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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Salafi if you are struggling with this thread I don't see the point of posting 5 posts about Salafis in another.
  2. Ngonge: I’m yet to see a Somali restaurant that I could class as being the best (best of a bad bunch, maybe!). Ngonge saxiib why don't you try Golis Restaurant in Wembley. I hear they can give 10% off if you can prove your Burco roots claims . Qaxootis let me ask you this, how much are you prepared to pay for a really nice meal for two in a classy place?
  3. Nur I am in the opinion that if innovation is what we are warned against, then, calling ourselves Salafiyah to be a clear Bidca, innovation that only creates and supports other groups to call themselves with similar cult names. Interesting point and posts from everyone.
  4. People please don't let emotions get the better of you because it's sometimes important to listen to criticism and hear other views. 1. I think its totally wrong what S/L officials have done in regards to the people who have been handed to the Ethios. 2. I support fighting against the TPLF regime in Addis by Somalis or anyone for that matter who is oppressed or mis-treated. 3. Interesting how easy it was for some people to drop "Somalism" and QC (Qabiil Correctness) and without even realising . If you bothered to read the the whole of my previous post I clearly stated: its ok to fight as an individual if you have to.. etc etc so please spare me the lectures. What I'm was trying to trying to find out is: What is the ultimate goal of the ONLF? Is it to join Somalia, independence or toppling the TPLF regime and staying within Ethiopia? I suppose its easier to talk about truck-burning bit. Only Bachelor replied "They are fight for their independence and to secede from the oppressive regime." If thats the case, which part of part exactly, all of the Somali region, part of it or what exactly? See the map above. Jumatatu And what is more appalling is to ridicule the struggle of those who not only share with you religion and ethnicity, but are next door neighbours. Bro if anything, the worse I did was to point out ONLF's appalling behaviour. We know how little it takes to spark a clan warfare in that part of the world and we can pretend they don't cause problems to the innocent civilians down there or we can face the facts. Extortion is part and parcel of their activity so if you we want them to succeed they need to get their act together. They can start by stopping their spokesperson making threats to other Somalis every time he opens his mouth. Bachelor Its just about the matter of time. I am rather optimistic soon Ethiopia will even be worst than Somalia and every region will secede. INSHA ALLAH Is that a good thing?
  5. Nur I agree with the causes and the solution problem you've listed above my point was: I don't there is an "introduction of a new order" being done and I don't think the people have been given the chance to be even "lukewarm defenders". There is an attempt or desire by some to go back to the back to good old days without the real change thats needed taking place. We have a set of national collective sins, like tribalism, nepotism, treatment of women and children, abominable cast system that denies the basic human dignity to a segment of our society Could not put it better if I tried.
  6. Meet Geraldine Williams
  7. Originally posted by Qudhac: .. i think it would do you and your people alot start campaining for this region as somali region as that is what it is enhabited by various somalis,.. This is what I always find hard to understand, what makes fighting as OG DENIS wrong and fighting and fighting as OG DENIS & Co right? I say its ok to fight as an individual if you have to, as a family if you have to, as clan if you have to , etc etc OG GIRL Sis the reason most people don't know much about that region because there is no much media or any campaign being done by the so-called leaders of the region. In this day and age where even warlords and lightweight politicians are household names and are able to meet other African Heads of States, the only time you can hear or read Ogadania is when some London-based spokesperson making threats to other Somalis. As I write this I don't know what the ONLF struggle is exactly about, apart from burning Somaliland-owned trucks. Can you tell me what they, Oromo, Afar and other Muslims over there fighting for? Since they are the majority are they planning to share power or are they going to split it like the Eritreans? Originally posted by OG_Girl: I am just putting my own words and U r totally free to disagree, be sarcastic... who cares, Remember what you said about 'Kowda Luulyo'? Nafisa Amiin to that.
