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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Nayruus: Xuddaydi on BBC R3, please love Somali unity as he does Wisdom from serene mind, from musical tranquility…and from the love of Somali unity expressed in his sad songs, a glimpse of them you can hear from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/world/onyourstreet/ram/woyshudeydi3.ram YOUR HERO AND MINE
  2. Caamir Museveni has made some progress I agree, afterall he's been in power for nearly 20 years. The point is; how can he get vocal about 'warlords' when he gained power by over-throwing a regime installed by foreign (Tanzanian) troops in the first place ? The fact is some parts of Uganda are worse than any part of Somalia when it comes peace and security, and the man's involment in the other messy civil wars makes his cries for peace a bit hollow.
  3. ^^ Why can't he put his house in order first, can you help me with that? Could it be Somalia has become the biggest begging bowl for all African leaders?
  4. Statement by Commander Basayev In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds, Who created us Muslims and Who blessed us with Jihad on His Straight Way! Peace and blessing be to Prophet Muhammad, to his family, to his disciples and to all of those who follow the Straight Way until the Day of Judgment! And then: Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fight in the way of Allah in the morning or in the evening is better than anything above which the Sun rises and sets.†(Muslim) Congratulations to all Muslims that by the Mercy of Allah, President of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Commander-In-Chief of CRI Armed Forces, Amir (Commander) of State Defence Council of CRI Aslan Maskhadov has become a Shaheed (a Martyr), Insha Allah (God Willing). President Maskhadov died in a battle on the Straight Way of God. He travelled his part of this Way with dignity and showed an example of a true believing warrior; he showed an example of unexampled courage, perseverance, forbearance and strong Faith to all Muslims. O Allah, give him a degree of a Shaheed (Martyr) and bless the family of Aslan Maskhadov! Mujahideen (Warriors) come and go, and those who have been fighting for the sake of Maskhadov can now rest, but those who have been fighting for the sake of Allah -- for them Jihad is continuing. Based on the Enactment issued by President of CRI and based on the edict passed at the broad session of State Defence Council (Majlis al-Shura) of CRI, which took place in July-August 2002 with the participation of President, leadership of the Government and Parliament, as well as all Commanders of Fronts and Sectors of CRI Armed Forces, -- in case President of CRI dies or gets captured by the enemy, all of his duties are assumed by Chairman of the Supreme Shariah Court of CRI until free elections are conducted. Accordingly, all Muslims of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Caucasus and the entire Russia are obligated to take an oath of loyalty to the new President of CRI, Commander-In-Chief of CRI Armed Forces, Amir (Commander) of State Defence Council (Majlis al-Shura) of CRI, Sheikh Abdul Halim. I also swear to Allah to heed him and obey him for the sake of Allah in all that is allowed by the Shariah Law, to observe Nizam and to keep the Amanat. Allah Akbar! And may Allah help us on His Straight Way! God is Great! Allah Akbar! Military Commander Abdallah Shamil Abu Idris (Commander Shamil Basayev) Kavkaz Center 2005-03-10 17:44:31
  5. Might not be true but this is being reported by most media outlets. http://www.islamonline.org/English/News/2005-03/08/article07.shtml ------------ May Allah forgive his sins and ease the pain of his family.
