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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. AYOUB


    ^^ Originally posted by Northerner: Warya Warya, Yadh Yadhka so badhi aya loguyidhi, these casiiri girls have expensive tastes, better cash in on all those hagbads you been involved in This is when good ol Hornafrique becomes handy. Originally posted by Ameenah: Maybe he doesn't know that khaleejis don't joke about marriage. loool Alla ileen bad baan galay
  2. No arrests over attack on Somalia President By Standard Correspondent No arrests have been made in connection with the foiled attack on Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf’s residence in Nairobi on Tuesday night. Police yesterday denied reports in the Daily Nation that three people had been arrested over the attack. Nairobi police boss Kingori Mwangi said they were still investigating the incident. "Those people disappeared into the nearby forest and getting them is difficult. I do not know of any arrest so far made," he said. Mwangi said they were treating the attack as an attempted burglary, dismissing reports of an assassination attempt. The Nation reported that three men had been picked up in connection with the attack that saw General Service Unit men guarding the President engage in a shootout for over ten minutes. It further claimed that the assailants were from an Islamic group opposed to the formation of a government in Somalia. But police yesterday described the reports as misleading. President Yusuf yesterday continued receiving delegations at his residence, after security was beefed up. More officers were also deployed at the home of Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Ghedi, a few metres away from the President’s home. Two gunmen had sneaked into the president’s compound at dawn but were repulsed by the GSU personnel after a fierce shootout. Yusuf was in the house at the time of the incident. No one was injured, police said. Police recovered a cap and a torch believed to have been used by the assailants within the compound as investigations went on. The detectives who toured the compound in the company of the President termed the attack as a normal robbery.
  3. AYOUB


    ^^The deleted post/title (with the help of the bride) was a story about the attempt to put down ina Yey. OG Girl I'll take that as YES X 2. My people will be soon be making an offer your people can't refuse. Rokko You're the best man.
  4. ^^lol@no comment Bro you must've missed the link to the pictures of the old man in my previous link. Thats how he looks these days, or at least that's how the man who was in London sometime last year looks. You’ll probably argue that I’m a dhagacas and I’ll, probably, agree. At last! we agree on something. Nationalist Those were really nice pictures indeed. As you can see the ones I posted were just after it rained and it takes a few days for the vegetation to chage.
  5. AYOUB


  6. You say bataate, I say ...go to hell!
  7. Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin oo kula tukaday Mustujaamaca Hargaysa Dadweynihii Faraha badnaa.. http://www.halganews.com more pictures of the preparations Samurai I'll check the next post. Bari That lacked variation and was laughable indeed. Lets hope they all agree on the direction of the qibla next time.
  8. Originally posted by Femme_Fatale: I dont understand this hostility and fighting. How different can we be for some pple to want to divide somalia? After all, dont we all eat canjeelo in the morning? So different that it bothers and hurts some people to read or hear something positive about 'the other side'. PS Don't let some people know you eat canjeelo in the morning.
  9. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Ali Samanter for all he was worth back in his heydays is no better off right now then me or the next person. Speak for yourself mate
  10. ^^You're confusing the rainy season with the monsoons season. Chackmate, the man above claims to be a dhagacas from Burco, i'm not going to be harsh with him coz he could turn out to be my in-law. Ngonge next time you see the face below, make sure get an autograph, it could be worth something in the future. page 1 page 2 Ameenah my pleasure and Eid Mubaarak to all!
  11. Eid Mubaarak Sam, where's my xaqal ciid? Hargeisa prepares for the Eid celebration Radio Hargeisa: Barnaamijyada Ciida
  12. MMA Those dunes by the sea are just gorgeous. Breath-taking view.
  13. ^^I'm a part-time and fair weather Burcaawi mate. My mother comes from those necks of woods bro. That (in the middle) is the great man himself just after his long march for peace. Eid mubaarak.
  15. Originally posted by HornAfrique: I guess it is that time again :rolleyes: Just warning you nomads to get prepared. What are you preparing us for Mr? Let's see how long it will be before some people start getting all religious and start reminding others: 'it's ramadan'.
