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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by rokko: well with Italy, Spain out Can you believe what those dodgy northern Europeans did? Originally posted by NGONGE: It ain’t over until the fat kid gets sent off I bet he'll cry, just like Gazza
  2. 43 points But its only 1st round and a few games to go.
  3. What I find really strange is how Arab News chose to report that story as if they were speaking on behalf of the FBI. Here's what they chose to leave out of their 'report'. CBS.COM (CBS/AP) Federal investigators say Nuradin Abdi bragged that blowing up an Ohio shopping center was his goal. But no specific mall was targeted. No explosives were in hand. And it is unclear that the alleged terrorist had the wherewithal to do it. Abdi's family says he didn't have the will. A four-count indictment, returned by a grand jury in Columbus, Ohio, charges that Abdi, a 32-year-old Somali native, conspired with admitted al Qaeda member Iyman Faris and others to detonate a bomb at the unidentified shopping mall after he obtained military-style training in Ethiopia. "The American heartland was targeted for death and destruction by an al Qaeda cell which allegedly included a Somali immigrant who will now face justice," Attorney General John Ashcroft said. But the portrait painted of Abdi by the government is in sharp contrast to the one offered by his family, who insist he is innocent and describe a man who hated terrorists. Abdi, who operated a small cell phone business, loved his new freedoms and never spoke out against the U.S. government, said his brother Mohamed AbdiKarani, 17. Abdi has a son and daughter and his wife is pregnant. "He loved it here. He never had as much freedom. He said it's good to raise his kids here," AbdiKarani said. "He really hated terrorists. You know how (President George) Bush hates terrorists? I think he hates them more." Abdi is also charged with fraud and misuse of documents by claiming that he had been granted valid asylum status in the United States. In fact, prosecutors say, he obtained that refugee document under false pretenses. If convicted on all charges, Abdi could be sentenced to up to 80 years in prison and fined $1 million. According to U.S. immigration records, Abdi first entered the United States in 1995, lived for a time in Canada, and then returned to the United States in August 1997. Abdi was granted asylum in America as a refugee in January 1999 after giving false information to immigration officials, the government charges. Later that year, he used that refugee status to apply for a travel document by falsely claiming he was planning to visit Germany and the Muslim holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. In fact, prosecutors say, Abdi used the document to travel to Ethiopia to obtain "military-style training in preparation for violent jihad." The training included guns, guerrilla warfare, bombs and radio usage. Court papers allege that the plot dated to March 2000 when Abdi returned from the training camp in Ethiopia to join Faris in Columbus. Last May, Faris pleaded guilty to plotting to topple New York's Brooklyn Bridge on orders from al Qaeda. He admitted to providing sleeping bags, cell phones and cash to terrorists, and was subsequently convicted of providing material support to terrorism and conspiracy to provide material support. He is now serving a 20-year sentence at a federal prison in Florence, Colo. The indictment mentions "other co-conspirators" besides Faris, but Justice Department officials would not say how many allegedly were involved. AbdiKarani said Abdi was friends with Faris because they attended the same mosque. Columbus is home to more than 30,000 Somalis, the second-largest Somali community in the United States, after Minneapolis. Abdi, 32, was arrested at his apartment Nov. 28, the day after the Thanksgiving holiday when malls across America were crowded with shoppers. He was held at first on immigration violations, authorities said. According to the Detroit Free Press, Abdi was ordered deported by a federal judge in March. He did not contest his deportation, meaning the U.S. had 90 days to carry out the move. That period ended last week. Abdi, his feet and hands shackled, appeared distracted during a hearing Monday before a federal magistrate. He alternately twisted around in his chair and smiled at spectators and U.S. marshals, then stared at the table in front of him. He placed his forehead on the table as the magistrate read him his rights. Abdi's mother, Nadifa Hassan, expressed concern about her son's health, saying he was withdrawn when she visited him in jail about a month ago. She said she heard her son likely would be deported. "He's very sick," she said through a translator while surrounded by friends at Columbus' Somali Community Association. "When I saw him last time he wasn't talking at all. I feel pain inside, the way he looked like that." "I know my son, that he's not a terrorist," she said. Investigators say Abdi had no explosives materials and no detailed plan for the mall attack, CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports. That would make it similar to several other post-Sept. 11 al Qaeda plots in the United States that appeared rushed and ill-prepared, like gang member Jose Padilla's alleged dirty bomb plan and Richard Reid's foiled attempt to set off a shoe bomb aboard a transatlantic flight. The alleged Abdi plot also fits with one of the FBI's greatest terrorist fears: that an attack on a mall could cost many lives and cause enormous economic damage. The FBI has warned al Qaeda might shift away from trying to hit tightly guarded installations, such as government buildings or nuclear plants, to more vulnerable targets such as malls, apartment buildings or hotels. The Justice Department last month said they were worried about an imminent attack this summer and asked for help finding seven alleged terrorist operatives. In May, a Tanzanian man who entered the United States illegally was charged with making a phony terror threat on a Los Angeles shopping mall, the FBI said. Jamilla Hassan, 39, a cousin of Abdi's, said she hopes the charges are a mistake. Abdi was like any immigrant who escaped the clan-based war in Somalia, looking for a better life, Hassan said. "He was another good American," she said.
