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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^Saxiib I read everything before editing If Salafi gave you the go-ahead, would you declare a JIHAD, I wonder?
  2. Originally posted by Baashi: May Allah give the wisdom and vision needed to preside this difficult time in our history. May Allah bring the peace we all longed in earnest for so long. May Allah make this one a success. May Allah show them (MP's) the eternal wisdom in our religion. Amiin. Maybe even Saladboy would've succeeded if he had such support and Du'cas from you.
  3. ^^Ramadan Kariim to you, SOL masses and all Muslims
  4. ^^^lol I like that The Saud family came to power by overthrowing their leaders and then declared un-Isamic to overthrow them, and the new President refused to obey the previous one and now its un-Islamic to disobey him. What better person to ask than a Salafi online! I find it hypocritical for the supporters 'royal families' who all came to power by force - most with the help of non-Muslims - to start preaching how its against the Sunnah to get rid of them by force. Some of them came to power by overthrowing their own fathers and uncles!
  5. ^^Was it not you who was talking about 'enemy from the west'? Bari Nomad: Why is that? It would seem this event concerns you as much as anyone else. That is certainly true in some ways, but even someone like ina Yuusuf (note no nickname used ) deserve to be given a chance - honeymoon period at least.
  6. ^^Don't forget you said OG is supposed to mean region not clan.
  7. Wuxuu igeeyey guri aad loo qurxiyey oo sifiican loo gogley. Waana is garab fariisaney anagoo is eeg-eegeyna. Waxaan hilmaamey Xadiithkii Nabiga Salallahu Aleyhi Wasalam ee uu nooga digey inaay nin iyo naag ajnabi kala ah meel cidla’ah wada fariistaan! Waxaan bilaawney inaan eegaya oo uu isagana i eegaya ilaa aan is arkey anigoo hoos jiifa! Waxaan arkey anigoo gacan kuheynin wixii aan lahaa wixii ugu qaalisanaa! :eek: Waxaan soo kacay sidii anigoo waalan markaas ayaan ku iri: “maxaad igu sameyneysaa? :eek: Hacabsan!Waxaad tahey xaaskeyga? Sideen xaaskaada kunoqdey adigoon imahersan?Ayaan kucalancaley! :confused: Waan kumahersandoona mardhow!†Ayuu iigu laabqaboojiyey! :confused:
  8. ^^^^ Saxiib nothing to do with balls, if i'm wrong feel free to correct me. So as far as Abdul Wahhab is concerned, it is according to my believe that the Khalifah was Abolished after the death of Ali(ra) then Kinship replaced it, Mua'wiyah(ra) being the first king! Really? First time i've heard it like that! The arguement between Osama and the SAUD family is regarding the issue of inviting the non-Muslim troops to protect them. In the 1980's Osama and every Saudi scholar agreed it was correct to fight against the then ruler of Afghanistan when he called in troops from the USSR to protect him, what is the difference between that and the invitation of American troops to the holy lands by the monarchs of Saud? PS - DO YOU BELIEVE THE SAUD FAMILY RULE ACCORDING TO WHAT ALLAH ORDAINED?
  9. OG Girl I suggest YOU find out the truth for YOURSELF from someone you trust regarding these matters. I deliberately kept quiet during the 'Presidentail capaign' period and ain't gonna start talkin during the 'Presidetial honeymoon'.
  10. So what you know of the Noble Shaykh All depends on who’s information you were expose to! Salafi It doesn't matter what I believe, just wanted to know if he fought against leaders of his time. Reading between the lines, I think your answer was YES, i'm i correct? If so, did he and his partners who created the monarchy have the permission of the Khalifah who was around at the time? the Saudi government are not doing Shirk, they are not Kufar but Muslims, and its not permissible to overthrow them, even if they are Unjust! The fact that they seem oppressive does not give the youth or other then them the license to overthrow them or even speak ill of them,( backbiting is Haram and Allah did not sanction these such actions) Unless you have dalil of course! You knew where I was going with this, didn't you? 1. I don't know about Shirk, but the SAUD family do not rule by what ALLAH ordained, do they? 2.“O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliya (protectors to whom you have to be subordinate to), they are but Awliya to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Awliya, then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are wrong­doers. [5:51]
  11. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Abdulahi Yusuf might not have been alot of people's first choice, but what is done is done and trough a democratic way. Horn sweetheart, remember the night you promised to be a Somaliland supporter if the Colnel was chosen as President?
  12. ^^^ Yeah and another PM from NFD and another from Ogad*n and ....
  13. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Atleast Abdullahi Yusuf can't dare to hand us to Ethiopians cause simple Pundlanders wont allow him, even if he lost his mind. There is limits he can go with that Issue. Salam Poor ill-informed little girl, go and find out who was the first person to hand over Somali 'terrorist' to the Ethios, will you? PS- If you hate the Ethios so much why don't you speak about the ONLF MPs who work for the Amhara Assembly?
  14. ^^One leader is a total success, never sold out while the other is still failing.
  15. Sorry brother, i've edited to make myself even clearer, didn't know you're around. I meant the people Abdul Wahhab fought against.
  16. Salafi Did Abdul Wahhab not fight against 'corrupt' rulers?
  17. Originally posted by NGONGE: This business of defending everything and everyone is getting tiresome. I wish, for once, to get a topic where I could agree with the general sentiment and go on the attack too (maybe I’m just naturally argumentative). Of course you're not. As for courage, did you know the 'smiling cow' from Egypt was once a heroic fighter pilot? Both 'he' and Arafat are liabilities way past their sell by date as leaders, wouldn't you agree?.
  18. Congratulation to ina Yusuf and to Somalia in general. * What happened to my man Kalluun?*
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: Eh? :eek: You call him a weak leader and the Israelis call him a terrorist? Who to believe, huh? :rolleyes: The man is safe and sound while Israelis kill every other Palestinian leader. What should I believe.. Topic: ARAFAT: I CAN BE LIKE MANDELA. Somebody jail him for 25 years please!
  20. AYOUB

