gabay waan ka tagay, dihashadiisiiye Dubaaqayga waataan ka jaray, waa fog dabadeede Shin kastood daleed uga baxdoo, nabar isdiidsiiso Dibnahaagu shaygay bartaan, waad ku dayataaye Haddii gole dabbaaldeg iyo farax, loo dalbado maalin Oo loo duddeeyoo khalqigu, daawasho u joogo Uu mid aan daryeelini xakame, daamanka u geliyo Uu duulin orodkuu lahaa, dalacsi siin waayo Uu cidhibta darrandoorriyuu, duubo madaxiisa Debcin maayo oo wuxuu ka baqan, inuu ka duulaaye Haddaad adigu daacuun ku tahay, dooddan iyo baacin Gacmaha waa ka daayaa ninkii, fuulmo daashadaye Jeeroon direyska u gashoon, dibeda soo taago Daleen aniga iigama tagee, waa dig siin jiraye Waxaan gabayga deelka iyo laftiyo, diirka uga qaaday Dadka waxaan ogaysiinayaa, dowgu suu yahaye Soomaaliday dayaya wanaag, idinka doorsoonye Docda bari, dorooriga baddiyo, Seylac deriskeeda Dusha koonfureed iyo ilaa, wabiga daaciisa Degmadeena oo idil haddaan, dayey abwaankeeda Nimaan duubiyadu naafo noqon, deelka laga waaye Dul iyo hoosba waan ugu dhigaye, waa dix-dhagaxeede Anuunbaa damqanayee dheguhu, uma daloolaane Dadkaan la hadlayaa baan lahayn, dux iyo iimaane Bal inay dalfoof tahay caqliga, dooni laga saaray Wixii hore usoo daashadaay, degashanaysaaye Doc hadday u wada jeedsatooy, dhowrto danaheeda Ooy duul walaala ah tahaooy, duunka ka heshiiso Dadka kama yaraateene ways, dabar jaraysaaye Dubba madaxa wayskala dhacdaa, daa'in abidkiise Goortay is wada dooxatay baa, daad u soo geliye Ubadkiinii waad daadiseen, waana dubateene Dubaaxdiisii waad wada cunteen, duhur dharaareede Dariiq toosan Soomaaliyey, waa lagaa dedaye Darajada Ilaahay ninkii, doonayaa hela e Nin ka duday distoorkiyo waxyiga, diinti ka carrowye Dugsi maleh qabyaaladi waxay, dumiso mooyaane Hadaynaan xumaanta iyo dilkiyo, daynin kala qaadka Dibaddaan ka joognaa sharciga, daacadda Illaahe Danbarkeedu waa Jahannamiyo dogobkii naareede Dugsi ma leh qabyaaladi waxay dumiso mooyaane D!r d!r la isu laayiyo intaan, weerar daba joogno Ooy dumarku weerkii sitaan, danabadii waayey Uu sida dureemada u yaal, meydku dibaddiinna Wallee doogsan maysaan haddaad, dunida joogtaane Dugsi male qabyaaladi waxay dumiso mooyaane. TIMACADDEH '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  10. BARI First, it was 21 OF FEBUARY--I'll assume you mistyped Yes i ment 21 FEB, thats why I said 3 WEEKS ago. Are going to comment about Yagoori? Nasir mr. sumurai worrior, for puting clear prespective that your ministers have no portfolio or talent and that they are war muggers and money hungery men that is hand picked by the war lord abdilahi yusuf. waryaadha this guy is our inside man hehehe Thats a classic example of a political gabal daye. Soon we will see the demise of Col Yey then we see if the likes of him will wear a new mask (the one they wore when Siad abandoned them ).
  11. Pirates and the Frustrated Gentleman Illusion has its moment, but at the end the reality becomes visible and undeniable. Abdirzak Ali Shaahdoon, the so-called Minister of Fisheries and Water Natural Resources for Puntland State of Somalia, came to realize having moral ethics and being member of Colonel Abdullahi’s team is a lethal combination. Now he is between the rock and a hard place, which is to choose between the price of the loyalty and moral ethics.>>>>>>>> full article
  12. Yasmine, Rahima, Ameenah and the rest, What do you think of the Mbagathi constitution which is reported to include a clause which says 12% of the parliamentary seats have been allocated specifically to women . Is that a good idea or just not enough? Is it a bit tasteless for Asha Ahmed Abdalla to sign documents/letters as Woman Politician ?