  4. Advises of Luqman the Wise LUQMAN 12-19 (Yusuf Ali Translation) We bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to Allah." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily Allah is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: "O my son! join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing." And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal. "But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did." "O my son!" (said Luqman), "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, Allah will bring it forth: for Allah understands the finest mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (with them). "O my son! establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. "And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster. "And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the *** ." ***(SOL censorship) = donkey in old english. Luqman was known in pre-Islamic Arabia as Luqman al-Hakim, that is Luqman the sage or the wise man. He was probably from Sudan. There were many stories attributed to him that expressed his great wisdom and spiritual maturity. The Qur’an mentioned Luqman to tell us that Luqman’s wisdom led him to be thankful to Allah. The real wisdom consists of directing our thanks to Him who is the ultimate source of all gifts and favors to us. That ultimate source is Allah. Gratitude to Allah is a humble acknowledgement of His favors and bounties. This acknowledgement has three parts: It must be deeply and sincerely felt by the heart. It must be expressed by the tongue and it must manifest in the actions. The Qur’an tells us that one way Luqman expressed his gratitude to Allah was by giving proper teachings and training to his son. The education of children, whether sons or daughters, is one of the essential teachings of Islam. It is the responsibility of the parents to give proper education and instructions to their children. However, education in Islam is not mere literacy, or training to get a good job and make money. Education in Islam is the training and cultivation of the mind, soul and body with proper ethical, moral, spiritual and intellectual values. An educated person is a person who knows how to control his/her passions and desires and has learned how to express his/herself in the most appropriate manner in every situation. Luqman gave ten advises: 1. Recognize Allah - This is the first and most important principle of Islam. All Islamic education must begin with this principle. Tawhid must be emphasized and Shirk must be avoided. Oneness of Allah is the ultimate truth and it has the greatest affect in developing a moral and dignified personality. 2. Love and respect of parents - All good education must include the teachings about the rights of parents. However parents’ rights (or any person, group or institutions’ rights) are not above the rights of Allah. 3. Awareness of Allah’s presence and His knowledge - This is the best protection from all sins and wrong doings. 4. Prayers - Regular and proper prayers. Prayer is the nourishment of the soul. Through prayer we acknowledge the Lordship of Allah, give thanks to Him and express our allegiance and obedience to Him. 5. Command what is good - This means active involvement in doing good things and spreading truth, justice and righteousness. 6. Forbid wrong things - This means active involvement in preventing and eradicating evil, sin and corruption. 7. Patience and steadfastness - This is necessary for all those who want to work for good cause. 8. Kindness and courtesy to all people. Good people are kind and courteous people. 9. Humbleness - Be humble in you walk and in your behavior general. 10. Moderation - Follow moderate lifestyle. No extravagance, to extremism is allowed in Islam. Khutbahs
  5. Originally posted by NGONGE: I did not cheat, man. I repeat, I did not cheat. :mad: You're protesting a lil tiny wee bit too much
  6. 1.Ricardo (POR) 4M -1 2.Lucic (SWE) 3M-----5 3.Jiranek(CZE)2.5m---* 4.Sagnol (FRA)3M-----0 5.Bolf(CZE)4m--------* 6.Ballack(GER)5m----_* 7.Figo(POR)6.5-------0 8.Snijder(HOL)4.5M---* 9.Kuranyi(GER)3.5----* 10.Larsson(SWE)6M---18 11.Vieri (ITA)8M-----0 TOTAL 22(ONLY) Norf The easiest way is to set up an excel sheet with players on with totals after each game, qf,sf and final then u have a constant sheet to update We have to come up with a system esp after the transfers!
