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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. AYOUB

    May 18th

    ^^ *clap clap clap* Bravo! Maanta oo kale 15 sano ka dib sideebu ahaa jawiga magaalada Burco hadhwanaag 2006-05-16 (Hadhwanaagnews) Burco(HWN) iyadoo ay magaalada Burco tahay hooyadii dalkani Jamhuuriyada somaliland ayaa maalmahaan udanbeeyay waxa ka jirtay abaabul iyo diyaar garaw balaadhan oo loogu diyaar garoobaayo Xuska maalinta 18may oo ku beegan maalinta khamiista ee todobadkan . Sidaa soo xaalku yahay ayaa waxad arkaysaa ama indhahaagu qabanayaa muuqaalka calanka qaranka somaliland oo si aada loo tolonayo meelaha lagu taro dharka ee loo yaqaan Dawaarlayaasha oo tolaaya calama farabadan oo ku mashquula iyo dadweynaha oo qof waliba u doonaayo in uu samaysto calan uu kaga qayb galo Dabaal dega xuska maalinta xornimada ee dalkani. Maanta iyo 15 iyo toban sano ka dib sidee ayay ahayd magaalada Burco iyo maanta sidee ayay tahay ? In yar aynu dib u jaleecno maalmahaa sidee jawiga ahaa iyo maanta side ayuu ahaa hadii aynu ku horayno maalmahaa jawiga magaalada Burco oo ahaa mid ay magaalada Buux dhaafiyeen ergooyinki ka kala yimi gobolada dalka oo dhan oo runtii marka magaalada dhex marto ad dareemayso culays badan iyo magaalada Burco oo ahayd magaalo in badan laga maqnaa oo ad dareemayso tasjiiladka oo aan isku duba dhacsanayn hadana Burco umay dhitin ee martidi maalmahasi wxay shirkoodi dhamaysten iyagoo Burco ka mabsduuday . Shirar badan oo maalmo badan socday iyo wada tashi dhexmaray salaadiintii iyo cuqaashii iyo waxgaradkii iyo siyaasiyinti halganka waday ayaa lagu go,aamiyay in somaliland xornimadeeed dib ula soo noqoto. 18 /5/1991 ay u noqotay maalin ku weyn guud ahaan bulsha weynta reer somailand ee ku dhaqan daafaha dunida iyadoo maalintaa iyadaa laga xusaayo daafaha Aduunyada oo dhan . Hadaba markaad maqasho maalin hebla ama sanad guuradii maalin heblaayo waxad markiiba yaqiinsanaysaa in ay tahay maalin suntan , laakin su,aalaha kuxiga ee ad maskaxdada weydinaysaa waxa weeye yay u suntahay maxayse ku suntan tahay ayay noqonaysaa su,aasha ku xigta ee ad maskaxdaada weydinaysaa jawabna ad u raadinaysaa. Hadaba waxa hubaal ah in ay samaan iyo xumaan jirto waxay maalintaasi mudantahay.oo lagu xasusto iyo cid ay taariikh utahay Somaliland, waxay leedahay maalmo badan oo mid waliba wax ku suntan tahay, laguna maamuuso. Tusaale ahaan, 26-ka Juun waa maalintii Gobonimada laga qaatay Mustacmaradii Ingiriiska, 6-da April waa xuska aasaaskii SNM, 17-ka October waa maalintii Shuhaddada SNM, 18-ka May-na waa maalinta Dib-ula-soo-noqoshadii madaxbannaanida Somaliland. Maalmaha Ciidamada iyo kuwa Caalamiga ah ee aynu adduunyada la wadaagno , ayaa intaa dheer, waxaynuna maqalnaa in badan oo heeso qiiro iyo shucuur leh oo lagu cabirayo qiimaha maalintaas iyo inta ay le'eg tahay guusha ama taariikhda ay ku suntan tahay. Ma aha durbaan iyo hees keli ah oo ay iska tuntaan dadka ay maalintaa la soo gudboonaataa, balse waa farriin uu jiilba jiil u gudbinayo oo ay ummaddaasi boqollaal sannadood u hesho taariikh ay ku abtirsato. Dhinaca kale waxa mudan in maskaxda lagu hayo in taariikhda Qaranka Somaliland ee shan iyo toban jirka baarka la dhaafay, ha noqoto mid la fac ah ama mid guun ahba ay beddeshay maalmo taariikhda ummaddan soo maray, sida 1-dii July oo ahayd maalintii Midnimada Soomaaliyeed iyo 21-kii Octoobar oo iyada aan ka dambayn cidii gaar ugu suntanayd ama ku calaamadsanayd guusheeda, halka 1-da July dadkii suntaday ay ku kala qaybsan yihiin. Haddaba, 18-ka May oo khamiista laxusi doono, maxay ku calaamadsan tahay, yayse u suntan tahay, maxayse farriinta ama dhambaalka ay xambaarsan tahay ee ay u gudbinaysaa Carruurta ama Jiilasha dambe. Shaki kuma jiro, murana kama taagna in dad badan oo reer Somaliland ahi ay ku xusuustaan 18-ka May, halgankii hubaysnaa ee uu ururka SNM dalka kaga saaray ama kaga xorreeyay Rajiimkii Siyaad Barre oo uu taliskiisii tacadi badan u geystay dadka ku dhaqan gobolladan, taas oo maalintaas gaar ugu calaamadinaysa SNM. Inkasta oo SNM lahayd hogaaminta iyo taariikhda 18-ka May, haddana maalintaasi waxay ahayd mid ka ballaadhan intaa oo leh, macno midaynaya Somaliland oo dhan oo dadkeedu hore ugu kala qaybsanaa halgankii hubaysnaa ee SNM, taliskii Siyaad Barre-na iskaga hor keenay Qabaa'il. Waxa ay maalintaasi meel isugu keentay labadii qof ama qolo ee xabadda iskaga soo horjeeday ee reer Somaliland. Waa maalintii ay reer Somaliland ku guulaysteen Nabadda iyo Xasiloonida ay Soomaalida kale iyo Caalamkuba ku ******taan, waa maalin dib u xustay halgankii wada-jirka ahaa ee ay dadka reer Somaliland gobanimadooda kaga dhacsadeen Mustacmaradii Ingiriiska. Xuska khamiista dhincidoona