  6. Kala-kaan - Cali Ismaaciil Carab (Cali Duul-duul) Kurdi iyo Afgaanistaaniyiin, Kuuri iyo Taywaan, Kaanboojiyiin iyo Hindoo, kuman Jabaaniisa, Toban Kenediyaaniyo, Dhaj iyo noocyo kala kaana, Kabiila iyo qoladuu xukumo Koongo gudaheeda, Kuuriya iyo Kiiniyaan odaya Kaanuu ah, Kabtoon nimanka dega iyo ilaa Kooban iyo heegan, Kabajii guruub wada kab-kab ah Kuuba iyo Ruushan, Kaasa falanga qaar jooga iyo kolanyo reer Shaam ah, Reer Kolombiyiyo Seerbiyiyo Koosafiyo Saylar, Kambaliyo Kinshaashiyo kuwii tegayay Kaakuuni, Kuwa Koofi Anan soo diroo koonka lagu yaacshay, Darkartuumo lagu keenay iyo kiishash iyo haamo, Kaargooga qaar uu dhigoo wada kadlaynaaya, Kabti wile gorayiyo biciid koronkor yaacaysa, Kalluumaysatiyo doonyaleey kiro lasoo siiyay, kabaala xunta igu ururtay, Iyo kaba noocaalayda, kun qoloo isgalay oo ka badan kaynta dooga ahe, Kufri iyo islaam uumiyahan laygu keliyeeyay, Sow inaan kabriid subax qaban kaafka kuma taalo. ------
  7. http://www.islamonline.net/
  8. Drawn home to a land of peace and red lizards AISHA REFUGEE CAMP, Ethiopia, March 4 (UNHCR) – When Barkad Omer Alale fled the civil war in his homeland, Somalia, "there were bullets flying all around." During 15 long years of exile, his dream was always to go home. "Now there is peace there," he says of Northwest Somalia. "I am old now and I want to live the rest of my life there." Abdi Mohamed Hussein, a small boy who looks about 10, but claims to be 13, also talks of "going home" to the self-declared (but unrecognized) independent state of Somaliland in Northwest Somalia, a place he has never even seen. Born in Aisha refugee camp, he says of his homeland: "I want to return." Return? "That's the word my parents use. It is my country. To live in my country is better." Old and young, the remaining few thousand Somaliland refugees in Aisha are going home in the next two months, bringing to over one million the number of Somali refugees who have returned home from exile, half of them with assistance from the UN refugee agency. With their departure, UNHCR's eastern Ethiopia operation - once one of the largest refugee-hosting areas in the world with some 628,000 Somali refugees in eight camps - comes closer to winding down. Aisha camp is scheduled to close by the middle of this year, and only Kebribeyah Camp will remain, housing about 10,000 refugees from central and south Somalia who cannot return because of continuing lawlessness there. Although unfortunate ones may remain in exile for two decades or more, refugees around the world almost always fervently want to go back to their own countries - as long as there is peace at home. And the Somalilanders in Aisha are no exception. "I want to return to my own country. They were fighting before, but it is safe now," said Halima Ilmi, a 38-year-old refugee woman who left the camp at the end of February on a UNHCR-organized convoy, together with her husband and their seven children. "We are going back to start a new peaceful life. I am happy finally to be able to go back." Like so many Somalis who have gone to Northwest and Northeast Somalia (also known as Puntland), she is prepared for the hard work of rebuilding her family's life, and the economy of the country. She hopes to become a trader or shop owner to support her family. She realizes life will be difficult in one of the poorest corners of Africa, where almost half the population lives on less than $1 a day, but she says confidently: "Once we go to a peaceful place and we are healthy, there will be no problems." Six of her seven children were born in the refugee camp and "they are very excited," she said shortly before boarding the convoy bus home. "They have never seen Somaliland, but they have heard a lot. I have told them about every mountain, every hill, every river, every insect. It won't be a foreign country to them." Although the border here between Ethiopia and Somalia is unmarked - locals recognize it because of a nearby hill - Somali refugees in Aisha have a keen sense that they are away from their own country. "Refugee?" says a teenage boy from Mogadishu. "The word itself is not good. Who wants to be a refugee?" Young Abdi, the one who says he's spent all 13 years of his life in the camp, sees Somaliland through the eyes of his older sister, who was no more than five when she fled with their parents. "She told me that while looking after the goats, she saw different types of lizards. Over there, they have red lizards." Similarly, 15-year-old Mohamed Hirsi Jama is convinced that his "home town" of Harrirad, just 3.5 km inside Somaliland from the border, "doesn't look like this. It's hilly and the houses are different. I will be happy to be in my own country." Despite the safe refuge he has found in Ethiopia, "this is not my land, and I know it's not my land. I have to return home." At the height of the Somali crisis in the early 1990s, nearly half the country's entire population of 7.5 million was displaced - either within Somalia or as refugees elsewhere. During the 1990s, many came home on their own, even before UNHCR started assisting their return in 1997. There are still some 350,000 Somali refugees in exile worldwide, mostly in nearby countries. There are also estimated to be as many as one million Somalis who are not registered as refugees, but who live abroad. As the last Somalilanders go home from Aisha, the camp is shrinking. Refugees cart away scarce building materials such as tree trunks and cardboard cartons to reassemble their tukuls (traditional dome-shaped huts) at home. On a recent convoy, returnees hired herdsmen to walk their 60 donkeys across the border, and their 120 goats were put on UNHCR trucks to join the procession of six passenger buses and 46 trucks (carrying 451 people) bound for Harrirad. The UN refugee agency gave returnees plastic sheeting, blankets, jerry cans, kerosene stoves and nine months' supply of food to help them settle in back home, as well as a transportation allowance in case Harrirad was not their final destination. The refugees' joy at going home has been matched by that of UNHCR's Ethiopian employees, some of them former refugees themselves who, ironically, once found safety from Ethiopia's political upheavals inside Somalia. "I feel happy to see these people go back to their homes," said Mohammed Tahir Garse, a UNHCR field assistant who has worked in six of the eight Ethiopian camps for Somali refugees over the past 15 years. "These people have stayed out of their country for 15 years. We have given them protection, and the government of Ethiopia has given them protection," said Garse, who has had his life threatened by bandits four times while carrying out his UNHCR duties in eastern Ethiopia. "Now the time is right for them to go home. People can't be refugees forever." By Kitty McKinsey In Aisha Camp and Harrirad UNHCR news
  9. 'ciidanka' has a different meaning in the streets of Eastleagh or does it? As for the 'mujaahid', he reminds me of the story going round about some Somali 'sheekh' in Birmingham fighting a vampire.. and winning.
