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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Gediid Wlc back, nice to see you again bro!
  2. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Why can't you say rather, "anaga oo ku hadleyna magaceena iyo kan beesha dagta Gobolka Waqooyi Galbeed, waxaan u dabaal dageynaa maalinta qabiilkeena uu xornimada aanan wali qaadan oo baadigoobkeeda ku jirno....." That would confess the truth in full precision, but you really confussed yourself as well as others. You are one confused fella, but I have nothing - none whatsoever - to do with your confusion.
  3. Xalay iyo Xafladii Madaxtooyada ee Xuska 26 June Hargeysa(Qarannews) Xafalad Balaadhan oo lagu xusayay 46 guuradii ka soo wareegtay markii Somaliland Gobanimadeeda ka qaadatay Boqortooyada ingiriiska 26 june 1960kii ayaa habeenkii xalay lagu qabtay Xarunta Madaxtooyada Jsl ee Hargeysa, Xafladan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Md Daahir Rayaalle Kaahin,Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Md Axmed Yuusuf Yasiin, Shirgudoonada Labada Gole baarlaman[Guurtida iyo Wakiilada], Hargeysa Sideebaa Gabi Ahaan Looga Xusey Malinta 26Jun Jamhuriyadda Somaliland HARGEYSA SOMALILAND Munaasibada Xuska 26 June oo ku beegan maalinti Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Xornimada ka qaadatay Mustacmarkii Ingiriiska aya waxa maanta Xafalad weyn lugu Qabtay Fagaaraha Kheyriyada Burco. Xafaldan oo ay ka soo qayba Galeen Duqa Magaalda Burco Maxamuud Xasan Dhagalaab xildhibaano ka tirsan Golaha Degaanka Burco Gudoomiye Ku xigeenka Gobolka Togdheer Guuled Daahir Samatar iyo Fananiin Caan ah oo ay kamid Yihiin Axmed Saleeban Bide, Kinsi Xaaji Aadan iyo Fanaanin kale Munasibadan oo aad loo so agasimay waxa ka soo qayab galay iyan Dadweyne aad u tiro badanFuritaanki Xafalda ay waxa ka hadalay Duqa Magalaada Burco Maxamuud Xasan Dhagalaab oo ka waramay taariikhda Maalinta 26 Juune iyo siday Somaliland uga Luntay Xornimadii curdinka ahayed. Mr Maxamuud oo ka hadalayaay Taarikhda Maalinta 26 June ayaa waxa uu yidhi:- "ta waa maliinti aynu Xornimadeena ka qaadanay Gumaystihii Ingriska 4 maalmood kadiban waxaynu Xornimadeeni si indho la'aan ah u geynay Koonfur. Marar Badan ay laysku Dayay in dib loo so ceshod xornimadeeni marar badan ayaay Guuldaraysteen Lakiin 18 may ayaynu ku guulaysanay Mar Sarakiil Dhalinyaro ah oo waxa ku soo baraty Ingriiska ay Damcay inay Inqilaab ku qabsadan Dalka lakiin umay suurtoobin Mar kalen Waqooyigi waxa uu lah 33 Xildhibaan iyo Labo wasiir waxay Dhamaantod ku shireen Afgoye waxayna goosten si Sadkooda loo siyo inay is wada casilaan waxan Balantii kaga baxay oo fashiliya Labo Nin oo Reer Waqooyi ahaa 18 May ayaynu Dib u helnay Xornimadeeni inag Luntay Maraka waxan Idunku boorinaya inaad Xornimadiina iyo Nabdegalyada Ilashataan Waxa isna Halkaa ka hadalay Gudoomiye Ku xigeenka Gobolka Togdheer Guleed Daahir samatar oo isna ka hadaly Taarikhda 26 juune . Dhanka kale waxa iyan halka Heeso iyo Madadaalo ku soo ban dhigay Koox Fanaanin ah oo ay horkacayeen Axmed Saleeban Bide iyo Kinsi Xaaji Aadan Fanaaniinta oo Dadku aad ula dhecen Heesahay halka ku soo ban dhigeen . dhinaca kale Xaflad Balaadhan oo lagu xusayay munaasibada 26 June 1960 ayaa shalay lagu qabtay fagaaraha Beerta xorriyada ee Magaalada Ceerigaabo. Munaasibadaasi waxa ka soo qayb galay wasiirka Caafimaadka Cismaan Qaasim Qodax ,Masuuliyiinta gobolka, degmada iyo Boqolaal dadweyne ah.Wasiirka Caafimaadka Md Cismaan Qaasim Qodax oo xafladaasi ka hadlay ayaa ka waramay qaabkii iyo hanaankii aynu xornimadeena kaga qaadanay Ingiriiska 26-kii Juen 1960. Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in xornimadii inaga luntay uu ilaahay mar kale gacanteena dib inoogu soo celiyay waxa isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlaya uu yidhi Waa ilaahay mahadii xornimadeednii dawladnimadeenii aynu haysano waxa kaliya ee inaga maqani waa aqoonsi caalamiya, kaasna waxa aynu rajaynayaa in caalamku dhawaan ina aqoonsan doono’’. Md Cismaan Qaasim Qodax waxa uu si kulul u dhaliilay shacbiga gobolka Sanaag o uu carabka ku dhuftay inay aanu iskaashigoodu adkayn. Duqa Magaalada Ceerigaabo Ismaaciil X. Nuur oo xafladaasi ka hadlay ayaa bulshada ku dhaqan Ceerigaabo ku booriyay inay cashuuraha Bixiyaan si loogu qabto adeegyada Bulshada. Sidoo kale waxa Munaasibadaasi ka hadlay Badhasaab ku xigeenka gobolka Sanaag C/casiis Xasan Siciid.Dhinaca kale Munaasibad balaadhan oo lagu xusayay 46 guurada ka soo wareegtay 26 June 1960 ayaa xalay lagu qabtay magaalada Berbera ee gobolka Saaxil. Xafladaasi lagu xusay 26 June waxa ka soo qayb galay masuuliyiinta gobolka Saaxil, Madaxda laamaha dawlada iyo kumanaan qof oo ka mida Bulshada ku dhaqan magaalada Berbera. Waxa halkaasi ka hadlay masuuliyiinta magaalada Berbera iyo maamulka gobolka oo si balaadhan uga hdlay qiimaha ay ku fadhido maalintii Somaliland xornimadeeda ka qaadatay Boqortooyadi Ingiriiska halgan qadhaadh ka dib. Waxa munaasibadii xalay lagu soo bandhigay ciyaaro dhaqameedyo suugaan ku wajahan iyo sidii ay ku timid xornimada iyo madax banaanida Somaliland. Xariir waxa xafladaasi ahayd tii ugu balaadhnayd ee lagu xuso Munaasibada 26 June. Riyad Tvsleurope Hargeysa 26 June
  4. Kaana sib kanna SAAR Hambalyo 26 ka Juun. Anaga oo ku hadlayna magacyadayada iyo kan Jaaliyadda Reer Somaliland ee Carrigan Norway waxaan hambalyo iyo boogaadin ku aaddan munaasibada 26ka Juun oo ah maalintii JSL madaxbanaanideedii ka qaadatay Boqotooyadii Ingiriiska, u diraynaa dhammaan ummadda reer Somaliland meel kaste oo ay joogaanba. Waxaan leenahay ciid wanaagsan, qaranimadiina iyo karaamadiina u midooba. Eebbe ha inagu simo sanadka sanakiisa inagoo helnay waxa inaga dhiman een tabayno. AAAMIIIIIN. Ahmed Abdullahi Obsiye Sh. Mohamoud Abdillahi Isse. ahmed-ob@online.no Oslo, Norway HAMBALYO KALE OO TAAS LA MID AH WAXA NA SOO GAADHSIIYAY.... Hambalyada 26 June Jaaliyadda Somaliland ee ku dhaqan wadanka Kuwait waxay hambalyo diirran u dirayaan dhamaan shacabka Somaliland xuska 26 June awgeed. Xuska 46 naad ee kasoo wareegay xorriyaddii aynu ka qaadanay boqortooyadii Britain waa maalin aad inoogu weyn.Shacabka Somaliland oo mudadaa 46 sanadood ah soo maray marxalado kala gadisan oo ay ka mid yihiin waqtiyaddii inoogu adkaa oo ay adkeysi,iyo dhabar adayg,iyo sabir badni kagasoo gudbeen. Waxan kale oo aan ummadda Somaliland ugu hambalyeynayaa oo kale, fashillinta ay fashiliyeen kuwa Somaliland u shirqoola ee qorsahoodu yahay godkii madoobaa ee ay kasoo baxeen in dib loogu dhaco. Shacabka Somaliland waxan kale oo aan xasuusinayaa in aynu ku fara adeygno, oo Eebaheen ugu mahad celino guushaa inoosoo noqotay ee inta badan inaga maqneyd. Eebow Allow goor iyo ayaan u gargaar Somaliland. AAMIIN!!AAMIIN!! Waxa qorey Soleiman Haaji Mohamed Firdhiye Somaliland Welfare Society Forwarded by; Ali Aw Hussein omeralihs@hotmail.com
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: Topic: Clan court executes a man from unarmed clans.......Islamic justice? Originally posted by General Duke: Labada nin, midka la dilay iyo midka wax dilay ayaa labaduba kasoo jeeda Beesha Afgooye Looks like Duke Smith is once again shidh-stirring in the name of his beloved Adeero Col. Yey.