waxa lagu tilmaami karaa xus ka balaadhan kuwi hore iyado caalamka magaalooyin badan laga diyaarinayao mudahaarad balaadhanoo lagu muuujinaayo dareenkeen. xuskani waxa uu noqonaya kii ugu nasiibka badnaa ee soo mara muddadaa Somaliland, jirtay waayo, waxa ay timi iyadoo uu badka yaal markhaati cad oo tilmaamaya, sida ay maalintaasi u midaysay dad markii hore wax ku kala qaybsanaa ama isku diiddanaa, taas waxa markhaati u ah hogaamiyaha Somaliland ee wakhtigan Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, wuxuu 15 sanno ka hor ka mid ahaa Saraakiishii sar-sare ee Taliskii Siyaad Barre ee ay SNM dagaalka hubaysan kula jirtay, hase yeeshee heshiiskii nabadeed ee ay beelaha Somaliland ku gaadheen Berbera, wax yar ka hor intii aan lagu dhawaaqin Madaxbannaanida Somaliland kadib, waxa uu ka mid noqday ergooyinkii shirkii Burco ee go'aamiyay Gooni-isu-taagga Somaliland, isaga oo Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ka soo jeedda beelihii aan taageeri jirin SNM ama lagu tirin jiray in ay taageeradoodu u badnayd dhinaca dawladii Siyaad Barre, Mudane Rayaale-na maanta oo ay tahay 15-guuradii ayuu Madaxweyne ka yahay, taasina waxa ay dhab ahaan qeexay waxa ay tahay 18-ka May oo ah maalin midaysay Somaliland, meeshana ka saaraysa in ay SNM-uun taariikhdu tahay. Laakiin, maalinta saamaynta baaxaddaa leh waa la hagraday, waayo looma samayn fariimo suugaaneed ama dhigaal taariikheed oo Jiilasha dambe iyo da' yarta hadda joogtaba u qeexaya waxa ay maalintaasi ku suntan tahay, ficliyan-na uma wada-gaadhsiisna Somaliland oo dhan, sida maalmaha taariikhiga ah qaarkood. Inkasta oo ay ka fadilan tahay maalmaha taariikhiga ah ee SNM gaarka ugu suntan oo sannadahan dambe soo hadal-qaadkooda iyo xuskooda dawladdu hoosta dhigtay oo ay si ula-kac ah ciiro loogu shaqlay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo ragga Xukuumaddiisa waxa la gudboon in guusha ay ku suntan tahay 18-ka May ay ka dhigaan astaan midaysa dadka Somaliland oo uu qofkasta oo dalkan u dhashay ku dhaato, si taas loo gaadhana 18-ka May-na aanay u noqon dhacdo-taariikheed dadkii suntaday kala qaybisa, sida 1-da Julaay, waa in Muwaadiniinta xaq-soor iyo cadaalad ay dhib iyo dheefba ku wadaagaan midhaha ku dhashay maalintaa, waana in aanay noqon mid cid gaarra u tamarisa. Sidoo kale, waa in aan 18-ka May lagu khaldin maalmaha kale ee u suntan halgankii SNM, isla markaana waxa Mudane Rayaale iyo ragiisa ku waajib ah in ay tix-gelin weyn siiyaan taariikhaha sida gaarka ah ugu suntan halgankii SNM oo aanay isku deyin in ay masaxaad mariyaan ama cabudhiyaan, cuqdadna aan la kala qaadin. Cabdisalan ilkacase hadhwanaagnews Reporter Burco somaliland
  2. AYOUB

    May 18th

    Originally posted by Tuujiyee: I could ask all these kids who talk about somaliland who are the SYL and June 26, walaahi 90% of them wouln't know..so why you think is that?... Maybe you should ask the kids about SNL and USP instead
  3. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Qabiil caabudid heer waxaad gaartay xataa Islaanimadii, Soomaalinimadii iskaba dhaafee, xataa bini aadenimadii aad lose gareysid. Eebboow ha naga qaadin humanitynimo. Nin tiir lagu xir xiray, oo wiil yar tooreey loo soo dhiibay ku sur suraayo, xataa in aad ku qososhid iska dhaafee, maanta waxee taagan tahay heer aad ku jees jeesteysid. Eebboow, dadka cuqdada ka saar, wadnahooda daahiri, inteeba saas u dhiman iyagoo ganfuur taagaayo iyo Soomaali ka carar iyo naceyb. Aamiin. You're such a drama queen, are'nt you? Eebe knows your quote left out my first sentence just to manipulate things and create a scene, so give it a rest. Eebe knows I did not laugh at dead man and He knows how phony your supplications are. Most importantly, He knows what I worship or not worship and who I hate or not. Do you get me Miskiin ya Dacas? Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Nabad waa wax muhiim ah, oo laga maarmin for any human being. Laakiin dadkaas lagu heysto gobolladaas wali waa riyoonoyaan, believing, like gumeysidoonkii, all will be good in the long term. Ma'oga this ain't gumeysi duullaan ku yimid oo shisheeya ah, but a gumeysi dhow oo dhul balaarsiga raadinaayo, marna diin ku ganbanaayo, beerahoodana ka xalaaleystay. They can't even go fishing now; they pay extra "tax" or royalty to fish their Eebbe-given right to fish their own native ocean they ever knew. And why would Somalilanders want to be part of this? The same same murderous warlords are Presidents, Ministers and MP's in the 'new' TFG government you want us to be part of, don't you? I'll keep my Somaliland because I don't want the scenario you portrayed in my back yard again! I'll keep my Somaliland because I don't want to tied to lamp post again!
