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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by mojam: i couldn't join!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Can you believe that? C'on man you run things in here don't let this bow-legged basal-eating nomad treat us like that? Originally posted by NGONGE: However, the good news is that Ayuub Sheikh has volunteered to start a cup competition to run parallel with this league. I what??!! I volunteer to crack open your skull, thats what! Originally posted by Northerner: NGONGE is at the bottom of the table ..................
  2. Ngonge Is it too late to join your league or what?
  3. Ramadan Kareem to one all. Insha Allah this month will the start of good times for all Muslims.
  4. "Sida aan filayo ama ay qireen Saxaafadii iga horeeysay kama dhicin tan oo kale Afrika ,waxaana lagu tilmaami karay horseedkii doorashooyinka madaxabanaan ee Afrika sidaana waxaan u leeyahay dalka Jabuuti ee deriska la ah Somaliland waa la ogaa sideey sanadkii dhawaa doorashadda uga dhacday,dadka siyaasadda u dhuun duleelo way qabaan in aqoonsigga Somaliland beesha Caalamka miiska ka saran yahay." Dahir Abdule Alasow - Waagacusub Online reporter . Muddo laga joogo iminka 25 sanadood ayaa kaligii-taliyihii Siyaad Bare ee Somalia ka talin jiray uu ka khudbadeeye meel fagaare ah oo ku taalay Mogdishu oo lana odhan jiray Bulsho. Khudbadii Siyaad ayaa waxa ku jiray hadalo dadkii dhegaysanaayey ay aad ugu qosleen.............. Hadaladaas ayaa ahaa *Somaaliyeey, iimaanka alle ha idinka qaadee.....waan ogay waxa aa igu xamataan, kuwaas oo ah Odaygu waa kaligii Taliye Axmaq ah. Hadabda waxaan iidiin sheegayaa maanta, haddii aa kaligii-taliye ku maqsheen Somalia waxa kaligii-taliya ah Saajin Tuulo Joogo, Aniguna ma ihi Saajin Tuulo Jooga ee waxaan ah Madaxweyne dal ka taliya. Nasiib darada cabdillahi Yussuf haysataa maanta ayaa ah Haad geed waayey uu si wanaagsan ugu dego, waayo waxa uu cabdillahi diiday in uu dego oo fadhiisin ka dhigto Mogdishu oo ay gacanta ku hayaan Qabqablayaal dagaal oo miciyaha u lisanaaya in uu mar uun u soo gancan galo Odaygu...... Waxa nasiib daro labaad noqotay ama laba jeer khasaar noqotay, isaga oo aan ka fogaan nimankii cadawgiisa ahaa, markii uu ku dhacay gacantii saajinkii dhegaha la'aa ee uu ka calaacalay Siyaad Bare 30 sano horteed. Osman Abdillahi Sool - Freelance Journalist .
  5. Originally posted by MR ORGILAQE: Suldanka enough is enough Take Hargeisa,Burco,Berbera and it's sorounding countryside oh and we'll thow in awdal as well for good measure but for GOD's sake GO and Good Riddance!!!.In case you havent realised we really dont need you guys any more loool dear oh dear! Suldanka thanks very much for the coverage bro, I especially love the way you play "the idi*t's guide" to the Somaliland elections to the numerous SOL thickos.
