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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Jumatatu What about people with better qualifications who are being paid less money or given worse jobs just because they're not English or Americans. A few weeks back I was watching a programme about a Muslim of Asian origins who was about to move to UAE with his family being told by an englishman not to expect the salary advertised because of he did not look european. How can anyone not moan about that!
  2. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: What I would believe is an actual audio/video by the girl, her kin or honest third party that would refute the alleged abuses that this girl endured. That makes two of us. I've seen and heard lots of contradictions in this story from both sides but I believe the truth will soon come out. Here's a Radio HorseedNet interview that comments on doctors who are supposed to have examined her.
  3. Ouch! A bit barbaric. Put on the same shelf as the ones out of Fallujah
  4. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Somewhat true Qudhac , but should that lead me to take on a false clan bravado such as "whoa Cabudwaq is much more developed then Muqdisho :eek: ". Cabudwhere? XAMAR, GET WELL SOON .
  5. The same thing happened at HUTs Rally for Islam conference in Trafalgar Square, August 1995. This time 2 Hindu women were converted on stage in front of 2000 cheering Muslims. I was there! I remember a handful of gays making a protest - from safe distant - against the rally and after someone told the speaker what the homos were upto he turned to them holding the microphone and quiped with strong arabic accent: "God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!"
  6. Dawladda Hoose Ka darro dibi dhal, Nin dameer xun iibsaday Marbuu dibi xarashaa, Degaanku sheeg Ku waad dorateen, Iyagaa isu daran Kii doraad koray, ka dag leeyihiin Amba doolar keen, duulku waa aboor Inana diirbaynu nahay, danbiga waynu Wada qabnaa, dalka yaa u maqan Ka daroo dibi dhal, duul reer ku yimi Kula dardaraanteen, orod duunyo dhaqan Beeshana daryeel, ninka doonaya Inuu dal u dhisow, dugsiyadii bal eeg Dumarkii iyo caruurtiibaa, dawo loo la’yahay Duulku waa aboor, inana diir baynu nahay Danbiga waan wada qabnaa Ka daroo dibi dhal, dalka yaa u maqan Dabaqadaa bal eeg, daarahay dhisteen U kireysan duul, darajaalihii Deegaan ka baqay, danyartay intaa Ku dulmeerayaan, dahabow keen cashuur Edomaad idayn, duul aabahood Ladilanaahayaa, waa kaa dagaal Dabada u qabtay, darbigii ka kici. Saleebaan Guuleed (Digool)
  7. ^^Sophist, is the Jingali in the fallen Cabinet the same man who used to be Siad's man in London?
  8. ^^ What I find even harder to understand is the chap who used to run around SOL looking for sympathy by posting pictures of starving people is now cheer-leading the clown's 'heroes'.
  9. Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: ^^ Enjoy it while it lasts, mate. We'll be on our feet in no time yet. I know you believe in the healing qualities of oily fish but laughter is the best medicine. On a serious note, from the 275 MP's in that parliament who are the ideal or suitable members of Cabinet of your choice? If Lassie has already said he doesn't think the USC members were suitable for the post of PM and his choice came from outside the 275 MP's, what make them suitable for the other cabinet posts? If Lassie (with the help of his vet) sincerely believes and publicly states that the most talented members of parliament just happen to be from a single clan, why should he accommodate the talentless muppets? If anyone in here believes they can make create a cabinet from the planks in there, feel free to share your artistry.
  10. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  11. Originally posted by Jumatatu: This is turning out to be a joke...I bet more farce is to follow.. Turning you said? Some of us were laughing when Lassie chose a vet as a right-hand man. Originally posted by SmithNwestern: LOL... I think its a good sign the President and PM cant do what they like, when they like. Yes they can't do what they like indeed, like going home This Mbagathi fractions are making Saladboy's faction look like a slick machine Keep it ... where it is
  12. Why don't the men have their own section? Maybe it's because ALL of SOL is for our leisure. From politic,poetry,women,sport... I could be wrong but I doubt it.
  13. Originally posted by SmithNwestern: That was the best part, how many know that Villa Somaliland is Morgan's old house Degdeg bay dhulkii uga baxeen duhur dharaareede Alla doori waa waxan lahayn *** ay ku dhaataane Dad hadday yihiin sida Riyaha looma didiyeene Dalan-doolki Nayroobi bay dalaq yidhaahdeene Dal la'aani waw kow dhul ay dib ugu laabtaane Debedaha ha meereen illeen diide nabaddiiye Fourteen years on...