  4. ^^ In the mean time British, innit? BTW, that was the Suldaan who hit you with that jab, not moi..
  5. ^^ More bullshidh from pitiful souls. The fact of the matter is that these minorities are occupied and misrepresented in their political outlook or where the destiny of their fate lies. Their territories have been turned into the power bargaining strategy for the warlords who occupy them. HINT HINT, NUDGE NUDGE ---> These warlords didn't vacate Somaliland as a goodwill gesture There are the Jiidle, the Jareers, the Bio-Maals, the Bravans,the Tunnis the sheekhals, the Banadiris, the Geledis and the Begedis, the Garres, the Cawramale, the Dabarres and various others, less known ones, but not in any way the least—to name but some. Hardly are most people in “Somalilandâ€, even, aware of this fact, or know the names of these clans. Bio Maal iyo Non Bio Maal maxaa iiga gidhiish ah Bro this chap you keep quoting has lost it, if you ask me. If he thinks images of a boy stabbing knife in another man's neck is an excuse that is somehow's gonna win me over, he must be nutts, to put it midly. What a looney!
  6. ^^^ Ha! So as far as you're concerned a person is what their leader say they are. Is that why you respond to "warlord cheerlder" call? Anyways, I might not be "British" like you but I know of your Oath of allegiance but wont shame you any further.
  7. Originally posted by Suldaanka: [QB] ^^ Arm-chair "been ma sheege" How can you reach such conclusion as to say that "there was no poll" when you do not even know if there was or not. You could have at least said this; I contacted the "xisbiga Jamuuriga" and they told me that there was no poll. But to come here and brush it aside, maxaad kaga duwantay qofkan aad leeday wuu beensheegay iyo adigu? Cajiib. Try to spot the trend in these MMA quotes: Dayniile.com "Concocting and fabricating spurious stories is a favourite Dayniile.com pastime, including this unheard and oxymoronic "Midnimadda Jamhuuridda" urur with the bogus poll. " Ururka Midnimadda "Ururka Midnimadda Jambuuriyadda si founded by Darmaan? Darmaan??!! Qish qish qish [i am laughin']...bas, bas. Now, even Dayniile.com has a credibility compared to delusional, self-declared 'president.'" Waagcusub.com "I would rather believe any point Bush lecture me about Ciraaq than believe this shilin-maheysaa Calasoow." Enough said.. HornAfrique Just been grafting bro, thanx for askin. Missed you too.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Mr secesionist, self declared orphans of the Queen of England. Ayoub, when I wrotte that I had you and several others in mind... Duke Smith are'nt the man who boasts to have made the pledge of allegiance to the Queen.
  9. ^^^ As ambiguous as ever.. Was that 'most welcome' or 'not welcome' Chavez offers oil to Europe's poor Venezuelan President promises fuel to the needy and proclaims 'final days of the North American empire' before visit to Britain today Sunday May 14, 2006 The Observer Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez arrives in London today with an extraordinary promise to offer cut-rate heating oil for needy families in Europe, modelled on a similar campaign in the US which has been seen partly as a bid to embarrass President George Bush. Last night Chavez also issued a taunting obituary for the 'American empire' on the eve of a visit where he will be shunned by Downing Street but welcomed by London Mayor Ken Livingststone. Chavez said in Vienna yesterday that the 'final hours of the North American empire have arrived ... Now we have to say to the empire: "We're not afraid of you. You're a paper tiger."' Referring to his supply of heating to poor American families last winter, Chavez told a meeting of political supporters: 'I'd like to do the same here in Europe.' He was addressing an 'alternative summit' held alongside a three-day meeting of leaders from the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean in the Austrian capital. 'I want to humbly offer support to the poorest people who do not have resources for central heating in winter and make sure that support arrives,' he said. Though he said that Venezuela has two refineries in Germany and one in Britain, he did not provide further details about how the supply scheme would work. But he said Venezuelan ambassadors in Europe were looking into the matter. 'You Europeans can help us greatly. Your European social networks can make sure the support arrives where it should,' Chavez told the conference. This past winter, Venezuela delivered cut-rate oil to low-income Americans through Citgo, the Houston-based subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned oil company. Chavez appealed to the audience to unite and promote social change. For example, he said, more business should be steered toward smaller companies to the benefit of labourers in poorer regions, and that doing so would cut out intermediaries. 'We have to unite all possible movements, otherwise the world is not going to change,' he said. Chavez, with a growing regional profile built on a mix of populist rhetoric and his country's oil wealth, has been publicly feuding with Bush, whom he has likened to Adolf Hitler - with Tony Blair dismissed as 'the main ally of Hitler.' While Downing Street has pointedly emphasised that Chavez's visit to Britain is private, with no official contacts planned, London's mayor yesterday defended his decision to host a luncheon in honour of the Venezuelan leader. Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme, Livingstone said that Chavez had been responsible for significant social reforms and called him 'the best news out of Latin America in many years.' Dismissing human rights groups' concerns about Venezuela's treatment of political opponents, Livingstone said: 'He's won 10 elections for his party in the last decade and he's pushed through a whole programme of social reform. 'Venezuela was like a lot of those old Latin American countries - a small elite of super-rich families who basically stole the national resources. He's now driven a new economic order through, you've got for the first time healthcare for poor people, illiteracy has been eradicated.' Chavez is scheduled to begin his visit with an address on his social reforms and a meeting with supporters at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London today. Tomorrow, he will meet left-wing Labour MPs and trade union officials and hold a joint news conference with Livingstone at City Hall. Tomorrow evening, Chavez is due to give a lecture at Canning House, an institution that works to strengthen commercial and cultural ties between Britain and Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries. On Tuesday, the final day of the visit, the Venezuelan leader is due to open a museum and speak at Banqueting House in Whitehall. Livingstone said that one reason he was keen to welcome Chavez was because of the potential benefit for the capital from a strong financial and economic relationship with Venezuela. 'The reason he [Chavez] wants to come to London is because clearly, as the Latin American economies really begin to emerge from the American shadow and grow, they don't want all their eggs in the Washington basket,' Livingstone contended. 'They're looking for allies in Europe and Asia and it's very much in London's interests that as Venezuela's companies go, they should see London as a natural home every bit as much as Madrid.' The mood surrounding Chavez's two-day trip contrasts sharply with the warm welcome he received from Blair during an official London visit five years ago. Relations with the Venezuelan leader have frayed badly as Chavez has drawn steadily closer to Fidel Castro's Cuba and tried to galvanise South American opposition to US policies. Earlier this year, Blair declared in the Commons that Venezuela 'should abide by the rules of the international community,' adding that it would help further if Cuba became a 'functioning democracy.' Chavez reacted to the remarks, and denounced Blair as a 'pawn of imperialism.' The Venezuelan leader then further angered Downing Street by declaring that the Falkland Islands rightly belonged to Argentina. 'Tony Blair, you have no moral right to tell anyone to respect international laws, as you have no respect for them, aligning yourself with Mr Danger [bush] and trampling on the people of Iraq,' he added. 'Do you think we still live in the times of the British empire?' Venezuela's embassy in London has played down the reluctance of Blair to take any part in the Chavez visit, issuing a statement last week pointing out that he had already had an official welcome during his 2001 trip to London. The Observer