  6. If these elections don't show the will and determination of the people of Somaliland, I don't know what is! Here are some more wonderful images from the heart and capital of Sanaag, Ceerigaabo. Ceergaabo Iyo Sidii Ay Uga Dhacday Doorashadda Golaha Wakiilada. Somaliland.Org — Erigabo, Somaliland — 29 September, 2005 Ceerigaabo(Somaliland.org) Magaaladda Ceerigaabo ee xarunta Gobolka Sanaag ayaa saaka abaaro 7:30 subaxnimo ay ka bilaabmatay codbixinta doorashada Golaha wakiilada oo guud ahaan ka dhacday dhamaan goboladda J. Somaliland. Dadweyne saf ugu jira codeyn Dadweynaha magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa waxa ay safaf dhaadheer ugu jireen 14ka goobood ee cod bixintu ay ka dhacaysay, laga bilaabo habeen badhkii xalay ilaa 6dii iyo dheeraad makhribnimo ee maanta, kuwaasoo u badnaa haween isla markaana ay ka mid ahaayeen dhallinyaro iyo waayeel rag iyo dumarba isugu jira. Islaan 83 jir ah oo Codeynaysa marki ugu horeysay nolosheda Inkastoo codbixintu ku dhammaatay si nabad gelyo ah, haddana waxa jiray kooxo dhallinyaro ah oo gaadhaya ilaa kontoneeyo oo isugu jira wiilal iyo gabdho oo ay ciidamadda amnigu qab qabteen kuwaasoo la sheegay in ay wadeen laba coddeyn iyo rabshado kale. Waxa sidoo kale jiray goobo codbixineed oo hawsha codbixinta la bilaabey 8:00dii subaxnimo taas oo keentay in ay ka gadoodaan dadweynihii codkooda dhiibanayey ee safafkaasi soo galay hiirtii ama 4tii habeenimo oo ay aheyd in hawsha codbixinta la bilaabo 6:00 subxnimo. Sawirka guud iyo codeynta magaaladda Ceerigaabo, hase yeeshe, waxa uu ahaa mid aad u fiican, waxaana jiray in goobaha cod bixinta badankoodu ay aad u nidaamsanaayen, isla mar ahaantaana ay hawl xawli ahi ka socotay. Dhinaca kale lix ka mid ah 96ka goobood ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa Sanaaduuqdoodii lagu soo celiyey galabta abaara 4tii galabnimo magaalada Ceerigaabo, ka dib markii sida lasheegay ay hawlwadeenada Komishaka ka socday ay ku eedeeyeen goobahaas in ay ka jirto nabad gelyo darro. Lixdaa goobood oo ku yaala koonfurta Gobolka Sanaag waxa ay kala yihiin deegaamada Xabaalo Camaareed, Awr Boogeys, Ceel-weyn, Ciid-cas, Kulaal iyo Dheriyo. Degaamadas oo ah degaamo la sheegay in uu Xisbiga KULMIYE taageerayaal badan ku leeyahay, isla mar ahaantaana uu deegaamadaa uga sharaxan yahay Xisbigaa Murashax Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Talyanle oo aqlabiyad badan ku leh deegaanka. Sidaa darteedna waxa jira warar aan si rasmi ah daboolka looga qaadin oo sheegaya in Xukuumadda iyo Xisbigeeda UDUB ay lug ku leeyihiin in aaney codbixini ka dhicin deegaamadaa. Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska gobolka Sanaag oo marlabaad aan wax ka weydiiyey sanaaduuqdaa la soo celiyey ayaa sheegay in ay jiraan sanaaduuqdaasi, isla markaana aanu weli xaqiijin sababta loo soo celiyey, hase yeeshee, ay ku jiraan baadhistooda, waxana uu yidhi, “Wey jiraan sanaaduuqdaa la soo celiyey welina warbixintooda nalooma soo gudbin iyo sababta loo soo celiyeyâ€, ayuu yidhi taliyuhu. Sidoo kale Shukri X. Ismaaciil Boondare oo ka socota Komiishanka dhexe ee qaranka iyo guddoomiyaha komiishanka ee gobolka Sanaag Cabdisalaan Kaahin oo aan wax ka weydiiyey sababta keentay in sanaaduuqdaa dib loo soo celiyo ayaa ka gaabsaday in ay wax jawaab ah ka bixiyaan arrintaa, (imminka waqtigan ka hadli meyno arrintan, markaanu helo warbixinta komiishankii la socday sanaaduuqda iyo dhinacyadii kale baanu ka hadli doonaa), sidaa waxa tidhi Shukri X. Boondare mar wax laga weydiiyey sababta loo soo celiyey sanaaduuqda. Xisbiga mucaardka ah ee KULMIYE iyo Murashax Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Talyale ayaan wax war ah ka soo saarin arrinta sanaaduuqdaas. Libaan Maweel Shire, Somaliland.Org Ceerigabo, Somaliland source
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: Is the English poor? Any how President Yusuf did deliver his speech how ever you was too fast and I ope you slept well.. Dogfella did not address the General Assembley, maybe the Colonel misunderstood the phrase "General Assembley". Whereas the agenda included; The reform of the Peace and Security of the UN and the creation of a Peace-Building Commission., the 'squatter president' kept asking for -irony of ironies - for arms embargo to be lifted so that he re-arm his malitia.