  16. ^^I never thought it like that, I thought gringos would be angry with Bush's failure to get him. The following are excerpts from a speech by Osama bin Laden addressing the American people in a videotape, parts of which were aired by al-Jazeera television yesterday, as translated by Reuters O American people, I am speaking to tell you about the ideal way to avoid another Manhattan, about war and its causes and results. Security is an important foundation of human life and free people do not squander their security, contrary to Bush's claims that we hate freedom. Let him tell us why we did not attack Sweden for example. It is known that those who hate freedom do not possess proud souls like those of the 19, may God rest their souls. We fought you because we are free and because we want freedom for our nation. When you squander our security we squander your's. I'm surprised by you. Despite entering the fourth year after September 11, Bush is still deceiving you and hiding the truth from you and therefore the reasons are still there to repeat what happened. God knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed - when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the US sixth fleet. In those difficult moments many emotions came over me which are hard to describe, but which produced an overwhelming feeling to reject injustice and a strong determination to punish the unjust. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way [and] to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women. We had no difficulty in dealing with Bush and his administration because they resemble the regimes in our countries, half of which are ruled by the military and the other half by the sons of kings ... They have a lot of pride, arrogance, greed and thievery. [bush] adopted despotism and the crushing of freedoms from Arab rulers _ called it the Patriot Act under the guise of combating terrorism ... We had agreed with [the September 11] overall commander, Mohammed Atta, may God rest his soul, to carry out all operations in 20 minutes before Bush and his administration take notice. It never occurred to us that the commander-in-chief of the American forces [bush] would leave 50,000 citizens in the two towers to face those horrors alone at a time when they most needed him because he thought listening to a child discussing her goat and its ramming was more important than the planes and their ramming of the skyscrapers. This had given us three times the time needed to carry out the operations, thanks be to God ... Your security is not in the hands of [Democratic presidential candidate John] Kerry or Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands and each state which does not harm our security will remain safe. ........................................ Intervention that substitutes for a bombing Ewen MacAskill Saturday October 30, 2004 The Guardian US security forces anticipated Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida would try to intervene in the presidential election, but expected that action to take the shape of a bomb blast or some other terrorist outrage rather than last night's video warning. Bin Laden's impact on the US election will be a matter of debate over the next few days and in the election aftermath. But the initial instinct is that it will be more helpful to George Bush than to John Kerry. His appearance is a reminder to the electorate of September 11 and the "war on terror" that Mr Bush has championed. The incumbent has tended to poll higher than Mr Kerry on this issue, being seen as the more reliable of the two. Al-Qaida and the loose groupings that share its general aims have shown themselves to be acutely aware of the politics of the west. In the age of satellite communications, Bin Laden and his associates can watch on televison in detail the internal politics of any country. The North Africans who carried out the murderous blasts in Madrid in the week running up to the March general election demonstrated a new-found sense of political timing, leaving the government of José Aznar floundering. The Spanish electorate may have already decided to oust Mr Aznar before the bombings. But his attempt to blame Basque separatists rather than the al-Qaida-related group angered Spanish citizens. Mr Aznar had put Spanish troops into the US-led coalition with Iraq, and his successor pulled them out. The timing of the Madrid attack was no coincidence. The captors of Kenneth Bigley in Iraq, the Tawhid and Jihad group, showed an awareness of internal British politics. They put direct pressure on Tony Blair, by forcing Mr Bigley to appeal to the prime minister to save his life. Both Mr Bush and Mr Kerry united in condemning Bin Laden and promising to hunt him down. Both deny he can influence the election. In one sense, Bin Laden's sudden re-emergence could help Mr Kerry. It is a reminder that Mr Bush has failed to capture him. It could also strengthen Mr Kerry's charge that Iraq is a diversion from the war against al-Qaida. That would play in Europe but less so in the US, where polls continue to show a majority of Americans believe there was a link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. On his own terms, Bin Laden has been a success. Since September 11, the Middle East has become more dangerous and volatile, not just in Iraq. In Saudi Arabia, he has partly achieved his original goal by forcing most of the US soldiers to leave and to have strained relations between Washington and Riyadh. Saudi Arabia, too, faces internal problems from al-Qaida. Bin Laden's ability to mount attacks appears to have waned, in spite of the string of terrorist attacks from Indonesia to Turkey since September by groups related to al-Qaida. Neither al-Qaida or the Taliban were able to disrupt the Afghanistan election. Nor has Bin Laden been capable so far of mounting further attacks in the US since September 11. But his video last night could prove almost as damaging.
  17. "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry, Bush or Al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Any state which does not play havoc with our security would automatically ensure its own security," On eve of US vote, Bin Laden threatens new attacks and accuses Bush
  18. ''''''''''''''''''''''''' Well, that's how some people think.