  10. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: All you need is government willing to introduce it and claim it as an achievement and young Horn defend it 30 years later.... Now we are on the defensive huh? Horn, you started this thread, and interupted the 'marxuum's one because?...
  11. ^^The question is, was she 16?
  12. 1989-1992(outbreak of the war) Classic xabbad-suge line.
  13. Gabaygan waxa tiriyey Maxamed Kaahin Feedhoole. Maxamed waxa uu ahaa nin reer baadiye ah, xoolo miyina Ilaahay gacanta u galiyay, magic iyo mansabna ku leh bulshada uu ku dhex noolaa. Maalinbaa Maxamed oo sahan ah ayaa wuxuu ku soo baxay reer balaadhan oo meel yaal ku soo baydh si uu u martiyo caawa. Maxamed hadduu qadar isha la raacay efar xero xoolaad ah oo laba geel yihiin labana adhi yihiin ayuu haddana daymada hoos u soo rogay ishiisu qabatay caano xoolaad oo sida daadka durduraaya dhulka. hore u soo dhaaf, kadib markii uu reerkii haybsaday ayyuu gartay inuu reerku yahay reer uu hore u soo maray mar uu geel la aroor ahaa. se laakiin waxa caawa u muuqda wax ka gedisan wixii uu reerka hore ugu yiqiinay. Markii ugu danbaysay Maxamed reerka xoolo yaraan ayuu ku ogaa balse caawa waa buuxaa Maxamed wuxuu waydiiyay ninkii reerka dambaabay sida is bedelkanu ku dhacay. kadib waxa loo sheegayaa in xoolahan cadan laga soo tabcay. Maxamed sheekooyin uu hor uga hayay cadan iyo tan caawa oo isu kaashsday ayaa ku dhaliyay hami dhoof. kadib sooguryo noqoshadiisii ayuu cismaan iibiniyaa afar neef oo geel ah. kadbna u baqoolayaa xagaa iyo tawaahi (cadan mag. ka mida) Hadduu mudo magaaladii tawaahi uu Maxamed joogay ayuu la qabsanwaayayaa camal uu qabtana waayayaa ilayn shaqo xoolaad maahee wx kale ma yaqaane. in mudo ah Maxamed markuu ku dib jir ahaa magaaladii aadna u dhibaatooday ayuu habeen imanayaa gaaf ay soomaaliyi lahayd. kadibna tixda ayuu sii daynayaa. Gabaygan wuxuu tiriyey muddo lagu qiyaasay intii u dhexaysay 1960 – 1970. Tollow ha lay dhoofsho Tixda gabay Maxamadow beryahan, waanigaan tirine, indhowaydba waataan ka tegay, ta’iyo wowgeede. Ma tilmaamin maansooyinkaan teeb garayn jiraye. Xaluun baan tawilay goor dhexay, tahay alaylkiiye. Markuu uumiyuhu wada tarquday,tamani lay keenye. Tuu alifka oo dhacay hurdada taw ka soo idhiye. Waxaan tebayo mooyee qalbigu, taam i noqon waaye. Tusaalaha aduun iyo walaac, laygu soo tuurye. Togdheer iyo Banaaniyo anoo, Tuban ka heesaaya. Taarloonayaal iyo anoo, taagsinaw jooga. Tuludaha Walaaceed anoo, taraw ku maalaya. Anigoo tusmada reerkayaga talada goynaaya, taashkiyo garoomaha anoo, laygu wada tiirshay. Ayuunbaa durbaan la ii tumay, taarna ii yimide. Dabadeed tallaabiyo orod, taw ku soo idhiye. Tamuumkii ku imid meel jinoon, lays tamadiyeyne. Tawaahida waxaan lahaa fuluus, tuulan baad heliye. Tabtanaan ku arkay iyo caynkanay , tahay ma moodayne. Waxaa tuban kun tamar laawe oon, tacabba eegayne. Talaatiin gu qaar joogay baan, toob u xaasiline. Tanna xoogsi kama soo taraan, taana laga waaye. Taf la jiidiyo bay hayaan, tookha dibadeede. Tays malaha taaloogiyo, tima la xiiraaye. Anigana tabtoodii haddaan, tacalimaayaaye. Kol haddaanan teeb iyo waraaq, taybal dhiganaynin. Turjubaan afkiisii haddaan, uga tiraabaynin. Kol