  8. Awdalnews Network, 10 Sept. 2005. A French academic who was expelled from Somaliland at the orders of Somaliland's strong Interior Minister explains his case in a letter he addressed to one of Somaliland’s newspapers a copy of which had been obtained by Awdalnews Network. Following is the full text of Mr. Roland Marchal's letter: Dear Sir, On 31 August 2005, I was asked by Somaliland immigration officers to leave Somaliland by 1 pm that day. I had been in Somaliland for 6 days legally and my original travel plans were to go to Nairobi the following day; just 18 hours hence. I was not a new face in Somaliland. I have been visiting Somaliland since 1993, sometimes as a guest of the Somaliland government and sometimes as a consultant for various companies and organizations including the World Bank, UNDP, EC and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In an article that you published on 2 August, 2005, you stated that the Minister of Interior, Mr. Ismail Adan accused me of not being an academic but an anti-Somaliland activist, an accusation that was supposed to justify why I was deported on Wednesday August 31. I was not brought before a judge to determine whether I committed a crime and no one, including the Minster, was able to provide me with any information regarding a deportable criminal activity on my part. When the immigration officers came to take me by force to the airport, I told them that I had planned to leave Somaliland the very next day and it did not make any sense for them to deport me given that I was going to leave anyway. I told them that I was willing to be confined to my hotel room at Maan-Soor under guard or at the house of my friend, Dr. Ahmed Hussein Esa. (a former research scientist at the Institute Pasteur in Paris and a well-known person in Somaliland and outside of Somaliland). I considered this to be a reasonable arrangement, but your immigration officers insisted that they had orders to put me on the first plane, at my own expenses. Over the past 27 years, I have seen Somali (including Somalilander) asylum seekers come to my country and I know that none of them have been deported or asked to leave France without due legal process. With due respect to the Minister of Interior’s views, I categorically say that this Minister is flatly wrong and my expulsion from Somaliland raises serious concerns on the state of academic freedom in Somaliland and was a very wrong reading some of the officials of your country have of your democratic constitution. Neither does my expulsion advance the cause of Somaliland in my country or internationally. Let me first say that my position as an academic is not questionable by any minister of interior, either in Somaliland or France: the French Minister for Higher Education and Research is the one in charge (please visit the website of my institution: www.ceri-sciences-po.org). I am the Editor-In-Chief of the main French academic journal on African politics, Politique Africaine (please visit the website: www.politique-africaine.com). Being an academic has a number of professional implications: respecting the laws of countries you are visiting is one of them that I have respected throughout all my stays in your country from 1993. According to your constitution, which was overwhelmingly endorsed, had I committed any crime, the police should have investigated and evidence examined by a court. This did not happen. The police never asked me any questions about alleged wrongdoings. Your Minister of Interior was at Hotel Maan-Soor when immigration officers came not only to arrest me but to push and shove me into their car. He did not stop his officers from harassing me (I was not a threat to them or to anyone else, but simply demanding explanations for their actions). The Minister of Interior who was just 20 feet from me did not dare to provide me with the motives of my expulsion. In my reading of your constitution, the rule of law has a quite different meaning from what some of your ministers understand. This was also a historical first for me; a Minster clearly attending to the mistreatment of an international guest. Let me now consider the label I got from your minister: an anti-Somaliland activist. As I said before, I have been visiting Somaliland from 1993, a time when some of your current ministers were not paying much attention and support to Somaliland. Never had this label came out. What did I do this time to deserve this label of activist? Did I distribute leaflets in the streets of Hargeysa? Did I organize meetings or qaat sessions to convince people and political parties in Hargeysa (whose commitment to Somaliland independence is not questionable) to change their minds? Of course, not! I did not do any of that any my position as a researcher an academic will not sit well with that anyway. Throughout my last stay in Hargeysa, I never discussed this issue of independence since there is a strong consensus in Hargeysa anyway among all (I have concluded this from my many