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Everything posted by AYOUB

  1. Originally posted by Sophist: to respond to him with forceful confutation otherwise alot of people will read the silence as an agreement. That is as dumb as Col Yey's shelling of civilians because they didn't stop attacks on his residence. As dumb as Bashir's call for elders to apologise for the mobs inhumane actions. I'm not going to ask fellow Yey cheerleaders/collaborators to condemn your comments and accuse them of agreeing with you if they don't. That would be dumb.
  2. I'm disappointed with your headline SomaliThinker. Change it to: Geedi Springer: "Johnnie Cochran Bubaa wants my job".
  3. posted by Paragon: [QB] ^^Somalis+Aliens+Camel-killed = one explosive stand-off! Right now as we speak, the clan elders are calling in all the geeljire warriors . Whoever they are, Aliens or reer Cagalaab, they must pay up a Mag hadii kale, hilfahaa laysku laabi . Aliens ayaa la bililliqayteen baa la odhan doona. Bashir Goth, Togane and Duke will be ecstatic. Take me to your transitional leader.
  4. Magool you better shock us or never post again. If you never post again we'll at least assume you were silenced. Violently off course.
  5. ^True. He didn't say what he meant. Assumption is mother of all screw-up, isn't it JCB. Is OK to call you JCB BTW - my ticket is Muj. Cabdiraxmaan Aw Cali and Muj. Xassan Ciise.
  6. Calm down people. Sharif_Seylaci is a die-hard Kulmiye supporter. What's wrong if he wishes they rule forever.
  7. Originally posted by TheSomaliEconomist: There is an american contractor (DynCorp) that handles almost the same kind of work so this won't have any effect on the day-to-day work of the forces. Well, DynCorp are more expensive and filthier kind of mercenaries. It will be harder for the TFG to cook the books because the people donating their funds have shares in this company too.
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: And what else did you expect ??? Exactly. Did he become a Ethio stooge for charity? Did he sell his soul to the devil for fist full of muufo? Would you've risked having the local Afghan veterans up in arms for peanuts? C'mon now get real MMA!
  9. Single parents? Don't sue, just a guess.
  10. ^^ Classy lady. May Allah reward her good work and forgive her mistakes. Amiin. Originally posted by rudy: i was banned from that meeting! *I wonder why*
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh. Xiin, it's just a simplistic summarising of the situation (Somali style) for those that are not keeping up with it all. If I put it in the politics section I would have had to include door handles, fairies and potatoes in the story. I'm trying to keep it as close to reality as possible here. Ileen waad lasocota arimaha Anyways, what flag are gonna be waving now?
  12. Originally posted by Baashi: I never supported the secessionists. Why would I wanna do that. I never supported the mitiry junta that ruled the country either. I don't support the TFG. Baashi you've changed "I didn't support the TFG either." to "I don't support the TFG", I wonder why? That was then, this is NOW baa? What shall we make of the supplications you used to make for Yey, are you neutralising them too? The issue here your ill-judged attempt to side-track Xiin just because he chooses not to support TFG or be "neutral" like yourself. You were pro- TFG no doubt about it and the regulars of this section know it. You claimed being pro ICU till (and just like Duke and HornAfrique) the crunch time when your discovered "neutrality". Judging from your comments in this very thread, you ain't no pacifist B. You knew whom and what ICU were and what they stood for. What made you turn "neutral"? C'mon be honest with us B. Just like Duke and HornAfrique, you switched when things you hold dearer were at stake. I'M LYING? You keep attempting to change the topic to SNM. Well General Morgan is among the people bombing Xamar today ain't he? I thank the Almighty for the boys who kicked him out of my yard. No NEUTRALITY about that. No foreign troops and no more bombardment of innocent civilians over there. Don't try to change history either. It was the likes of General Morgan who were hiding among civilians before being finally kicked out not the other way round. SNM were being forced to surrender by the Ethios in 1988 unlike the TFG. I don't expect your "neutrality" to see it as it is/was. If you're blaming the TFG shelling of civilians on insurgents, i've no hope of you being accurate on events that took place 20 years ago.