  8. Salafi Online What makes you think the Sheikh is an Innovator? "I was told that my visit has caused a row and I do not understand why," "It is not the first time I have visited London. For over a third of a century I have been visiting London. London is an open city, so why is there this row when I visit London today?" SHEIKH YUSUF AL-QARADAWI Hate Figure The most controversial statement to come from the controversial Islamic preacher, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, in London yesterday was an expression of genuine surprise that his visit to London has been greeted with such a storm of protest. His views on the justification for suicide bombing in Palestine and the degeneracy of homosexuals are, after all, well known. He's been here dozens of times. Indeed he's a trustee of the Oxford University Centre for Islamic studies and his three daughters have all studied in England. So why the fuss now? The simple answer is politics. In today's heated climate over terror and mullahs, there is nothing the popular press loves so much is a hate figure to arouse their outraged condemnation, and there is nothing the Opposition likes so much as a "scandal" on which to press the Government. The blunter answer is that there is no good reason other than media hysteria for the furore. Al-Qaradawi's views may be unacceptable to many. But he is no Abu Hamza, bent on self-publicity, but a respected fundamentalist thinker from Egypt, generally known in the Middle East as a moderate who has denounced al-Qa'ida and abhorred the loss of innocent life. Until he says something that crosses the boundary between offensiveness and actual incitement to violence, he should have every right to attend a Muslim conference in London and espouse his views openly. Indeed, we could benefit from the opportunity to listen and try to understand the voice http://argument.independent.co.uk/leading_articles
  9. WA CALAIKUM SALAAM SHUJUI Bro I don't know much about the Sheikh but as usual it was the zionists' protests that broke news of his arrival. Twenty years later he was awarded a PhD for his thesis on how Zakat (Islamic alms) can contribute to solving social problems. I bet he won't be given a chance to talk about that
  10. Gediid What Cosby said was meant strictly for the African American community and was not intended for Somalis. I thought Somalis become African Americans the minute they swear their allegiance to the dollar , or do they ever?
  11. I agree with the first bit about the warlords, but have they ever been an "introduction of a new order" to replace them? I don't think so. I don't think it will take anything less than what the Taliban did to sweep the Afghan warlords - who were much more powerful and wealtheir - to bring real change. Some people are hoping and praying the warlords come up with a solution while others are reminiscing about past time paradise.
  12. Mabruuk old chap! Abdil Aziiz Ngonge has a certain ring to it, dont you think?
  13. Brasilia: Brazil's soccer team will kick off an attempt to disarm Haiti's warring factions by playing a match where spectators will have to swap their guns for entry tickets. The Brazilian stars Ronaldo and Ronaldinho are among those who may play Haiti's national side at home in August to help Brazilian United Nations peacekeeping troops rebuild the poverty-stricken nation as it recovers from a bloody revolt. "Ronaldo insists on being there; Parreira [the national coach] insists on going," Ricardo Teixeira, president of the Brazilian Football Confederation, said on Tuesday. "All of us in Brazil have to do our bit to end the years of fighting." The guns-for-soccer diplomacy was first suggested by Haiti's interim prime minister, Gerard Latortue, who said a few Brazilian soccer idols could do more to disarm warring militias than thousands of peacekeeping troops. Football is hugely popular in Haiti and Brazil, five-times world champions, are the favourite foreign side. Years of political turmoil in the poorest nation in the Americas has sapped funding for the Haitian team. The national soccer stadium is badly run down and security concerns prompted the international soccer federation FIFA to ban official matches in the country. Rebels will be able to swap guns for tickets a week before the Brazil-Haiti game, slated for August 18, which Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hopes to attend, Mr Teixeira said. "We don't want any trouble at the game," he said. It will not be the first time Brazilians have tried to spread the "make goals, not war" message. The soccer great Pele is credited with stopping conflicts in Africa when his Brazilian club, Santos, played local teams. Rebels in the former Belgian Congo put down their weapons in 1969 when Santos visited Kinshasa and Brazzaville. Fighting resumed once the Brazilians left. Brazil has offered 1200 troops to lead the UN mission that entered Haiti in June. It hopes to attract international funds to rebuild the nation and boost Brazil's role as a regional conflict mediator. The UN mission took over from a US-led force sent to halt open warfare in the former French colony that resulted in President Jean Bertrand Aristide being ousted in February. More than 200 people were killed. Reuters -------------------------------- Somalis should host the African Nations' Cup using this system