visits to Somaliland.) The only time this came up in a discussion was when two elderly businessmen, Abdilkadir Hashi Elmi, the owner of Hotel Maan-Soor and a new acquaintance I was later told is called Abdillahi Gahayr, came to me one evening and started discussing problems of more interest to me such as the low efficiency of Berbera port and the need for a fiscal reform in your country. At one point, the argument shifted to the issue of Somaliland independence. As an academic, I do not have to take sides and certainly, those persons could be upset not to have found the support they expected. I am neither a politician nor a decision-maker and I have to consider not only your tremendous achievements but also the rational behind the reluctance of the international community to recognize your country, long before the various TNG or TFG were established. As an academic, I reminded these two gentlemen that there is an international law that both South Sudan today and Eritrea yesterday endorsed despite decades of struggle and that the issue of recognition raises a number of international problems much beyond the Somaliland/Somalia case. The only thing I could acknowledge is a stalemate for the time being. I understand that many Somalilanders would be happy to see their foreign guests share exactly their vision and resolution of such a problem, but my doing so would have been simplistic and for me to ignore fundamental legal and international issues. In any case, I was expressing in a private conversation my understanding of international law, and to accept their arguments would have meant abandoning my academic neutrality. I have read your constitution and I fail to see how my readings in this matter would constitute a VERY GRAVE criminal activity and the grounds for deportation within 2 hours. I want to conclude this letter by stating flatly that the treatment I received from your government will in no way change the views I developed about Somaliland and its people over the past 12 years. I always found your people to be hospitable and tolerant. The achievements of your people are laudable and I will continue to support your efforts to democratize your country and towards economic development. Yours sincerely, Roland Marchal Senior Research Fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research, Paris
  9. By Toby Helm (Filed: 12/09/2005) Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the influence of a "sinister" group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed. Ahmad Thomson, from the Association of Muslim Lawyers, said Mr Blair was the latest in a long line of politicians to have been influenced by the group which saw the attack on Saddam Hussein as a way to control the Middle East. A Government spokesman confirmed last night that ministers and officials consulted Mr Thomson on issues concerning Muslims but refused to be drawn on his views. "We talk to a lot of people, including many whose views we do not necessarily agree with," she said. Mr Thomson said: "Pressure was put on Tony Blair before the invasion. The way it works is that pressure is put on people to arrive at certain decisions. It is part of the Zionist plan and it is shaping events." Mr Thomson wrote a book in 1994 in which he said Freemasons and Jews controlled the governments of Europe and America and described the claim that six million Jews died in the Holocaust as a "big lie". In The Next World Order, Mr Thomson, a Muslim convert who was born Martin Thomson in Rhodesia, wrote: "When the majority of people in a predominantly Christian society cease to worship God, the result is fascism. "When the people in a predominantly Jewish society cease to worship God, the result is either communism or capitalism. A predominantly Christian society is concerned primarily with establishing a political ideology, whilst a predominantly Jewish society is concerned primarily with establishing an economic system." This, he suggested, led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. Mr Thomson, who was called to the bar in 1979, wrote: "The fascism of Hitler was the Christian element in the increasingly "Jewish" environment in which he and his followers found themselves." He also wrote that the Jews have no right to live in "the Holy Land" because they are not a pure race and therefore not the true biblical Israelites and that Saddam was used as an excuse for US troops - "including thousands of Jews" - to occupy Saudi Arabia. A Government source said: "It is by talking to people with varying views that we find out what the range of opinions is. It doesn't mean we agree with what they are saying." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news
  10. ^ yeah, especially the 'poison' episode. Originally posted by NGONGE: The only Somali channel I could access in the UK is based in the UK. It’s called Universal TV. They too repeat the same things over and over again. Did you watch the night they showed the blokes in Bay taking part in the famous stick-fight?