  14. Lander thanks for that. The question remains, what is the solution to this problem? Is it time for Somalis living in Ethiopia and Oromos to make peace and stand together and get rid off the Tigre minority government playing them against each other? I don't see help from outside coming anytime time soon.
  15. Lander thanks for that. The question remains, what is the solution to this problem? Is it time for Somalis living in Ethiopia and Oromos to make peace and stand together and get rid off the Tigre minority government playing them against each other? I don't see help from outside coming anytime time soon.
  16. Lander thanks for that. The question remains, what is the solution to this problem? Is it time for Somalis living in Ethiopia and Oromos to make peace and stand together and get rid off the Tigre minority government playing them against each other? I don't see help from outside coming anytime time soon.
  17. Originally posted by JamaaL-11: God knows who's poem it is but both Poets are equally deserving of the poem's credit until clarification can be obtained. This time lets say it was Carabeey's. If you insist J11.
  18. Originally posted by waayeel: Veterans Affairs, Is that the same as Wasaaradda dhaqan celinta iyo Tabarada Maleeshoyooyinka?
  19. Suldanka from the title I think that's Togane's weird way of paying tribute to both Qaasim and Andrzejewski. Qaasim for his poetry and Andrzejewski for translating and writing about Somali poetry. But that's just my guess. Here's how the Andrzejewskis translated Qaasims's Macaan iyo Qadhaadh. Bitter and Sweet Consider the aloe - how bitter is its taste! Yet sometimes there wells up a sap so sweet That it seems like honey in your mouth. Side by side the sweet and bitter run Just as they do, my friends, in me, As I switch from sweet to bitter And back to sweet again. My two hands, right and left, are twins. One twin gives food to strangers and to guests, It sustains the weak and guides them. But the other is a slashing, cutting knife - As sharp to the taste as myrrh, As bitter as the aloe. Do not suppose I am the kind of man Who walks along one path, and that path only. I go one way, and seem a reasonable man, I provoke no one, I have the best of natures - I go another, and I'm obstinate and bold, Striking out at others without cause. Sometimes I seem a learned man of God Who retreats in ascetic zeal to a seclude sanctuary - I turn again and I'm a crazy libertine, Sneakily snatching whatever I can get. I am counted as one of the elders of the clan, Esteemed for my wisdom, tact and skill in argument, But within me there dwells a mere townee, too - A no-good layabout he is, at that. I'm a man whose gullet will allow no passage For food that believers are forbidden to eat, And yet I'm a pernicious, hardened thief - The property of even the Prophet himself Would not be safe from me. I have my place among the holy saints, I am one of the foremost of their leaders, But at times I hold high rank in Satan's retinue, And then my lords and masters are the jinns. It's no good trying to weigh me up - I can't be balanced on a pair of scales. From this day to that my very colour changes - Nay, I'm a man whose aspect alters As morning turns to evening And back once more to morning. Muslims and infidels - I know their minds And understand them through and through. "He's ours!" the angels of Hell proclaim of me "No, ours!" the angels of Heaven protest. I have, then, all these striking qualities Which no one can ignore - But who can really know my mind? Only a grey-head who has lived for many days And learned to measure what men are worth. And now, my friends, each man of you - If either of the paths I follow Takes your fancy and delights your heart, Or even if you cannot bear to lose The entertainment I provide, Then come to me along the path - You're free to make a choice! Translated by, B. W. Andrzejewski with Sheila Andrzejewski
  20. Originally posted by Jumatatu: Anti-Somaliland fever in SOL is so high that no one questioned the authenticity of the letter, where the post code is within the the address of the addresse. I like this bit: "Thank you for your letter of 20 October to the FoLeign Secretary. As the desk officer responsible for Somalia I have been asked to reply ."
  21. Originally posted by JamaaL-11: Hadaan Dhimano by Cali Bidhiidh in the war of Sirow. That is almost a copy of Salaan Carrebey's Miine.
  22. All Sunday's games were really good, are the 'english' finally learning how to play quality football on the ground?
  23. AYOUB


    Originally posted by HornAfrique: Those forefathers were fighting against the likes of Riyaale, Qaybe, Ismail Yare, and Waraabe. Nice try HornAfrique.
  24. Sorry Everybody