  14. UN News Service(New York) July 1, 2004 Posted to the web July 1, 2004 What was once the world's largest refugee camp, hosting more than 250,000 Somalis in Ethiopia, has closed after the final return convoy left for northwest Somalia, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said today. The last UNHCR return convoy left *****sheik camp yesterday with 719 Somalis, marking a milestone in a repatriation movement that has seen over 230,000 refugees return home since April 1997. Many others have gone back on their own. *****sheik was the site to which hundreds of thousands of Somalis flocked amid the collapse of the Siad Barre government in 1988 and the eruption of clan warfare in the early 1990s. The first refugees arrived in appalling conditions; many died of exhaustion, hunger and lack of water. UNHCR mobilized emergency assistance in the remote region, setting up camps, digging wells and offering medical services. At its peak, the camp hosted more than a quarter million refugees, mostly from Gabiley and Hargeisa areas in northwestern Somalia, known as Somaliland. The camp bustled with a busy market where people could find almost anything they needed, from imported clothes to jogging shoes, electronic appliances and auto spare parts. With the camp's closure, UNHCR plans to hand over the facilities - which include a dam, schools, community and health centres, prefabricated warehouses as well as the agency's office and residence - to the district government in eastern Ethiopia. Of the two Somali camps left in eastern Ethiopia, Aisha camp is continuing return convoys to northwestern Somalia while Kebribeyah camp hosts mostly refugees from southern Somalia, where uncertain security conditions prevent them from going home. In all, the two camps host some 24,400 Somali refugees. In related news, the UN reported today that Ethiopia has received only 20 per cent of the funds it needs this year for basic supplies. By contrast, it has received 62 per cent of its funding requirements for food. The imbalance has been acutely felt in the country's HIV/AIDS sector, which has received zero funding. Just $17 million of the $85 million in non-food assistance for Ethiopia has been received since the UN consolidated appeals process was launched last November, according to a mid-year assessment. Besides the lack of funding for HIV/AIDS, no money has been earmarked for education, disaster response and capacity strengthening. Because of the funding shortfall for basic needs, humanitarian groups have been forced to shift money from other areas in order to fight outbreaks of meningitis and malaria.
  15. ^^^^This place is full of freaks :eek: Why be so weird when you can just turn on the Beeb to watch Serena Williams v Maria Sharapova :cool:
  16. I think Saddam should be greatful if he is punished for crimes before he dies. At least he might have it easier in the hereafter Just wanted to correct one thing Viking said, Saddam's invasion of Iran HAS NOT been included in the charges, atleast not today's. I don't think Dumsfelf and Bush Snr would want that can of worms to be opened. PRELIMINARY CHARGES Anfal campaign against Kurds, late 1980s Gassing Kurds in Halabja, 1988 Invasion of Kuwait , 1990 Crushing Kurdish and Shia rebellions after 1991 Gulf War Killing political activists over 30 years Massacring members of Kurdish Barzani tribe in 1980s Killing religious leaders, 1974 He branded US President George W Bush "the real criminal" and said his trial was part of Bush's "campaign".
  17. Saddam hears charges against him
  18. OUSTED Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein would get the death penalty if he was found guilty of the serious crimes levelled against him, Iraq's interim Justice Minister Malek Dohan al-Hassan said in a newspaper interview today. He told the Italian daily Repubblica that the new interim government in Baghdad had just approved a decree reinstating the death penalty, which had been abolished by Paul Bremer, who until Monday was the US civil administrator in Iraq. "We are reinstating the death penalty. We are a sovereign state ... We have the right and the duty to re-establish the instruments which we deem the most useful," Mr Hassna said. "If the evidence proves the serious crimes that he (Saddam) is accused of, then the special court set up during the occupation could sentence him to death," the minister said. "For crimes against humanity, genocide, use of chemical weapons, we can use capital punishment," he stressed. "We are in in an emergency situation. We are facing a ferocious enemy which wants to destroy (our) budding democracy and freedom." Iraq's interim government took legal custody of Saddam and 11 top members of his ousted regime earlier today from the US-led military. The 12 are due to appear before the Special Iraqi Tribunal tomorrow. In a one-line statement, Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's office said that the Iraqis had assumed legal - but not custodial - control, "today, 30th June, at 10.15 in the morning." They are to appear in court on Thursday for a formal reading of the charges. "The first step has happened," Salem Chalabi, the director of the Iraqi Special Tribunal that will try Saddam, said. He refused to elaborate. "I met with him (Saddam) earlier today to explain his rights and what will happen," Chalabi said. Chalabi informed Saddam that he was no longer under the custody of the US. "He's in good health. He was seeing a doctor this morning," Chalabi said, about the former president who has visibly lost weight behind bars. The 12 defendants were informed individually of their rights, said an international official. An Iraqi judge witnessed the proceedings. Saddam will remain in an American-controlled jail guarded by Americans until the Iraqis are ready to take physical custody of him. That is expected to take a long time. However, the legal transfer means that Saddam and the others are no longer prisoners of war - subject to rights under the Geneva Conventions - but criminal defendants whose treatment will be in accordance with Iraqi law. Multinational forces will continue to guard Saddam, who is likely to be charged with genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, amid fears he could organise a jail break if left only under Iraqi guard. Saddam once hanged thousands at the gallows in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad, but the US-led coalition suspended the death penalty after toppling his police state last year. A shackled Saddam will make his first public appearance tomorrow since his capture six months ago, when Iraq reads off its arrest warrant against the former president and the 11 others. However, the actual indictment for the humiliated despot and his entourage is still months way as investigators cull for evidence against the men.
