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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Ngonge and Lakadd Guys if you so interested in the rules of war in Islam, what is our responsibility? Are we supposed to be sitting here analyzing the rights and wrongs or how un-Islamic the ones who volunteered to do the fighting are? Let me ask you this, if the man was a spy, did he get his just desserts? Fact is we don't know what really happened, even the dead guy's family says was pro-war. I bet they won't be that many pro-war gringos going to Iraq and the list of "conscientious objectors" has grown much longer this week.
  2. ^^^Don't hold your breath HABBY BIGBAY SOMALILAND!!
  3. Salafi-Online Ps. Dont tell me if u date or not...just want to know if Somalies in Sol do....keep it in the THIRD PERSON narrative!Dont reveal your sins lool Is that covering one's backside or what? Blease!!.Let me get this straight; you want us to spare the details and give YES/NO answers or do you want us to tell you sweet little lies. Maybe you just miss the gossip and or do you want us to start rumours like Cakemate . Any ways lets not all that get in the way of a good thread, right beoble? I know a member of SOL who does a bit of " SLEAZE--ONLINE " on Sundays. Lord forgive..
  4. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: Puntland State Of Puntland. What happened to Puntland State of Somalia? looool Horn we all are in a state..
  5. Jumatatu This issue whether it is or it is not justified is argumentative and will continue on and on. What it is beyond doubt is that it is a repercussion. However in the mist of all this is it not strange that everytime America's policy and motive is at its lowest ebb, and they could have not been worse than they were over the last weeks,and are faced by International condemnation led by their two houses. Somewhere some place Al-Qaeeda or an arab 'terrorist' group does something that takes the spotlight off from them. Ironically though it has been the case ever since the start on the war in Afghanistan.Which makes you wonder what is the link in here? I don't know why everyone is assuming Muslims did it either. Don't you all remember how the US Generals staged the rescue of the girl who was in Hospital and showed pictures on prime TV just for propaganda purposes? Americans and Israelis have killed their own leaders for political purposes and I wouldn't put anything past them. Why was Masawi or whatever his name is wearing a mask if he wanted us to think he did it? Just because someone shouts "Allah Akbar" it doesn't mean they are MUSLIM. This sort of killings took place in Algeria many times and how many pro-Israel Arabs have caught working for the Americans? Faruurow maxaa Berbera ku geeyey? "FBI agents visited Berg's parents in West Chester on March 31 and told the family they were trying to confirm their son's identity. On April 5, the Bergs filed suit in federal court in Philadelphia, contending that Nick was being held illegally by the U.S. military. The next day Berg was released. He told his parents he hadn't been mistreated A coalition spokesman on Wednesday said Berg was never under U.S. custody. Berg had traveled to Iraq in search of telecommunications work, but when he arrived he was told there was no job for him. He had intended to leave the country on March 30 by way of Royal Jordanian airlines. By the time he was released by the military, the security situation in Iraq had deteriorated. "They could have released him a week earlier and that would have been the difference," Michael Berg said. Nick Berg was a practicing Jew, his father said, and had religious garments with him in Iraq. "I don't think he flaunted his Jewishness or that he hid it," said Michael Berg, who said he thought his captors knew his son's religion. "If there was any doubt that they were going to kill him that probably clinched it, I'm guessing." web page What is a civilian? web page
  6. Libaax Macruufi, I consider Qaraami(old school) any song that is old and played with guitar only. I am not sure if it has any other meaning. Maybe someone else can enlighten us both. That^^^^is what i consider to be Qaraami. Vocals, Oud and traditional drums and nothing more. This is what others think: "Qaraami": Roots Music Frozen in the Past Or a Vital Music Still Being Invented Abdirahman Ahmed Shunuuf, Mohamed Ahmed Shunuuf and Mohamoud Ahmed Shunuuf Imagine, a national Radio Station in which every musical segment is devoted to only one musical genre: Half century-old songs that hark back to colonial old days. Audiences would be startled, wondering why anything so antique was on the air; recording studios would chafe because they would want to promote more current styles; young people would want to hear more recent