  7. Nur that was full of wisdom. Here are two poems by the poet Jaamac Axmed Jaamac "Gacmadheere", who died earlier this month.(may Allah have mercy on him) Gabaygan wuxuu abwaanku kula hadlayaa nin ay ilmaadeer ahaayeen oo Yuusuf Nuur Jaamac la odhan jirey oo uu ka dareemay inaanu u dheganugleyn cibaadada iyo cabsida Eebbe Wacdi Wedku kuuma oga yuusufoow wiil inaad tahaye Waagii beryaba mawdku waa kugu wareegaaye Waayeel caddaadiyo u siman weled saqiiriiye Inaan "Waarantiin" laysu qorin waa war la hubaaye ninbase maalintuu waaqif yahay waaxidkaa garane Aakhiro walaalaha dhabi wax isma siiyaane Waxad laguma soofsado adduun nin isu waaloowe Anaa wadarta reer hebel ah iyo waalid muu jiro Ninwaliba wixii uu dhigtaa waaran ugu yaalle "Waygii" Ilaahay nin jaray laga wanaag roone Shaydaan wixii weheshadaa weylintuu kace'e Weysada ha deynina ayuu inna wadeecaynne Ilaahay ka baqa Islaamnimadu waa door ninkii Eebbe solansiinne Aftalkeeda hore waa markaa la ashahaataaye Salaaddaa ayaan iyo ayaan la ijtihaadaaye Soonkaa anfaca maalintii laga adkaystaaye Sekadaa aduunkiyo dadkaba la iska oofshaaye Nin awoodi karayoow xajkaa lagu itaalaaye Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye Adxa iyo Fitrina waa jiraan labada iidoode Iyagana sunnaa lagu ismoo mu'akad weeyaane Ajri xoogleh baa laga helaa ururka maantaase Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye Allabariga waxa loo qalaa odayadeenniiye asaxaabigeennii dhintaa lagu addeecaaye Ehelkaan wixiid aad tartaan loogu anafoonne aakhiro wuxuu kugu noqdaa ololki naareede Itinkeeda waa laga durkaa dhaxal agoomeede Tuugiyo Ammaanaan la cunin oonna loo dayanne Eegmada habluhu waa waxaad ku ibtiloowdaaye Ololaa cayaartiyo Sinaa laga adkaystaaye Afkaagaa sukuud laga noqdaa odhahsan mooyane Awlaadsibaa lagu daraa duciyo aammiine Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye
  8. ^^^Good game I easily beat 3 man-wall till the Frechman decided to jump forward and tackle! Click on the gaolkeeepers/defenders/midfielders/strikers(writen in white letters on a red backgound) above the T-MOBILE ad and below where it says :"100 000 dream team" to see the scores! :mad: Player list
  9. ^^^Back off young man you're seeing things. I'm not stating the pipping obvious, i'm i? You try your luck with her cousin from Berbera Good luck looks like you gonna need lots of it! To be fair to the English they’re really not the only nation to do that. Every country in the world exaggerates when it’s pitted against other nations. One French newspaper had the headline title “ God Save Zidane” on its front page after they’ve won. Brother the Ingiriis were doing it before they won!!!
  10. Ngonge and Rokko We are playing by the Sun's rules and this is what they say: TRANSFER WINDOW SCORING Here are the latest stats for the players Player list May the best team win!
