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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. The Sudanese governments oppression in Darfur, which they continue even today, is giving licence and credibility for international intervention. If thats the case, no-one but the Khartoum authorities are to blame for the crisis.
  2. Nur If that party you were organising is still on, count me in
  3. Ad-deena- naseeXa aka Salafi_Online You have posted 20 consecutive times in this topic (The Aqeeda(belief) of the Salaf !) and first question asked gets that sort of reply? Not mature I say, and not the thing to do if you want nomads to respond to your threads. Are you going to answer the brother's legitimate question or what?
  4. Salafi Brother I have a lot of questions to ask but it depending on how straight forward you will be They refer to us Mohammedans for the simple fact that they feel we worshiped Muhammad. I clearly included the meaning (followers of Mohammed SAW) in my question to avoid this sort of irrelevant reply. If they 'feel' we worshiped Mohamed then they'd probably feel you worship Salafs. Brother, for argument sake lets say for a moment that the name Muhammadan was acceptable, then ... I expected much better from you than that. I have no issues with anyone who calls themselves Sunni if they mean they adhere to the Sunnah of the prophet (saw) or Haji if they've performed the Hajj or Mujaahid if they struggle if the path af AlLah because I understand their necessity. I can even understand the names like Taliban and other movements because they don't make the sort of statements I see you make. What I mean is these sort of sometimes contradictory statements: "One must understand that Salafiyyah is not a newly invented group or sect. In fact, it is nothing less than the way of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah that existed from the time of our dear and beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), rather it is the pure Religion of Hanifiyyah that has existed from the time of Ibraaheem and before him from Aadam ('alayhis salaam). " "Salafiyyah is everyone who preceded us after the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahi ?alayhi wa sallam) from the Companions and all those who followed them in righteousness and piety, following the Qur?aan and the authentic Sunnah (whoever does that) then he is Salafee." When does it start BEFORE IBRAAHIM(AS) OR AFTER THE PROPHET (SAW) and who was the first Salafi? You say: "As for calling Adaam a Salafi?we do not do this?.we do not call Abu Bakr(ra) or Umar(ra) or any of the companions ? salafi ??Rather we refer to them as ourSalaf ?". .." the word "Salaf" was used by the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) himself. He said to Faatimah, " How excellent a Salaf I am for you. " (Muslim, no. 2450). :Thus that would make Faatimah a Salafi because she followed her father who was a Salaf" So are Abu Bakr(ra) or Umar(ra) or any of the companions are not Salafis but Fatima the daughter of the Prophet is? A Salafi is a muslim who follows the Quran and sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us Salah That's good thing but this is what the Prophet (saw) wanted: "..... O people, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and the Sunnah (Hadith), and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listened to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people."... THE PROPHET'S LAST SERMON I've lots more to ask next time Ishallah.
  5. ^^ I don't think we talking about the same thing mate. I'm not talking about 'dry fruits', I'm talking about wet tobacco which contains herbs or fruit flavourings for which tobacco Duty has to be paid to Betty to import to the UK.
  6. I feel sorry for Tyson but Williams is good man too. I'll always remember how strong he stood whem most Muslims were running for cover when 9/11 took place.
  7. I could educate, refute, dispute, argue, reason, build a virtual house of cards and then just to demonstrate my greatness, bring it crashing down with a counterargument! I also discovered that I could be the greatest Islamic scholar on this site. Sunnis? Bring them on! Shica? Sit at my feet and let me impart some of my wisdom. Today, it just hit me! I could be the greatest scientist, poet, computer specialist, economist and politician. Hell, I could even be the resident Jewish Rabbi of this site. Jack of trades, master of none. "Waxba yahay!" to quote that great man from your 'hometown'.
