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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Af jooga looma adeego.. Once again the old man has articulated his position very clearly. Suldan, how long before Shariah is implemented in Somaliland or what will it take?
  2. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^^ Lol@Saxiix GedoNet. Rawaahu GedoNet, miyaa horn? Dear oh dear
  3. "You're aiming little bit too high, dear" was someone in SOL's answer to that phrase.
  4. ^^ How can you explain the chimneys in your photos? :cool: spend some time in getting thoroughly acquainted with the “hard facts” as they stand in the scale of actuality; particularly in regards to that of which he wished to passed judgement on it in his argument... Good advice Oodweyne, shocking lack of knowledge exposed.
  5. What else is new my friend? BTW - Today is 1st of November
  6. Gaashamo waxay noqtay Xarun cilmiga loo so doonto waxana aradaydu ka yimaadan Aw- Bare , Jigjiga, Wardheer, Xarshin, hadana aradyada deeganka ayaa badan tiro ahaan ayuu yidhi Maamuluhu. Muuqalka Qayb kamid ah Dugsiga Banaano Boarding School
  7. Where does Cabdalla Deerow or his elimination fit in all this, I wonder?
  8. Here's one critic of the current set up. http://www.baidoa.com/tal2.htm
  9. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: War meeshaan lagu hardamaayo, aawey dadkii deggaankaa u dhashay? Reer Saakoow dhabta ahaa aaweya? Wax dhanka Diinsoor idinka caawiyo maleh? Reer Bu'aale iyagana waaba la iska ilooway. What are YOU waiting for? Originally posted by HornAfrique: 3.Take everything you read with a pinch of salt. Adeer beenta badan inaga yareeya milixda dhiig-kar baan ka qaadnee!
  10. ^^^ You've just confired her point without intending. Freedom of expression has some strings attached.
  11. Originally posted by HornAfrique: ^Understand this is a Somali forum, not a regional forum. If you wish to display unmitigated, half-hearted, and pitiful display of ignorance I'd advise you to kindly go to your own welcomed regional forums. Horn, your title says "Mogadishu Entity" so come off it.
  12. daaMe, quit the dhaq dhaqdhaqaaqyo and give us the source of that article, will you?
  13. Horn, don't know why... but you keep reminding me of it too Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: The title is fine, grammatically speaking. Are you saying the "phrase" dhaq dhaqaaqyo is correct?
  14. ^^Happy 21St OCTOBER. daaMe boy, what is your source of the article?
  15. ^^ Socoto, that was a load chicken shidh mate. How you can come with all that psycho-analysis from that one sentence? You remind me of someone who watches too much daytime TV.
  16. I haven't Che. Tell me about it.
  17. Been warned not to Cambarro, i'm I missing much? Che, what's right with it?
  18. Originally posted by Fanisha: Soomaali iyo Xaasidnimo waa waxey xaarka la daaqayaan maanta. whether you beleive it or not that picture is from Boorama. Maxaadse boorama ka taqaan. :mad: Hadaad ka xuntahey orodoo isa soo daldal. [/QB] Please excuse some cats in here.. they're straight out of Qardho.
  19. Originally posted by Qudhac: Thats not Togdheer, thats the famous bashiir school, on the outskirts of Burco. Waraa Qurac, mahubtaa meeshan inay Burco tahay? Macalinka sawirkaas Mississippi waaye noh ee inaga galee abtigis. Qof webi Shabelle ku ag dhashay oo biyaha midabkooda kala kasaa baa rabtaa inad qaldid. Hope reer Burco recover by Eid inshallah.
  20. Originally posted by HornAfrique:Barre then scuffed the idea and told the ICU "I am not against you, I am not against Islamic rule, I am not in support of foreign troops and even my history is witness (he is, of course, the only strong man in Somalia that has never had ties with Addis Ababa), but I will defend myself if you attak". Horn, the man is Yey's senior minister and seen even by outsiders like moi as Indhocadde's opposite number. If he took a senior post in Courts, with no shadow of a doubt, the TFG would have counted him as an opponent. He underestimated his backers and paid the price and now IS in the same boat as the other Meles boys. Cleverly, less noble members of Barre's own military commanders/clansmen were decided to be used. lol@less noble Horn, this is the 21 century bro!
  21. Behind a great Sheekh, there are great women. On the serious note, do know a Somali woman with knowledge and desire to sit among these men?
  22. Originally posted by Baashi: To be continued… Ahem ahem!
  23. Originally posted by HornAfrique: The agenda towards Kismaayo was never a Courts agenda and I have said that countlessly. Are you hard of hearing? People who know the story know the story, marka adeer meel cidle haku go'in. Whose agenda is it then? Aweys, Sharif and Turki all seem to be singing from the same hymn (no offence) sheet when it comes to Kismayo. If they are not the men behind the court agenda who is? Fill us in Horn..
  24. AYOUB

    The SNM was beaten

    Diiftii Ilaah nooga ray dakharadeediiye Waxa Duumadii noo beddelay doogsin caano lehe Dabayl Caafimaad iyo Xorriyad loo durbaan tumaye Waakaa dadkii soo hormaday doobadka ahaaye Danabbaa u kacay guushu waa lagama daalaane Haddaan loo dagaallamin xorriyad lama dabbaasheene Daandaansigii F-WORD raggii diidey ka adkaaye Nimankii is damalloolin jirey dacar la leefsiiye Derejooyin been ah yaa garbaha loogu daabacaye Diidiga markii laysla galay Daab ma soo roganne Kuwii Shaarubaha duubi jirey daadshe qalabkiiye Digtii horeba waatay baqaha docaha jiidheene Odaygii dalqada weyn lahaa derejadii xoorye Daandaan Tumaalkii markii laysu daadsadaye Wax la yidhi ma daaficine wuu sii dabayshadaye Laamuu ka degey baa la yidhi Doon intuu koray'e Isagiyo Dafleba meesha way dacal banneeyeene Dabatadiyo ways kaashadeen nimanki D(-feated Lot) Degdeg bay dhulkii uga baxeen duhur dharaareede Alla doori waa waxan lahayn *** ay ku dhaataane Dad hadday yihiin sida Riyaha looma didiyeene Dalan-doolki Nayroobi bay dalaq yidhaahdeene Dal la'aani waw kow dhul ay dib ugu laabtaane Debedaha ha meereen illeen diide nabaddiiye Dabin - Qaasim 1991 Get over it son