  11. ^^^ “ God Save Zidane” is a joke on the English supporters who were singing "God save the queen" when they were winning. #they are not singing anymore!# I thought that was great headline just like the one that claimed "France qualify for 98 WC" after Cantona, Ginola and co failed to qualify for the 94 WC.
  12. Originally posted by Aeryn Sun: ^^Waxaad u baahantahay in muqmuqa lagugu dhufto caydhana lagaa jaro. << all the way to the bosto xafiis What's caydh got to do, got to do with it?
  13. Dear oh dear what some people resort to! Anyways here are the teams and he can't make subtitution now can he? Norf's Fire Starters Player Country (£)m 1 Khan Germany 4 2 Jankulovski Cech Rep 3.5 3 F De Boer Holland 4.5 4 Couto Portugal 4 5 Mellberg Sweden 4 6 Gravesen Denmark 3 7 Gerrard England 6 8 Baraja Spain 4 9 Baros Cech Rep 5 10 Rommedahl Denmark 3.5 11 Henry France 8.5 Sujui's Destroy's Gk Buffon Italy £5.5m LB Valente £3m Portugal CB Stam £6.5m Holland CB Terry £5m England RB Sagnol £3m France LM Van Da Vart £4.5m Holland CM Baraja £4.5m Spain RM Schiender £3m Germany AM TottiItaly CF Kurayni £3.5m Germany CF Morientes £5m spain AL WinningTeam A Cole England Defender £5.0m Panucci Italy Defender £5.0m Carragher England Defender £4.0m Miguel Portugal Defender £3.0m Smicer Czech Republic Midfielder £3.0m Vieira France Midfielder £6.0m Wicky Switzerland Midfielder £3.0m Davids Holland Midfielder £5.5m Henry France Striker £8.5m Morientes Spain Striker £5.0m Ovchinnikov Russia Goalkeeper £2.0m Ngonge's DODGY GEEZERS Cech Czech Republic Goalkeeper £4.0m Silvestre France Defender £5.0m Mellberg Sweden Defender £4.0m R Kovac Croatia Defender £3.5m Bridge England Defender £4.0m Gravesen Denmark Midfielder £3.0m Luis Figo Portugal Midfielder £6.5m Ronaldo Portugal Midfielder £5.0m Zidane France Midfielder £6.5m Allback Sweden Striker £3.5m Morientes Spain Striker The Rokkoroos Pletikosa Croatia Goalkeeper £2.0m Kehl Germany Defender £3.5m Paulo Ferreira Portugal Defender £3.0m Nuno Valente Portugal Defender £3.0m Ujfalusi Czech Republic Defender £3.5m Vieira France Midfielder £6.0m Zambrotta Italy Midfielder £5.0m Pires France Midfielder £6.5m Totti Italy Midfielder £6.5m Larsson Sweden Striker £6.0m Morientes Spain Striker £5.0m Winger's Midaynta Team Cost: £49.5m Player Club Position Value Buffon Italy Goalkeeper £5.5m Nesta Italy Defender £6.0m Couto Portugal Defender £4.0m Paulo Ferreira Portugal Defender £3.0m A Cole England Defender £5.0m Sneijder Holland Midfielder £4.5m van der Vaart Holland Midfielder £4.5m Smicer Czech Republic Midfielder £3.0m Valeron Spain Striker £4.5m Morientes Spain Striker £5.0m Tomasson Denmark Striker £4.5m Vikings Issakson Sweden RB Puyol Spain CB Nesta Italy LB Silvestre France RM Seedorf Holland DM Vieira France AM Deco Portugal LM Vicente Spain Rosicky Czech Rep. Mista Spain Tomasson Denmark And finnaly: LOS AYOUBOS 1.Ricardo (POR) 4M 2.Lucic (SWE) 3M 3.Jiranek(CZE)2.5m 4.Sagnol (FRA)3M 5.Bolf(CZE)4m 6.Ballack(GER)5m 7.Figo(POR)6.5 8.Snijder(HOL)4.5M 9.Kuranyi(GER)3.5 10.Larsson(SWE)6M 11.Vieri (ITA)8M BTW I tip Italians to win it.
  14. ^^Where there's money there is politics! Norf did Ngonge have Zidane and Ronaldo in his team or are they late subs?