  19. ↓Code↓ ↓Player↓ ↓Country↓* ↓Value↓ ↓Points↓ 001 Zdravkov Bulgaria £2.0m -3 002 Pletikosa Croatia £2.0m 0 003 Cech Czech Republic £4.0m 2 004 Sorensen Denmark £3.0m 17 005 James England £5.0m 8 006 Robinson England £3.0m 0 007 Barthez France £5.0m 2 008 Kahn Germany £4.0m 10 009 Lehmann Germany £3.0m 0 010 Nikopolidis Greece £2.0m -1 011 Van der Sar Holland £5.0m 6 012 Waterreus Holland £3.0m 0 013 Buffon Italy £5.5m 11 014 Toldo Italy £3.0m 0 015 Kolinko Latvia £2.0m 16 016 Ricardo Portugal £4.0m 12 017 Ovchinnikov Russia £2.0m -1 018 Canizares Spain £3.0m 0 019 Casillas Spain £5.0m 11 021 Isaksson Sweden £4.0m 10 020 Stiel Switzerland £2.0m 8 Defenders Code↓* ↓Player↓ ↓Country↓ ↓Value↓ ↓Points↓ 101 Kirilov Bulgaria £2.5m -7 102 Pazin Bulgaria £2.5m -5 103 Petkov Bulgaria £2.5m -6 104 R Kovac Croatia £3.5m 0 105 Simic Croatia £3.5m 0 106 Simunic Croatia £3.0m 4 107 Tudor Croatia £4.0m 0 108 Bolf Czech Republic £4.0m 3 109 Grygera Czech Republic £3.5m -1 110 Jankulovski Czech Republic £3.5m -1 111 Jiranek Czech Republic £2.5m 2 112 Ujfalusi Czech Republic £3.5m -1 113 Henriksen Denmark £2.5m 15 114 Jensen Denmark £3.0m 11 115 Laursen Denmark £3.0m 12 116 Bridge England £4.0m 0 117 Campbell England £6.5m 17 118 Carragher England £4.0m 0 119 A Cole England £5.0m 9 120 G Neville England £4.0m 12 121 Terry England £5.0m 7 122 Desailly France £6.0m -1 123 Gallas France £6.0m 2 124 Lizarazu France £5.0m 0 125 Sagnol France £3.0m -1 126 Silvestre France £5.0m 1 127 Thuram France £6.0m 2 128 Baumann Germany £3.0m 5 129 Friedrich Germany £4.0m 6 130 Hinkel Germany £3.0m 0 131 Kehl Germany £3.5m 0 132 Worns Germany £4.0m 6 133 Dabizas Greece £2.5m 0 134 Dellas Greece £2.5m 1 135 Seitaridis Greece £2.5m 9 136 F De Boer Holland £4.5m 8 137 Cocu Holland £4.0m 8 138 Reiziger Holland £5.0m 3 139 Stam Holland £6.5m 5 140 Zenden Holland £5.0m 0 141 Cannavaro Italy £6.0m 9 142 Nesta Italy £6.0m 8 143 Oddo Italy £4.0m 0 144 Panucci Italy £5.0m 13 145 Stepanovs Latvia £2.0m 13 146 Zemlinskis Latvia £2.0m 8 147 Jorge Andrade Portugal £4.5m 12 148 Beto Portugal £3.0m 0 149 Couto Portugal £4.0m 4 150 Miguel Portugal £3.0m 16 151 Paulo Ferreira Portugal £3.0m -1 152 Nuno Valente Portugal £3.0m 10 153 Evseev Russia £2.5m -2 154 Ignashevitch Out of Game £2.5m 0 155 Onopko Out of Game £2.5m 0 156 Helguera Spain £5.0m 7 157 Marchena Spain £5.0m 3 158 Puyol Spain £5.5m 7 159 Salgado Out of Game £5.5m 0 160 Haas Switzerland £3.0m 0 161 Henchoz Switzerland £3.0m 3 162 Muller Switzerland £2.5m 1 163 M Yakin Switzerland £2.5m 4 164 Jakobsson Sweden £3.0m 7 165 Lucic Sweden £3.0m 5 166 Mellberg Sweden £4.0m 10 167 Mjallby