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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. I've 3 suggestions 1.SECTION for Nomads born on the 1st of January to be run by Baashi(aka BC). 2.SECTION for Somali Rushdies to be run by Socod Badneh. 3. Gossip Section to be run by Ngonge with little help from moi.
  2. looool The Mullahs will throw you off the Eyl cliff when they catch you.
  3. Xiin if you can't distinguish a supposed ally of SL from foreign troops propping a supposed government, then we have a problem. As for Duke Smith, he is a man who chose to live in the UK, taken up UK citizenship while condemning Somalilanders on the choices they have made. If there was a party called Liberal Hypocrites, he would be its leader.
  4. There are Ethiopian troops in Somalia defending Yey warlordship which was formed in Kenya, none in Somaliland defending it Mr Xiin. Do you know something I don't. Apples for apples adeer.
  5. Xiin Like Jaylaani said; it's a good thing SL opted out of all this. The costs out-weigh the benefits significantly. As for what I wish for the South; may the Lord end the troubles and suffering of the innocent people.
  6. You couldn't even wait before the ink dried, Duke Smith?
  7. Calm down Duke, calm down. You're the one who came up with "Muslim brothers and kinsmen". Just wondered if the Ethios were brought to do what " fellow Muslim brothers and kinsmen" couldn't possibly do.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lol. I have said it before, do not ask me how I feel, refelct on your position. Aren't you the Duke who used to open threads begging to be asked questions about Yey's Warlordship in Baidoa? Why try distance yourself this evening? Originally posted by General Duke: [qb] ^^^Shame on you, if you belive your fellow Muslim brothers and kinsmen want to massacre you. Dear oh dear Duke. What about the Ethios?
  9. There you have it. The unadulterated fact of life in my part of the world. Waaheen [/QB] Say "hi" to everyone to everyone in cloud cuckoo land. Red Sea Have the Sheikhs (Mustafe or Cali) said they want to rule?
  10. ^^ Always been proud of you. You're the best basal-eater Burco ever produced
  11. Com'on boys, show a lil bit of respect to Somali Friend. He's only here to fight with Duke...I mean .. to give Duke free technical and logistical support.
  12. Dagaalka oo Baydhabo Ku Dul Hooray Ayadoo Shacabka Baydhabo Laga Dhigtay Gaashaan December 15, 2006 at 9:11 pm | In | Dareen cabsi leh iyo dhiillo colaadeed ayay la ciirciiraysaa Baydhabo. Dadka qaar waxaa laga yaabaa in ay u qaatan baas sheeg iyo belo buunbuunin balse cidina ma dafiri karto ifafaalaha murugada leh ee oo soo wajahay shacabka Baydhabo oo hadii u dagaal dhaco noqon doona dhibanayaasha ku halaagmaya dagaalka. Ha ka ahaato xeelad ma istaraatijiyad ciidan Itoobiyaanka iyo dawlada waxay door bideen in ay Baydhabo gudaheeda ku sugaan dagaal taasoo soo kordhisay halista dagaalka ka soo gaari karta shacabka waana marag ma doonto in shacabka Baydhabo ay ka dhigteen gaashaan lagu gabado gar-ma-qaatayaal aan ka naxaynin. Hadaba waa su’aale maxay tahay guusha ay ka gaari karaan kuwa doortay in ay Baydhabo gudaheeda u soo jiidaan dagaal? Soomaalidu waxay ku maahmaahdaa “caano daatay waa la daba qabtaa” waxaana fal kaas la mid ah qaaday Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan oo xuduntiisa ay ku aasantahay gobolka Baay oo ka naxay halista dagaal ee ay Baydhabo u soo jiiiday siyaasadda madaxwayne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf iyo Rai’sal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi ee ah magansashada ciidamada Itoobiya oo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo inta la fikirka ah ay in badan ka digeen in ay Soomaaliya u horseedayso dagaal uu dhiig badan ku daato. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan wuxuu hadda joogaa magaalada Cadan, Yaman wuxuuna maanta ka qaybalay kulan sadex geesood ah oo ay Cadan ku yeesheen Wasiirk arimaha dibada dalka Yaman, Gudoomiyaha Golaha Fulinta ee Maxaakiimta Islaamiga Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan asagoo weli aan ka rajo dhigin dadaalkiisa ku aadan in xal nabadeed lagu dhameeyo khilaafka u dhaxeeya dawlada iyo Maxaakimta ayadoo aanay jirin faragelin shisheeye. Halka madaxwayne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf uu waraysi uu maanta Baydhabo ku siiyay weriyaasha wakaaladaha wararka aduunka uu ku sheegay in albaabkii wadahadalada ee Maxaakiimta iyo dawlada uu xirmay uuna isu diyaariyay dagaal. Read on ... http://baidoa.wordpress.com/2006/12/15/daruuraha-dagaalka-oo-baydhabo-ku-dul-hooray-ayadoo-shacabka-baydhabo-laga-dhigtay-gaashaan/
  13. Duke Smith You supported the Courts when they were fighting other people's warlords and turned against them when you felt your warlord's position was threatened. Were they not "clanish courts" when you supported them? Please spare us hot air. The most disgusting thing of all is: you now support the warlords defeated by the Courts (Qaydiid, Caydiid Jnr, Qanyare, Aw Dheere etc) just because they don't cause a threat to your warlord Yey.
  14. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^I believe the pics are appropriate. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^the pictures are appropriate, argue as you may. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The picture is great, the man is praying,...
  15. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: quote:ka blue ga ahna cidi igama xigto Mala Hubaa? Buluugle's star represents everyone of us, from Djibouti to NFD. I'm I wrong? The point is you don't delete words because you find a picture offensive. It's either a childish over-reaction or back-handed censorship.
  16. ^^ They could've got more if they hit their local Dahabshiil. Anyways, where were the Ethio goons who were supposed to prevent all this?
  17. MMA Is that you who is deleting Qudhac's posts? How childish?
  18. I remember Saddam going for a "walk-about" to send a message of re-assurance to his faithful followers, we know how useful that was, don't we?
  19. ^ Good luck mate. I see you're finding it difficult even to mention the names of your former buddies.
  20. Hornafrique Is there anything the Courts can do to win you over?
  21. HornAfrique Why would you give your allegiance to the TFG instead? How are you better off with them?
  22. HornAfrique Are you the same man who used to claim Ethio invasion would unite Somalis against "the common enemy"?
  23. Don't know what the fuss is about, if someone feels like not donating no-one is gonna force them, is there?
  24. None of you is from Diinsor, so quit the warmongering.