  10. AYOUB

    May 18th

    All the best people, wish you well and I hope it turns out to be a good day. InshaAllah..
  11. Clinics, cheap food boost support, but poverty remains high in Venezuela May 8, 2006. 05:34 AM TIM HARPER WASHINGTON BUREAU LAS MAYAS, Venezuela—From here, high atop Caracas, as the dust kicks up from the packed van hurtling down the clay roads offering the only means of temporary escape from this poverty, it is hard to see Hugo Chavez's "Bolivarian Revolution." What you can see are sheets of scrap metal cobbled together to form a shantytown that provides shelter for 25,000 in what used to be a forest. You can see the sign advertising a clinic, until you realize it, too, is scrap, used to keep out the elements, not advertise a needed service. You've already seen the piles of garbage in the streets of the barrios down below, the pharmacy behind bars to deter thieves, the piles of sewage pipes on the street representing a construction project stalled by bureaucratic wrangling, the "chop shop" street where stolen cars are stripped for parts. In the kitchen inside a hovel, volunteers are stirring an eight-kilogram pot of lentils, enough to feed 150 at lunch with government-supplied food. There's chicken, but the women running the kitchen say they haven't seen meat for some time. Poverty remains stubbornly high here, and has risen to more than 50 per cent during Chavez's reign, even as the economy recovers from a debilitating national strike in 2002-'03 — and is growing. But if Chavez is to be returned to power in elections next December and beyond — how many years is a favourite parlour game in Venezuela — he will draw his strength from the squatters in the forest and the neighbourhoods below. It won't come from his decisions to rewrite the constitution, or rename the country the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, or rename his congress the National Assembly. It won't be because he added an eighth star to the flag, in a nod to the Simon Bolivar proposal of the 19th century, or because he changed the horse in the country's coat of arms so it gallops to the left, not the right. These are the vanity decisions of a leader often consumed by hubris. He will do it by importing some 17,000 Cuban doctors and Cuban medical supplies to provide much-needed health care to the masses. He will do it by feeding the poorest of the poor in subsidized supermarkets where cheap lentils and pasta are packaged in plastic advertising articles of the Venezuelan constitution, and by launching ambitious literary programs. He will do it by providing free tuition to his Bolivar University and bringing food and health care each day to Parque Carabobo for the homeless of Caracas. He does not have universal support in the poor barrios outside Caracas, but people will tell you things are improving. "No government is perfect," says Fernando Aranguren, a fast-talking aspiring politician who glad-hands everyone in his barrio as he acts as the Toronto Star's guide and bodyguard, though he appears to tilt only slightly on the plus side of 100 pounds. "The revolution will never be perfect because it is run by men, not by machines," he says. "There is corruption, there are defects. "But day-to-day, for the first time, a government has appealed to the masses because he has taken notice of the masses. "Yes, we have garbage on the streets. But there is garbage on the streets of Brooklyn, too." Alejandro Herrero, a 73-year-old whose family has run a store in this neighbourhood since the 1940s, says he sees the good in Chavez, but is not shy about "constructively criticizing him." "In some ways, things have improved," he says. "People are receiving more now and they are sharing in the petrol wealth inside the country. "But he is also sharing a lot of it outside." Herrero has hit on one of the common criticisms of Chavez, who is accused of spending too much money earned by Venezuela's natural riches on trying to build alliances outside the country to further his own personal ambitions. The right-wing opposition Primero Justicia tells voters Chavez has pledged $4 billion (U.S.) in new social programs this year, while he is spending $16 billion (U.S.) in an effort to win support for his particular brand of socialism outside the country. The centrepieces of Chavez's social revolution are the clinics in the barrios, clean two-storey brick structures with second-floor apartments for the Cuban doctors. In the waiting area are posters backing Chavez and pictures of Chavez and Cuban leader Fidel Castro embracing. The doctors' program will now be expanded to Bolivia. New President Evo Morales agreed to sign on when he met Chavez and Castro in Havana late last month. Nurse Carmen Hernandez says the doctors can treat up to 40 patients a day, and will attend emergencies day or night. "Before the doctors came," she says, "people had to go to hospital. Very often they died in the hospital. "They were poorly served." At Chavez's chain of Mercal subsidized supermarkets, staples such as chicken, rice, pasta, milk and cooking oil can be purchased at substantial discounts. "It is working," one diplomat said. "He is getting food to the poorest of the poor." The supermarkets look like campaign headquarters with grocery shelves. One Chavez poster exhorts voters to choose him for "Seven More Years — For Now." Another celebrates "The Motherland, Free and Glorious." Even the packaging touts Chavez programs. Damelis Castro grabs a bag of lentils in a wrapper printed with Article 322 of the Venezuelan constitution, avowing the country's right to security and defence. Mixing self-defence and cheap food is a blessing for Castro, who says it's a way for the people to understand what their government is doing. Shopping in a state-run supermarket with low prices can save 40 per cent, sometimes 50 per cent, on her weekly grocery bill, she says. And who does she have to thank for that? Her face brightens. "Hugo Chavez," says Castro, standing beneath a poster extolling the Venezuelan leader's virtues. Chavez says Mercal is serving an average of 15.6 million people a month, and provided 1.5 million tonnes of foodstuffs to Venezuelans last year. A couple of blocks away, a line of the homeless has formed in front of the Mision Negra Hipolita, where they'll receive a basic meal and glass of orange juice. Workers will offer "rehabilitation" if they need it, and ask them to counsel others on the street in return. But worker Elba Vasquez concedes the program has not made much of a dent in the homeless problem in Caracas. "What can we do?" she asks. "If they choose to live on the streets, they will do so because we can't force anyone into rehabilitation."
