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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by rudy: a bigger punch for this thread would have hit the spot, if it was posted under student talk!! just my sole opinion as donor to 2 somali universities yearly currently...! You are spot on mate, it never crossed my mind coz I don't remember posting in there maybe its because I still think its the 'teen section'. Even if I did post it in 'student talk' section, chances are someone was going to move it to the 'politics' section anyway. BTW, 'Current issues' come under this section. POLITICS World Politics, Somali Politics, Current Issues Hornafrique I know its been a looong week, but, I don't think thats an excuse to forget you were the first person to reply to this post. Aeryn Sun You never can tell.
  2. Rahima What you have to accept is Somali Republic,Somalism and Somaliweyn has nothing to do with Islam. Somaliweyn's ultimate goal is to draw a border between Muslims and divide them into Somalis and non-Somalis. When people say Djibouti is part of 'Somaliweyn' they don't even think about Afars living there and when they talk about uniting Og*d*nia with Somalia they don't take into calculation there more Muslims in Ethiopia than all Somalis put together. If the unity we are after is about Islam our goal would have been to join all neighbouring Muslims around like Swahilis, Oroms, Afars, etc etc. Somaliweyn is not about that, is it? I not claiming Somalilanders will want to rejoin if things settle down, i'm saying lets make trying to make things settle a priority. Like Qudhac said, there are lots of un-Islamic things going on at the moment that need to be sorted before we start talking about Somaliland's. Somaliland might not be a fully Islamic yet, but there people working working on it, and its already way better than the 'scientific socialism' days when scholars' lives were always in danger. Are going to be as blind as Hornafrique and promise us "this time its going to be different". Declaration Of The Aqils And Traditional Leaders is one good example which should be encouraged and not dismissed as un-Islamic. What I really want to ask is: do you think Somaliland will be Islamic if it joined the gathering in Mbagathi? That is the only option in front of us: Somaliland or Mbagathi/bust...?
  3. ^^ 'Forgiven', but next time i'm in sunny Southall you pay for the curry. Otherwise, I hear you loud and clear. Roger and Namaste.
  4. I know only of Northerner's question which I answered to the best of my knowledge. I also haven't seen any answers you have given to the questions I have asked. J11 bro you are confusing me with Northerner, its me who responded to your Qs. (2nd page 2nd post) At the begining of the topic I made a kind request asking of people not to veer the topic to somewhere else. Thats why some irelevant comments were deleted. I might have 'veered' the topic to somewhere which is not a comfort zone for someone in your position, but it I still insist the two questions were RELEVANT 100%. If you disagree please tell me what makes them irrelevant. Originally posted by J11: ^^^ I did not see any topic with the title "What is the aim of SOL". I have read an irelevant comment. The topic was similar to this one but the difference being the tables were turned and I was asking Qs about SOL from a user/members' pespective.
  5. Jamaal mate I did post a topic with a title "What is the aim of SOL", and guess what? it was deleted. I know "this is a questions and answers topic" thats why I asked those two relevant questions about SOL, if there was any criticism of SOL in the post you've deleted please remind me. BTW I did answer the questions you posted.
  6. About the quality of Somalia Online Forum My post has disappeared, I guess someone somewhere doesn't wan't the 'exchange of ideas' of that kind in SOL. You all love it when compliments are posted in public but criticism must only be by PM, and thats very understandable. The funny thing is, there was not a single thing that could have taken as criticism, I only asked questions - that were very much within the topic - not answering is one thing but deleting the whole post is quite another. Finally, SOL ROCKS
  7. Rahima: It is that simple, therefore anything which opposes this goal (such as the further division of the Muslim lands) becomes unislamic. Rahima Separation is the product of division and not the cause of division of Somalia. The land division is just symbolic of the real division that has taken place in the last 20 years or so. Somaliland is a symbol of this split, as is the movement of Bantu Somalis to other parts of the worlds. If the Bantu Somalis had ways and means to stay and feel safe, I'm sure they would. Rather than talk about these 'product' of the division, its better if we addressed the causes and what has to done for these 'causes' of division not take place ever again. If the people of Darfur decide to go it alone in the future , I, for one, would fully understand and would not accuse them of breaking up Muslim land further. Political union is good only if its beneficial to ALL the people... You and I will always be in the same Ummah along with other Muslims no matter their nationalities or locations. If there was a Khalifah, all that is needed is for the leaders of Somaliland to obey, support and give their pledge of allegiance to him and this does not necessarily has to through Xamar. Thats the way it used to be in the past and why do you think we should change it now? If 'political/geographical union' alone is a way of uniting the 'ummah', we might as well join with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and make 'the guardian of the two masjids' our leader.
