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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Sophist I thought your brother was one of the players?
  2. Hornfrique You got to admit, some of the things in that Nayruus's post were a bit disturbing. It's like reading a transcript of brother Baashi appearing on one of those American talk shows pretending to be a born-again Somaliweyn from the North. " I was like that. I was not open-minded and because of emotions emanating from my close relatives and friends I used to block any arguments or rationalization..." I see emotional abuse case in the pipeline "What is stopping me to become the elite" Indeed what is it that's stopping you? " I believe the average IQ of the Somalis from the North is little bit higher than that of the south, but the problem is lack of self confidence and tribal emotions. We can compete to take the leadership of the Somali people .." This is not funny anymore, I don't like cons piracies especially by 'nationalist' who claim to be inspired by the Koran. "As educated Somali do you have less manhood qualities?" I think this when someone in the talk show stands up and says: don't even go there! .
  3. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: She, by the way, is called "Luul." Xuux!
  4. Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: This is what suicide bombs does to people: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=1&u=/ap/20040930/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_040930141903 Originally posted by Devil's Advocate: Right now 35 Iraqi kids are dead. Freedom or no freedom, that is a sad sad shame!!! DA i've read the article and of the three car bombs exploded only one was 'suicide' - which killed the only American to die on that day. The other two were not 'suicide bombs' and turned out to be more fatal to the Iraqis - including the 35 kids you quoted.
  5. Originally posted by Nayruus: I believe the average IQ of the Somalis from the North is little bit higher than that of the south, but the problem is lack of self confidence and tribal emotions. What a genius? Originally posted by Nayruus: My journey to reality and out of darkness and emotional entanglement made me a Somali nationalist and washed off my mind all tribal irrationalities. Lordy lordy! If such are the priests, God save the congregation.
  6. Ramadan Kariim to all. Nur thanks for the reminder.
  7. ^^^Supposed to be 'least likely to say' Horn you shouldn't grin so much or else: Name: HornAfrique. Occupation: Weatherman. Appearance: Depends which way the wind blows. Described as : "..the "Mister" who is the ever-so-wretchedly defeated-has-been of the yesterday "Afweyniste's Regime" - Mr Oodweyne. "our flag waving charlatan.....His, it ought to be noted, is a double-edged sword. On one sharp end, he wishes to gut the defenceless in a hyena-like fashion whilst on the other he bares a softy, bosomy posture alike of a gentle Alaskan bear only to suffocate the crowd with his humpty dumpy bear-hugging ménage à trois." - Samurai warrior Least likely to say: Tell me the best way to invest my inheritance in Geneva. Most likely to say: To Everything Turn, Turn, Turn Not to be confused with: Barre (any) OG Girl: The guy is not here to defend him self...easy on him . Is back bitting Translate: i'm here, profile me
  8. Looks like our good friend Otali's stunt came to an abrupt end. Here's a little profile/obituary of him done in the style of The Guardian's Pass Notes. Name :Otali Occupation: Landlord Appearance : Mugdisho Bodyguard Described as: "...straight to the point, believes Aydeed was the man who ruled the earth, that Yuusf Inda Cade is saint, and that his clan are super-men, emotional, irrational and loves being the senior member in the JVA support club" - SmithNwestern. Least likely to say :They ask thee concerning (things taken as) spoils of war. Say: "(such) spoils are at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger. So fear Allah, and keep straight the relations between yourselves: Obey Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe." Most likely to say: Satan is Puntlander. Not to be confused with : M S Yalaxow. Who's next?