songs too. But when you visit Somaliland, the "Qaraami" songs are the only ones given airtime in Radio Hargeisa. Unlike the rural blues in the United States, for instance, "Qaraami" in Somaliland is like "Rumba" in Cuba, which is still considered contemporary music in Cuba. Musicians and aficionados believe that the "Qaraami" is the (Quintessential) most appreciated music in Somaliland. Most of Somaliland's intellectuals who live in the country, can hardly wait for the government to sponsor an academic symposium on the "Qaraami", with musicologists and musicians giving papers on everything from "Qaraami’s" heavy influence on contemporary Somaliland songs, to its lesser-known African and Arab roots. During the sixties and early seventies, a little known group called "Barkhad Cas" (The name of a legendary anti-colonial poet and father of the "Qaraami" Mohamed Ismail Barkhad Cas), revealed for the first time what "Qaraami" style was all about. They revealed, for instance, not a folkloric music being carefully preserved by holdouts, but a vital, unregimented music that is still being invented. "The "Qaraami" is a process," said Faisel Omer Mushteeg, an original member of "Barkhad Cas" group. "The chemistry keeps changing, but it’s all "Qaraami". A good example," he says, is "Subcis", which is an old "Qaraami" song that I wrote. But which I have recorded three different times. Each time, it sounds different, but it’s still "Subcis". The "Qaraami" appeared in the middle of the 20th century, when colonialism was thriving in Somaliland; colonialism continued in Somaliland until June 26, 1960 five days before Italian Somalia became independent from Italy. Unlike other parts of the Somali speaking communities, including Italian Somalia, who did not have any musicians, singers and playwrights; Somaliland had a number of bands, musicians, playwrights, singers and songwriters, who created "Qaraami", and held on to it until they were free from the Yoke of colonialism. Through their "Qaraami", they developed music and songs that bemoaned problems - political, romantic, social, philosophical - and held on to community, independence and self-reliance. During colonial rule, Somaliland's artists never adapted scales and contours from British songs. Somali language and music were never replaced by the English of Somaliland’s colonial rulers. Therefore, the music and the songs stayed Somali, never changing to western songs and music. The "Qaraami" sound seeded virtually all the Somaliland music that followed in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. It made its way, diluted into 1990s dance music performed by the "Waanabes". In its traditional form, "Qaraami" is a soothing heartbeat rhythm, like reggae. It is a call and response between the singers, the "Oud" player and the percussionist. Like roots music everywhere, "Qaraami" now has to compete with the slicker, more accessible pop styles, performed by the "Waanabes." "Qaraami has not been a favorite for some of the youth in Somaliland," said Faisel Omer. "That’s because of the past twenty five years of our history, which has been robbed from us, by the continuous onslaught on our culture, music and song by the fascist military rule in Somalia which dominated the country." Qaraami has strong survival mechanisms; because it had persevered for decades. In Somaliland, musical genres don’t seem to have expiration dates. Old styles like the "Qaraami" have never had to be self-consciously revived because groups still play them as a matter of course. Qaraami is marked by the low-tech simplicity of its "Oud", hand drums and voices. Qaraami is by no means an archival genre, frozen in the past. The music has continued to evolve. ------------ IS QARAAMI NOT FOLKLORIC? ...................... Maxamed Mooge Libaan and Sahra Axmed top my list of Somali singers. This my example of Qaraami M Mooge-Dadka ha iska weyneen Not so sure about this mudantii haweenkaay---M Mooge Qaraami may or may not be 'folkloric' (if such word exists) but it sounds nice!! Don't ask me about the lyrics, its all about de ridim!
  7. Ligaye that was a good read, looking forward to the Mrs' reply
  8. ^^^You are not the only one attracted to powerful women Lakkad: those xalimos are too cute to shoot a fly!-esp the one with the purple slash on her! Orod oo hoosta ka gal and you will find out what they mean by 'baby-faced assassins' Purple scarf is codenamed INDIA aka Angel-Dust Darman Why you gotta lie saxib.. you are not the only one who been checking Horseednet.net If that was directed at me, what did I lie about?
  9. ^^^ You'll never guess the first name that popped into my head when I saw that picture.loool
  10. ^^That's what our man over there says it is. But then again, is that Barwaaqo with a Bazooka?