  8. ^^I'd take that as a compliment if I was you (wana cuudublillah). Btw, I'm happy Kaluun is taking some of the money from the dumb hoodlums in Nairobi. I'm sure, one way or another it will tricle its way up across the border and maybe even beyond, all the to Gaashaamo and Diredawa.
  9. ^^ Either that or he is a 'naturalised' Hargeisaawi
  10. Question 1: Do all of us think of what we write when starting a topic or posting a reply? No. Not all in here do that and you know it. Question 2: If there were students that learn from the wisdom of the words we write (in SOL), do we think our words contain any useful information that can benefit them (student)? I can only speak for myself and the answer is: I doubt it very much. Question 3: About chitchats, do our words in regards to general talk contain anything beneficial to any reader that browses SOL, or does our chitchat serve any purpose? Why I'm I starting to feel that this a back-handed reprimand? If you have something to say why don't you do what others do and start an argument? To answer your Q: I always try to make sure no-one can see the screen when I log in to SOL. There is no much benefit to the chitchat but, on the other hand, some 'serious' people need to let their down a little. Everything within reason but don't expect me to spend time with the pipe-smoking snobs in the intellectual's corner in the near future. Btw , If heblaaye's got flu last night does it justify starting a topic and does all the SOL family need to know? If someone's is going to be busy for a while, do we really need a notice-topic started for it? Question 4: When we start a topic what is our intention? Usually its to share something i've read and find interesting. Are we after learning from others' opinions or just to seek popularity of some kind? I've learned you can see characters even in individual who 'exist only' in cyber world. You can see the 'feminist' to the 'hypocrite' and 'wahabist'. Seek popularity? I'm not popular and can't answer that. Originally posted by Sullen_Sue: What topic made you join SOL, and if it wasn't a topic what was it? I don't remember but it was 1st of April:D J11 what is aim of SOL?
  11. AYOUB


    L L @ Xarago Ngonge old boy much obliged for that. Mutakalim, what do you think of people who wear jeans and T-shirt?
  12. SEOUL: South Korea’s 35,000-strong Muslim community gained 37 new converts on Friday when officers and enlisted soldiers destined for a tour of duty in Iraq were admitted to the faith in a ceremony at Seoul’s main mosque. South Korea, where Buddhism is the most common religion and Christianity has grown rapidly, has pledged to send 3,000 troops to help reconstruction in Iraq. About 650 South Korean army medics and engineers have served in the country for a year. “You are reborn as believers and believers are true human beings,†Imam Sulaiman Lee Haeng-lae told the new converts at the Seoul mosque, one of five in a country of 48 million people. Sulaiman, a South Korean leading the congregation in Seoul, said the men’s decision to convert to Islam would go a long way towards helping their 3,000-strong contingent become accepted by Iraqis once it is deployed. “The Iraqis could become your friends for eternity,†Sulaiman told the new converts. A public affairs officer attached to the unit, Captain Lee Yun-se, said many of the 37 new converts had some background in Arab culture, including Arabic language study in college and travel to the Middle East. All 3,000 soldiers in the contingent took courses on Arabic culture and customs to help them fit in in Iraq. “The 37 soldiers then volunteered to learn more about Islam at the Seoul mosque and then converted out of faith,†Lee said. The troops of the Zayitun unit, the Arabic word for “oliveâ€, are awaiting orders to ship out to northern Iraq to help maintain peace and rebuild the country. But seven months after a pledge by President Roh Moo-hyun and three months after parliamentary approval, the government has yet to officially announce where they will be deployed and when. A team of liaison officers will leave soon for Iraq to coordinate logistics and operations with the Coalition Provisional Authority and local leaders, the Defence Ministry said. The 37 new Muslims boosted to 41 the number of Muslims in the Iraq-bound contingent. The other four are military interpreters drawn from the country’s Muslim community. “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger,†each of the 37 soldiers recited and in return received a copy of the Quran. They were completing a crash course on the religion, a mosque official said, finishing in 10 days what can take up to six months. The South Korean Defence Ministry barred the soldiers from speaking to the media covering the ceremony. South Korea is home to another 70,000 Muslims from outside the country, primarily from Southeast Asia. reuters Captain Son Jin-gu from Zaitoon Unit recites an oath at ceremony to mark his conversion to Islam at a mosque in Hannam-dong, Seoul on Friday. /Yonhap Soldiers from Zaitoon Unit pray after conversion ceremony at a mosque in Hannam-dong, Seoul on Friday./Yonhap
  13. ^^ I meant the hoodlums you like to call the 'warlords' so keep your hair on, will ya?