  9. Noah Cohen translated and adapted this poem from Brecht's, "An die Deutschen Soldaten im Osten" ("To the German Soldiers in the East"). Noah explains the background for the poem and how Brecht might have written it today: "The original was written in 1941. Germany had invaded Russia, and after an initial campaign of rapid conquest and little resistance, summer turned winter, and the Russians rallied at Moscow. Brecht had his poem read over Moscow radio so that the German soldiers would hear it. "I've turned winter to summer, ice-fields to deserts etc. Of course there are differences in relative situation (thousands of German soldiers died just from the winter itself and the long march to Moscow), but the parallel is mostly here: that the resistance of the people of Fallujah now,like the resistance then, is what stands between the world and a fascist military empire bent on global dominion. Perhaps I should stay closer to the original title and make it "To the American Soldiers in the East." 1. Brothers, if I were among you On the eastern deserts, were one of you One of the thousands I'd be saying what you're saying: Surely There must be a road leading home. But, brothers, dear brothers Under my helmet, under my skull I would know what you know: There is no more road leading home. On the map on the wall of the schoolroom The road to Fallujah is short Like the pinky of the Commander-in-Chief. But in the desert it's longer, very long, too long. The sandstorms won't last forever, only till the turn of the season. But man too won't last forever. Till the turn of season He will not last. And so I must die, I know that. In the coat of a robber I must die. Must die in the shirt of an arsonist. As one of the many, as one of the thousands Hunted as robbers, beaten as arsonists. 2. Brothers, if I were among you If I marched with you over the desert I'd be asking what you're asking: Why Did I come to this place Where there is no more road leading home? Why did I put on the coat of a robber? Why did I put on the shirt of an arsonist? After all, it wasn't from hunger And it wasn't from bloodlust. Only because I was a henchman And these were my orders Did I set off for murder and arson. And now must be hunted And now must be beaten to death. 3. Because I invaded a peaceful country Of farmers and workers Bulldozing their crops and their orchards To plunder their shops and their oil-fields Stopping the lessons in schools And the sittings of councils Now I must die like a rat That the farmer has trapped. 4. So that I will be cleansed from the face of the earth Like leprosy. That an example be made for all time Of what must be done with robbers and arsonists And the henchmen of robbers and arsonists. 5. So that our mothers will say they have no children. So that our children will say they have no fathers. So that there be mounds of earth that carry no markers. 6. And I will never again See the land that I came from Not the forests or mountains Not the oceans or prairies Not the pine-woods or the vineyards. Not in dawn-light, not at midday, not at sunset. Nor the cities Or the city where I was born. Not my workplace, or my room Or my bed. All this I will not see again. And none who went with me Will ever see this again. I won't and you won't Ever again Hear the voices of wives and of mothers Or the wind over the chimneys of our homeland Or the joyful sounds of the city, or the bitter ones. 7. Instead I will die In the middle of my brief time Unloved, unmissed A tank's reckless driver. Unlearned, save through the final lesson Untried, save in murder Unmissed, save from the slaughter. And I will lie in the land I destroyed. Men will breathe a sigh of relief Over the ditch where I'm buried. And what will be left of me? A few pounds of meat, soon to be rotten. A charred side of pork, hung from a bridge. A stink that the wind carried off. 8. Brothers, if I were among you On the road back to Baghdad From Baghdad back to nowhere I'd be feeling what you're feeling: I always knew Under my helmet, under my skull That bad is not good That two times two is four And that he will die Who follows the blood-drenched bully The blustering ***** in the Whitehouse Who didn't know That the road to Fallujah is long Very long, too long That summer in the desert is hot Very hot, too hot That the farmers and workers of an ancient civilization Would defend their land and their cities And we will all be wiped out: 9. In the desert, behind our tank-turrets In the streets and the houses Along the pipelines, on the roadsides By men, by women, by children In the heat, in the night, in hunger. We will all be wiped out Today or tomorrow or the next day You and I and the general, all Who came to lay waste To the work of men's hands. 10. Because working the land isn't easy Because it costs so much sweat to build a house To fell the beams, to draw the plan To stack the walls, to cover the roof. Because it made one so tired Because the hope was so great.
