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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. DISCLAIMER Any similarity Yey's envoy being interviewed has to SOL’s alive and kicking warlord-cheerleaders is purely coincidental. Troops take Mogadishu Ethiopian forces settle in
  2. AYOUB


    ^^ Nothing's been funny last few weeks, just the numb "Srebrenica feeling" - as I call it.
  3. AYOUB


    ^^ The line about Indhacade's eyesight had me stopping myself from laughing.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: No one fought for this, or agrees with this. Hellooo! Anyone upstairs? You wouldn't get it even if we painted pictures for you, would you? BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) Ethiopian tanks are seen in Mogadishu airport on 29 December. Somali Ciidanka Ethiopia oo si weyn loo daawanayo Kismaayo. Originally posted by Castro: quote: Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Hussain made a major gaffe, a political suicide If you had any analytical acuity, you'd realize summoning Ethiopia to invade your homeland is the political suicide not talking out of your rear end. Spot on.
  5. Aklilu Demissie January 3, 2007 For those who are not yet awake the borders of Ethiopia now extend to the shorelines of Bossasso, Mogadishu and Kismayu in the East, just curtailed for the time being by the Indian Ocean. If there are the most humiliated people that exist in the world under a brutal dictator are Ethiopia and Somalia. You can go to other war on terror front lines, Iraq and Afganisistan; thanks to America’s blessing they have legitimate, elected assemblies to lead their countries. Thanks again to America’s curse an illegitimate, rejected tyrant is let loose unleashing the most heinous crimes against humanity in Ethiopia and the Horn. On what they call a third front on war against terror, you have the most hated, ruthless tyrant who managed to survive after defeat at the polls with the help of misguided backers in the State Department. America paradoxically has preferred to do business with a rejected tyrant, Meles Zenawi. The Ever tightening noose on freedom and democracy in Ethiopia is being carried out in the plain view of the American government. Presently the pressure for democracy and release of people’s representative parliamentarians, poverty reduction specialists, and the youth is sidelined in order for Zenawi to extend his sphere of influence in the Horn at the expense of the desire for change in Ethiopia. The war in Somalia has allowed the brutal dictator continue brutalize in a renewed vigor any descent at home. The Somali people are not naïve about how Meles rules in his home town .After losing the elections in May 2005, with his direct command and rule of the security apparatus, entirely based from his ethnic tribe has desecrated the meaning of being elected and representing a constituency. After refusal of parliamentary participation by the opposition party members, his security forces relentlessly chased representatives individually from dawn to dusk threatening them with their lives. At present there is no opposition member in parliament who had not been threatened with attack on his/her family. Worse, some had been taken to a freshly dug out grave yard, their hands tied behind their backs and told they would be buried alive if they didn’t participate in the parliament. Many had got physical beating both in town and in rural areas .Those who produced parliamentary card on the assumption they would get the immunity the constitution has ascribed for elects were ridiculed by Meles’ security people and were told to shove it up their ar**. They were told Tigrayan brothers didn’t die for you [elected opposition members of parliament] to snatch it by throwing good- for-nothing papers in boxes. Some have been obviously bribed and abandoned the cause of freedom and democracy. They now beg for the population to come around their party. Others since they couldn’t bear the pressure of the security apparatus, just decided to participate giving the excuse of fighting the regime from the parliament and sarcastically told not to be seen opposing foreign diplomats advice. The gallant, democratic champions have been successfully defending themselves by routing Meles’forced witnesses in the Kangaroo court. For every exposition of the regime’s treachery what awaits them every day in Kality is hell. These present and future hopes of Ethiopia have never succumbed to every text book of systematic torture they have been exposed by Meles. For Somalis and the world, this is the Meles who is articulating democratic governance. Be it Gedi or Yosuf who have been given premiership and presidency respectively by Meles, blessed by UN do not at all have the slightest reign or power to rule Somalia. Nor does any of the ethnically federalized regions [kelel] of Ethiopia, which are in fact ruled by de facto Tigray officials, rutheless TPLF secrete service and Agazee militia. The Somalis should not think that their Ethiopian counterparts to be living in a free and democratic country. In Ethiopia you can not see what the West would like to call it, faces of freedom. People live under the yolk of an ethnic minority regime bent on division, subversion and killings. Every day it is a land of detention, torture, mayhem carried out by a one man state of Meles Zenawi. Since the current political turmoil in the country could not be contained by a now rotting propaganda machine and repression of Meles, he just resorted to the world with his casus belli in order to ease the growing domestic and international pressure stemming out of unbelievable crimes against humanity. He might have thought it could be sophistication if he went out hunting three Al Qaeda international terrorists on terror list. And, his daily rolling on burning earth to have gone for a while. The expectation was a rallying from his victims who are gagged and live a slave like life in their own country. For brief moment the tyrant may have felt he got a brief respite from the ever growing struggle in Ethiopia