haddaanan Faaltuug, iyo Turugsi raacaynin. Marse haddii tabtan yahay raggii, teedhi saban joogay. tuugso maahee xoogsi aan, tan uga jeedaaye. Tacliin aabbahay wuxuu i baray, Tooyo soo godole. Tiska oodiyo baan aqiin, tirada xoolaaye. Intii aan tuludaha jaan wad waday, Rag iga tooreeye. Waxba gabaygu yuu ila tafine, waxaan ku taalleeyey. Mugga waa tagahayaa haddaan, taabo nooliga’e. Tabantaabo gacal baan rabaaye, tollow ha lay dhoofsho. Maxamed Kaahin Feedhoole Gabaygan waxa ku deeqay: Maxamad Cali Ibrahim http://www.aftahan.com
  14. Originally posted by Ameenah: What da'ya know; Nin Yaaban wuu il-baxay. Aw guuryo abti lol Never thought the original dhaqan-man would be for opting out. Maybe he's just exposing the weakilings among us, hence the quotes.
  15. Good news but what's the catch? Suldanka did you say 'here downUnder'? As for the Qarshe quote it goes some like aqoon la'aani waa iftiin la'aan waa aqal iyo ilays la'aan.....
  16. No smileys from me :cool: Can anyone answer me why did AY remove military boots and replace them with... military boots? (oops did I smile? sorry) What's in his top drawers if qabiil and the national flags are in the second? :confused: Well, you know I just found out my troubles just begun - Muddy Waters
  17. Ngonge it all depends on timing and the individuals you share with or subject your humour to. Originally posted by dawoco: (intii dhimatay allah u naxariisto, but how abt the silac ku noolayaasha?!) yeah how abou us?
  18. ^^Smith ,if foreign troops forcibly disarming the militias is good thing, where do you think is a good place to start?
  19. CAAMIR : Sanaag (The Third largest region of Somalia) and over 37.9% of Somaliland map has five districs, four of which belong to the H.A.R.T.I Care to name which four?
  20. ***** , yaa la hadli kara?, ***** waxa la hadli kara ninkaas ay wada daaqaan ee ay ceelka ka wada cabaan ee ay Ab iyo Isir is dhaleen. Baashi this brings back the question you refused to answer the other night, what is your view on ***** -based Puntland on other clans who live there? Originally posted by Gediid: First off lemme correct Baashi,Hashi never used bas-tard in his speech.He used the word baaniyal a word demeaning in nature in Somaliland but not meaning a bas-tard as Baashi interpreted(I've always thought baashi as a master of Somalis and their use of the Somali language but I guess I was wrong). Looks like me old mate is getting unstuck by the day . He always tries to spice thing with "what the author is saying is.." and "what the poet means is.." but looks like the SOL masses can see through whatever he weaves. Cowboys and Indians.
  21. "The president should come to Mogadishu without foreign troops. Our militia are our national forces," Muse Sudi said. Nice one Mr Sudi.
  22. Originally posted by Suldaanka: I am thinking of opening a small shop there that sells kites, surfboards and other beach-gears like towels, umbrella, lifejackets etc. and perhaps sunscreen for those cuties born overseas or those who use diana and can't stand the sun. I'll give you the same advice given by this famous Berberawi to another young dreamer with some cash>>>> Sanaag waa habheeba ee haddad Saaxil nabad gaadho...