  11. Picture taken in Galkacyu. Now thats what I call scary spice!!
  12. Liqaye: So there is corruption in somaliland, and in puntland and in the rest of somalia, so consequently the postings on this topic was for what reason again..... To show I - like many others who were protesting in Hargeisa earlier this week - will never accept it and we'll always see it a major problem. It was highlighted at the SNM anniversary by the former VP Xassan Jamac and the S/L delegation was asked questions regarding the problem when they were over here. The positive thing is we have books that can be opened and scrutinized and I hope and pray the people of S/L never give trying to make things better. One day we will eradicate the problem as our neighbours have Mobb Deep I was just fooling around with the intellectuals and I knew about the passport ban even though its a bit ironic for a man who rules Bosaaso to have travel difficulties don't you think? Mobb Deep Mad Mullah is not a puntlander. I suspect he is shirtless nasir with a different handle na'mean. Funny you should that, the other intellectual must be trouser less wearing a tie and his shirt firmly tucked inside his underpants aka John Major style
  13. AYOUB

    Poetry Chain

    Mahmoud Darwish from Palestine Earth Poem A dull evening in a rundown village Eyes half asleep I recall thirty years And five wars I swear the future keeps My ear of corn And the singer croons About a fire and some strangers And the evening is just another evening And the singer croons And they asked him: Why do you sing? And he answered: I sing because I sing... And they searched his chest But could only find his heart And they searched his heart But could only find his people And they searched his voice But could only find his grief And they searched his grief But could only find his prison And they searched his prison But could only see themselves in chains ----------------------- By Axmad Ismaacil Diiriye "Qaasim" Qadhaadh iyo Macaan Dacartuba marbay malab dhashaa ood muudsataa dhabaqe Waxan ahay macaan iyo qadhaadh meel ku wada yaalle Midigtayda iyo bidixdu waa laba mataanoode Midi waa martida soora iyo maata daadihise Midina waa mindiyo xiirayiyo mur iyo deebaaqe Masalooyin talantaalliyaan maandhow leeyahaye Nin majiira keliyuun qabsada hay malayninae Marbaan ahay muddeex camal san oon maagista aqoone Marna macangag laayaanahoo miiggan baan ahaye Marbaan ahay muftiga saahidnimo mawlacaw gala'e Marna Mukhawi waashoo xumaha miista baan ahaye Marbaan ahay nin xaaraan maqdaxa aan marin jidiinkise Marna tuug mu'diya baan ahoon maal Rasuul bixinne Marbaan ahay maqaam awliyaad maqaddinkoodiiye Marna mudanka shaydaanka iyo maal jinbaan ahaye Marbaan ahay murtiyo baanisaba madaxda reeraaye Oo ay weliba muuniyo dulqaad igu ******taane Marna reer magaal Loofaroon muuqan baan ahaye Waxan ahay nin midabbeeya oo maalinbays rogae Muuqaygu gelinkiiba waa muunad goonniyahe Miisaanna ima saari karo nin i maleeyaaye Muslinka iyo gaalada dirkaba waan micna aqaane Malaa'iigta naartiyo jannadu waygu murantaaye Ninkii maalmo badan soo jiree madaxu boosaystay Ee inan rag maamuli yiqiin waa i maan garanne Ninkasta halkii kuula mudan ee ay muhato laabtaadu Ee aanad madadaaladeed ugala maarmaynin Iska soo mar waa kuu bannaan marinkad doontaaye
  14. loool@oktobar Liqaye i'm more worried by things i memorise in SOL.