  8. Somewhere along the line this thread took a nasty turn. People please calm down or is it me getting the wrong idea. Ad-deena- naseeXa or Salafi Bro I believe the names Islam and Muslim are very important and desribe best what we believe in and its not good to use any other. What I mean is, whenever some Jamaicans call me Mohammedan I always correct them and tell them we are Muslims. We are followers of Mohammed (SAW) but I don't think its right to call ourselves Mohammadan because not only are we told in the QUR'AAN to say we are Muslims and but its aslo much easier to explain the faith to others people. " And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Apostle may be a witness for you, and ye be witness for mankind! So establish regular prayer, give regular charity, And hold fast to Allah! He is your protector ­ the best to protect and the best to help." Quran, 22: 78 Do you agree its not good to call ourselves Mohammedans(follower of Mohammad (SAW), if so why do you think its OK to call yourself Salafi(follower of the Salaf)?
  9. Originally posted by Yasmine: DA, Are mosques really sister-friendly? I think the answers vary depending on personal experience. Of the ones I’ve seen in Canada, I would say yes. Like I mentioned before most the Masjids i've been to in SW London have very good men's and ladies' section, in fact I know one which offers weekly 'keep fit' classes for ladies. On the other hand, i've been to Masjids in other areas where men have to pray outside and in the shoe section. I believe it shows more dedication its more rewarding if you persevere to offer prayers in places or conditions where one would not do if it was any other occasion. If some of ladies have genuine intention of going to the Masjids and are not able to, Allah is the Knower and will reward them accordingly. Originally by Devil's Advocate: This is not a feminist issue. It's simply an issue. If that's the case give examples (name of the Masjids) where women's sections are more overcrowded and have facilities you consider of a lesser standard compared to men's.
  10. AYOUB

    At last!!

    If I remember correctly, your first post in here was an attempt to convince us to buy sand from you. Now you come up with this. I starting to get really worried about you young man.
  11. Someone convinced me to go and see Sheikh in E London who recites Qur'aan for ppl in 'my situation' and it turned out to be an eventful afternoon for the poor Eritrean Wadaad. He has since been trying to arrange a rematch but i've decided to quit while i'm ahead. To cut a long story short, its been a month or so since THAT day and my heart rate is finally returning to normal. Originally posted by CUTE_LILGIRL: ^^^ well u told me to start so i said most ppl on SOL don't know that i'm not actually lil girl...(GET IT). Mmmh no I don't get it. What are you then? Are you a MINGY_LILGIRL? CUTE_ISLAAN or .. Noooo! *I've watched too much reality TV.*
  12. ^^^ Its not dried fruits even, its fruit-flavoured tobacco. Smoking badeecad is not different from smoking cigarettes. The question is: Is it appropriate for the good ladies of ours to sit and smoke in places famous as hang-out for eastern European street workers after Arab Sheikhs. Sophist: I was watching that politics show hosted by that Scottish chap Andrew, you know the one who wears the wig also is the editor of the Scotsman (and to be editor of Telegraph) and the subject was about Blair and his demonisation of the hippy Sixties. Mark Mardel (however you spell his surname), Tufaaxtain is good for the memory mate.
  13. Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: Originally posted by Ameenah: Are mosques different in your city? Where the facilities are similar on both sides...and no one has complaints? I've seen mosques in three different cities, and it's pretty much the same theme...but maybe its just a North American Phenomenon? Most Masjids in SW London have excellent womens' section and other facilities and services available for them (UK Nomads please check the MUSLIM DIRECTORY ) . Thornton Heath's women section is located at the most beautiful and coolest part of the Masjid. I hear the Wimbledon Park women's section of the Masjid is very good as well thanks mostly to the Pakistani community (may Allah repay them gererously for their efforts). As for the topic generally, I find it sad the issue is being presented as a civil rights case and not dealt with as a religious one.