  13. BaRI are you trying to pull a fast one, again? You thought I wouldn't notice the date 21 JAN (3 WEEKS AGO) did ya? This story was spread by Col. Yusuf supporters to cover-up the bad news of minister Dhilood defecting to Samaliland on the 18 of JAN. Bari thought if he kept it for 3 WEEKS we wouldn't smell the rat and it would be easier to believe Well, atleast you chaps now admit Rayaale's boys have now reached Yagoori
  14. BAAQ RASMI AH OO UU SOO SAARAY XISBIGA KULMIYE- UK XISBIGA KULMIYE- UK Siada laga warqabo waxaa dhawaan booqasho ku imanaya dalka Ingriiska wafti uu hogaaminaya Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyda Somaliland mudane Dahir Rayale Kaahin. Inkasta oo aan si rasmi ah xisbiga loogu sheegin, hadana sida la ogyahay waftigu wuxuu ka koobanyahay madax ka kala socota: Golaha Guurtida Golaha Barlamnka iyo Golaha Xukuumada waxaana la filaya inay yimadaan magaalada London badhtamaha bisha March 2004. Xisbiga KULMIYE guudahaan isagoo xeerinaya danta guud iyo qaraniimada Somalilanad, isla markaana aaminsan in hawlaha qaranka meel looga soo wada jeesto, waxuu dadweynaha reer Somaliland ee degan wadanka Ingriiska, xisbi kasta oo ay taageeraanba ugu baaqayaa inay si hagar la'aan ah uga qaybqaatan hawlaha heer qaran ee waftiga uu hogaamionayo madaxweynuhu mudada ay dalka joogaan. Xisbiga KULMIYE waxuu dadweynaha reer Somaliland ugu baaqaya inay si laxaad-leh uga soo qaybgalaan banaan baxa lagu taageerayo Madax-banaanida iyo aqoonsi raadiska Jamhuuriyada Soomaliland. Waa in meel looga soo wada jeesto cadawga Somaliland ee doonaya inay rabshaan fursadan qaaliga ah ee booqashada wafiga. Hashaan Gaada Weynow Libaax Uga Gaboon Waayey Inaan Gorayo-Cawl Uga Tagaa Waa Hal Soo Gudhey -- Cabdilahi Suldan (Timacade) -- Guul iyo gobanimo, waana inoo madasha kulanka Guddiga Fulinta ee Xisbiga KULMIYE- UK
  15. Masuul Ka Tirsan KULMIYE Laanta London Oo ka waramay u diyaar garawga dadka reer Somaliland ee socdaalka Madaxweynuhu ku tegayo carriga Ingiriiska Hargeysa (Halganews): C/Haybe Maxamed oo ka tirsan masuuliyiinta xisbiga KULMIYE ee laanta dalka Ingiriiska ayaa ka waramay u diyaar-garawga dadka reer Somaliland ee ku nool carriga Ingiriiska ay ugu jiraan booqashada la filayo inuu bishan 15-keeda ku tago madaxweynaha Somaliland dalkaasi, isaga oo sheegay in dadka reer Somaliland ee halkaa degeni ay tabaabushe iyo diyaar garaw laxaadle ugu jiraan soo dhaweynta socdaalka Madaxweynaha. C/Haybe oo ka hadlayey shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta (9-3-04) ku qabtey xarunta xisbiga KULMIYE ee Hargeysa, waxa uu intaa ku daray in maadaama xisbiga KULMIYE uu taageerayaal badan ku leeyahay cariga Ingiriiska inay qayb libaax ka qaadanayaan soo dhaweynta socdaalka madaxweynaha, taasi oo ay kala qayb qaadanayaan dadweynaha kale ee reer Somaliland oo dhan xisbigay doonaanba ha taageersanaadaan’e, isla markaana ay ka siman yihiin in soo dhaweynta madaxweynaha si wada jir ah looga qayb qaato. C/Haybe waxa uu sheegay in intii aanu ka iman dalka Ingiriiska ay filayeen inay madaxweynaha soo raaci doonaan qaar ka tirsan masuuliyiinta xisbiyada mucaaradka ah, balse markii uu halkan Hargeysa yimi uu maqlay inaanay ku jirin xisbiyada mucaaradku weftiga madaxweynaha, balse aanay taasi ka joojinayn soo dhaweynta madaxweynaha inay ka qayb qaataan. Waxa kale oo uu C/Haybe ku sheegay shirkiisa jaraa’id in dad kale oo ka soo horjeeda qadiyada madax banaanida Somaliland ay iyaguna dhinacooda ka abaabulayaan mudaharaad ka dhan madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa, sidaa daraadeed ay dadka reer Somaliland ee ku nool dalkaasi ay qorsheeyeen inay muujiyaan cudud midaysan oo ay kaga hortagayaan kuwa diidan qadiyada Somaliland iyo socdaalka madaxweynaha. Sidoo kale waxa uu C/Haybe sheegay in dad badan oo reer Somaliland ah oo ka soo guuraya dalalka Scandinavian-ku ay dhibaato badan kala kulmaan hay’adaha socdaalka ee dalka Ingiriiska. M. Amiin Jibriil Halganews correspondent In Somaliland