  10. Here's a person in Mpls who tried Mandeeq Restaurant and seem to like it. How come none of the nomads in here gave it a mention? Make sure you don't miss the interesting replies below the review. I finally found good Somali food! - Mpls
  11. Xaflad Sagooti ah oo Xusbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye u sameeyay labadii kooxood ee kala qaaday koobkii Tartanka Gobolada Dalka S/Land Hargeis 24/09/04,(TogdheerSports.com),Xisbiga Mucaarika ah ee kulmiya ayaa maanta qado sharaf ugu sameeyay magalada hargeisa labadii Kooxood ee kala qaaday koobkii tartankan gobolada dalka somailand, labadan kooxood oo kala ah Sanaag iyo Togdheer oo Sanadkii labaad iskugu yimid kalintan oo kale balse halka uu sanadkii hore Gobolka Togdheer ka qaaday sanadkan waxa Qaaday Gobolka Sanaag, hadaba sida caadiga ahba Xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye Sanadkii horena waxa uu u sameeyay qado sharaftan oo kale, hadaba maanta oo ay ka soo qaybgaleen qado sharaftan lagu sii sagootiyay labadan kooxood ayaa waxa ka soo qayb galay masuuliyiinta Xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee kulmiye oo uu horkacayo Gudoomiyaha Xisbigaasi Mr Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siiraanyo iyo xubno kale oo sarsare Xaga Wasarada Ciyaarahana waxa ka socday Wasiirka Maxamuud Siciid maxamed iyo Gudoomiyaha Xidhiidhka kubada Cagta , C/risaaq maxamuud , Gudoomiyha Garsoorka khadar jiilal iyo ciyaaryahanadii labada Gobol ka kala socday, ugu horayntii waxa khudbad gaaban oo ku saabsan ciyaaraha halkaa ka akhriyay Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Kulmiye waxana hadaladiisii ahaayeen sida tan; Waxan halkan mahad naq uga soo jeedinayaa wasiirka wasarada dhalinyarada iyo ciyaarha Somaliland masuuliyiinta, Madaxda,Tobabarayaasha, Sidhiwadayaasha iyo Ciyaartoyda halkan iskugu timid, halkan isku maan taagin in aan khudbad dheer ka idhaahdo waxan jecelahay in aan idhaahdo waxanoo sharaf ah inaanu xus kooban u sameyno Tartankii Gobolada Dalka uga socday Casimada Somaliland iyadoo aanu sanadkii horena u sameynay labadii kooxood ee koobka kala qaaday, Gudoomiyaha Xusbiga kulmiye waxa uu Hanbalyo balaadhan u jeediyay dhamaan kooxihii Tartanka ka qayb galay iyo Masuuliyiintoodi iyo Wasarada dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha iyo Cidkasta oo Gacan ka gaysatay Abaabulka Ciyaaraha, Gudoomiyuhu isagoo ka cudur daaranaya in uu lixda kooxoodba iskugu keeno Xaflad tan oo kale ah waxa uu yidhi: Waan ka xunahay in ay noo suuragaliwayday in aanu xaflad u sameyno dhamaan kooxihii ka qaybgalay Tartankan balse waxan uga jeedaa in la kobciyo Ciyaarha iyo horumarinta isports ka, Gudoomiyuhu isagoo ka hadlay qiimaha isports ku leeyahay waxa uu yidhi: Qiimaha uu sports ku ugu fadhiyo Dalkeena, Dadkeen, Umadeena iyo dhalinyarada soo koraysaba, aduunyaduna maanta waxyaabaha ay aadka u qiimayso ayaa uu ka midyahay sports ku waxan qabaa in uu inaka qiimo gaar ah inoo leeyahay, Gudoomiyuhu isagoo ka hadlaya dhibaatooyinka uu mukhaadaraadku ku hayo Dalka waxa uu yidhi: Waxa jirta in wakhtigan la joogo ay dad badani nooga jabeen xaga Mukhaadaraadka (Jaadka & Sigaarka), waxa aynu kaga bixi karnaa oo kaliya inagoo dhiiri galena Sports ka oo aynu ku guubabino dhalinyarada soo koraysa in aan laga hadhin arintaasi waa Sports kee, inteena cuslaatay ee maanta aan ciyaarta gali karayn ee isha ka dawata ama sheeda ka jecel in aad horumarkaasi halkaa ka sii wadaan ayaan idinku hanbalyaynayaa. Gudoomiyuhu waxa uu hadalkiisii ku soo gabo gabeeyay gacan qaad uu gacan qaaday Wasiirka Wasaarada Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha iyo hanbalyo uu u soo jeediyay Xukumada iyo Cidkasta oo ka shaqaynaysay Tartankan. Waxa isna Gudoomiyaha ka dib khudbad gaaban ka soo jeediyay Wasiirka Dhalinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha Mr Maxamuud Saciid Maxamed, waxana hadaladiisii ka mid ahaa Waxa marka ugu horaysa aan salaamayaa Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga kulmiye, Masuuliyiinta Xisbiga kulmiye labada Kooxood ee ku guulaystay Tartanka Gobolka Sanaag iyo Gobolka Togdheer Tobabarayaasha, Siidhi wadayaasha, waan idin salamayaa, Waxan mahadnaq balaadhan u soo jeedinayaa Gudoomiyaha iyo Dhamaan Xisbiga kulmiye oo danaynaya arimaha Ciyaaraha iyo Wax ka qabadkooda , ma aha arimaha sports ku wax ka qabadkiisu wax siyaasad gala ee waa wax loo bahanyahay mucaarid iyo muxaafidba in laga wada shaqeeyo oo aynu gacanta isku qabsano, si ilmaheena mustaqbal kooda u haagaajino, run ahaantii aad iyo aad ayay ugu mahadsanyihiin sanadkii horena xaflad tan oo kale ah ayay u sameeyeen sanadkii labaadna waa maanta run ahaantii waxa nasiib u helay sanadkii hore iyo sanadkanba labadan kooxood ee ka kala socda Sanaag iyo Togdheer, Wasiirku waxa uu hadalkiisa ku soo gabo gabeeyay in ay samayn doonan Kooxaha heerka kowaad ee dalka Tartankoodana laqaban doono sanad walba si looga mashquulo mukhaadaraadka (Jaadja iyo Sigaarka ), waxana uu mahad naq u jeediyay labdii Gobol waxana uu ku dardaaray labadii kooxood in ay dadaalka halkaa ka sii wadaan, C/rashiid Haybe Cabdi Wariyahayaga Hargeysa Email : chcssc@hotmail.com