  14. What a thread! SOL never ceases to amaze.. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: P.S the actual official name of the south is Somali Democratic Republic. Spread the news to all anti-Somaliland patriots who think SOMALIA is af Soomaali. Baashi We dropped the "British" and you dropped the "Italiana" and we're left with Somaliland and Somalia. The difference is, most of you don't know where the name SOMALIA came from. Ignorance is ...
  15. In the laborious, piecemeal manner that has characterized Somalia's 20-month peace process, the parliament, sitting in the capital of neighboring Kenya, called a one-day recess after naming its eldest member as temporary chairman. Wow! Don't know about you but I'm impressed by the beast-men.
  16. ^^^Correction Italia used to call the south SOMALIA ITALIANA.
  17. Garaad Cabdulqani dhambaalkiisa, wuxuu ku qoray; “Anigoo ku hadlaya magacayga, magaca Isimada iyo magaca dadweynaha deegaanada bariga Somaliland waxaan kuu soo gudbinayaa salaan diirran oo kal iyo laab ah. taas oo ku saabsan jagada Guddoomiyenimada Golaha Guurtida Somaliland ee laguu magacaabay. Waxaana u arkaa magacaabista laguu magacaabay jagadaas inay tahay arrin wax-ku-ool ah oo dan u ah ummadda Somaliland. waxaanan aaminsanahay inaad ku buuxinaysid jagadaa waaya-aragnimada iyo ruugcadaanimo labadaba. Waxaan Illaahay kaaga baryayaa in uu kuu fududeeyo hawshaa culus ee laguu magacaabayâ€. AMEEN TO THAT.
  18. Originally posted by HornAfrique: The only difference I noticed was you are fighting for Somali unity, while your opponents are using the unfortunate circumstance of the occupation of Somali Galbeed to further their political cause. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Your intentions are good sis, but I think you need to do a tiny bit more research Do you have to jump in (head first) whenever and wherever some 'patriot' gets their knickers in a twist?
  19. ^^^You claim to follow Saalih ibn Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymeen and Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin –Baaz, I suggest you read their book titled: MUSLIM MINORITIES: fatawa regarding Muslims living as minorities.
  20. Yasmine and Qudhac I hear you both. Djibouti does what it does for the benefit of a few wealthy individuals and maybe the solution is retaliation against 'fat cats' who gain from Djibouti's selfish policies. The questions we need to ask are HOW and more importantly WHO ARE this people?
  21. AYOUB


    Two Somali-looking athletes met in the olympic village and the not so tall and skinny one - wanting to start a conversation - asked: "are you a pole vaulter?". "No. I'm a German and my name is Farah" replied the other.
  22. ^^^ If this was just a 'poem' it would have gone to the appropriate section. It could just be an attempt to restore some pride to a crestfallen boy. If it makes Smith sleep easier, then well done Mr. Togane, your work has some therapeutic benefit after all. Its not the first time Smith chose to post one of Togane's poem he finds 'therapeutic' . Note how he reacted when Wayeel posted another Togane poem.