  16. Somalilanders in Diaspora Ready to Rally Support for Riyaale. By:Yassin Ismail, UK As the date for the long awaited and historic State visit to the United Kingdom by the Somaliland president Dahir Riyaale approaches, Somalilanders in Diaspora, especially in the UK, have already stepped up vigorous preparation to welcome the visiting president and rally in support of Somaliland’s case for recognition. In London and other main cities in the UK publicity materials, including posters and flyers have been published and circulated across the country. T-shirts, flags, banners with slogans such as ‘Recognise Somaliland’ are also being made and put on sale in shops and cafés run by supporters of Somaliland. One of these flyers I have seen bore the words “Somalilanders: this is it…it’s NOW or NEVER” and urges supporters to take ‘the day off’ in order to take part in what is being described as a highly spirited but peaceful demonstration to be staged in Whitehall near 10 Downing Street, where the president is expected to arrive on 17 March at 3 pm in order to deliver speech to address the British House of Commons. In his speech president Riyaale will attempt to put forward a case for the recognition of Somaliland. The forthcoming event has been widely publicised on the Internet and discussed in many Somaliland cyber-debate forums. In addition, a computer generated standard text message has been disseminated to hundreds of mobile phones held by Somalilanders in the UK. The idea is to spread the news about the president’s to as many people as possible. I have received one such message yesterday from a unanimous sender without asking and it read as “Support the recognition of Somaliland on the 17/03/04 at 3pm in front of Whitehall opposite number 10 Downing Street. BE THERE or BE SQUARED. Pass it on.” I have passed on the message to 10 other people and so on. The visit is drawing much attention from other Somaliland communities living outside the UK. For instance Somalilanders in countries such as Germany, France, Denmark and the Netherlands are said to have already began organising themselves in order to take part in the rally. Busses and Coaches are being hired or booked for hire to transport hundreds of enchanted supporters to London for this worthwhile event. According to reliable sources, in Toranto Canada negotiation is already underway for more than 150 people to charter a private airliner to fly them to the UK for the event. Since Somaliland declared its independence 14 years ago this is the first ever State Visit by any Somaliland president and according to organisers the rally is expected to be the biggest of its kind ever staged in Britain by East African community in support of their president. On other spheres tensions are mounting on the possibility that pockets of anti-Somaliland Somalis may try to counter-demonstrate against the visit by president Riyaale and his delegation in the UK though the anticipated scale is much more less than that of the pro-Somaliland rally. Mohamed Aden, a senior organiser and member of Nomad International Group told me that they expect some extremist pan-Somalist groups from the South may try to boycott the event in order to undermine the prospects of Somaliland being accorded with such enhanced diplomatic status. Mr Aden expressed concerns that the presence of these groups in such a highly charged atmosphere may trigger violent confrontation between the two rallying sides and urged Somaliland supporters not to react to any provocation that could lead to all-out war in the streets of London. He added that it’s extremely important that the rally takes place peacefully if it is to achieve the desired goals and adds weight to president Riyaale’s diplomatic mission to obtain recognition for Somaliland. We will keep you informed of any new developments as the situation enfolds its dramatic dimensions and Riyaale begins his search for International Recognition. By:Yassin Ismail, UK
  17. Spadez no apology needed, just an explaination Hornafrique those times reminded me of a time when SOL was mostly qabiil-free, childish-free, and other such. It's funny how all those threads you brought back relate to me. Very true, but the sad thing is you joined MISkiin, Samurai, Mopp and co in the diabolical attack on Somalilanders. ".. People die in Somalia as we speak and they die for no apparent reason other than that they are victims of some deviant who feels that a few square miles of land entitles him or her to a leadership role.People die from hunger and disease while we play on our keyboards and test each other on how fast we can outwit each other.These same very people would be better off if we stopped talking and started helping. " >>>>>>>>posted by Gediid 15 May, 2003
  18. Ahmed 'Hudeydi' Ismail Hussein Chatting to BBC Radio 3