for freedom. He could not crush the spirit of change reeling in Ethiopia: and he could not wipe it out with live bullets, Humvees, bazookas and rampant, indiscriminate detention and torture. Who will buy Meles? Somalis? A rejected, ruthless, blood thirsty tyrant in Ethiopia who rules by sword and bullets? Inebriated by his self grandeur he was congratulating himself to have done the AU and UN’s dirty business. A terrorist in his town can not claim to have bestowed freedom and stability to Somali people. Somalis should know as long as Meles is in Somalia, they should say goodbye to freedom, democracy and the right to live, which Ethiopians do not have at present. They should forget sovereignty and territorial integrity and cohesion. The United Sates Government has clearly abandoned and put aside its face on the dream of human being to live in democracy and freedom in Ethiopia. No foundation exists for social security, happiness, improvement and progress in Ethiopia. It is naïve for it to be extended from Meles to Somalia. http://www.addisvoice.com/news/if_somalis_knew.htm
  6. Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu) January 2, 2007 Posted to the web January 2, 2007 Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu Somalia's internal affairs minister and assistant prime Minster, Hussein Mohammed Farah Aideed, who has convened with tribal elders at former presidential house (Villa Somalia) in Mogadishu, said his government intends to wipe out the boundaries between Somalia and Ethiopia. He said 60% of 2 millions Somali refugees live in Ethiopia and use Ethiopian passports. "Ethiopia and Somalia have 2,000 kilometers between them. The two Shabelle and Jubba rivers in Somalia come from Ethiopia. Now we need to eliminate the boundaries between us because we are brothers, and we will use one passport", he said. He said Ethiopia was the only country that was determined to set up a state in Somalia after more than years of without government. "No country in the world cared about Somalia", he said. He urged tribal leaders to support the government and the Ethiopian troops in the country. Aideed, the son of a former warlord Gen. Mohammed Farah Aideed, has also indicated that the government will completely move to the capital Mogadishu. The minister's remarks came as Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi officially announced that the country's airport and seaport were open starting Wednesday in a press conference he held in his house, north of Mogadishu. http://allafrica.com
  7. Duke Smith, boasting about Ethio, Ugandan and other foreign troops coming to rule your country makes you look narrow-minded to put it midly. If - as you claim - Caydiid is full of dumb ideas, why is he a minister?
  8. ^^ What's the gaffe Duke Smithy, united Ethio-Som army?
  9. Duke Smith, aren't the who till recently denied the Ethio troops presence in Somalia? “Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya waa dalal dhinaca Siyaasadda saaxiib ku ah, isla markaana leh xuduud 2-kun oo Km ah. Waxaana loo baahan yahay in la baabi’iyo xuduudahaas, lana sameeyo hal baasaboor, hal ciidan iyo hal dhaqaale” ayuu yidhi Xuseen Caydiid. Lordy lord!
  10. “ Il primo ministro Gedi non è in grado di gestire neanche casa sua. Lui e il presidente Abdullahi Yussuf sono due incapaci. Corriera della Serra
  11. HornAfrique Why have turned (surprise surprise) on Gheedi Springer? You're not believing the rumours of him cutting Kismayo deal with Indhacade, do you? PS Hiraale turned(surprise surprise) to be regular warlord, didn't he?
  12. How long before there's rumbling in Addis itself?
  13. Shiekh, Is there a copyright or other restrictions on it? I would love to send it to ethiopian web sites. I am sure some would post it on their front pages. You can start with one >>http://www.addisvoice.com/
  14. Originally posted by HornAfrique: I would die then let the Habesh control Somali affairs :mad: Don't do it Horn.
  15. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Saaxiib walaahi inaanan ka wadin qabiilka aad kasoo jeedid, ee waxaan ka wadaa qabiilka sheydaanka oo noqday hal qoys, maantana dhibka soomaaliya heysta waa kaas. Inkastoo qabiilada soomaalida ay ku kala fiican yihiin waxyaabaha qaarkood, hadana waxaa jira qabiilo dhan oo xumaanta iyo ilaah la dirirka u batay dhankeeda. Please don't insult our intelligence. Everyone knows what you meant and you can either stand by or apologise and retract what you said. It wasn't tongue-in-cheeck and we couldn't all 've misunderstood you. Dhaarta beenta ah baa ugu daran. Che Whether ICU succeeds depends on how much unequivocal support they can gather from people like yourself.
  16. Originally posted by HornAfrique: So you are saying our Somaliland lads such as Castro, Suldaan, Ayoub, etc have come out enmasse because of qabyaalad and taking advantage of this ugly moment to find support against, what they believe, is a prime opportunity to continue their anti-x Clan, anti-TFG stance with the support and legitimacy of many? Well you know what? I agree with you! Are the Courts Somalilanders? Do you see how shallow you've become? Who has been more out-spoken against Somaliland than some members of the Courts? Now as yourself this again ; WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO DESERVE MY DISAPPROVAL? The clue is in the picture.
  17. Answering that question will take me two pages at the least, but then again why bother when you are as well aware of the answer as I am? Horn, it's not about me, it's about the poor souls that believe the hot air from people like you.
  18. HornAfrique You're protesting too much. Some in here used to believe your anti Ethio rhetoric of yesteryears, oh how disappointed they're tonight.
  19. Duke Smith, you claimed "TFG takes over Diinsoor & Bur-Hakabo..." four days ago! You don't want to be accused of crying Yey, do you?
  20. Originally posted by Suldaanka: quote: Defense Minister Hiiraale confirmed to have captured Iidaale, Diinsoor Ileen xiniinyo xabashi waa lagu faana?? Alle weger haddana weger Weger iyo ka waaweyn