    Photos of Dhoobley

    I just couldn’t understand the need for that comments. It’s like me blaming you for something when I’m guilty of the exact same thing. It just seemed like a case of double standards, one set for us and one set for Somaliland. Rahima That was a legitimate question to ask and I think you’re a bit sensitive. Talk about double standards, I don’t question your intention when you ask sincere questions about Somaliland, is it too much to expect the same from you?
  21. AYOUB

    Photos of Dhoobley

    ^^^^ I respect you too I just wanted to know what you meant by 'to hell with them', you're the one who brought up the comparison with Somaliland. ... as I sit here and read the replies of some Somalilanders I am starting to get the feeling that they actually want this attempt at peace to fail. I mean it’s almost like they want us southerners to continue on this road of disagreement. Maybe I am naïve, but I believe in wishing that which is best for your brother instead of criticizing day and night their efforts. Just because I don't agree with everything going on in Kenya, it does'nt mean I want no peace in Somalia, does it?. I welcome your (and other's) opinions regarding Somaliland even if I don't necessarily agree with them and I suggest you guys do the same.
  22. AYOUB

    Photos of Dhoobley

    ^^Sister the big difference is the reason you have these people as MP's is ONLY because they have showed what sort barbarism they are capable of. Dhoobley suggests you still have the anarchy, does'nt it?
  23. AYOUB

    Photos of Dhoobley

    Originally posted by Rahima: At the end of the day, to hell with all of them. From this Hiraale guy, to Indha Cade and Morgan. Are'nt some these people the MP's of 'parliament' which you all support? :confused:
  24. Bari Nomad Are you still trying to convince us about the elusive INA QUUJE ?? Nine months is not long enough mate, you should've waited a lil bit longer! Been run u eeg sheeg.