  19. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: " This forum existed close to three years and every single day we were/are bombarded by certain folks about "their" suffering. Not once, prove me wrong, did I see them mention other Soomaalis' suffering. I dare you to prove me wrong. " Hornafrq's post compares skirmishes in Djibouti and an incident at Wajir airport with what took place in Somaliland and Somalia.Have you forgotten mass graves in Somaliland and starvation in Somalia ? We are talking about almost a million lives.>>>>>web page If you were motivated by anything other than what is obvious to us, you would not worry about people who live in peace and who getting on with each other and ignore the troubled souls from Mudug all the way to Kenya. When will your 'Somalinimo' talk about the people being forced to take Tanzanian nationality because of suffering or that is ok as long as they live the land for you? >>>>>web page Matkey : Is Ethiopia responsible for what your people have done to the inter-riverine region people No Sir. What we have here are 'patriots' who want to turn back the clock, to the dacades when they used to have an unfair and unjust advantage over everyone. Now that the reality is slowly sinking in, that this will never happen using force, 'nationalisms' is the new badge they carry . >>>>>>>>> web page Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: "P.S.: The worst victims who are still suffering are Soomaali Bantu and Banaadiri folks. For 14 years their women were/are raped, men killed for no absolute reason and their lands confiscated and yet, here we are mum. Sometimes it is good to know who suffered and who are cruelly suffering.." As you are aware Somalia's police and army have done much worse things to fellow Somalis than the Kenyans have to their ethnic Somalis. Although I support your call for self-determination, what are gaining from calling people 'adoons'?. Somalis in Kenya have have been allowed to reach much higher in every sector of society compared to Somalia's ethnic Bantus , do they have the right for self-determination? >>>> Somali Bantus as victims Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar That might not be enough but thats all I could dig up from the archives. Wether we said it in here or not, we all know how much the people of Bay suffered and I hope they don't go though that again.
  20. AYOUB


    Amadeyo I don’t have anything against Pland, Sland or Habar-kuuleeyland. But I would like to see most folks in SOL discussing about what is taking place in other parts. Yaa sahbi you are free to open the topic you want us to discuss. There are lots of stories about Xamar, Puntland that I would like to share with the Nomads but im always worried it would be taken as an attack from a Lander .
  21. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Certain folks from a certain region are quick to lament, in most of the time, about suffering from under the hands of their "southern" brethren. But at the same time are mute when it comes to talk about the disproportionate suffering the people in the South experienced. However, why are they mute? Because the victims aren't from their qabiil? Or they aren't that important? Or are less than the sufferings of others? It is about time to see OTHERS who suffered twice under no absolute mercy whatsoever. The whole world saw and condemned what happened in Baydhaba and Somalia as a whole in 1990's. Your opening remarks are vague and need some clarifications before I comment further. Who exactly is mute?
  22. I need to be convinced there was a 'great' politician/leader of Somalis, so I would like to hear your reasons why you think X 'great'. If we had so many 'great' leaders/politicians, what did they achieve? Can one compare our 'great' politicians with the ones from other countries? Please give your reasons like the gents below: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: " A "great" politician, to me, is a one being so popular that is equally loved by his people." Sophist:"1. C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen. Very shrewd and intelligent man altered (was in the middle of doing) the formation and the function of Somali Civil Service-- while at Office, it is reported that he indeed reduced the level of fraud and nepotism to more than half."
  23. AYOUB


    Yesmine Good suggestions, I will try to follow them. Amadeyo It is not my intention to instigate another xenophobic behavior, but to find out why other camps fail to get recognition in terms of discussong their political issues. If you are from one of the other 'camps', you are welcome to add to the discussion anytime you wish. I don't think there is a rationing system to stop us posting here or would you like 4.5 formula applied in here too?
  24. Jaamac_Bootaan aka Bari's 'twin', thinks we didn't notice he and others have been nicking photos from Somalilanders' websites and is now trying to forge stories. Are some people so desperate?