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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. ^^ No-one died. Xamdulilah. Originally posted by HornAfrique: [QB] Do not tell me the "police" had the audacity to harm this woman this much? :mad: "Hadaba waxa halkaasi ka dhacay khasaari ay geysteen mudaharaadayaasha iyo mid loo geystay laftoodaba waxa uu ii xaqiijiyey Isuduwaha Caafimaadka Gobolka in ay dhakhtarka yaalaan 5 qof iyo ruux dumar ah oo iyada gaadhi jiidhay halka afarta kale ay yihiin dad ay jiidhay tacshiiradii ay qubayeen Ciidamada Police"
  2. Talk about exaggeration, where does it even hint of Ceerigaabo shaking?
  3. ^^May be he thinks the Gringos on the Kenyan border are upto something sinister.
  4. ^ Go on, what do you think of the jewellery, is that fair?
  5. AYOUB

    Imported Islam

    ^^^It may come as a surprise, but, the term "wahaabi" has been used by some Somalis to portray some "wadaads" - decades before the present neo-cons . Here Casayr Cali using the term more that 60 yrs ago. Wadaadyohow magaalada adaa, waalayoo rogiye Weli baannu kuu haysanniyo, Waalli soo degaye Wacdaan adiga kaa eegayiyo, waano aakhiro'e Wareer gelisey uunkii sidaad, tahay Wahaabkiiye Is waraarintaada iyo qoortanaad widhif ka siinayso Wanaag adiga waa kula tihiyo, war iyo moog-mooge "Wadaadyohow" - Casayr Cali Aadan It all boils down to vested interests - be they political or financial because most out-spoken critics of the "wadaads" are people with a lot to loose. I've only ever met one person who had some negative experience of "wadaad" rule who expressed legitimate fear of their rule. He claimed to have witnessed some behaving like Saudi "morality police" when they took over Gedo in the 1990's. Personally, I haven't seen or heard something to scare me off yet, but who knows what's around the corner?
  6. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Cadde Muuse was one of the SSDF men the late Siad Barre tried his best to woo back to the country when he defected to the SSDF in Ethiopia. The late Siad Barre even sent large amounts of bribe money to the said man before Cadde ran off with it. That Cadde is a qualified general is in no doubt and the police chief Cali Madoobe was a gaashaanle sare, or a full qualified Colonel, prior to the civil war also. [/QB] lol@ ran off with it The SSDF did accept Siad's overtures and not only returned but fought against the SNM before the collapse of Kacaan.
  7. Dedicated to the USC There was me thinking you're going to be the first Puntu to thank Col. Qaybdiid for defending you Maybe next time.. Originally posted by General Duke: General Sakhar the poet warrior.. Derejooyin been ah yaa garbaha loogu daabacaye
  8. Originally posted by Suldaanka: quote: Xeel dagaal ayan dib ugu gurannay ,nalakamana guulaysan" sargaal u hadlay Ciidanka Cabdi Qaybdiid Must be Col. Barre Hiiraale who provided that tip. Nah mate. That was the tactical carar maxaa dhaama manoeuvre.
  9. Time alone, time will tell.. Serious Sheekhs don't believe in luck anyway.
  10. SH. MAXAMED OO MAXKAMADDA LA HORKEENAY SHALAY IYO WARBIXIN KU SAABSAN MAXKAMADDII SHALAY Hargeisa (Sanaagweb.com) Waxaa shalay oo taariikhdu ahayd 09/11/2006 maxkamadda Hargeisa dib uga furantay dacwad ka dhan ah wadaaddo uu ka mid yahay Sh. Maxamed Sh. Ismaaciil, waa kalfadhigii shan iyo tobnaad ee la horkeeno Sh. Maxamed Sh. Ismaaciil maxkamadda horteeda, waxaa saaka subaxnimadii laga soo qaaday jeelka oo ku yaalla badhtamaha magaalada Hargeisa Sheekha iyo wadaaddo kale oo uu ku jiro sheekhu, wadaadadan maxkamadda la keenayey oo sitay hal direys oo isku mid ah oo ah laba go’ oo cad cad iyo shaadhadh mad madow, iyaga oo ku dhawaaqayey ‘’Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar’’. http://www.sanaagweb.com
  11. Yes. But, what are all these multi-coloured passports all about?
  12. OK. If you're the "red" diplomat, what am I?
  13. Geezer, my flag has red and black bits too, maxaad damacsantahay ninyohow? What the green one for, not another Khat stereotype joke?
  14. What colour do you recommended? Dahabshiil me a $100 and can arrange one very rare collector's item.
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: Still, in the case of this lawyer I really fail to see how her thinking process goes when she knows that she’ll come up against many judges (who are not Muslim) that will be prejudiced against her clients purely because the advocate is wearing the ‘wrong’ attire. How far should she go - in her pursuit of the 'right' attire?