  12. Originally posted by Xarago: Where were you when we were asking Smith and co. to stop applauding and praising Morgan because their mission was not right. Hada oo dhulki cadhidhi ku noqdey ayey waxay bilabeen calacal qabiil iyo beer laxawsasho...and that is all my am pointing out...sawie but it is an opputunity I cant let go off it..eh..eh.. Smith is a humble nomad who believes in the old adage: gacan aadan goyn karin waa la dhunkadaa .
  13. Originally posted by LIQAYE: Touchy,touchy. Rahima a word to the wise, there is no such thing as a political disscusion to educate or actually come to some sort of conclusion with out bias, If even one person scincerley tries to keep up his side, the rest will make sure to drag the person into a mire this is seen in SOL and everywhere else you care to name. From your posts it is absolutley clear that you are not qabilist, unfortunatley it is also clear that any intimation of you being one offends you to bits, consequently we are faced with people who are trying to get to your nerves, today it's come down to the way you said galkacayo :rolleyes: . Life is too short to keep explaining yourself. nuff said.
  14. Awdal News Network / afrol News, 22 September - Saudi Arabia has announced its intention to lift a four-year ban on livestock imports from Djibouti, Somalia and possibly Somaliland, according to a report by the London-based 'Asharq Al Awsat' today. The ban, imposed after a terminated outbreak of Rift Valley Fever, has had enormous economic consequences for these Horn countries, where the livestock sector is dominant. In a story filed by 'Asharq Al Awsat' reporter Zeid Kammi in the Kingdom, Saudi Arabian Agriculture Minister Fahd Balghaneim announced his country's intention to soon lift the ban on the livestock of the Horn of African countries and to allow it to be imported through Djibouti. There was no talk of direct imports from Somalia and Somaliland, however. In a statement to the press while visiting an agricultural project in Hard, 250 km south of Riyadh, on Tuesday, he said the Saudi move was in response to a request by Djibouti to set up a specialised quarantine centre in Djibouti to check livestock before it is exported to the Saudi Kingdom. He added that a Saudi Committee, representing the Ministries of Agriculture, Trade and Industry, and Health would pay a visit to Djibouti to inspect the quarantine centres there and ensure that the animals were free from epidemic diseases. Mr Balghaneim, however, pointed out that he didn't expect the ban to be lifted before end of the Ramadan and the Hajj festival, saying that his government needed enough time to put proper procedures in place in terms of inspecting the health condition of the animals and safeguarding the health and safety of the Saudi people and animals. He said that the Kingdom didn't face any meat or livestock shortage at present due to its diversified sources of import, adding that the establishment of quarantine centres in Saudi Arabia would all play a significant role in monitoring animal health and planning imports to the Kingdom. Earlier, the self-declared republic of Somaliland accused Djibouti of trying to control its economy following a proposal by Djiboutian authorities aimed at making its ports as gateway for Somaliland’s livestock exports to Arab Gulf countries, according to a report by the UAE based Arabic daily 'Al Khaleej' on 14 September. 