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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by Amethyst: Looks like you're desperately trying to create a divide where there is none. Runtii, you energy is better spent on saying something positive or concentrating on re-building kismaayo cadeey. Now, dont be spoiled and rain on our parade eh dear Baashi ? Baashow everyone can see though your what you weave, give it a rest, will ya?
  2. Originally posted by Amethyst: p.s. Borama is anything but mysterious. Its S/lands ancient and modern centre for learning. ..and romantic, me thinks.. AHMED IN BURCO: BORAMA Originally posted by HornAfrique: .., yet even to the end Awdal is known for having remained one of Siad Barre's political strongholds and one of only few regions he had greatest support. Wallee?!
  3. Beautiful scenes Rahima. Why don't you tell us more about your journey don't spare any details. I think our own Gediid has been up north and I expect the same from him. The stage is all yours...
  4. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    ^^Please go ahead Admin and upload that image if you can, I keep getting: http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/blank.gif If it turns out to be too difficult leave the one now showing.
  5. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    ^^For some reason my May avater >>> does not not appear, I've sent a 'PM' to the Admin but no reply. I think Somalilandoners will gather in the eastend, as we usually do.
  6. Originally posted by J'maal11: consensualist Somalism being a level high than biological Somalism will accommodate the Muwalad, the Somali suji and the less diversified Somali . Like Baashi I have no beef with Sijuis at all, in fact I've gone as far as claiming my mate Abuubakar from Chad as part of the clique. I, however apply the same rule the other way round, one does not become Somali just because they were born and lived in Somalia. Just like the Sujui, it's matter of citizenship and that's as far as I can sincerely 'accommodate'. In the mean time, I'll try to keep an open mind to opposing views. I don't really understand how 'consensual Somali' works, is it something one chooses to become or is it what other consider you to be? Can you quit or resign if fed up with it?
  7. ^^^ "#wind blow wind blow, take these blues away"# - J L HOOKER. Never mind foreign troops in Xamar, i'm sure the people up north have views regarding the foreign troops in Baghdad. xiinfaniin It was one shallow piece of writing coming from someone who calls himself an editor. I've read pieces from other visitors which had more substance and more thought-provoking than this "she said/he said" article. P.S: I must’ve been wrong on my assumptions as I expected for the Landers to be excited about it! Not amused.
  8. April 25, 2005 Hargeisa Losses When lights suddenly went out last night at around 10.00 pm, I thought it was a blessing in disguise since I would be forced to go to bed early and sleep off the fatigue accumulated during my latest travels. It was raining and I took that as a bonus since as you know, slumber is twice as sweet in a warm bed when the drops are pounding the tin roof. I really felt inconvenienced when I woke up to find that electricity had not been restored despite the fact that the rain had not been heavy enough to cause any substantial damage in electricity infrastructure. Whatever the case, the only kind of accident expected would be a tree falling on the power lines - usually dealt with within hours. Apart from missing the early morning conveniences that are easily facilitated by electricity, I could not use my computer. It is especially frustrating when you have a story to publish online. I was a bit surprised when Gabriel from CARE International called to inform me that there are some serious damages on the roads in Hargeisa. Certainly, last night's rains could not warrant damage of the magnitude he was talking about! For that reason, I decided to join him and find out just how bad it was. When we arrived at a bridge where the greatest damage was evident, we found a large crowd gaping at the spectacle in awe. What we found was beyond both our expectations, or anyone else's for that matter. Onlookers are puzzled by the unexpected damage Apparently, the rain that fell here last night did not occasion the floods that raged through a dry river bed that divides the city of Hargeisa into two. The floods came from rain that fell in the highlands west of Somaliland, and from as far away as Ethiopia. The floods left in their wake collapsed bridges, damaged roads, ruined walls, uprooted trees, dangling electricity and telephone wires, destroyed homes, lost property and a stunned city. They came in the night, stole, cause havoc, maimed and killed and left before morning - just like armed thieves. The road that vehicles use to cross the river was washed away This collapsed footbridge used to run across the river from the spot where we are standing. A collapsed wall protecting Xaraf Hotel from this kind of emergency The rest of the piece >>>>>>> Cock And Bull Stories by Ken Njuguna .
  9. Originally posted by dawoco: Is seems highly unlikely for a Somali person to walk out of a GP office just bcos they might b seen. I think they're talking about STD departments in hospitals rather than lacal GP's. There is something fishy about this tale... I've a close relative who works in the NHS who tells me a lot shocking stories but this seem a bit far fetched. You never know though.
  10. Mohamud Yasin, a 29-year-old HIV positive man, talks to Marcel Wiel about finding a voice for HIV positive Somalis in the UK
  11. Interesting thread J11. What's your opinion of people who identify themselves as Sijuis or Soomaali-Sujui, I wonder? As for my views of Somali identity, I think they fall into your 'biological' category. Sometime last year I met two 'Somalis' by the names of Abuubakar and Nasir. I first encountered Abuubakar in SE London and when I spoke to him in Somali he just smiled and told me he could not speak Somali. When he told me he was from Chad, I told him he looked like one cousin whom I have't seen in a while. He went on to tell me his people believe they rode their camels from the Horn and believe their origins to be Somali. I still regards to be Somali. Nasir, on the other hand, spoke to me in Somali and when I couldn't believe he was Somali he explained that he was 'muwalad'. I still regard Nasir to be Muwalad. While i'm at it, let me share some thoughts that crossed my mind after reading an article about Somali Bantus just settling in the USA. What are the risks/chances of their children losing their identity and assimillating into African American culture? Would they still be Somali Bantus if they lose both their language and religion? Just a thought.
