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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Poll: Do you want to know Baashi's age? Question 1 of 1 Choose up to 2 1. Yes, I do! 2. No...couldnt care less. He is old! lool That's not fair to the sage! I voted NO but for other reasons
  2. Nuune Have you heard about the 'independent' Somali website that forbids criticing a restaurant because it's one of its sponsors?
  3. What a game that was! North,Juma,Nuune and Ngonge : What was going though you heads at 3-0 down?
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/womanshour/2005_21_sat_01.shtml
  5. Originally posted by Rahima: The first time i heard of this discrimination some four years ago, i remember i could not stop crying. Sadness, disgust and the part of people washing their dishes (like you do with dogs) after there fellow Muslims ate with it did it for me. May Allah have mercy on the brother and grant him jannatul firdows. Amiin I don't know about the rest of you but it doesn't take much soul-searching for me to admit I do practice some form of discrimination or racism. I'm certainly not as bad as examples given above but guilty nevertheless.
  6. Kaunda oo Booqasho Rasmi ah ku Yimid Somaliland Ka Daawa Halkan sidii Loosoo Dhaweeyey Sky I liked the old man before and it was nice to see him at the anti-war protest in London. Whether he supports Somaliland should not really matter (especially to the likes of you) or should it...
  7. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by HornAfrique: As for the "Guulwade" comments and "defeated lot" and others, even I was getting mystified. I would, in under any normal circumstance, accept those kind of glib phrases with indifference. Yet it indeed surprised me as to why all the members of a clan were labeled as such, irrespective of the way the political tides ran under the Siyaad Barre government. Horn let me remind you the comments you made only weeks ago to BOQORKA BORAMA, and I quote .. ".. Awdal is known for having remained one of Siad Barre's political strongholds and one of only few regions he had greatest support." Where do people with your kind of insider knowledge get nerve to protest (too much if I may say so) when we point you out as ousted and frustrated 'Victory (ha!) Pioneers'.?
  8. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by Tolstoy: Hello All Somalilanders, Hello you And greetings to ALL Somalilanders wherever you are. Hope you gave a good one and better next time round. Inshallah. Tolstoy thanks for that nice piece. Originally posted by Gediid: This was indeed one of the highlights of my trip so far. Happy May 18th to all.Ilaahey tan teeda nabad iyo barwaaqo ha nagu gadhsiiyo. Amiin Amiin to that. Keep an eye on one you can DHL for your brother Ayoub
  9. Mystery of the silent 'Piano Man' whose only language is music By Cahal Milmo 17 May 2005 He was found in tuxedo, white shirt and tie - from which all labels were cut. His shoes were rubbed clean of identifying marks. And in the five weeks since he was found in north Kent, walking in darkness by the sea in dripping clothes, the slightly built man with deep brown eyes has not said a word. But he does make beautiful music. He plays the piano for hours at a time, providing repeated renditions of his own classical compositions. According to those who have heard him, he is talented - some say exceptionally so. The "Piano Man", as he has become known, also draws - producing sketch after perfect sketch of himself and grand pianos. He sits, incommunicado, in a locked, hospital ward close to the M25, possibly in expectation of someone claiming him as their own or offering a clue as to his identity. But those caring for the 6ft-tall virtuoso, who is in his twenties or thirties and was found on a beachside road on the Isle of Sheppey on 7 April, admitted yesterday there was a chance they would never know his real name, or where he came from. His social worker, Michael Camp, said staff were at a loss to help a patient who seemed to have gone out of his way to ensure his own anonymity. Mr Camp, based at the Medway Maritime Hospital in Gillingham, said it was a "possiblility" his client would never be identified. "But I'm rather hoping it won't be. It's been such a long time, it would be difficult never to know. But if nobody can name this guy I don't see how we can possibly find out. Every label has been removed from his clothing so we do not know where he might have come from. In 20 years of working in mental health, I have never seen anything as severe." His carers are working on the basis that he has suffered amnesia or a breakdown due to a sudden trauma. But they say without an identity it is impossible to offer full treatment. The National Missing Persons Helpline and care workers said they had been inundated with calls, both from the UK and overseas, following the publication of a his picture. A number of those calls were from America. But they said claims to have identified the man, variously placing him in locations from Sussex to concert halls across Europe, were being treated with caution. Ramanah Venkiah, manager of the health unit in Dartford where the man is being cared for, said: "He is a vulnerable young man and we must be careful." The blond-haired enigma, who goes nowhere without a sheet of manu-script music, has given no indication as to how he came to be wandering on the seafront. Such is his fear of strangers that the picture taken of him by carers to help publicise the case had to be taken paparazzi-style from a distance. Although he was soaking wet when found, he was physically uninjured and he remains fit and well. Initial theories that he may have been attending a funeral or playing a concert in the area have led nowhere. Interpreters fluent in Latvian, Polish and Lithuanian who visited him to see if he was eastern European also failed to elicit a response. Theories that he is an asylum-seeker who was dropped