  12. Chavez: "I'm ugly … black mixed with Indian, that's me ... I'm not going to change!" web page
  13. ^^^ I didn't have you in mind when I said "To SOL warlord cheerleaders"
  14. So are you saying only the websites that support "your warlord" make sense and others don't? Suldaan tread with care coz Hornafrique holds his warlord in very high esteem. Ain't that right, Horn? Anyways, I like the way you keep them going..
  15. Dubai: A suspect, who sources say, is the son-in-law of a top Somali official is being questioned over smuggling 150 Billion Somali Shilling (about Dh37.5million) in counterfeit currency. Not really surprising because that corn shed parliament is full of drug-dealers, toxic waste-importers, human-traffickers and individuals excelling in all aspects of criminal enterprise. To SOL warlord cheerleaders: I know you'd rather ignore this thread, but who is this ''top official"?
  16. Asharq Al-Awsat Interviews Sudanese Islamist leader Dr. Hassan Turabi 24/04/2006 London, Asharq Al-Awsat- The following is the full text of the controversial interview that Asharq al-Awsat conducted with Sudanese Islamist leader Dr. Hassan Turabi, which resulted in him being branded an apostate by Sudan's Muslim scholars: Q) Fatwas that you have issued, regarding the permissibility of marriage between a Muslim woman and a man of the Christian or Jewish persuasion, have been the subject of much controversy. Do you mean that married women who converted to Islam can remain married to a non-Muslim husband, or that a Muslim woman can marry a non-Muslim man? A) First, we have to look at the context of this matter particularly from the framework of Ijtihad when it comes to the general issues of women in Islam. The modern and contemporary Islamic discourse on women lags far behind the authentic Islamic rules and principles as contemporary Muslims do not think deeply about these principles when it comes to the marriage of their daughters. The fatwa was a response to issues in the Muslim community in the United States. There was an incident in which an American woman went to one of the Islamic centers to convert; however, she wanted to remain married to her non-Muslim husband after she converted. The center's officials told her that if she was sincere in her desire to become a Muslim that she would begin divorce procedures, despite the huge costs and even if this meant that she would lose custody of her children. They did not consider that this was too much to ask from someone who was still taking their first steps towards Islam. Such an attitude in fact causes many women to be reluctant to convert. Of course, before issuing the edict, I had to undertake a lot of research concerning Islamic law, particularly by reading books on Islamic jurisprudence that were written at certain historical intervals. All the past fatwas that prohibited the marriage of Muslim women to non-Muslim men were issued during periods in which political disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims were taking place. On the other hand, I could not find a single word that prohibited such marriage in either the Quran or the Sunnah. In the particular case of the woman who wanted to convert in the United States, my opinion was that she should have remained married to the non-Muslim man. She may have been the reason that her non-Muslim husband converted. Perhaps even other families of female American converts would have followed the same path. Many people were perplexed by what I said and attacked me for it. Some even decided that I was now an infidel! They depicted the whole issue as if it was a matter of honor. However, if you look at it objectively, the conversion and Islamic conduct of the wife may have positively influenced the husband, an influence that the Muslims of the West need. We should let the Muslim minorities, who live amongst the 'People of the Book' in the west, evaluate this issue and decide what is appropriate for them, as they are the first group affected. They would conclude that they should allow their daughters to marry Jews and Christians because perhaps these marriages will bring the husbands to Islam or else the women may remain a Muslim. In the West, the individual freedoms are generally wider and the Western Muslims to decide when it comes to this issue especially. Q) So are you saying that women who converted to Islam can remain married to their non-Muslim husbands, but that a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim man is forbidden? A) No, I had spoken previously about this type of marriage and I believe that marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is valid since nothing in the Quran or Sunnah dictates otherwise. The decision should also be based on the individuality of each case therefore; I cannot say this type of marriage is prohibited based on the accumulated teachings of past scholars. These teachings for example tell us that Ijmaa (consensus) is the consensus of jurists at any given age but the Quran says is different. The same accumulated sayings of scholars also recommended that we should obey the ruler even if he seized power by force. The Quran does not approve of this. We should always refer to the origins that are Quran and Sunnah. Q) You once stated that the Hijab did not specify a woman covering her head, which was also considered controversial? A) These are lies spread by some journalists who never attended the lecture in which I spoke about issues relating to the Muslim woman. Some journalists find attributing false statements to me entertaining. In that particular lecture, I did not discuss a particular dogma or edict, but I did discuss Quranic philology and the fact that many are unclear about it. When the Quran addressed the issue of Hijab, it was within the context of addressing the room in which the Prophet (PBUH) used to meet his guests. It meant that the Prophets wives could not be in the same room when many people, for many different reasons, visited the Prophet. Therefore, it stated that wives of the Prophet should be behind a curtain and that if people wanted to ask them anything, they should reply from behind that curtain. Therefore, Hijab here meant a curtain or divider and not a dress code. The use of the word Hijab could be employed in many ways, for example, the Quran was described as a Hijab between its reader and the wrong path. At that particular lecture, I told the audience to use the word Khimar when referring to the dress code. I was speaking from a philological perspective. I told them that alcoholic beverages were called Khamr because they obscured the brain and engulfed it. Similarly, Khimar (as headscarf) covers the head and body of women. Those who stated that Al Turabi denies the wearing of the Islamic veil by woman either did not understand what I said or were not present at the lecture. Q) So you do not object to Muslim women covering their hair as part of Hijab? A) Firstly, I do not call it Hijab but rather Khimar because the latter is a Quranic word. Hijab means curtain like the one you may have at home, so what we have here is a linguistic dispute. When I spoke about certain Islamic laws in the past, I managed to irritate many men, for example, when I addressed the subject of