  11. There is no doubt that election fever has started, the campaign for the parliamentary elections scheduled on September 29 kicked off a few days ago. Buses from UDUB, UCID and Kulmiye now roam the city playing party jingles to the delight of children who anxiously await the colorful vehicles. There are 246 candidates from 3 political parties, only 7 are women. They were all chosen from an intricate process of clan nomination that resulted to a pool of aspirants from which the 3 political parties selected their official line up. Come election day, there will be 982 polling stations spread in 6 regions of Somaliland including the disputed area of Sool, more than 500 domestic observers and quite a few number of international observers as well who are willing to travel to this unrecognized country and witness how Somaliland take its third stride towards democratic electoral exercise. inside somaliland ================================================== Burco oo aya maanta albaabada loo xidhay ololaha xibiga UCID aawadii >>>>>>> http://www.odwayne.com/index/article511.html Dhoolatuskii KULMIYE iyo ololaha doorashada ee Magaalada Burco >>>>>> http://www.odwayne.com/index/article518.html Taageerayaasha Musharaxa ka mid ah Musharixiinta UDUB oo maanta wacdaro ka dhigay ololaha doorashada , magaalada Burco >>>> http://www.odwayne.com/index/article521.html .
  12. Where is he gone?^^ Can anyone help?
  13. Not the first 'president' to come back 'smilin' after a shaxaad trip, is he?
  14. 8/8/2005 10:47:00 AM GMT Sheikh Ahmed Hussein Deedat, the founder of The Islamic Propagation Centre International, died this morning at the age of 87. The funeral will be held at the Lotusville Masjid, thereafter proceeding to the Verulam Cemetery at about 6pm this evening. In 1986, and after a lifetime of struggle to serve Islam and defend it against the onslaught of the missionaries, Sheikh Deedat received King Faisal Award for SERVICE TO ISLAM; this was the first time the prestigious award was given to a South African. In 1996, shortly after his trip to Australia, where he gave an excellent lecture on the theme Easter: A Muslim viewpoint, Sheikh Deedat suffered a severe stroke and was confined to bed. His extensive knowledge of the Bible and humorous way of explaining Religion, made Christians he had close contact with re-examine their faith, specially those aspects of the Bible and the Qur'an that speak about the divine mission and life of Prophet Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). Sheikh Deedat lived in South Africa, where he helped hundreds of people, including a large number of Christian Missionaries, embrace Islam. He was born in 1918 in the Surat district of India. His father, a tailor, immigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed. In 1927, Sheikh Ahmed went to South Africa to be with his father. And there, he started preparing for the role he was to play decades later without realizing it. He managed to overcome the language barrier and actually excelled in school. Sheikh Ahmed started to wok at the age 16 to finance his schooling. In 1936, he worked at a store near a Christian seminary, on the Natal South Coast. Nonstop insults of the trainee missionaries against Islam inflamed Ahmed’s desire to defend his religion against their false propaganda. In the store, Sheikh Ahmed found this book entitled "Izharul Haq"; Truth revealed, which explained and listed the techniques and enormous success of Muslims in India in turning the tables against Christian missionary under the British rule. The book basically tackled the idea of holding debates and this had an amazing effect on Sheikh Deedat. Sheikh Ahmed purchased his first Bible and started to have long discussions with the trainee missionaries, he actually invited their teachers and priests in the surrounding areas to join their debates. His success in those discussions laid his leg on the path of Da’wah. The next three decades, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat devoted himself to the service of Islam. He established Al Salam Institute, which also included a Masjid, with the aim of training propagators of Islam. He established the Islamic Propagation Centre International (IPCI) and became its President, a position he continued to hold until he died. Sheikh Deedat published over 20 books and delivered thousand of lectures all over the world. Please pray for Sheikh Deedat and his family. The Islamic Propagation Centre International will continue the work the Sheikh has started to serve Islam. Any queries, please contact his son Youssuf Deedat on +2732 533 1790 or mobile +2782 670 1652. (try 002782 670 1652). ---------- inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raajiicuun.