  16. Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Gaafow-Agaasimihii Madaarka Muqdisho ee Kacaankii Af-wayne oo xaraashaya Baasaboro cusub oo kooxda Impagati samaysatey. http://www.qarannews.coml
  17. DJIBOUTI OO NOQOTAY DAWLADDA BARIGA IYO GEESAK AFRIKA UGU IIBSASHADA BADAN HUBKA MARAYKANKA Dawladda Djibouti ayaa marka la barbar dhigo dalalka kale ee ku yaalla mandaqada Bariga iyo Geeska Afrika noqotay ta ugu iibsashada badan hubka Maraykanka, iyadoo 2005/2006 lacag lagu qiyaasay $26,000,000 (Lix iyo labaatan Milyan oo doollar) hub kaga soo iibsatay dalka Maraykanka. Sida uu ku qoray Wargeyska “The East-African” cadadkiisii soo baxay shalay, November 6, 2006, dawladda Djibouti waxay si toosa dalka Maraykanka uga iibsatay hub qiimihiisu gaadhayo $20,000,000 (Labaatan Milyan oo doollar), halka lixda Milyan ee hadhay ay hub kaga soo iibsatay shirkado yaryar oo Maraynkan ah, kuwaas oo leh ruqsado ay hubka ku iib-geeyaan. Dawladaha Bariga iyo Geeska Afrika, sida Djibouti, Eriteriya, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda iyo Zambia, ayaa marka la isu geeyo sannadkii 2003 wax ka yar hal milyan oo doollar ku bixiyay hub uga yimid dalka Maraykanka, halka sannadkan 2006 hubka ay dalalkaasi kaga iibsadeen uu gaadhayo $25,000,000 (Shan iyo labaatan Milyan oo doollar) oo labaatan Milyan oo ka mid ah ay Djibouti Maraykanka hub kaga soo iibsatay. Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa la filayaa inay iyaduna sannadkan 2006 Maraykanka ka soo iibsato $8,000,000 (sideed milyan oo doollar) oo hub ah, halka sannadkii 2005 ay Maraykanka hub kaga iibsatay waxaan dhaafsiisnayn rubuc Malyuun doollar. Sharciga Maraykanka ayaa u fasaxaya dawladaha shisheeye inay si toos ah xadi cayiman oo hub ah uga iibsan karaan, iyada oo aan lagu xidhayn ogolaanshaha Baarlamaanka (Congress). Sannadkii 2005 shirkadaha yaryar ee gaarka loo leeyahay ee ka ganacsada hubku, waxay mandaqada Bariga iyo Geeska Afrika ka iibiyeen hub $15,000,000 (shan iyo toban Milyan oo doollar) ah oo $9 milyan oo ka mid ah ay lahayd dawladda Uganda, 6-da Milyan ee kalena ay dawladda Djibouti hub kaga iibiyeen. Wargeyska “The East African” waxa kale oo uu qoray in dawladda Maraykanku ay diyaarisay qorshe ay Qaaradda Afrika ugu samaynayso Talis ciidan oo gaar ah oo la yidhaahdo “African Command”, kaas oo laga xukumi doono ciidamo ay dawladda Maraykanku ugu talo-gashay Qaaradda Afrika, oo u hawl-geli doona sida Talisyada kale ee Maraykanka u qaabilsan mandaqadaha caalamka ee kala ah; Yurub (European Command), Badweynta Baasifiga (Pacific Command) iyo Bariga Dhexe (Central Command). http://www.sooyaal.com
  18. ^^Aamiin to that. Gaashaamo is indeed in K5. Here's another new school in Burco. "Fikirada Dugsigan waxan waday in ku dhaw toban sano waxana ay noo suuro gashay in 4/4/2004 la dhigo dhagixii u horeeyay Dhismaha Dugsiga, markaanu Dad Ehlu kheyr ah iska kaashanay dhismihiisa waxaana uu dhismaha Dugsigu ka kooban yahay Toban Class oo Waxbarasho, Hoolalkii Hurdada, Hoolki Cuntada, Kijinkii cuntada, meel ah Kofateeriya iyo Macmacaanle, Garoonkii kubada iyo Xafiisyadii waxa kale oo Dugsigu leeyahay Gaadid u gaara. Qaybtan Hooyga ah waxa aanu hada ku bilownay 80 Arday, Maamuluhu waxa uu sheegay in aan Ardayda Dugsiga dhigataa aanay ahayeen oo kaliya Reer Burco balse Dugsiga looga yimi Magaaloyinka Laascanood, Ceerigabo, Hargeysa,iyo meelo kalaba. http://www.togdheernews.com
  19. Originally posted by Xaruuri: You see this is an area that I have some experience with and probably as the objective of the article is to simply point out how people can benefit from the experience of a similar community ..[/QB] What experience exactly? Please enlighten us.. PS Welcome to you and Waaheen.
  20. British voters see US President Bush as a greater threat to world peace than either the North Korean leader or the Iranian president, according to a poll. The international survey by ICM for the Guardian newspaper in Britain and publications and newspapers in Israel, Canada and Mexico, exposes high levels of distrust in US policy. In Britain 69% of those questioned believed US policy had made the world less safe since 2001, with only 7% thinking action in Iraq and Afghanistan had increased global security. Results also showed opinion against the Iraq war has hardened strongly since a similar survey before the US presidential election in 2004. In Britain 71% of voters said the invasion was unjustified, a view shared by 89% of Mexicans and 73% of Canadians. The poll also ranked President Bush with some of his bitterest enemies as a cause of global anxiety. The US leader is outranked by Osama Bin Laden in all four countries, but the results are close in Britain, where 87% of those questioned think the al Qaida leader is a great or moderate danger to peace compared to 75% who think the same of President Bush. The US president is also seen as a more dangerous man than Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, President of Iran, who 62% of voters think is a risk, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (69%) and the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah (65%). Only 10% of British voters think President Bush poses no danger at all. ICM interviewed a random sample of 1,010 adults in the UK by telephone between October 27 and 30 as part of the survey.
  21. Hornow, wakhtiga roobabka la isma waalwaale hurdada la badsadaa
  22. Had to chuckle at that one, Paragon. Reminded me of that nutcase's article about Surat Billiliqo.