punishing ones wife, the Quran does not say a husband can beat his wife, it is the judge that passes judgment, not the husband. Q) The cause of more controversy has been your declaration that the testimony of a man is equal to that of a woman, which defies the Quran, which says "a man or two women from whom you accept as witnesses, lest that one forgets, so she could be reminded by the other." A) My dear brother, do not judge me before I clarify my position. The verse to which you referred guides us in the issue of writing debts. It ordered that there should be a writer and that there should be witnesses to testify the debt contract. Allah (SWT) said "lest one of the women forgets." He did not say that she would surely forget. In another verse of the Quran, Allah asked for two "just" witnesses to attest the death of someone who was on the verge of passing away. Here he did not specify gender. In fact, female members of the family are more likely to be present at somebody's death. In this case, the same rules of testimony apply to both sexes. Many people are ignorant of Islamic judicial procedures. There are several ways of testimony, like the authentication of contracts or testifying in front of a judge or an attorney. Nowadays we have women who are professional lawyers and businesswoman, and many men are not able to compete with them. Q) Can we incorporate the Islamic dogma of one man's testimony equaling that of two women to business and debt related matters? A) The Quran did not say that the woman would surely forget, but that she may forget. Back then, women were largely inexperienced in business and trade and Allah had ordered men to be the provider. Now it is up to the judge to decide who is more qualified to testify. Q) Did you issue a fatwa that permits woman to lead men in communal prayers? A) Who prohibited that in the first place? It was your customs and traditions and not Quran or Sunnah and your customs that preferred her prayers at home and not in the mosque. There was a female companion of the Prophet who led men in prayer. When there is a pious woman, she should lead the prayers and whoever is distracted by her beauty should be deemed sick. We do not look at an Imam's white beard or ugly face but we listen to the content of what he says. The case should be same with scholarly pious women. Q) Sayings of the Prophet (Hadith) refer to the return of Jesus, something that you dispute, on what is your belief based? A) Hadith does not abrogate the Quran. The Quran clearly speaks of Jesus when it referred to him addressing the coming of another prophet after him named Ahmad. He did not say while I was alive, but said "after me." Furthermore, the Quran told us that the Prophet was the last of the Prophets. This idea came into Islam because of desperate Muslims looking for a savior, as well as due to Christian influences. Q) You also dispute Hadith about the awaited arrival of the Mahdi. A) There are a number of Hadith about that, however, I urge Muslims not to idly await his arrival, which promises to bring justice to the world. Muslims do not galvanize themselves to achieve this justice. They are like the followers of the Prophet Moses when they told him go and fight with your God, but we will stay here. I say to Muslims, you are all Mahdis, God willing. Q) Let us move on with a question concerning the deadlock between the Sudanese government and the Sudanese Liberation Movement regarding whether Khartoum should be subjected to Islamic law? A) This is an example of scholars issuing an appropriate albeit illegal fatwa to please their rulers. When Allah says in the Quran, that whoever rules with a law other than what Allah revealed are infidels, he did not only mean the rulers but also the scholars that validate such behavior for them through false religious reasoning. The Nifasha agreement eliminated Shariaa from the federal system but the anger of those who previously called for Shariaa was never expressed. The constitution we have now has no place for Shariaa even in the other northern regions, so how can we find room for Shariaa in Khartoum? Q) You believe that apostasy should not be punishable by death. There has been a recent case of an Afghan who was about to be killed for apostasy but was saved under the pretense of mental illness. The case was recognized internationally as Italy wants to grant him asylum. A) There are too many Quranic verses to recite (regarding this). We are ordered to debate with Christians and Jews except those who are unjust. We believe in their prophets who are our prophets too. We believe in their books even if some distortion took place. We are ordered to treat them cordially. Q) You have mentioned more than once that the problem of Darfur could be resolved in one session. A) I do not have weapons with which to attack the Darfur rebels and I do not have the financial resources of the government but I can speak about the issues. As a political party, we have papers in Arabic and English on all the thorny issues of Darfur that I can sum up for you. -They are Arabs and Muslims so despite the similarity of their case with the south, they would not have the same demands. -There should be better coordination between the states so that central government cannot divide them nor surpass them. -The old roads used for camel trade with Egypt should be restored. -Their elected local councils should be restored. Right now, they are appointed and not elected. - They should also be given slightly more than their usual share of public finance because historically, they have been subjected to more losses from the British, as they fought against them and for the Ottoman side. As a punishment, the British deprived them from education and paved roads. The same treatment ironically, continued at the hands of their compatriots after independence. Give them all of the above and for an interim period allow them to rule themselves through freely elected councils and through their own political parties. This is all that it takes and this is not difficult. Today there are two million Sudanese refugees. The whole of Sudan, government and people, do not pay give them any money. The western organizations and the United Nations play the role that the state should play. The African peacekeeping forces only stay in cities and they do not intervene in the atrocities that take place in the countryside. Armed robbery has not become the practice of the Janjaweed and the Sudanese official armed forces only, but also amongst the people of Darfur themselves. Armed robbery has become a way of life for many. Everyday, people are dying as we consider whether the local councils of Darfur represent the people or not. The government states it is against foreign intervention, but are the African forces not foreign too? Q) What do you think about most recent events in Chad? A) Chad was invaded by armies. Did they fall out of the sky or were they sent? What is the country East of Chad? How did Idriss Deby re-enter Chad? Who was behind him pushing and supporting him? The answers to all these questions are obvious and cannot be denied. The documents are available. The issue of Darfur has surpassed Sudan and even Africa and we must resolve it as quickly as possible.