off the Kent coast have also been dismissed. Reports that he had drawn a Swedish flag were downplayed yesterday after it emerged that he had, in fact, drawn a flag with a cross but in pencil and with no colours. Mr Camp said: "I believe he understands English. He gives slight nods, I think to show he understands something I've said." The man has recovered enough to cater for his basic needs, but he avoids television and radio, choosing instead to produce a detailed pencil drawing every few days of a piano casting a deep shadow from its open lid. He has also written musical script. Staff at the West Kent NHS and Social Care Trust say his only solace is his music. Mr Camp said: "When I first saw him in Gillingham, he was left with a pencil and paper and when we came back he had drawn a perfect piano. "We took him to the hospital chapel where there is a piano. The first time he played it was for four hours, non-stop. He plays beautifully and he sounds professional. "If you put him in front of a piano, his whole demeanour changes. He completely relaxes and is oblivious to people around him." Although his current accommodation does not have a piano, managers said they have provided an electronic keyboard. Among the pieces he has played are extracts from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake and longer pieces that seem to be his own work. The plight of Mr X drawn parallels with David Helfgott, the pianist whose breakdown was the subject of the 1996 film Shine, starring Geoffrey Rush, who won an Oscar for his performance. Marjorie Wallace, head of the charity Sane, said: "It is not uncommon for the language of music to remain intact even when all other mental processes may be shattered by physical, emotional or mental trauma." Anyone who recognises the man can contact the National Missing Persons Helpline on 0500 700 700.
  10. ^^^ You've expressed more passion than ever before in the recent posts, but, I didn't really see you come off that fence. What is it that you want Ngonge? "what the f do you mean you are not a “flag-waverâ€" I think it’s more credibly to argue that “it just is†and “we want to†rather than attribute it to the supposed downfalls of the rest of the country because here the blame is been laid at the feet of folks who in actuality are not the reason for the secession-I’m hoping this makes sense. Rahima You're making sense. The argument was meant for those who believe in SL as a halfway-house and not for people like me who believe in full independence anyway. How long are they going to wait and why? Unity was tried and we've seen the best and worse of it, and I believe Landers can achieve more as an independent and sovereign nation.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: My own research has pinpointed our origins to that part of the world (Bangladesh to be precise). Contrary to what many believe, Somalis with their soft hair, strange complexion and thin frames do not resemble Africans in anyway (nor do they look like Arabs). We look like our Bangladeshi brethren. We dress like our Bangladeshi brethren. We share the same religion as our Bangladeshi brethren. Their Lamb Biriani tastes like our isku-daxkaris too Originally posted by Lidia: Actually, I trace my ancestors back to Portugal. I’m of Portuguese origin, and my ancestors were Portuguese ship merchants and not Arabs.
  12. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by Baashi: On Djibouti oh well you know this inside out but since you asked let me say this. Djibouti is free. Somalis are in charge. So is Somaliland. Originally posted by Baashi: They share this tiny territory with non Somali. Coming from someone who 'hails' from Kismaayo, that's quite a statement. It's so tiny that's indivisible. What is atom in Bajuun? Ethiopia claims that Anfar are part of Ethiopia. Anfar don't see it that way. I've seen Ethios with similar views to yours', i.e we (erithreans,somalis, djiboutawis and ethios) are all the same people with different languages who should be under a single government. Absurd, innit? Djibouti is not part of Somalia that once exited and they are not "opting out". Do the math! Maths you said, let me try: You want us to have 2 not 3 colonial borders, correct? Maxaa kuu baxay awoowe Awoowe? :confused: what do you know?
  13. Rahima The people I know from that region don't share those views. On the other hand, I seen people from Hargeisa who agree with your relatives. It's not black and white I suppose and it also depends how honest people chose be. They also stated that in reality SL needed Somalia and that this self-governance is a temporary thing till we all get our act together. Well, get your act together then, innit? I'm one of those who don't see unification in the horizon for the simple reason it's not in anyone's interest, especially Landers. One of the reasons we're here today is because of union that was rushed and not well-thought. Another factor is;, those waiting for you to 'get your act together' has different and varied intepretations to some including the ones who believe the first step is the acceptance of SL itself. Like the say, a week is a long time in politics but I don't see much hope in something named in 'D woqooyi'. PS explain what you mean SL needed Somalia.
  14. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by Baashi: Haven't you noticed how tirelessly president Omar has been working sparing no effort to see his beloved Somalia back on its feet. Indeed I have noticed him among others. I just thought you believed one can be never 'caring' unless they submit themselves to the 'south'. Originally posted by Baashi: We acknowledge the reality on the ground. We commend the progress made and loudly support those who have maintained semblance of stability and those who have excelled in governance and rule of law. We call them “recovery zonesâ€. We strive for justice, peace, and prosperity for all. Who is this "WE"? And where are they?