  15. Ngonge Here are some quotes for you from '60 Minutes' May 12, 1996: Leslie Stahl: "We have heard that a half million children have died (as a result of sanctions against Iraq). I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it." The people behind the London bombings probably have the same casual attitude when it comes to taking inocent lives.
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: 28 days the governemt has been operating inside Somalia dn it has managed to bring all the above regions under its control. I wonder were it will be in the next 28 days... I think you'll have liberated Streatham by then.
  17. Originally posted by WaTerLily: 1) We don't have to agree with Irag/Afghan war 2) We don't have to agree with Bush/Blair foreign policies. 3) We all know that these unjust policies opress the islamic world, specifically Iraq/Palastine. 4) We know a lot of Muslims feel frustrated that their culture, religion and way of life is being attacked BUT Under no circumstances can any of the above (or any other frustrations) even be justified for the killings of the innocent people of London, most who were against the war and Bush to begin with. Spot on Water. Originally posted by NGONGE: However, war has rules and regulations that most countries at war would follow. The bombardment of ministries is fair game. After all, they are the symbols of your enemy. [/QB] The twin towers were seen as the symbol of capitalism and everything Americana and I, for one, don't see them different from Iraqi ministry of finance or similar buildings bombed. Iraqi bridges and roads were 'legitimate targets'and I've even seen 'embeded' journalists showing tanks knocking down power lines. What happened in London was wrong but not different from what has been going on in Iraq and Afghanitan. Originally posted by NGONGE: As for the restaurant and the fish market (it was a market of sorts at any rate), could you really say that these were intentional ? I don't know about the market but the restaurant was bombed because Saddam wa supposed to have in it at the time. He wasn't and many civilians were killed. What about the spy David Shayler's fiasco when reported that the Brits killed civilians trying to kill Qaddafi? Is this war too? What makes you think the same is not going on in Iraq or anywhere for that matter? The difference is one side boasts about it and the other says 'no comment'.
  18. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Seriously, what is so important about this woman or what she has to say? Why you making her that important? What I don't get is; this woman's vile comments can be posted in here but when a member of SOL expresses something nowhere as her views they get banned. How does it work?
  19. Originally posted by Duufaan: The next could be military confrontation and pure ethnic cleanse, if Somaliland do not rethink it is ill policy to neighbors tribe. Fools have tried, wise men have failed - Bob and the Wailers.
  20. I didn't expect Lady's views to go down well in streets of supporters of mindless warlords, and I guess I was right. Originally posted by Jason: I have never seen her speak so I am curious; does she speak with them thick african accents most old somalis and other africans speak with? Well, listen to her in woman's hour and let us know what you think.
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: Will he ever take the blinkers off for a second? Could he not see the hypocrisy of accepting the support of anti-war western left-wingers on the one hand and legalising the blood of all non-Muslim on the other? Most 'Anti-war Western left-wingers' seem to be accepting Blair and Bush's part in all this. You've expressed opinions of some people I've worked with in this topic. People who don't remember the first target in the Gulf War II was a restaurant and almost all ministries in Iraq were bombed. Are you saying bombing a train station is wrong but the ministry of transport is fair game? Where do you draw the line? As for giving 48 hour warning to Saddam, the people who claimed the responsibility for the recent outrages have been giving warning after warning of what they intend to do. The American security forces have been involved in Afghanistan for more than a decade before 911 and can't plea innocent even over there as far as i'm concerned.
  22. If the London explosions don't force changes to the programme, the Lady should be on bbc 1 in five minutes (10:35 UK time)
  23. I'm not really surprised London got hit, but I don't 'get' some of the targets chosen. Originally posted by NGONGE: War and the blowing up of commuter trains, buses and taxis cannot be compared in anyway, shape or form. Saxiib what do you consider the Marquis of Queensbury Rules of War to be?