Sweden £4.0m 0 168 M Svensson Out of Game £3.0m 0 169 Rui Jorge Portugal £4.5m -1 170 Sennikov Russia £2.5m -1 171 Sharonov Russia £2.5m -4 172 Raul Bravo Spain £5.0m 8 173 King England £3.0m 0 174 Lahm Germany £2.5m 0 175 Van Bronckhorst Holland £2.5m 0 176 Carvalho Portugal £2.5m 0 177 Helveg Denmark £2.5m 0 midfielders 201 Peev Bulgaria £2.5m 0 202 S Petrov Bulgaria £3.0m -3 203 N Kovac Croatia £3.5m 11 204 Leko Croatia £3.0m 2 205 Srna Croatia £3.0m 0 206 Galasek Czech Republic £4.0m 2 207 Nedved Czech Republic £6.5m 11 208 Poborsky Czech Republic £4.0m 3 209 Rosicky Czech Republic £5.0m 3 210 Smicer Czech Republic £3.0m 8 211 Gravesen Denmark £3.0m 11 212 Gronkjaer Denmark £4.0m 11 213 Jorgensen Denmark £3.0m 0 282 D Jensen Denmark £2.5m 0 214 Beckham England £6.5m 0 215 Butt England £4.0m 0 216 J Cole England £3.5m 0 217 Dyer England £4.0m 0 218 Gerrard England £6.0m 14 219 Hargreaves England £3.5m 0 220 Lampard England £5.0m 18 221 Scholes England £6.0m 10 222 Dacourt France 223 Makelele France £6.5m 3 224 Pedretti France £3.0m 0 225 Pires France £6.5m 2 226 Vieira France £6.0m -1 227 Zidane France £6.5m 29 228 Ballack Germany £5.0m 13 229 Frings Germany £3.0m 7 230 Hamann Germany £4.0m 2 231 Jeremies Germany £3.0m 0 233 Schneider Germany £3.0m 0 277 Ziege Germany £3.0m 0 234 Karagounis Greece £2.5m 6 235 Stelios Greece £3.0m 2 236 Tsiartas Greece £2.5m 3 237 Zagorakis Greece £2.5m 5 238 Davids Holland £5.5m 3 239 Overmars Holland £5.0m 3 240 Seedorf Holland £4.0m 2 241 Robben Holland £4.0m 6 242 Sneijder Holland £4.5m 0 243 van der Vaart Holland £4.5m 0 244 Camoranesi Italy £5.0m 0 245 Gattuso Italy £5.0m 1 246 Perrotta Italy £4.0m 11 247 Totti Italy £6.5m 2 248 Zambrotta Italy £5.0m 2 249 Zanetti Italy £5.0m 0 278 Pirlo Italy £3.5m 0 250 Astafjevs Latvia £2.5m 2 251 Bleidelis Latvia £2.5m 0 252 Rubins Latvia £2.5m 6 232 Ramelow Out of Game £3.0m 0 266 Reyes Out of Game £5.0m 0 276 Freier Out of Game £3.0m 0 253 Costinha Portugal £4.0m 10 254 Deco Portugal £4.0m 2 255 Luis Figo Portugal £6.5m 3 256 Rui Costa Portugal £5.0m 5 257 Ronaldo Portugal £5.0m 5 258 Simao Sabrosa Portugal £5.0m 0 279 Maniche Portugal £3.0m 0 259 Alenichev Russia £2.5m 1 260 Gusev Russia £3.0m 2 261 Mostovoi Russia £3.0m 0 262 Smertin Russia £4.0m -2 263 Baraja Spain £4.0m 5 264 Exteberria Spain £5.0m 3 265 Joaquin Spain £5.0m 8 267 Vicente Spain £4.0m 11 275 Xabi Alonso Spain £4.5m 0 272 Kallstrom Sweden £3.0m -1 273 Ljungberg Sweden £5.0m 8 274 A Svensson Sweden £4.0m 3 280 Linderoth Sweden £2.5m 0 281 Wilhelmsson Sweden £2.5m 0 268 Cabanas Switzerland £3.0m 3 269 Vogel Switzerland £3.0m -3 270 Wicky Switzerland £3.0m 2 271 H Yakin Switzerland £4.0m 5 STRIKERS 301 Berbatov Bulgaria £2.5m 0 302 Jankovic Bulgaria £2.5m 2 303 M Petrov Bulgaria £2.5m 3 304 Mornar Croatia £3.5m -1 305 Olic Croatia £3.5m 0 306 Prso Croatia £4.5m 15 307 Rapaic Croatia £4.5m 7 308 Sokata Croatia £3.5m 3 309 Baros Czech Republic £5.0m 21 310 Koller Czech Republic £5.5m 8 311 Lokvenc Czech Republic £3.5m 0 360 Heinz Czech Republic £3.0m 18 313 Rommedahl Denmark £3.5m 0 314 Sand Denmark £3.5m 2 315 Tomasson Denmark £4.5m 28 317 Heskey England £4.5m 0 318 Owen England £7.0m 3 319 Rooney England £6.0m 38 320 Vassell England £4.5m 3 321 Henry France £8.5m 9 322 Saha France £5.5m 0 323 Trezeguet France £7.0m 5 324 Wiltord France £4.5m 0 325 Bobic Germany £3.5m 0 326 Klose Germany £4.5m 0 327 Kuranyi Germany £3.5m -1 358 Brdaric Germany £3.0m 0 329 Charisteas Greece £2.5m 11 330 Nikolaidis Greece £2.5m 0 331 Vryzas Greece £2.5m 9 332 Kluivert Holland £5.5m 0 333 Makaay Holland £4.5m 8 334 van Hooijdonk Holland £3.5m 0 335 van Nistelrooy Holland £8.0m 39 361 Van der Meyde Holland £3.5m 0 336 Del Piero Italy £7.5m 0 337 Di Vaio Italy £5.0m 0 338 Vieri Italy £8.0m 0 362 Cassano Italy £4.0m 0 339 Pahars Latvia £3.5m 3 340 Prohorenkovs Latvia £2.5m 6 341 Verpakovskis Latvia £2.5m 14 312 Matusovic Out of Game £3.0m 0 316 Beattie Out of Game £4.5m 0 328 Neuville Out of Game £3.5m 0 342 Boa Morte Out of Game £4.5m 0 343 Nuno Gomes Portugal £4.5m 12 344 Pauleta Portugal £6.5m -2 345 Postiga Portugal £3.5m 0 346 Bulykin Russia £2.5m 16 347 Kerzhakov Russia £3.5m 0 348 Sychev Russia £2.5m 0 349 Torres Spain £5.5m 0 350 Raul Spain £8.0m 0 351 Valeron Spain £4.5m 5 359 Morientes Spain £5.0m 8 354 Allback Sweden £3.5m 5 355 Ibrahimovic Sweden £4.5m 15 356 Jonson Sweden £2.5m 5 357 Larsson Sweden £6.0m 29 352 Chapuisat Switzerland £3.5m 0 353 Frei Switzerland £3.5m 0 The Los Ayoubos team with 3 subs Ricardo Portugal £4.0m 12 Jiranek Czech Republic £2.5m 2 Lucic Sweden £3.0m 5 Sagnol France £3.0m -1 Bolf Czech Republic £4.0m 3 Ballack Germany £5.0m 13 (Subd for Overmars Holland £5.0m 3 ) Sneijder Holland £4.5m 0 Luis Figo Portugal £6.5m 3 Kuranyi Germany £3.5m -1 (Subd for Wiltord France £4.5m 0 ) Vieri Italy £8.0m 0 (subd for Owen England £7.0m 3 ) Larsson Sweden £6.0m 29 TOTAL FOR 1st ROUND 65 Nomads where are your subs?
  20. Originally posted by Vanquish_V12: I am astonished some1 would post this crap, n more so by the number of responses.
  21. I agree mate, for once the Italians know what it feels like to be conned Going out with a win and two draws must really hurt .
  22. Did Ashcroft "Behead" an Innocent Man in an Ohio Election-Terror Scam?