  17. April 21, 2006 (CAIRO) — Muslim women should be free to marry Christian or Jewish men, Sudanese Islamist leader Hassan Turabi said in an interview published on Friday, defying the consensus among conventional Muslim jurists. Turabi told the London-based Arabic daily Asharq al-Awsat he came to this conclusion after hearing of a married American woman who wanted to convert to Islam but was told she must seek a divorce and possibly lose custody of her children. "I could not find in the Koran or the Sunna (accounts of the practice of the Prophet Mohammed) a single word preventing a Muslim woman from marrying a Christian or Jew," he said. "So I came to the opinion that they should let her convert and prove her faith. Often ... she would bring to Islam her husband and those around him and so on," he addedTurabi made similar remarks at a meeting in Khartoum earlier this month but his detailed explanation in Asharq al-Awsat will reach a much wider audience. Traditionalist Egyptian clerics ridiculed Turabi’s opinion when reports of it first appeared. Abdel Sabour Shahin, a professor of Islamic studies at Cairo University, was quoted in the Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm as saying Turabi’s opinion was nonsense. "What Turabi is doing is obvious intellectual confusion. I would have thought he was above that. ... It’s as if he were taking the side of the enemies of Islam," Shahin said. Turabi said he was not speaking only about married women who want to convert to Islam but about all Muslim women. But it is especially relevant to Muslims living as minorities, he said. "We must let Muslim minorities living with Christians and Jews ... marry their daughters to Christians and Jews and perhaps these daughters, through their marital relationship, will bring Christians and Jews to Islam or preserve their own religion," he said. Turabi did not mention marriage to men other than Christians and Jews — religious communities which have a special status in conventional Islam as "People of the Book". Turabi, who has been prominent in Islamist politics for the last 40 years and was close to the Islamist government in Sudan in the 1990s, also said a woman’s testimony was as good as that of a man, and that women could lead men in prayer. Muslim jurists dispute the significance of a Koranic verse which suggests the testimony of a man is worth that of two women, at least in cases of contracting commercial debt. Turabi said in some cases, depending on her expertise and credibility, a woman’s testimony might be more reliable than that of a man and any judge should take all facts into account. (Reuters) ------------ Sudan’s Turabi considered apostate April 23, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — A Sudanese Islamist leader who once protected Al Qaeda supremo Osama Bin Laden was branded an apostate by the country’s Muslim scholars on Sunday for taking a liberal stand on women’s rights. The clerics proposed trying Hassan al-Turabi for apostasy following recent declarations by the Popular Congress Party leader that women were equal to men, had the right to marry a Christian or a Jew and could even lead prayers. "Turabi should declare repentance or face the Sharia Hadd for heresy," said the statement by the Muslim Scholars Committee, which has the support of the government and controls many of the country’s mosques. Hadd is a word in Islamic law that applies to punishments inflicted for some of the most serious offenses. The traditional punishment for heresy or apostasy in Sharia law is the death penalty. During a conference in Khartoum earlier this month, Turabi - the country’s most famous Muslim theologian - sparked an intense debate by expressing liberal views on Sudanese society and Islam. The white-turbaned 74-year-old cleric described the Muslim teachings that a Muslim woman should not marry a Christian or a Jew as "backward" and that adherence to such principles was aimed at hampering women’s rights. He sanctioned mixed prayers so long as men and women did not sit too close to each other, in order to avoid "arousing sexual feelings" that could distract worshippers from their praying. Turabi, who spent several years aggressively promoting a hardline Islamist ideology, also said a woman’s testimony was worth a man’s and even more in cases when a woman commands superior expertise in a specific field. Once the power behind President Omar al-Bashir’s throne, Turabi fell from grace in 2000 and was detained several times. He was last released in June 2005 and remains one of Sudan’s leading opposition figures. It was on Turabi’s advice that former Sudanese president Jaafar Nimeiri ordered in 1985 the execution by hanging at age 75 of Mahmoud Mohamed Taha for refusing to recant his unorthodox views on Islam. Taha, who founded the Republican Brothers organisation and held liberal views notably on the place of women in society, was then Turabi’s arch rival. The Islamist leader now faces a taste of his own medicine but defiantly reiterated his views several times in recent interviews and lectures, sparking the ire of Muslim traditionalists worldwide. He hit back at his critics on Saturday night during a gathering at the University of Khartoum, accusing them of defending "stale ideas". He justified his statement on marriage by explaining that Christians and Jews are "People of the Book" and therefore not infidels. Turabi also advocated dialogue with the West in order to improve the image of Islam and stressed that jihad [holy struggle] should only be waged "in self-defence and not in aggression against others". He deplored that the West had "a wrong idea and a bad image of Islam". "We seek to present a good model and I have even spoken with the Pope on this matter," he added. It was Turabi, then the gray eminence of Bashir’s Islamist regime, who invited Bin Laden to Sudan in 1990 and provided him with a safe haven from 1991 to 1996, when the Al Qaeda chief was eventually expelled under mounting international pressure on Khartoum. web page