  14. Banana Republicans First, they won the White House on a five-to-four vote Ignoring the citizens, precluding the tote But within two years they’d surely learned their big lesson: Own vote counting companies, eliminate guessin’ They’re Banana Republicans, leading the way To the National Security US of A They’re bought and they’re paid for, the companies say That they’ll keep them in office, and make us all pay. There’s no money for government programs, they’ll say Then the government assets, they just give away Selling oil leases everywhere, radio spectrum Assigning big contracts to folks who select them Time was, corporations spent money to lobby The folks in DC, and they did quite a job. The Arrangement’s now changed, they no longer need access Big business owns government, bought it with your taxes And the average American must be doing fine ‘Cuz the GDP’s growing, that’s the bottom line Still, it’s somehow worth noting that there’s little fuss That the “average†American makes more than us They’re Banana Republicans, leading the way To the National Stratified US of A They’re bought and they’re paid for, the companies say That they’ll keep them in office. Let’s throw them away! If you work out the numbers, it’s soon evident That the “average†American’s the top five percent They hold all of the wealth, and make most of the money While you’re down the drain, their world’s warm and it’s sunny How can that be true? You ask confusedly Well, it’s really quite simple as you soon will see: Bill Gates visits a shelter, serves homeless beef boullion, The average net worth in that room’s now one billion. They give tax monies back to folks who sure don’t need it The gold makes the rules, and they’ve learned how to heed it They’ll divide and they’ll conquer, creating resentment The poor hate the poorer, return on investment. They’re Banana Republicans, leading the way To the National Poverty US of A They’re bought and they’re paid for, the companies say That they’ll keep them in office. We can’t let them stay! Lest you get information, form radical views The companies that own them control all your news All “government experts†are quoted verbatim While the press spikes true stories that might make you hate them Now, they know if you’re bad, and they know if you’re good And they know more about you than Big Brother should They know all ‘bout your health, and all ‘bout your employment Where you spend your money, how you get enjoyment When there comes a loud knock in the middle of the night And the troops storm in, heavily armed for a fight Your rights have all vanished, you’ve no Constitution, You’re an enemy combatant, in a final solution. No court can protect you, you’re not under arrest And your lawyer can’t see you, nor even protest The Geneva Convention they will not apply here Find comfort in prison, you’re likely to die here They’re Banana Republicans, leading the way To the National Rich People’s US of A They’re bought and they’re paid for, the companies say That they’ll keep them in office. Impeach them today! Richard Martin
  15. Jamaal I partly agree with your reasoning saxiib. Traditional law should not be discarded by the state but I don't think it should be THE LAW of the land. I know I'm going to accused of 'finger pointing' by some but the firstpost colonial government was convinced (to be polite) that 'white man's law' to be the only way. If the traditional law is to be used positively them I for one i'm for it, after all even the Prophet used to sit in the Qureish gatherings and did accept the protection they offered. Originally posted by Lakkad: Who the HELL is this DUDE? Welcome back mate.