  12. What a wasted journey. The 'journalist' claims to have spent nine days in Hargeisa and wrote nothing but cheap shots at Xamar. Sad indeed.
  13. More pictures of damage caused by the floods>>>>>>>> http://www.halganews.com/content/view/965/2/ .
  14. ^^ That's the same Mr. Wind.talker who ask Landers to rise up against Riyaale. Very fishy I say.
  15. Mr Guelleh, who won 100% of the ballots cast, told France's Le Figaro newspaper he regretted "having no opponent". me too.
  16. ^^ I'm sure you 'll, I know his goons dont scare you one jot. Horn That was one simple and straight-forward question, if wanna get retentive tough shidh. RAHIMA CONGRATULATIONS SISTER, I'M REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU AND THE LUCKY CHAP. I REALLY AM
  17. Horn we've been here so many times before. Just a reminder, this is the season when SOL talks abouts a new Transitional Somali leader and not Somaliland. BTW, How many of your many prediction have come true so far?
  18. Originally posted by Qudhac: but to be honest i think we kinda like the fact that every topic is not about us as it used to be. so fading into the back ground sometimes is not bad thing. Very true. Hornafrique, this new "friendly n concerned" side you're showing is making me a bit uncomfortable yaa saxbi. Is it because the Tigrenyas are coming, I wonder? If I was in your shoes I too would start re-building the bridges. PS HAPPY 24TH ANNIVERSAY TO SNM.
  19. OG sis no need to dig your heels because it is hard to defend what was done to those men. There are British men who were found guilty of murder and selling alcohol by Saudi courts, who were pardoned by Fahad and now walking free in the UK making money from selling their stories to newspapers. The LAW is not really the LAW, is it?
  20. Originally posted by LANDER: ya don't say? Irony Deficiency in here mate.
  21. Originally posted by Shirwac: Forces from Marka and mogadishu are in control of Baidoa. Yalaxoow is preparing to do the samething to Jawhar. Hobyo is getting ready to attack Galkaio. SNM forces attacked Laascaanood. All of these took place in the last 24 hours...WTF is Yeey waiting for. lol @ WTF is Yeey waiting for. Calm down and keep your hair on will you? I thought you we're more sophisticated than that.
  22. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad: Garoowe has a population of approx. 57,000 (2000 censu) 57 000? Including the livestock are we? If not I demand re-count Anyways how many of the 57 000 are children? How many are OAP's? How many are sane? Because the capital city will require a helluva (no pun) more civil servants and other professionals than the whole (inclusive ) population of Garow - which is less than the number of militiamen in Xamar - can provide. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad: Some Pictures of Garowe City: Look in the Cupboard they even have got Weetabix The Picture above was taken in the UN Compound of Garowe. Oh my! Wow it is Weetabix in the cupboard! :eek: Holy.. Hang on, that's the same as processed Garow, innit?
  23. Originally posted by Bishaaro: Garoow? Is it a Somali city? Never heard of it :confused: It's Somali alright, but is it a city? A capital city ..
  24. Brawling MPs arrested 19/03/2005 18:10 - (SA) Nairobi - Kenyan police said on Saturday they had arrested a Somali warlord and two members of Somalia's exiled parliament over a bloody brawl on Thursday among MPs over the deployment of regional peacekeepers in the shattered country. Warlord Musa Sudi Yalahow, who is also the Somali transitional government trade minister, was arrested in the Kenyan capital along with lawmakers Hussein Harale and Maalim Mahamoud Mohammed, a police official said. The official, who asked not be named, said the three were arrested on suspicion of involvement in Thursday's fighting in the Somali parliament that left several people injured. "We are investigating whether they were involved in the fighting. We are still pursuing others," the officer said. The fighting broke out after more than 200 lawmakers gathered to debate the hotly contested issue of whether or not troops from Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya should participate in the force that is to be deployed by the regional InterGovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). The warlords, including Yalahow, had opposed the inclusion of troops from the three countries in the peace mission that will help the Somali government relocate from Kenya, where it has been since it was formed several months ago. Somali parliamentary speaker Sheikh Shariff Aden and Kenya's ambassador to the Horn of Africa country, Mohammed Affey, were trying on Saturday to secure freedom for the detainees. Another warlord, Osman Ali Ato, said he had gone into hiding after receiving information that police were pursuing him. "I have heard that they are looking for me too. Yalahow and I were not involved," Ato said. Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, his Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Gedi, the cabinet and parliament are still in Kenya owing to insecurity in their homeland, despite their professed intention to return to Somalia. Edited by trs
  25. Originally posted by Suldaaanka: Muse Suudi in action old school.