  18. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaled: I can't honostly imagen someone speaking like that. The most important thing a writer should be concerned with the abiliy of readers to understand their piont or arguement. How can this be done with paragraph long sentances. Unorganized thoughts don't also help us readers. These sentances/paragraphs seemed to be speaking about ten different things at once. You cannot be serious
  19. Rio women applaud no-men, pink-striped metro cars Reuters Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Women commuters filled female-only, pink-striped subway cars in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro on Monday on the first day of a scheme to avert groping and other unwanted sexual advances. A law passed by the state legislature and signed by Rio Governor Rosinha Matheus last month obliged the underground Metro and above-ground railways to have separate passenger cars for women during the weekday rush hours. “It’s the first day today and we had women applauding when men, who had entered their carriage without knowing about the rule, got off,†a spokeswoman for the private Metro Rio company said. Frequent complaints from women commuters about sexual harassment in crowded railway cars had prompted state legislators to pass the bill. One car in each of Metro Rio’s 33 trains is marked with pink stripes on doors and windows. The company said female passengers would themselves control men’s entry into the cars, seeking the help of security guards if necessary. Railroad company Supervia, which serves Rio and its suburbs, identifies its female-only cars with signs similar to those on women’s restrooms. Men won’t be barred from the female-only cars during an initial phase but after that railroad police would enforce the new rule, a Supervia spokesman said. Mumbai Mirror ---------------------------- Women-only subway cars get bumpy test drive in Rio RIO DE JANEIRO, April 25, 2006 (AFP) - A law reserving select rail cars exclusively for women during the rush hour on Rio's Metro and suburban train routes got off to a rocky start on Monday. Approved March 8, on International Women's Day, in a bid to curb sexual harassment, the law was only partially observed when it was taken for a test drive on Monday. Many men boarded the reserved cars -- identified by a pink sticker on the subway cars, or by an icon depicting a woman on other trains -- either by accident, to escape more crowded train cars or simply to break the rules, MetroRio noted Tuesday. Some 500,000 passengers -- 49 percent of them women and 51 percent men -- ride the Rio subway each day, according to MetroRio. On Monday, each time a man entered the reserved cars, the women would rail against the intrusion. But some, undeterred, held their ground, despite shouts and boos from other passengers. Reaction was divided largely along gender lines. "If they don't respect women, how can you expect them to respect the laws?" 22-year-old student Debora Bianco told the daily O Globo. "It's quite simply discrimination," a nurse fumed on television Tuesday, after a security guard asked him to leave a women-only car on a suburban route. The man claimed to have been "forcibly removed" from the train car. "Separation (of the sexes) is a throwback to my grandmother's era. It's a big step backward in the fight for women's equality," complained Rogeria Peixoto, head of a Brazilian women's group. -------------------
  20. ^^ Ma anaa waalan mise Enjoyed that programme immensely.
  21. Support Somaliland: Important announcement Are you a clinician (Doctor or nurse) who is working in an NHS hospital in the UK? Would you like to transfer/pass your knowledge, skills and expertise in the training and development of the Somaliland national health workforce? If you’ve answered (YES) in the above two questions, please do contact us immediately. Save the Children UK have recently contacted Support Somaliland and informed its intention of carrying out and funding a programme to train the students of Burao’s Nursing College. This programme will work similarly to that of King’s THET Somaliland Partnership (KTSP). The programme is in great need of finding volunteers who are originally from Somaliland and would wish to donate some of their time to take part in the programme. THET (Tropical Health & Education Trust) which has an extensive experience in establishing LINKS between UK hospitals and those in less developed countries is assisting Save the Children in this programme. Therefore, if you would like to take part in this programme, please contact us soon at info@supportsomaliland.org. Abdirahman Adan (Qootaali) General Secretary Support Somaliland www.supportsomaliland.org ------------------ source hadhwanaagnews.com
  22. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote: Anigu horta Somaliland waxaan u arkaa dal dulman xuquuqdoodiina la duudsiyay xiligii taliskii Maxamed Siyaad Barre, waa dadkii horseeday midnimada iyo dawladnimada oo markii ay xoroobeen Muqdisho la yimid iyadoo ayna jirin cid u yeedhay , raggii iyaga ahaa waa la xumeeyay si xun baa loo galay dawladdii kacaanka ahayd ee Siyaad Barre ayaa fogeysey rag baa ka soo hor jeedey gooni isu taagga Somali land oo lahaa khalad weeyaan ... So, reer Baydhabo speaks like that? It is one thing to write an article, but is completely another when quoting others by using one's own standard dialect to attribute others. When one quotes, it should exactly be written the way the quoted person says. "A little requirement would be to conform to their unwritten 'regional' conformity of ultimate group-speak -- literally. So, instead of writing 'qadhaadh,' if a person slips and writes 'qaraar,' as it was finely illustrated on this very board to a hapless new comer who received a reprimand straying from 'cousinity' group-speak. What they utterly failed to realize is the fact Soomaalis during pre-civil war grew up different regions with different dialects, regardless of that person's clan's associated region's dialect. Under their tribal telescope, however, everything is black and white, one-sided dimensional political issue being the foremost of them all." group speak Better the world know you as a sinner than God to know you as a hypocrite.