  6. Originally posted by Yo-Yo Ma: I was actually listening to Hamza El Din today. web page . I thought his music was similiar to Somali Qaraami. Maybe it is Oud/Kaban thing. We've lost both him and Ali Toure in a space of a few months. May Allah have mercy of them both. Aamiin.
  7. Originally posted by nabadshe: PLease Ill like your Opinions About this. Is it As bad as it looks Or just Another Resoulution like the many violeted UN resolutions? It's just lip service in response to the recent events in Xamar. They covering their backsides just in case events down there take nasty turn and spin out of control. I wouldn't expect them to say anything different, and, if the Resolutions were binding, the UN Security Council would've acted against the nations like Yemen, Ethiopia and Italy who break the arms embargo at will and sometimes while using UN facilities.
  8. People, I remember Sophist being even more downcast about Yey TNG, maybe he is a pessimist cynical git by nature and nothing sinister . He reminds me of Qaasim's ; In dagaal dhammaadaa qofkii doqoni moodaaye Nin da'weyni waa garan qabyada diillimaa hadhaye Hadduunbaa digtoonoow horliyo hawl la dawdabaye As for the topic, at this moment in time, the people down south have three options: their US-backed warlords, Ethiopia-Yey's Baidoa warlords or the Islamic Courts. I, for one, believe they should give the Courts a chance and support because the other two wont improve their situation an iota.
  9. Originally posted by Socod_badne: How do Islamic Banks make money to cover costs? I hope this explains how the UK version works, and is this what some believe Topic: Fatwa on the Impermissibility of the HSBC and other "Halal" Mortgages.....Excellent
  10. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo galabta lagu soo dhaweeyay dalka Zambia Madaxweynaha JSL iyo weftigiisu wuxuu ka soo degay gegida dayuuradaha ee Caalamiga ah ee ( Luzaka International Airport) 04:30-kii galabnimo, halkaas oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay.
  11. Nurow do you still believe they might have problems sustaining power ? Had to dig that one up! Soon to come Analyses of the Mogadishu Fall Looking forward to it IA
  12. Last Updated: Wednesday, 14 June 2006, 06:47 GMT 07:47 UK By Julian Knight Personal finance reporter, BBC News Lloyds TSB is to offer current accounts and mortgages which comply with Islamic law through its 2,000 strong branch network from Wednesday. The bank has offered such accounts since 2005 but only in a few branches. The bank will concentrate its main marketing push in about 100 branches in areas with a large Muslim population. An Islamic scholar advising the bank told BBC News that access to such services would ultimately mean "less exclusion and less extremism." Traditionally, many Muslims have shunned mainstream financial services and High Street banks because their products do not comply with Sharia law. Under Sharia Islamic law, making money from money, such as charging interest, is usury and therefore not permitted. Wealth should be generated only through legitimate trade and investment in assets. Investment in companies involved with alcohol, gambling, tobacco and pornography is strictly off-limits. Ethical Both Lloyd TSB's current account and mortgage products are open to non-Muslims. And according to Mufti Barkatullah, one of a four-strong panel of Islamic scholars advising Lloyds TSB, the concept of Sharia appeals to the wider community. "Sharia is about an ethical way of life and appeals to many people," Mr Barkatullah said. "I have been told that as many as 20% of people enquiring about Islamic products in one area are non-Muslim." Mr Barkatullah added that the spread of Islamic financial services would help combat social and financial exclusion amongst the UK's 1.6 million Muslims. "Everyone needs financial services...we should see less and less exclusion and less extremism," he said. Lloyds TSB said it will expand its range of Sharia-compliant financial products. The bank said it planned to launch an Islamic student current account in time for the new academic year. The bank is not the only provider of Islamic financial services; HSBC, the Islamic Bank of Britain, and West Bromwich Building Society all offer Sharia-compliant products. Chancellor's call Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Chancellor Gordon Brown called for the UK to become a centre of Islamic finance. Speaking at the Islamic Finance and Trade Conference the chancellor said he wanted to make the UK "the gateway for Islamic finance". He pointed to reforms of the tax system to make Sharia compliance easier. Islamic financial services are big business. Analysts estimate that worldwide the industry is worth between £200bn to £300bn a year.
  13. Originally posted by Suldaanka: Warlords Warlords Warloords watcha gonna Do when the Wadaads come for ya. Adiguba caqlaad leedehe carar maxaa dhaama #Chase those crazy bunkheads Chase those crazy warlords out of town#
  14. ^^ Dumb questions indeed. But just as dumb is someone asking >>However, why are they mute? Because the victims aren't from their qabiil? Or they aren't that important? Or are less than the sufferings of others?
  15. People please contain yourselves, will you? I didn't post that interview because of what he said about SL, but for the clever way the man answered very tough questions. At this moment in time, I think Somaliland is peripheral issue for the Courts, so let's wait and see how it all pans out, shall we? Originally posted by Nayruus: Mar la weydiiyey Sh. Shariif sababta ay u tixgelin waayeen rabitaanka iyo doonista shacbiga Somaliland, waxa uu yidhi; “Waa run oo shacbiga Somaliland iyagaa ikhtiyaarkooda leh, balse annagu waxaanu sheegaynaa dareenkeenna walaalnimo iyo diimeed ee wax aanu Somaliland ku diidanahay ma jiraan.†Hadal waa margi.. Anyways, it's been an interesting few weeks so far
  16. ^^ @ Immediately. Wow ask the admin if he/she checked your PMs too.
  17. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Kismaayana waxaa talin lahaa Morgan ama Hiiraale. Kaa Hiiraale la jiro, Morgan buu kasoo horjeeday. Kaa Hiiraale kasoo horjeedayne, waxaan aaminsanahay Morgan inuu la jiro. Nin Morgan u doodayana warkiisuba meel ma taal. Let's not mince words. Aren't there a more deserving people than the two rascals?
  18. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: I also know that there’s a semi-officially supported and active waste dumping and human trafficking with a huge human and environmental cost in and around our oceans. I also know that it’s these very warlords who trampled our nation and its civilization. I know all of that. But none of it is even remotely equal or is as horrendous as hunting fellow Somalis for profit gains, I argue. I disagree mate. I think the human smugglers have exercised a certain level of heartlessness to be the most suitable candidates for the title of "would be slave trader".
  19. ^^^ According to SOL logic; those warlords in Xamar and Baydoa stand for "somalinimo" whereas Somalis in Djibouti who sent medical supplies for the injured dont. Do you get it Paragon?
  20. Congrats to him and may the Lord grant him wisdom.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: Unlike established states, it is Puntland that supports and funds and even welcomed the TFG to its country, unlike other parts Puntland has been the main pillar of support for the TFG. The MP's ministers and leaders from Puntland have supported the government from day one. I welcome this move, for Geedi mistook Puntland for something else.. Replace Puntland with Jawhar you could be easily mistaken for the other useful idi*t Mo Dheere. Who will the Ciyaalasuuq politicians hit next?
  22. Originally posted by samuraiW: Totally and utterly unacceptable even if the victims were NOT of Somalis. Despicable and inexcusable ...Period! More on the story and Puntland’s Minister of Finance on the issue... He said what needed to be said, let's hope he or someone acts on it.