  19. By Noppawan Bunluesilp PATTANI, Thailand, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Grieving relatives in Thailand sought loved ones among the dead on Wednesday after almost 80 Muslims suffocated to death while being transported by trucks to army barracks after a violent demonstration. Only six people were previously believed to have been killed and 20 wounded when troops and police opened fire to quell a riot outside a police station on Monday in the restive, Muslim-majority region. The huge leap in the toll, and the manner of the deaths, are expected to fuel tension in Thailand's three southernmost provinces where 440 people have now died in a wave of violence since January. The justice ministry said 78 people died of suffocation, making it the bloodiest day in the Buddhist kingdom since April 28, when troops and police shot dead 106 machete-wielding militants, also in the south. General Sirichai Thunyasiri, who heads the southern peacekeeping command, said authorities were "deeply sorry". "Many people died and we are ready to provide assistance to their next of kin," Sirichai Thunyasiri told Thai television. A small crowd of Muslims gathered outside the army barracks as darkness fell on Tuesday, begging soldiers for news of relatives they feared dead. "I don't know if my husband's alive or not," wept Piwarat Arwae, 38. "He took our two kids to school and must have dropped by at the protest on the way back. He never came home." Some bodies were later handed over to relatives who held prayers. More bodies were due to be released on Wednesday. Officials said some of the protesters were under the influence of drugs or were frail because of fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. "This is typical," Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said on Tuesday when asked about reports of scores dead. "It's about bodies made weak from fasting. Nobody hurt them." ALARMING QUESTIONS Monday's victims were among hundreds of Muslim men arrested after a 1,500-strong rally was dispersed outside a police station in neighbouring Narathiwat province. "We have never seen this sort of torture in Thai history before. It is just like gassing them," Ahmad Somboon Bualuang, an Islamic scholar from the Prince of Songkhla University in Pattani province, said on Tuesday. The deaths appear to have occurred while the detainees, who were stripped semi-naked after their arrest, were being taken by truck to barracks in Pattani, a journey that took five hours. Human rights groups said the deaths in military custody raised alarming questions in a country where they say civil rights are under threat by an increasingly intolerant government. One of Thailand's 11 National Human Rights Commissioners appeared less concerned. "These people are rebels, separatists with some help from foreigners. This part of the country has belonged to Thailand since our grandparents. We can't allow separation," Pradit Charoenthaitawee told Reuters. Security officials justified Monday's use of force, saying they feared the police compound would be attacked by the crowd, which was demanding the release of six villagers accused of handing over government-issue shotguns to Islamic militants. Troops and police fired live rounds, as well as water cannon and teargas, to end the six-hour standoff. Shots were also fired from the crowd, officials said. Security outposts have been common targets in the 10-month unrest that looks increasingly like a revived separatist movement in the deep south, home to most of Thailand's Muslims, who make up 10 percent of the mainly Buddhist nation's 63 million people. With an election looming, Thaksin is under pressure to resolve the trouble that analysts fear could create a fertile breeding ground for militant networks such as Southeast Asia's al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiah. "It's all building up to the point where we're in serious danger of what is so far a rather serious law and order issue turning into a broader insurgency," said Steve Wilford of Control Risks Group in Singapore. (Additional reporting by Ed Cropley, Nopporn Wong-Anan and Sasithorn Simaporn)
  20. Originally posted by Salafi_Online: if a ruler committs kufr and is labelled is a kafir, you can overthrow him if you have the means and as long as it doesnt leave to a greater evil! So rulers survives no matter what they do, as long as they promise 'hell' if anyone dares to romove them. Bother can you explain why you posted this in a different thread sometime earlier? " [13]: We do not deem it correct to revolt against the Muslim rulers as long as they are Muslims, nor do we feel that revolutions bring about reconciliation. Rather, they corrupt the community. As for the rulers of Aden, then we feel that fighting them is obligatory, until they repent from heresy, Socialism and calling people to the worship of Lenin and Marx and other than these two from those who professed disbelief. " Topic: Sahal(salafi Hunter) this is for you! PS - Do you know where one could obtain the rulings of the scholars who oppose the presence of KAFIR troops in the holy lands? Thanks in advance.
  21. They've done it again! Corrections and clarifications Monday October 25, 2004 The Guardian The final sentence of a column in The Guide on Saturday caused offence to some readers. The Guardian associates itself with the following statement from the writer. "Charlie Brooker apologises for any offence caused by his comments relating to President Bush in his TV column, Screen Burn. The views expressed in this column are not those of the Guardian. Although flippant and tasteless, his closing comments were intended as an ironic joke, not as a call to action - an intention he believed regular readers of his humorous column would understand. He deplores violence of any kind." Paper sorry for 'kill Bush' line
  22. Originally posted by Nationalist: Ayoub, so it must have been you my dear friend that requested an investigation on me to the Admin? It wasn't me Wallahhi. Looks like someone else saw the 'similarities'. Smith Every place has its natives and settlers and, you of all people do not need to be told that, do you? BTW Xamar is the most beautiful city apart from Burco, that goes without saying. Ninba waxuu ku taamaa ama hees ka tiriyaa tixo gabay ku sheegaa halka lagu talaalee hawadiisu taallee uurkiisu tebeyee, Togdheer - Hadraawi
  23. Originally posted by Salafi_Online: i asked Dr Saleh Saleh( by the way student of the Late shaykh 'Uthaymin) concerning our little argument! Salafi_Online: salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baarakatu, Oh Shaykh it is from the manhaj of the salaf to overthrow a rule who commits kufr al asghar? fairness-1: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Salaf mate you didn't ask the right question. If I were you this is how I would phrase the questions: 1. salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa baarakatu, Oh Shaykh if we know it improves the situation of Muslims it is from the manhaj of the salaf to overthrow a rule who commits kufr al asghar or not ? 2. How can an act of Kufr be considered as 'lesser evil', and what is worse than an act of Kufr?