  16. Gent on the leftside back row is ........Norf
  17. *..good health, for trust, for self-control, for good manners....*
  18. AYOUB


    I've come accross a few interesting letters lately and I'd like to share some of them the SOL nomads. Here the first: ----------------- An Open Letter to Bill Gates Interestingly, Yemen Times received a letter from a Somali reader living in Yemen who aimed at delivering it to Bill Gates. However, perhaps he thought that the best tool to do that is through Yemen Times. It is not a common practice to publish such articles, but the editorial board decided to publish it, at least to satisfy our reader’s wish. Who knows? Maybe Bill Gates will actually read his letter online? Dear Bill Gates, President of Microsoft Corporation After compliments, I am a Somali citizen Yousuf Ali Jama, born in the city of Aden - Yemen and resident in it since I was born. I work as a teacher in a vocational training institute. I would like to express my deep regret over the decision of the Primary court to divide Microsoft Co. It is clear that the division of the company will severely jeopardize this scientific and technological foundation, particularly in the field of scientific research and inventions. Therefore, I would like here to confirm my solidarity with you in the hope that this decision will be appealed against at the Supreme Court. May God help you. Mr. Bill I have been trained on your program Windows, and another group of related programs like Word, Excel, Access, Internet Explorer. I was so amazed by this scientific achievement. What, however, pains me is that this program on which I was trained was designed only for Arabic and English. I enquired why shouldn’t there be also another program designed for Somali and English languages. These two languages use the same Latin letters. So I am considering to put before you some proposals and opinions which I hope will contribute something to support your establishment. I am summarizing these as follows: 1- There are seventeen million Somalis spreading out in four states in the east of the African Continent. They do not know any language other than Somali. If we regard our era as the era of computers, I think that these people will be deprived of the achievement s of this era. Therefore, I propose to your company that it manufactures MS Windows with its supplements of other programs in English and Somali languages. I think it will not be faced with difficulty in this as the language are written in Latin letters. In this way, your company will have helped our people to catch the era of computers, while at the same time it will provide for itself a large market for its products in the eastern part of the African continent. 2- In 1992, the US forces were sent to Somalia in an operation called “Restore Hopeâ€. The operation failed. Regardless of our opinion about its objectives, justifications and reasons, there is a point unknown to the world. It is that our people are suffering from the world’s high illiteracy rate. Our people are unable to understand what they are seeing in this world of 2000. Among the most important reasons are the lack of any TV Station. Therefore in Somalia until now 90% of our people have not seen any TV program. So how can they understand what others do even for their benefit? The US government should have better established a Somali language satellite TV station based in London instead of sending its forces to Somalia. I hereby propose to your excellency that your company make this station as an investment project. 3- I heard there is a charitable society carrying your name and belongs to your company. I had wished this society include the two following programs into its charitable programs. a- The world of today is that of the Internet. We, Somalis are pressing that the society sets a site on the Internet with the name of natural Somalia with all its five parts, so that it becomes an archive for anything about Somalia and a forum for exchange of ideas and discussions about our situation, concerns and problems, along with a space for advertisements, etc. Your charitable society will manage and develop this site and provide the necessary funding to run it. b- Recently the world has begun to be swept by a new phenomena called Internet Café shops. My hope is that your charitable society would set up such cafés in the safe territories of Somalia, particularly in the northern territory which is called the Republic of Somaliland. Yours, Yousuf Ali Jama Maala - Aden Email: jamaweyne@usa.net
  19. ^^^^ You were supposed to hook other up, not hook others with ... yourself. Vanity :rolleyes: I think the problem with gringos is not lack of sense humour/humor but irony deficiency.
  20. ^^ Wednesdays is Union Jack boxers day *Hopes the people in charge of compiling the honours list take note of that :rolleyes: * It might be quicker if you do it, the weather seem to suit your clothes
  21. ^^^I've got this years T cup pictures but everytime I try posting them I get: Sorry, UBB has encountered an unexpected, fatal error. This error is extremely abnormal. Please contact the board administration. The error text is: Can't open 'NonCGIPath/Forum6/003277.cgi'. Permission was denied - please ask the administrator to check the permissions on that file/directory. The exact error returned by the operating system is: Permission denied
  22. ^^Some of my post have disappeared :confused: People I think when they said "bare with us" they meant it literary. Maybe the servers are being moved using paranormal Uri Geller-like methods and they need the online nomads to be starkers. I'm down to my Y fronts, maybe I need to bare all before i log on to make everything work. :eek:
  23. ^^^ Here is our own Mr Oodweyne being quoted by someone posting an opinon at Graphictruth.com who even give a link to SOL just below the Wahabist: Writing for somaliaonline.com, author Oodweyne speaks the core truth: The essential point here is that Wahabi doctrine cannot succeed in any open society unless it controls the levers of political power in that society. The true aim of Wahabism in any country is to accede to the summit of political power, and not merely to do charitable works or establish madrassas to propagate its message. full article You never know who else pops in here, do you? :eek: Rule Britania, Britania rule the waves..