'Al Khaleej' quoted Somaliland Livestock Minister as describing Djibouti's plan to export Somaliland's livestock through its ports as an "unacceptable attempt aimed at controlling his country's economy." Somaliland has its own regional port at Berbera, but given its status as a non-recognised state, it has not been successful in its plea to Saudi Arabia and other states on the Arabian Peninsula to resume livestock imports directly from Berbera. Quoting sources in Somalia, 'Al Khaleej' said Djibouti's proposal came as a result of its consultations with some Gulf countries, which showed their desire for Somali livestock. The sources added that the proposal gives the Djiboutian government the right to examine livestock and export them through its ports. The paper added that some Somali businessmen had welcomed the proposal, hoping that it would end the long ban on Somali livestock exports to Gulf countries. Meanwhile, Somaliland businessmen contacted by 'Awdalnews' in Dubai expressed their rejection of the move by Djibouti. One the businessman who asked to remain anonymous claimed that Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh had sold the idea to Southern Somali businessmen whom he invited to a forum he recently held in Djibouti. He alleged that President Guelleh had even "bribed" some Somali businessmen by issuing Djiboutian passports to them. Somaliland Interior Minister Ismail Adam Osman also repeated his call upon Arab countries to lift the ban on the exports of Somaliland livestock and to accept its citizens to travel with Somaliland passports. In an interview with the UAE official Arabic daily 'Al Ittihad' on 12 September 2004, Mr Osman said that his government was fighting over the last six years for the ban to be lifted. - The ban has caused a great suffering to Somaliland whose economy depended mainly on livestock export, said Somaliland Minister Osman. "We invite Arabs to come to our country and to see by themselves that our country is free from the Rift Valley Fever which has been used as a cover for the ban," he added. By Awdalnews Network Monitoring Service ------------------- Yet again, tiny Djibouti's authorities are trying to exploit and make a 'kill' by backstabbing the of people Somaliland. They will fail again, Isha Allah.
  15. AYOUB

    Ali G Show

    My fav is an old show where some 'intellectuals' are talking about the book Animal farm and Ali G is talking about some video.
  16. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Now, let's talk about the TRUE and the only original Soomaali word for car or vehicle then. I know things tend to fly over your nest, but, we were talking about the correct or standard way of writing the word GAADHI/GAARI. One of previous posts clearly says: Btw, you can speak how you like, but I think written word should be standardised. I knew where the ' somalised' word GAADHI came from - even though your links didn't help much - we were discussing whether spelling it GAADHI was 'crooking the language'. It's like an English man and an Australian discussing the correct way of spelling 'PETROL' and an American saying it's 'GAS'. You're probaly right about BAABUUR being more appropriate - even though I remember reading somewhere that it too has an Indian origin - but thats besides the point. Actually, Reer Baydhabo say baabuur That IS great But how do they spell the word GAADHI/GAARI?. :cool:
  17. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Ayoub-Standard/textbook Somali...Hhhmmmmmmmm well, who is to stay thats the standard/textbook Somali. It is all matter of opinion. For all we know people in Baydhabo could be speaking the standard Somali. If they did, you would not have those 'doubts', would you? Btw, you can speak how you like, but I think written word should be standardised. I know a friend who has the old Somali Republic textbooks, I'll check whether they say; GAADHI, GAARI or whatever reer Bay choose to call.
  18. ^^ What is he at? :cool: For those who want general guidance and advice in addition to what brother Sophist posted, may I suggest a little book by Saalih ibn Muhammad ibn 'Uthaymeen and Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin –Baaz, titled: MUSLIM MINORITIES: fatawa regarding Muslims living as minorities. I do, you got a problem that I have problem with that? You do have a problem, whats your problem got to with me? :cool:
  19. Hornafrique I know where you're coming from and i'm not claiming to be a better man. Even so, there are limits. Smith and Bari Don't even try to use my words to score a meaningless point. Horn might have stooped a little, but is there another way of reaching your ears? PS, Smith read your signature before posting, will you?
  20. Originally posted by Rahima: Is arguing for the sake of argument the new trend? No, not new, but do you have a problem with that? JZK Sophist x 2.