  15. Originally posted by Tolstoy: And less we invariably forget, one has already alluded to in another place and in another thread, that certain people - who shall remain nameless for sake of this discourse - would on the whole insult the bespoken intelligence of local village's mentally-challenge fellow, particularly, whenever they open their mouth in-order for that sort of fellow to argue a political discourse to which, unfortunately, they have little background facts to support their corner, and this latest post as well as the gentleman who posted it in here fall into that category.
  16. Originally posted by wind.talker: I posted this article for one reason: to make sure people notice the change of tone diehard SNM supporters have undergone in light of the Awdal News Network editorial entitled "SNM is Balance:.. Really? Originally posted by wind.talker: I know I posted it out of musuq-musuqnimo, Beentaada hore, runtaada dambey u daran tahay.
  17. 3 out 6. 40% is a pass, 50% is not bad at all .
  18. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by Baashi: I just wanted to say a brief yes to Northerner but waa ila tagtay! If you say so. Why did you leave out the Somalis of Djibouti? Originally posted by STOIC: Baashi..this is off topic, like the way you wrote Isiolo..Siyollo.
  19. Ngonge: In fact, I’m half-tempted to get into a pointless brawl with you over your defensiveness of Somaliland with the words: Somaliland meyad ega xigta (or some such nonsense). Bro, I've said "what you can do for your country", hint hint >> YOUR COUNTRY. Valid criticism is faced with comments such as that JFK nonsense that you’ve just posted (what exactly did you think I was doing by airing these views of mine? Trying to annoy you perchance?). Bro if you came up constructive criticism I wouldn't mind so much, but what I've read from your previous posts in here came across as you watched too much Aljazeera. The personal attacks on the president made you look like a spoilt and arrogant fellow and it's one thing I find distasteful even when coming from likes of Faisal Waraabe let alone our Ngonge. If I may paraphrase the man in your avatar # Dadka ha iska weyneyn, in aad keli wax-garad tahay ha iska dhigin bruv#. In being so and doing so, I believe (call me mad) that I’m doing much more than those that build buildings or wave flags! For buildings are easily destroyed and flags, as we’ve already seen with the flag of the Somali Republic, are effortlessly discarded. Ideologies though, never die. He he heee! You must be pulling my leg now. I wont hesitate to call you MAD if you're not trying to wind me up, that is. Try to think of it as a nation, an independent, democratic and ‘sovereign’ nation. Think about what it can do for YOU, where do you want it to take you and how you would like to see it heading in the next five years. I hope people finally realise how much damage Khat - more than any corrupt politician - does to the health and and economy of Somalilanders. It works as an Ethio's tax and at the least I hope a successful campaign similar to the anti FGM has been launched and rolling by then. Simple dream but that would make my day. I realise that criticising Somaliland in this forum might seem distasteful (maybe even an act of treason) to you. What with all these people that don’t acknowledge its existence, joining in the discussion every few minutes and putting Somaliland down. But, like a hungry man that ignores the flies as he tucks down into his plate of nice food, I implore you to take no notice of the sideshow and focus instead on this scrumptious dish I’ve served up for you. Bro Tolstoy's village idi*ts count for very little and their S/L opinions are not worth the SOL's membership fee. What you have to accept Somaliland wont make any progress if the likes of you and I sit on the fence and do nothing but criticise. I don't like a lot about the current administration's policies and actions but not all is president's fault. As much as we don't like them, I believe they should finish their term and what the people decide after that, they'll have to live by or work around till the next time they can bring some changes. In the mean time, are we going to rant, moan and throw personal insults or are going to do the best we can like people who have rolled their sleeves and walked the walk and gone back to do what they can? What about following the examples of the people who have donated the little they have to schools and other projects they have initiated? As for ideologies,well, you me about it..
  20. Somaliland accuses U.S. of violating airspace
  21. Ngonge "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country" - JKF No need to rant because we're not celebrating the president's birthday but the effort, time the ordinary people have invested to make Somaliland what it is today. After all, Somaliland is doing great. It’s democratic, buildings are sprouting all over the place and there is even a university or two. Might as well sit on our laurels and enjoy the fruits of 14 years of hard work. No one said sit, just enjoy... I found myself completely disagreeing with all his viewpoints on terrorism, Ethiopia, Arabs, the West, Israel and the rest of Somalia! Start a topic titled: "my viewpoints on terrorism, Ethiopia, Arabs, the West, Israel and the rest of Somalia" and let it out. Peace
  22. AYOUB

    MAY 18th

    Originally posted by Baashi: Will do just that and let it slide I will , Bunch of weenies Weenis? Maybe so. Could it be that you're a classic case of Yawle's diagnosis: Hadba dawdar falan baa u kaca nimanka .... Dadkoo nabad isaga jooga bay dacar ku oogaane