  15. Guys I always support the underdog and I was with Engerlan till the commentetor started boasting about how Henry "will always be remindided of 1-0" and Santini will be hearing the chants of English crowds reminding him of "the defeat" and I finally switched sides when Lampard put on that cocky face and started insulting Viera. Just imagine if they really won. HA!
  16. ^^ Watch it son! :rolleyes: Did anyone notice how many black players were on the field by the end of that game?
  17. ^^^ I agree he was very ordinary before the free-kick and it was Viera who was doing all the build-up and making all the play for France. Zidane is a great player, best of his generation but he's not as good as Maradona and no-one is. The free-kick was magical! BTW i din't see that many St Georges flags today
  18. ^^^ Thanks bro. I think the competition is between us two and Winger The rest don't stand a chance
  19. Did you guys keep it under £50M? Here's my 'lucky dip' team: 1.Ricardo (POR) 4M 2.Lucic (SWE) 3M 3.Jiranek(CZE)2.5m 4.Sagnol (FRA)3M 5.Bolf(CZE)4m 6.Ballack(GER)5m 7.Figo(POR)6.5 8.Snijder(HOL)4.5M 9.Kuranyi(GER)3.5 10.Larsson(SWE)6M 11.Vieri (ITA)8M may the best team win,
  20. Gediid Intiina kale dont copy and paste write only those proverbs you know.Takes the fun out of the game if you copy and paste........... That disqualifies me bro Nice to see you anyways. What i'm more intersted in is the origins and stories behind the 'sayings' (not proverbs) we use almost everyday. For example we all know what the story of saying: Timirtii horeba dab loo waa Does anyone know stories behind any of the famous 'sayings'? peace!
  21. AYOUB

    A Thug’s tale

    Ngonge this could be a nice script I think, next year we make it as a play on the 18 May gig and after that we take Cannes and the Oscars by storm . BTW I know this 'Miskiin' kid who is perfect for the RudeBoy part. Ameenah who am I to argue
  22. Monday, May 31, 2004 Somali Government by July By Adow Jubat An all inclusive Somali National Government will be ready by July with its headquarters in Mogadishu. The revelation was made yesterday by the Kenyan Ambassador to Somalia Mr Mohammed Abdi Affey. The Somali peace talks in Mbagathi, Nairobi had assured the international community and the Inter-governmental Development Authority (Igad) countries of the realisation of a central government in that country soon, said Affey . The envoy was addressing over 50 delegates from rival clans in Somalia’s Gedo area, at the end of a week-long reconciliation tour along the Kenya-Somalia border in Mandera District. The Somali peace talks were now in the third and most crucial phase, he said. "This involves the appointment of parliamentarians by clan members who will in turn appoint a president," said Affey. The new government, which will be formed in Nairobi, will immediately relocate to Mogadishu with the financial support of Igad member countries and the international community who have been facilitating the peace talks. Affey cautioned warlords in his country and others opposed to the formation of the central government to desist from their "mischievous activities". "Anybody proved to be an obstacle to peace in Somalia will be indicted for war crimes and other injustices against humanity," he warned. The ambassador said the Kenyan Government would not rescind its ban on the use of Somali passports until a legitimate central government was in place. He revealed that the move was aimed at arm-twisting those opposed to the reconciliation talks to lend their full support. The passports, said Affey, had been greatly abused by criminals and warlords for the last 14 years. Said the envoy: "It is ironic for the warlords to use the documents to traverse borders while on the other hand, they are opposed to the establishment of a government in their country." He said a multi-national force from the African Union would be dispatched to Somalia soon to disarm militiamen. The forces will be provided by the union’s peace and security council based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ---------- To Be Continued....
  23. ^^^An uninhibited show-off of a man who thinks he's an Italian is also stereotype of some Somalis. I prefer the old qaxooti stereotype to this all-smiling and all-giggling ***** :mad: As far as i'm concerned from this moment: he is sawahili.
  24. AYOUB

    A Thug’s tale

    ^^Araweelo.. Shmaraweelo is all i say to the girl. :cool: