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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Socod_badne: Amidst it all, we forget that this right of his to air his displeasure with Hijab (the kind that leaves bare only the eyes) is the same right that allows muslim women to wear the Hijab. Socoto, we're only expressing our right to say what we think Straw is: beady-eyed rodent-faced opportunist.
  2. Good ting I didn't ask for vital statistics, Duke Smith? PS I always confuse you with some other foreign chap who wonders around with a RED passport
  3. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: War Horn...Seem very eager for some action. Didn't think the loss of Kismayo was gonna have this effect on you. Hard to believe is this the same person?
  4. “Isma Oga Agoon Iyo Ninkii Aabaheed Dilay” Somalidu waxay ku maahmaadaa “waxay abeeso leedahay ilmaheedna leh” waxa kale oo ay tidhaa maahmaah kale “Ilko abeeso hoostay ka xidhiidhsan yihiin” Waxaan uga socda “walaalaheenna” reer Somalia hadday yar yihiin iyo hadday weyn yihiin, hadday askari yihiin, hadday siyaasi yihiin, hadday waranle yihiin iyo hadday wadaad yihiinba waxay u haystaan inay xaq u leeyihiin inay ina xukumaan ama inoo taliyaan. Somaliland waxay u haystaan inay tahay amaano aynu u sii hayno intay soo kala jeesanayaan iyagu. Inta badan maba sugi karaan intay kala dhamaanayaan ee iyagoo qoladii wax eryatay kuwii ay eryadeen u sii muuqdaan ayaabay soo jeestaan oo yidhaahdaan “meeday Somaliland?” “iska soo celiya amaanadii” Waar illayn belaayo habeen kama tegin! Inaguna waxaynu mar walba ku ducaynaa “Ilaahayow walaalahayaga reer Somalia nabad iyo degenaansho sii” arrinteenu se waa “ninkaad kabahiisa tolayso ayaa kafantaada tolaaya” Aan u soo noqdo kuwan u danbeeyay ee la yidhaa Maxkamadaha. Maxkamadahu iyagoon cagahaba isku taagin ay markiiba waxay ina yidhaahdeen: Maxkamadaha: fiiri walaalow, midnimaa la rabaa no. Somaliland wax la dhahaa ma jidho. Iska dhaafa warkaas. Anaagaa idin xukumayna haddi kale xoog aan idinku qabsanaynaa. Somaliland: oo sheekh maxkamdaw siday wax u jiraan sawnagan dalka dhan ee jira ah ee dastuur leh ee golayaal baarlamaan leh ee ciidan qaran leh ee boolis leh. Ee shacab heegan ah leh. Ee nidhi xornimaydayadii aanu waa hore tuurnay waanu la soo noqonay. Miyaydaan ka war haynba? Maxkamadaha: walaalkiis. Waxaas looma jeedo hadda. Koofur waa la xoreeyey. Waa la mideeyay. dalka dhan min Raas Kaamboonni ilaa Saylac shareecadda islaamka inaan ku xukunnaan rabnaa annaga. Sidee adiga waaye?ma jirrantahay? ma waalantay? Weligaas baad qaldaan ahayd. Somaliland: Weger! oo sheekh maxkamadaw, distoorkayaga ma akhriday, af caribina waabu ku qoranyahaye, sawta ku cad inuu ku salaysan yahay shareecadda islaamka? Clankayaga se ma aragtay inuu tawxiidku ku qoranyahay? Inaanu se dad muslimiin ah nahay oo iyaba wadaadadooda leh oo ay diinta u dhigaan ma ka war qabtay? Anagu maantaabaanu u masaajid iyo malcaamad quraan badanay sidii Ilaahay noo abuuraye. Waar bal lama aragtan kaalaya. Maxkamadaha: Waxaas oo dhan warkeed dhaaf. Looma jeedo ayaan ku dhahay. Midnimo ayaa la rabaa. “far keliyi fool ma dhakhdo” Taa ma maqal miyaa adiga? Somalliland: oo sheekh maxkamadaw, haddaynu laba foolba kale leenahay maad kaaga adigu iska dhaqatid ama far keliyi ha kuu dhaqdo amay yay kuu dhiqini? Maxaa aniga wejigayga kaa galay? Ta kale anigu waaban dhaqday kayga oo weliba weyseystay. Waar bal bixisandan eega hadda? Maxamdaha:Haddee “inamal mu’minuuna ikhwatun” ma maqlin miyaa adiga” Somaliland : oo sheekh maxkamdaw, “Fil ixsaani wal khayri” miyaanay taasi ahayn? Ma khasab iyo jujuub baa? Somaliland: sheekh maxkamadaw waxaan ku weyday. Horta goormaad wadaadka noqotay oo aad wadaaddada weliba intaa dheeraatay? Ma “subxaan. Almuqayir alxwaal” baa arrinkaagu? Nimankan se aan raadinayay ee godobta hore iga hayay ee berigii dadkayga xasuuqay ee Turki iyo Morganba ku jiraan ma sheekhyay noqdeen oo afka haddaydin gacanta ka gelisaan idin qaniini maayaan baad leeday? Mise waxay ku yidhaahdeen anagaa sida loo laayo naqaan oo markay magacayaga maqlaan bay goojo dhabarka saarayaan ee aan idin hor kacno? Maxkamdaha: Xasuuq? Haddee Xasuuq maxaa waaye adiga. Somali oo dhan aa dhimatay. Taliskii Siyaad Barre somali waa wada laayay. Qabqablayaashi somali waa dileen. Adle kelikaas maa wax ku gaareen? Somaliland: oo sheekh maxkamdaw, ma waxaad leedahay boqolkii kun ee qof ee gacantiina ku dhintay iyo hantidii dadkaygu 200 oo sanno tabcanayeen ee badhna burburiseen badhna bililiqaysateen wax ka soo qaad ma leh? Maxkamadaha: Haddee waxaas maxaa ka nool yaaqii? Kuwaas dhintayna waa shahiideen Alla ha u naxariistaa ku filan no? adduunkaan aad ka warramaysona waxaa la dhahay “inama dunyaa licibun wa lahwo” Haddee maxaa ku flaysiin. Wixii oo laydinka dhacayna. Aakhiraas helaysiin kii oo toman jibaaran. Sadaqo waaye. Somaliland: oo sheekh maxkamadaw, iminkana ma waxaad leeday haddana aanu idin layno jannadaydin geliye. Oo aan idin burburino waxii baaba noqda aakhiro aydin ka heli haddana eh? Idinku janada ma ku gelaysaan markaa na laysaan? Mise anaguumbaa janada nala jeceshiin? Maxkamadaha: maxaa? Haddee Sidee adiga waaye? Anagana jannada waa rabnaa. Anaga diinkaan fidinaynaa ka dib idinkaan idin dilaynaa anagana janaan gelaynaa maxaa wacay diinkii aan fidinnay idinkana janaa gelaysaan shahiid baa noqon rabtaan. Somaliland: haaaa!oo sheekh maxakamdaw, ma waxaad leeday agoontii aydin waalidkood layseen hantidoodiina waxna burburiseen waxna biliqaysateen haddana aan idinkana idin layno oo bisinka idiin qabato oo waxii aydin dib u dhabdhabateenna aan misna burburino? Wallaahii sheekh maxkamdaw horaa loo yidhi “isma oga agoon iyo ninkii aabaheed dilay” anaguna aargoosi iyo xumaan baanu ku xishoonnay, adiguna maanta ayaad leeday haddana qoorta soo dhigo. Waaba “kaaf iyo kala dheeri.” Weliba hadda sheekh arrinka ku noqo oo sida xabadda loo rido ee dulmiga laysa ridana anaa ku baray oo kugu qacan qabtay. “shabeel nin rabbaystay riyahuu ka cunaaye ma isku kay rogay rafiiqay” Tii Allay noqon. Waar hoy sheekhoow ka joog. A.Geeljire http://www.somaliland.org
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: The first one is WOOW !!! I thought it looked Jewish, don't know why Skull cup missing..
  6. Originally posted by NGONGE: I have a feeling that proper mullahs would frown at the mention and use of graffiti to further their cause! Would love to know what they drew though. "Sheikh Cabdulqaadir was ere" "Shariah Rocks!"
  7. Marba dhinac ubood! Geezer most of the ICU folks that are geniune about Islam have my support and - unlike MMA - i've kept quiet about those with dubious records - until now that is. This arrogant self-appointed defender of the faith (read cheerleader of Allah's supposed teknikos) role you play in SOL might not the kind support the intelligent ones in the ICU want at this moment. Salli cala nabbi! As for Somaliland, we have our own Sheekhs who are going about the right way of introducing Shariah and inshAllah they will succeeded.
  8. ^^^^ Geezer, seems you are not tough enough to be seef-labood and decided to be habaar-labood instead.
  9. AYOUB


    Doqoni waxay casarkii kaa maqasho bay cishihii kugu caydaa. Doqoni waxay ku barto - waxay ku baddo kaaga daran.
  10. Originally posted by Oodweyne: And, that particular line of merely informing the outcome of that last political bet that some folks have had against Somaliland; goes directly to my old friend, namely the said Mr. XiinFaniin , who, as I said it, in another thread, would of have won, the prize that goes to the person, who have the most temerity to swap political shirt, in a drop of a hat, without even blushing, for such a soul-destroying feet of political dress-crossing in the open and in the company of polite society.... Consequently, you, my dear, Mr. Xiinfaniin remind me, or at least your conduct do so, what was said a long time ago, about the spectacle of political opportunism at it's most truism sense; particularly if one recalled, that it was thus, a practitioner of this political cross-dressing, who once said: ".... This is my political principle,...but if you object to it, I can also have different ones for your convenience. ..." [/QB] LOL Do you remember when he temporarily jumped off the tekniko wagon when Gaalkayu was threatened? Anyways, one can easlisy detect who is whom in SOL by the crude process of elimination and the help the ICU ventures. I bet my five Samoosas the new and energised Nuune is Turkish
  11. What about the honourable men and women who died for in two wars of '60s and '70s defending this flag would think of you today? Eerm.. *what exactly are those Ethiopian goons doing in Gaalkayu and Baidoa?* Just a thought..
  12. Ilaahay ka baqa - Jaamac Axmed Jaamac "Gacmadheere" Islaamnimadu waa door ninkii Eebbe solansiinne Aftalkeeda hore waa markaa la ashahaataaye Salaaddaa ayaan iyo ayaan la ijtihaadaaye Soonkaa anfaca maalintii laga adkaystaaye Sekadaa aduunkiyo dadkaba la iska oofshaaye Nin awoodi karayoow xajkaa lagu itaalaaye Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye Adxa iyo Fitrina waa jiraan labada iidoode Iyagana sunnaa lagu ismoo mu'akad weeyaane Ajri xoogleh baa laga helaa ururka maantaase Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye Allabariga waxa loo qalaa odayadeenniiye asaxaabigeennii dhintaa lagu addeecaaye Ehelkaan wixiid aad tartaan loogu anafoonne aakhiro wuxuu kugu noqdaa ololki naareede Itinkeeda waa laga durkaa dhaxal agoomeede Tuugiyo Ammaanaan la cunin oonna loo dayanne Eegmada habluhu waa waxaad ku ibtiloowdaaye Ololaa cayaartiyo Sinaa laga adkaystaaye Afkaagaa sukuud laga noqdaa odhahsan mooyane Awlaadsibaa lagu daraa duciyo aammiine Markaasaa Ibleyskiyo Kufriga laga adkaadaaye Oo aad albaabbada Janada orod ku gaadhaaye Ilaahay ka baqa kaasi waa ereygi weynaaye WACDI - Salaan Carrabey Salaan wuxuu gabaygan tirshey ka dib markii loo soo sheegay geerida wiilkiisii yuusuf Salaan. 1. Cabdiyow wadeeciyo adduun way ka bixi waaye 2. walbahaarka waan kula qabaa wahanna ii dheere 3. aniguba wax badan baan laqwiyay waalli iyo qooqe 4. Fircoonkii wasiilada janada waadiyada jeexday 5. waarsiino abaduu jeclaa waase noloshiiye 6. rag kalaa waraytad ugu hadhay waxaddii xoolaade. 7. Wedku kama ajoon Nabiyadii inaga weynaaye 8. nafle Aadan kama wiil badnayn waana kii dilay 9. waxyi looma soo rogin Jibriil waagii dabadeede. 10. Hal la wariyo shiikh iyo wadaad waracadii diinta 11. culimadu warkay sheegtay iyo waanadaa dhabahe 12. wacdi nooma laabnee naftaa walaftay shaydaane. 13. Wajaq cudur warraaq meleg haddaan wilif idhaah caawa 14. isaguba khalqiga wow wakiil aan waqiis nixine 15. waji qadab leh weedh kulul hadduu xaqa I waydiiyo 16. Eebow walaacaan qabiyo waali-nimadaada 17. waayaha I haystiyo dambiga weelasha I buuxshay 18. wannakiirka geerida godakaan weyd ka khoof ahaye. 19. Horay werenweryadu noogu timi waaqladuu yahaye 20. waxshigii qubuuraha intaad nooga wehel yeesho 21. Eebow waclada haygu gubin waaqidka cadaabta. 22. Maantaan waxuushtuna maqnayn waxad intaad uuntay 23. ee uunku wada waaqif yahay wacadka meecaadka 24. gaalada wabiinka ah haddii loo waddiyo naarta 25. Muslim inuu ku wiirsado adaa wacay dharaartaase 26. wastina ma laha diintiyo kufriga wax u dhexeeyaaye 27. miisaanka inaan waafi iman waazinka xisaabta 28. aan waladul-khayr noqon haddii weyne iga yeelo 29. iyo inaan wallaabida ku dhici wayluntiyo hooga 30. weecaanya Khaatumo waxay noqon waraaqdaydu 31. waafaqada jeer aan hubsado waan walwalayaaye 32. warna ma hayo gees ay arini ii wacaal bixine. 33. marka inaan naftayda u walgamo aakhiraa wacane 34. waslad maniya baan ahay asaan woofin cahadkiiye 35. waanwaanta nololeed intaan sido waxoogaaga 36. wadadii xajkii iyo intaan Wadan ka gaadhaayo 37. weysaysi baa ila gudboon wuduu' salaadeede 38. Wakhtiga maan tukado geeridaa wajiboo xigiye Allahayow - Cali Jaamac Haabiil 1. Allahayoow aduunyada adaa uuntay keligaaye 2. Allahayoow arwaaxdana adaa qoray arsaaqdoode 3. Allahayoow adoomuhu aday ku irkanaayaane 4. Allahayoow alabaabada adaa ooda oo furae 5. Allahayoow ma awdidoo xaqaad soo iftimisaaye 6. Allahayoow aduunbaw arxama kii itaal darane 7. Allahayoow adaan eex aqoon eedna aan qabine 8. Allahayoow awood adigunbaa loo ogsoon yahaye 9. Ninkaloo itaal lihi ma jiro adiga mooyaane 10. Allahayoow midii uurlehiyo tii irmaan dumarka 11. Allahayoow umulihii nin diley ubad jaqsiinaayey 12. Allahayoow mid aano iyo kibir Muumin ku idleeyey 13. Allahayoow addoonimo midaan kugu adeecaynin 14. Allahayoow midkaa ku inkiree diidey amarkaaga 15. Allahayoow mid oogada jirka aad insiga mooddo 16. Allahayoow misana aan ahayn awliyana sheegta 17. Allahayoow ibleys kaa u eeg oonu garan weyney 18. Allahayoow nin aayaadka iyo diinta ku adeegta 19. Allahayoow amaba aan u odhan siday ahaayeenba 20. Allahayoow aqqonlaawahaa eeydu daba joogto 21. Allahayoow ibleyska khaliqigu ka ashkatonaayo 22. Allahayoow adigu waad ogtahay waadna aragtaaye 23. Allahayoow adoomaanu nahay diinta aaminaye 24. Allahayoow baryada naga ajiib kuu ergaan nahaye aamiin. source: hoygasuugaanta.com ramadaan kariim
  13. Hate-mongering and Mudug-bashing actually demonstrates the bankruptcy of the argument founded on fallacy and futility. How long would Somaliland’s desire for self-rule be abetted and promoted through rancid characters and hate for Walaweyn – a misnomer often used to symbolize the southerners as a lot. Hell-hall has no fury like a reer Mudug scorned.
  14. Sheekh Cali Warsame Oo Ka Hadlay Ujeedada Uu u Tegay Muqdisho Sheekh Cali Iyo Mawqifkiisa Somaliland: "Aniga mawqifkayga wuu cad yahay, waana la ogyahay oo madaxda waanu is aragnaa, Badhasaabka, wasiirada& ........ Koley anigu marnaba ogolaan maayo in Somaliland dhexdeeda cidi fadqalalo ka geysato. Wax badan baanan mawqifkaygaa dadka ugu soo bandhigay jaraa idka iyadoo aanay Haatuf-ba jirin." Muqdisho, September 26, 2006 (Haatuf) Sh. Cali Warsame oo ka mid ah culimada waaweyn ee magaalada Burco, haatana socdaal ku jooga magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in ujeedada socdaalkiisa ay tahay mid shakhsi ah oo uu ku booqanayo reerkiisa (xaas) u deggan magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana aanay jirin cid uu xidhiidh la leeyahay iyo wax ku lid ah Somaliland oo uu ku maqan yahay. Sh. Cali Warsame oo aanu telefoon kula xidhiidhnay xalay isagoo jooga magaalada Muqdisho, waxa uu ka jawaabay war ku soo baxay wargeyska Haatuf cadadkiisii shalay oo sheegayay in Sheekh Cali Warsame iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayaa ay u amba-baxeen magaalada Muqdisho, warkaas oo muujiyay tuhun ku saabsan in socdaalkaasi xidhiidh la leeyahay kacdoonka Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ahi ka wadaan Somalia. Sheekhu, ugu horeyn waxa uu ku dhalliilay wargeyska Haatuf hubsiimo la aan, waxana uu u soo jeediyay inay hubsadaan had iyo goor wararka ay qorayaan. Waxa loo baahan yahay marka suxufi aad tahay in qofku iska hubsado waxa uu qorayo, in badanna waxaanu idinka aragnay waxaananu ka raali ahayn oo dacaayad ah oo ka dhan ah wadaadada Burco, ayuu yidhi Sheekh Cali. Isagoo ka hadlaya socdaalkiisa, Sheekhu waxa uu yidhi: Meesha [Muqdisho] awelba waan iman jiray oo reer baa iga jooga oo carruurtaydii baa qaar deggan yihiin, kolkaa miyaan u daayaa sidaas iyo sidaas baa lagu odhan haddii aan carruurtayda soo siyaarto? Waxaan idiin sheegayaa inaanan halkan u iman cid kale oo aan la xidhiidho ama cadow aan Somaliland ku soo wado ee booqashadaydu socdaalkaa reerkayga ayay ku kooban tahay, meeshaydii [burco] ayaanan ku soo noqon doonaa haddii Alle idmo, ayuu raaciyay Sh. Cali Warsame. Sh. Cali Warsame waxa uu sheegay in socdaalkiisa Muqdisho uu ahaa mid laga warhayay, cid ku wehelisay iyo wefti uu hoggaaminayay midna aanu jirin. Intii aanan Burco ka amba-bixin waxaan la kaftamay qolada sirdoonka oo ninka la yidhaahdo Cabdi Saleebaan [Madaxa socdaalka gobolka Togdheer] baan ku idhi, imikaba hadhow baad meelahaa dhubuq-dhubuqlayn doontaane ogaada reerkaygii baan gaadhayaaye, ayuu idhi Sheekh Cali Warsame. Sheekh Cali Warsame waxa uu intaas raaciyay inaanu ahayn nin imika colaad iyo dibindaabyo u wada Somaliland, reer Burco-na ay ogyihiin taas, hase yeeshee aanu garanayn halka reer Hargeysa ay ka keenaan wararka taas khilaafsan. Sheekh Cali Iyo Mawqifkiisa Somaliland Sheekh Cali Warsame waxa uu mar madax ka ahaa ururkii Al-Itixaad Al-Islaami ee horraantii sagaashanaadkii xoogga ku yeeshay Somalia. Dad badanina waxay rumaysan yihiin in wadaadada ururkaasi ka tirsanaan jiray ay ka soo horjeedaan gooni-isu-taagga Somaliland. Haddaba, Sheekh Cali Warsame waxa aanu weydiinay isagu shakhsi ahaan sida uu u arko Somaliland maadaama dadka qaar ay muran geliyaan mawqifkiisa Somaliland. Isagoo taas ka jawaabayana waxa uu yidhi Sheekhu: Aniga mawqifkayga wuu cad yahay, waana la ogyahay oo madaxda waanu is aragnaa, Badhasaabka, wasiirada& Madaxweyne Rayaale-na markii ugu dambaysay ee aanu kulanay waxaan ku idhi, anigu mucaarid baan ahay, mucaaridnimadayduna waxay ku salaysan tahay waxaan ahay nin u doodda in dadka lagu xukumo Shareecada Islaamka, laakiin taasi mid xoog ku imanaysa maahee waa mid dadku ikhtiyaar u leeyihiin. Koley anigu marnaba ogolaan maayo in Somaliland dhexdeeda cidi fadqalalo ka geysato. Wax badan baanan mawqifkaygaa dadka ugu soo bandhigay jaraa idka iyadoo aanay Haatuf-ba jirin. Source:Ha atuf http://iftin.net/sheekh.html web page
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: Afhayeenka Maxkamadaha ee gobolada dhaxe ayaa intaas ku daray in Saddax iyo Toban ka mid ah gawaarida gaashaaman ee ciidamada Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa kale ee maamul goboleedka Puntland dib ugu laabteen Koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo halkaas oo ay fariisin ka sameysteen. So what's the connection between the boys from Tigray, Qaybdiid and Puntu matiliamen? Rahima That link doesn't work and i'll take your word for it.
  16. ^^ Just did too, only to find out Layzie is waaay behind. Should have gone with BlueEpocha whose picture was my favourite anyway. 1.^^^ 2.LayZieGirl 3.Baashi 4.TenaciousSoul*
  17. Originally posted by NGONGE: I have no idea why you decided to post that article. To criticise Muslim reactions is NOT to support Bush (and Blair’s) policies. They way you’re conducting this argument seems to be in the style of Mr Bush’s ‘you’re either with us or against us’ statement. I wouldn't even say that to wayward Socoto, let alone you. The two points I was trying to make were: 1. I don't think anyone would take Muslim Council criticism of the foreign policy as a green light to commit some sort of revenge attacks on innocent people. It's their duty to point out the fallacy in Blair's arguments when he came to power promising "ethical foreign policy" and to be "tough on crime and tough on causes of crime". These leaders have previously been used for photo opportunities and publicity stunts by politicians, and it would damage their credibility if don't speak out against unjust policies and, THAT would send the wrong message to the people they represent. 2. A person does not have to read the letter you posted to find out Blair's policies were linked to the recent troubles and last year's attacks. The article I posted (written by a former high-ranking intelligence official) does so, in no uncertain terms. I have even read an article where a victim of the 7/7 attacks blames politicians more than the bombers themselves. I'm not down-playing how evil the attackers/attacks were, am saying the Muslim Council were correct and not duplicitous in sending that open letter. A person looking for an excuse to harm others does not to have to read between the lines of the letter because they can find more explicit articles out there if they want to. PS You can only accuse the Muslim Council of "eroding the faith" the day they claim attacking innocent civilians is acceptable.
  18. ^^Sorry Have you heard the one about the Jews? Jamie Glassman As a writer on The Ali G Show I can do insulting jokes. But the anti-Jewish sentiment at Edinburgh is shocking THERE’S NOTHING I like more than a Jewish joke. It’s the anti-Jewish ones I’m not so keen on. Wandering through the streets of Edinburgh during the world’s largest arts festival, you never know what sight or sound you will be bombarded with next. Half-naked men on 6ft stilts meander by, half-naked girls rush to sell you their show, troops of Japanese acrobats tumble past. But I wasn’t prepared for the verbal assault I got when I wandered into a comedy gig this week. There have always been anti- Semitic jokes. But you know times are changing when you go along to a stand-up show at the Pleasance Courtyard at the Edinburgh Fringe and you hear audience members shouting “Throw them in the oven†when the comic suggests kids should stop playing Cowboys and Indians and replace it with Nazis and Jews. Stand-up comedy is as good a prism as any through which to look at the changing attitudes in our society. If my past few days are anything to go by then it is becoming increasingly acceptable to hate the Jews. Again. I’ve seen two comics so far who have been happy to amuse their crowds with Holocaust gags. I’m not sure which to be the more concerned about. One was a left-leaning angry Australian conspiracy theorist, Steve Hughes, whose show The Storm is an assault on all things Western. “I want to bash Condoleezza Rice’s brain to bits and kill that f****** Jew Richard Perle.†Hughes is the one at the Pleasance Courtyard while Perle is an adviser to George W. Bush as he was to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton on foreign affairs. The second was a far more charming African-American comic who for much of the show was thoughtful, funny and even quite sweet. But he seemed to have a problem with Jews, too. Reginald D. Hunter is doing sell-out shows in the new E4-sponsored venue, the Udderbelly. Three hundred come along every night to see Hunter’s Pride and Prejudice and Niggas. You should see the poster. I was laughing along until he announced that he was about to be extremely controversial and break the last taboo of stand-up comedy. Long silent pause. "Jeeeeews" Another long pause with some giggles from the audience. "You see, you’re not allowed to say that." He went on to say how its illegal to deny the Holocaust in Austria. He has a good mind to go to Austria, stand in the street and say the Holocaust didn’t happen so that he could get arrested and tell the judge he was talking about the Rwandan holocaust. Whether or not he thought there should be a law against going to Rwanda and denying that genocide, he didn’t say. By claiming that making a joke about Jews is the one last, great comic taboo, he simultaneously provides the moral justification for a crack at the Jews and he silences them from the right to complain, as this would only confirm the unspoken premise: that Jews are overprotected in society or even worse that Jewish media controllers are obsessed with silencing any criticism of their own. His joke is essentially one about freedom of speech and selective Jewish control of that freedom, but he gives the lie to his true feelings by his choice of example. Of all the possible targets, of all the things he might wish to say, his complaint is that he is not permitted to parrot the greatest anti-Semitic slur of the last hundred years — that the Holocaust never happened. As a believer in free speech, I am not convinced by the criminalisation of Holocaust denial, but that does not mean I am confused about the motives of those who wish to utter it. The great Lenny Bruce, a comedian who suffered endlessly at the hands of the American authorities for the right to freedom of speech and to break taboos, once did a bit that began: “Are there any niggers here tonight?†His liberal audience was initially shocked at this racist outburst, but as the monologue continued he made it clear that it was “the suppression of the word that gives it the powerâ€. That was taboo-busting. That was a righteous plea for freedom of speech. The African-American comedian Dick Gregory was in attendance that night. He subsequently published a book entitled Nigger, and dedicated it: “Dear Momma, Wherever you are, if you ever hear the word ‘nigger’ again, remember they are advertising my book.†It’s hard to imagine a Jew reacting similarly to Hunter’s bit. The question of what is acceptable material for comedy is always going to be a complex one to answer. Comedians should certainly be allowed to say anything. In fact, it is their role and their duty to be breaking taboos where they need to be broken. But comics do have an obligation to think about whom they might be offending with their material and whether or not those who say they are offended are right to be. These questions are not entirely foreign to me. As a producer and writer on The Ali G Show, I have been accused of racism, among other things, in the past. All three characters in that show had their prejudices but I hope all thinking people would see the satire not far below the surface. Borat, the fictional Kazakhstani journalist, was overtly anti-Semitic. Sacha Baron Cohen would dangle Borat’s anti-Semitism in front of our interviewees and we would all be shocked and amazed at how many of them would take the bait and join in. The Country Bar in Phoenix, Arizona, where the crowd sang along to Throw the Jew down the Well, was a terrifying example. Jewish communal organisations in the US were concerned at the time that the tune would catch on and spur a rise of anti-Jewish attacks. Fortunately, most people saw it for the satire it was intended to be. Borat was also prejudiced against blacks and Gypsies. Ali G was a homophobe and a misogynist. Austrian fashion presenter Bruno hated the disabled, all fat people, ugly people and the Jews too. Apologies if I have forgotten some colour, creed or lifestyle that we would use as bait. But what is going on in Edinburgh now is no satire. For me, Hughes represents a growing trend among left-thinking people in this country and around the world to accept as dogma that those on the Left should hate Bush, Blair, American imperialism, Israel and, while we’re at it, the Jews. It is a cultural trend that I’ve found increasingly evident but never before has the Jew-hating element been so overt. This week has confirmed that my Jewish paranoia is not entirely unfounded. As the old saying goes: “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me.†Hughes wasn’t one for the odd remark or the clever comment; he waxed lyrical on how Osama bin Laden is far less of a threat than Dick Cheney, before defending Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, saying he has no intention of destroying Israel, he has just been misquoted. Yet I sat in that audience and I didn’t heckle. In hindsight it is heartening that half of his audience sat in stunned silence, as I did, for most of his show; but at the time it was the other half of the audience who were whooping along and lapping him up that made the greater impression. As for Hunter, he seems like a nice guy, well meaning and at times very funny. While Hughes did little to hide his Jew-hatred, in a way it is even more disheartening that Hunter is so keen to make the Holocaust fair game. timesonline
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: Still, from a political point of view (if nothing else) the Muslim Council needs to be seen and heard when condemning these acts of terrorism and advising Muslims in the UK to distance themselves from them. From a religious point of view (and this is really the point I’ve been trying to make all along), one needs to understand how the Muslim Council (and you) view terrorism. If it’s viewed as being wrong, forbidden and Haram then would you not consider it the responsibility of the Muslim Council to reiterate this fact at every opportunity? After all, you, I and every Muslim that is frothing at the mouth at the treatment of Muslims all over the world do follow the news and are bound to read OPEN LETTERS that the Muslim Council writes to Mr Bush and Mr Blair. Would it not be the duty of these so-called Community Leaders to remind us of how wrong terrorism is? Surely terrorism erodes on our faith and dealing with it is of more importance than the tired argument of cause and effect! (as you can see, I’m going from the starting point that terrorism is wrong here). C'on bro, how many times have you heard Mr. Sachrani (sp?) utter the words "killing a single innocent life = killing the whole humanity"?. In fact, I never hear Mr. Sachrani & co talking to the media without speaking against the harming of innocent lives or being asked to reiterate their already-heard condemnations. Sometimes I feel they should hold their horses a bit longer cause how many times have British police cried wolf? Like you said, this is not the first time Mr. Blair foreign policy has been linked with discontent in Muslim public either. If such opinions are seen as excusing violence by some among us, why would someone in the important position of gentleman below come up with this: Mr Blair should recognise his errors and go By Rodric Braithwaite Published: August 2 2006 19:27 | Last updated: August 2 2006 19:27 Aspectre is stalking British television, a frayed and waxy zombie straight from Madame Tussaud’s. This one, unusually, seems to live and breathe. Perhaps it comes from the Central Intelligence Agency’s box of technical tricks, programmed to spout the language of the White House in an artificial English accent. There is another possible explanation. Perhaps what we see on television is the real Tony Blair, the man who believes that he and his friend alone have the key to the horrifying problems of the Middle East. At first he argued against a ceasefire in Lebanon. Then, after another Israeli airstrike killed dozens of Lebanese women and children, he finally admitted, in California – reluctantly, grudgingly and with a host of preconditions – that military force alone would not do the trick, and now seems to have told his people to look for something better. The catastrophe in Lebanon is the latest act of a tragedy rooted in European anti-Semitism and in the expulsion of an Arab people from their ancestral home. Both sides claim the right to self-defence. Neither hesitates to use force to pursue aims it regards as legitimate. No single event is the proximate cause of the current mayhem – neither the Israeli onslaught on Lebanon, nor the Hizbollah rockets, nor the Israeli assassination of Palestinian leaders, nor the suicide bombings. The causes go back in almost infinite regression. In the desperate pursuit of short-term tactical gain, both sides lose sight of their own long-term interests. The Israelis remember the Holocaust and the repeated calls from within the Muslim world for the elimination of their state, and they react strongly to real or perceived threats to their existence. Whether their government’s methods can achieve their ends is for them to judge. A liberal Israeli columnist has argued that “in Israel and Lebanon, the blood is being spilled, the horror is intensifying, the price is rising and it is all for naught†– a reminder that Israel remains a sophisticated and in many ways an attractive democracy. But whatever our sympathy for Israel’s dilemma, Mr Blair’s prime responsibility is to defend the interests of his own country. This he has signally failed to do. Stiff in opinions, but often in the wrong, he has manipulated public opinion, sent our soldiers into distant lands for ill-conceived purposes, misused the intelligence agencies to serve his ends and reduced the Foreign Office to a demoralised cipher because it keeps reminding him of inconvenient facts. He keeps the dog, but he barely notices if it barks or not. He prefers to construct his “foreign policy†out of self-righteous soundbites and expensive foreign travel. Mr Blair has done more damage to British interests in the Middle East than Anthony Eden, who led the UK to disaster in Suez 50 years ago. In the past 100 years – to take the highlights – we have bombed and occupied Egypt and Iraq, put down an Arab uprising in Palestine and overthrown governments in Iran, Iraq and the Gulf. We can no longer do these things on our own, so we do them with the Americans. Mr Blair’s total identification with the White House has destroyed his influence in Washington, Europe and the Middle East itself: who bothers with the monkey if he can go straight to the organ-grinder? Mr Blair has seriously damaged UK domestic politics, too. His prevarication over a ceasefire confirms to many of our Muslim fellow citizens that Britain is engaged in a secular war against the Arab world and by extension, against the Muslim world. He has thus made it harder to achieve what should be a goal of policy for any British government – to build a tolerant multi-ethnic society within our own islands. And though he chooses not to admit it, he has made us more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. These are not achievements of which a British prime minister should be proud. But in spite of the disasters he has wreaked abroad, in spite of the growing scandal and incoherence of his performance at home, Mr Blair is still a consummate politician. How else can one explain the failure of his party to do the decent thing and get rid of him? Why else does it still appear as though he alone controls the timing and circumstances of his departure? One day we may feel sorry for Mr Blair for the damage he has done to his place in history and to himself. But that moment is not yet. For now, he should no longer attempt to stand upon the order of his going, but go. At once. Sir Rodric Braithwaite, UK ambassador to Moscow 1988-92 and then foreign policy adviser to John Major and chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, is author of Moscow 1941 (Profile, 2006) http://www.ft.com
  20. ^^Seen! It's all my faults is it? do you first understand what ‘time to part’ means (who’s parting from whom )? Nope! What is this partition? Who is being partitioned from whom? Most importantly: why now?
  21. So the Muslim Council is "self-appointment" and "never taking the initiative" at the same time? I think the people dubbed UK's Muslim Leaders have one of the hardest jobs out there. They have to balance the sending of the right message to the Muslim youth without alienating them completely. It does not matter what the biased media or politicians make of it as long as they (Muslim Leaders) get the balance right. The arrests were made on Thursday, the tenth of August. The author in your article above claims he was approached on Friday the eleventh! That does not necessarily mean the letter was written after the arrests. The letter was reaction to Mr Blair's reaction to the Lebanon crisis and the Americans' use of British airports to transport arms to Israelis.
  22. Sun, 13 Aug 2006 00:00:00 -0700 Baroordiiq (Tacsi) Abwaan Axmed Ismaaciil “Qaasin†Baroordiiq (Tacsi) Abwaan Axmed Ismaaciil “Qaasin†Inaali laahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun Hawl-wadeennada Ururka dhaqanka, afka iyo Suugaanta ee Aftahan Org, waxa ay tacsi u dirayaan dhammaan ehelkii, qaraabadii, asxaabtii iyo idil ahaan bah-weynta curshaaga iyo hal-abuurka af soomaaliga ku hadla, iyagoo uga tacsiyadeynaya geerida ku timid Alle ha u naxariistee - abwaan Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye (Qaasin) oo Sabtidii 12/08/06 ku geeriyoodey magaalada Hargeysa. Qaasin alle ha u raxariistee waxa uu ka mid ahaa buuni ay tixdiisu carceertay oo ka caanbaxay dhulalka ay soomaalidu degto. afsoomaaliga laga hadlo, ruug-caddaaga hal-abuurka casriga ah ee soomaalida. Qaasin wuxuu ahaa maansayahan Ilaahay hibo u siiyey curinta maanso xigmad iyo miisaan leh oo hal-hays iyo hal-ku-dhig ba noqotay “Waxaan ahay qadhaadh iyo macaan meel ku wada yaalâ€. Taariikhda ayaa xusi doonta kaalinta uu kaga jirey halgankii gobanimo-doonka iyo kii caddaalad-doonkaba iyo quruxda farshaxanimo ee ay maansadiisu xambaarsanayd, iyo sida uu dareenka bulsho uga turjumi jirey. Ilaahay naxariistii janno ha ka waraabiyo. Waxaan shaki ku jirin in maansooleydii soomaalida maalinba mid iilanayo oo Alle oofsanayo, xaqiina ku soo degayo. Waxayse is weydiintu tahay; sidee looga faa’iidaystay ama intee in le’eg oo murti iyo maanso ah ayaa lagala hadhay? Waxa kale oo yaab leh, sida joogtada ah ee ay isugu xig xigaan. Waxa saddexdii sanno ee ugu dambeeyey geeriyoodey, Jaamac-gacmadheere, Yuusuf X. Aadan, Ibraahin-gadhle, Yamyam iyo Qaasin. Kolley anagoon (Aftahan ahaan) canaan badan ku lahayn, haddana annagaa uga calaacal dhow kuwo badan oo aan dareensanayn, kaalinta Abwaanka iyo aqoonyahanku kaga jiraan horumarinta afka iyo hiddaha. Abwaan Qaasin –Kaah damay; Alle ha u naxariisto, samir iyo iimaanna ha inaga wada siiyo. Aammiin. Allaa mahad leh AFTAHAN ORG (www.aftahan.com) Mahadhadii Abwaan Axmed Ismaaciil Diiriye "Qaasin"