  13. Baashi If there are similarities, how come you're never "neutral" when it comes to SNM, are you? Don't change the topic now ...focus... The people suffering don't need your "neutrality" rhetoric.
  14. Originally posted by Baashi: Came again Xiin! Are you rooting for one of the warring factions? Ya gotta be real this time buddy. Time is not on my side these days but I shall come back and reason with you and see if we are on the same music sheet. Let me guess....you're "neutral". What you make of insurgency fighters shooting from neighborhoods where civilians live knowing full well that the enemy they are fighting has no moral qualms to swipe that neigborhood clean with one go? Baashi when ICU made it's stand in the fields and out of civilians way..you still gave excuses for being "neutral" . What will it take for you to quit the verbal gymnastics and condemn the damage and terror the TFG is inflicting on the people of Xamar. How can you justify "neutrality" when the Ethios and TFG are not only unleashing collective punishment, but openly bragging about it? We didn't get here by chance either. You have a track record of making excuses after excuses for Col.Yey for as long as I've been visiting this site. Yey gets away with it because he has core supporters like we've seen in SOL, while some ( of his sokeeye) who should know better and oppose him wave the "neutrality" card. London is full of the "neutrals", well, that's what they say. Like yourself, these "neutrals" spend a lot of time and energy questioning not the Yeysters but the few among "tolka" who chose to speak against Yey and his fellow collaborators. It would be nice if "neutrals" out there concentrated on the preaching to and questioning the collaborators as much. If others (not the sokeeye) oppose and resist Yey then it is a "clan war" and "neutrals" can't have that! . Round and round we go and in the mean time tens of thousands are forced to leave their homes and hundreds killed.... Originally posted by Fanisha: quote: Originally posted by Pi: This is off topic, but just for the hell of it, what part of Puntland are you from. LOL. I know you like to let ppl speculate, but what's there to hide? So, where are you from. Yes. I am trying to discover your sub-clan. Marka is qarxi, as they say. Xaalku wuxuu marayaa jilibkaaga noo sheeg? Walee it's unfortunate that evolution allowed creatures like you to get this far. :rolleyes: looool Serious, cantankerous and dangerous! Who remembers that song?
  15. Originally posted by Abwaan: Jeneraal Duug you seem to be so desperate and hopeless.........how many times did you have to press add reply?...lol Khalkhalaatu. Do you blame him? Any reasonable person in here knows the burning and dragging of corpses is wrong and sinful. Duke's attempt to use the incident for clanish propaganda is just dumb. TFG is the ultimate collection of Somalia's civil war criminals so spare us the crocodile tears. I even remember you complementing anti-UIC Qaybdiid with "black hawk down" tag not so long ago. Once again the burnings and draggings were wrong. Never mind what the Ethios and TFG collaborators have committed in the last few months, two wrongs .... Originally posted by N/AA: Someone should come here and do a social survey since this thread basically represents all the different characters with guns in our homeland. I guess that's why they named it somaliaonline. No prize for guessing who you're representing.
  16. Rudy, you must be possessed by a cartoon character. What else can it be? Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Walaahi dadkaan arkayaa inaessed kacbada ku dhex dagaalami ,,,,,,,,, Lordy lord! If I remember correctly, some peace agreement was signed in Makkah by Somali politicians way back in the 90's.
  17. JB and Che calm down people. Some of your comments are coming across as tasteless and insincere.
  18. Xubnahaan ayaa waxaa la sheegay in albaabka hore ee Madaxtooyada uu ka horistaagay inay galaan sarkaal ka tirsan ciidammada Dowladda oo lagu magacaabo Dhiig-sokeeye sida wararku sheegayaan. Doorkn*b-Sokeeye?
  19. Xalane, what are you suggesting? Should they have done "Cabdi Bile" aka "carar maxaa dhaama" or may be called in in foreigners to fight for them?