  15. I'll stay out of your way only if you comment on this breaking news... Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf oo ku Xayirmay Airopoorka Dubai Kadib markii........ By Samater Posted to the web 10-05-2004, 19:09:03 Dubai:-Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Dubai ee Wadanka Emaaraatka Carabta ayaa sheegaya in Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf uu Maalintii Sadexaad ku xayiran yahay Airopoorka Dubai International Airport,halkaas oo uu soo galay isagoo aan wadan wax fiiso ah. Safaarada Soomaalidu ay ku leedahay Dubai iyo rag Ganacsato ah ayaa ka codsaday Dowlada inay soo daayaan Col.ka oo iyagu ay damiin ka noqdaan sidii ay sameeyeen marar badan laakiin dowladu waa ku gacansayrtay sida lagu soo waramaayo. C/llaahi Yusuf ayaa asagu safaro uga soo noqday Wadamo Yurub ah iyo dalka Maleeshiya oo uu kula soo kulmay shirkadaha sameeya lacagaha Soomaliga sida uu noo xaqiijiyey mid kamid ah xubnaha ku dhow dhow korneylka oo sheegay in C/laahi Yusuf ay safarkiisa ku weheliyeen gabadh uu dhalay, nin Illaalo u ah iyo labada nin ee lakala yiraaho C/laahi Cumar Bootaan iyo Yusuf Cumar Al Azhari oo ah la taliyaha C/laahi Yusuf. Waxaa jira warar kale oo sheegaya in Col.ku uu doonaayay inuu Transit ugu gudbo Wadanka Liibiya kadibna uu la kulmay Mamnuucidii Baasaboorka Soomaaliga Maalintii Shalay. Saciid Samatar Puntlandpost, Galkacyo,Soomaaliya
  16. ^^^What part of "lets not exaggerate" are you having trouble understanding? Mad Mullah I found out that in similar cases on funds missappropriation, the money loss on state budgets cannot be more than 5% of the total budget. looool That was a joke, right? I knew there were things we could learn from you
  17. I'm sure there is a lot we can learn from Puntland, right? :rolleyes: The minister was in charge for less than a year so blease and blease lets not exaggerate.
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: Now if you don’t behave, I’m going to chop you all up and eat you”. I closed the fridge and went back to bed. I demand you withdraw this threat or else I'll be forced to pass your case to Vegetable Rights campaigners GREENPEAS.
  19. AYOUB


    Pick One... -- Apples or bananas? Apples Definitely not my kind of beoble.
  20. AYOUB


    Originally posted by Intuition: Did you know that dolphines and humans are the only creatures that have sex for pleasure and not just for bearing children. Really? Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: Having no more than 2 cute kids. Aaaah i'm sooo happy for you and the lucky Devil
  21. Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor to death by firing squad for deliberately infecting some 400 children with HIV. Prosecutors demanded the death penalty, claiming the accused gave patients HIV in a bid to find an Aids cure. The medics, who worked at a children's hospital in the city of Benghazi, were arrested five years ago. Bulgaria's government, which had been lobbying for their release, condemned the "unfair and absurd" verdicts. Packed court The Libyan court found the six health workers guilty of having caused the death of 40 children and of infecting almost 400 others with HIV. Another Bulgarian, Dr Zdravko Georgiev, was initially reported to have received the death penalty but has in fact been given a four-year sentence and may be released soon, Bulgaria's ambassador to Libya said. Nine Libyans who worked at the same hospital were acquitted. The courtroom in Benghazi was surrounded by 100 armed police, Bulgaria's BTA news agency reported. Inside it was packed to capacity, with 15 foreign diplomats among those attending the session which was the culmination of a trial stopped and started several times over the years. At one point, the Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, had accused the health workers of acting on orders from the CIA and the Israeli secret service, Mossad. Libya later rowed back on this allegation. The medics had always protested their innocence and said they had been tortured by the police, with daily beatings, sexual assault and electric shocks. They called expert witnesses, including one of the team which discovered the Aids virus, who said this was an epidemic caused by poor hygiene at the hospital, not by any international conspiracy. Relatives celebrate Western diplomats say the prosecutions arose because the authorities simply needed someone to blame for a tragedy which caused outrage in Libya. With Col Gaddafi recently moving to improve Libya's international standing, Bulgaria had hoped the court would be lenient. "I'm shocked by the verdicts...We're not going to accept them," said Bulgarian Justice Minister Anton Stankov. The government in Sofia is calling for a strong reaction from the international community. The European Union has already voiced its extreme concern. Bulgaria's parliamentary speaker, Ognyan Gerdzhikov, said he was confident the death sentences would not be carried out. "I expect Gaddafi to act like a humanist to win certain political credit, which he needs from public opinion," he told Bulgarian radio. But relatives of the infected children were celebrating. "The verdict is fair. What they did is a crime against humanity. They planted a bomb inside our children," Ramdane Ali Mohamed, whose sister died of Aids, told Reuters.
  22. AYOUB


    Serious stuff Is this operation reversible should the old man change his mind or that was that. BTW - I watched a Channel 4 programme the other day where some scholars agreed that all cosmetic surgery is Haram, Is vasectomy medical or cosmetic surgery?